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Atlantic Seabreeze: Venues
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100 Georges-Sudbury
1096 Marginal Road-Halifax
1770 Robie St.-Halifax
2006 Rodeo Lounge-Dartmouth
21 Breakwater-Souris
3 Mile Entertainment Complex-Saint John
33 Bowen-Hamilton
360 Club-Toronto
39 Days of July-Duncan
400 Flea Market-Barrie
447 Wing Club-Hamilton
5 Acre Shaker-Nipawin
50 Offical Toronto Stages
56 St Peters Road-Charlottetown
56 St. Peter's Road, Charlottetown
5-O'Clock Somewhere Bar-Cambridge
6th Congres Mondial Acadien
765 Old Bar and Grille-London
A. J's Hangar-Kingston
Abbey Arts Theatre-Abbotosford, BC
Abbey Landry School-Memramcook
Abbey Road On The River-Belleville, Ont.
Abbey Road Pub and Eatry-Mississauga
Abbey's Place-Brampton
Abbotsford Ent. and Sports Center
Abbotsford House-Ottawa
Abbott Hall-Tamworth
Abe ERB-Ayr Village
Aberdeen Centre
Aberdeen Place Flea arket
Aberdeen Place Flea Market
Aberdeen Place Market
ABll Saints Church-Collingwood
Aboiteau-Cap Pele
Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards-Winnipeg
Abram Village PEI Indoor Festival
Abram-Village Expo Center PEI
Academie Ste. Famille , Tracadie, NB
Academy -Inverness
Academy Theatre-Lindsay
Acadia Hall-Sackville, N.S.
Acadia Hall-Sackville, NB
Acadia University-Wolfville
Acadian Culture Center
Acadian Festival Charlottetown
Acadian Festival-Gand Pre-NS
Acadian Musical Village-Abram-Village PEI
Acadian Soiree Farmers Bank-Rustico, PEI
Acadie 2019 Celebrarions
Acadien Center-Rustico
A-Chord-Saint John
Acoastica Festival, Moncton
Acoustic Roots Festival-Two Rivers Cape Breton
Acoustic Emporium-Chilliwack
Acoustic Grill-Picton
Acoustic Maritime Festival-Kempt Shore
Acoustic Maritime Music Fest-Newport, Hants Co NS
Acoustic Music Camp-Hillspring, Alberta
Acoustic Traditions Music Store-Orangeville
ACP Riverview
Action Week Festival-Sydney NS
Active Arts Center Belleville
Active Arts Studio, Charlottetown
Activity Center-Alma, NB
Act-Maple Ridge, B.C.
Adairs Wilderness Lodge-Shepody, N.B.
Adams Beach Cottages, Kensington, PEI
Adams Sports Bar-Toronto
Adelaide Hall-Toronto
Admiral Lounge-Port Hood
Admiral Quarters-Halifax
Adsa School Theatre-Port Albini, BC
ADSS Auditorium-Port Alberni, B.C.
Aeolial Hall-London
Aeolian Hall-London
AF Bar-Hamilton
Affinity Place, Estevan, Sask
Afton Community Center-New Dominion, PEI
Agora des Arts-Rouyn-Noranda
Agora-Quebec City
Agricultural Exhibition and Acadian Festival
Agrifair-Abbotsford, BC
Agriplex-Cold Lake, AB
Ailsa Craig Recreation Center, Ont.
Air Canada Center-Galleria
Air Canada Center-Toronto
Air Force Assoc. of Canada-Summerside
Air Force Club-Peterborough
Air Force Club-Truro
Airdrie Rodeo Ranch-Alberta
Airspace-Prince George
Aitken Center-Fredericton
Ajax Dart League
Ajax Downs Casino
Ajax Waterfront Festival
AJ's Ale House-Kingston
Akhord-Saint John
Al Whittle Theatre-Wolfville
Al Whittle Theatre-Wolfville, N.S.
Alain Bray Auditorium-Blind River
Alan and Jean Millar Center-Whitecourt
Albany Club-Toronto
Albert and Crown Pub and Eatery-Alberton, PEI
Albert County Pub-Riverview, N.B.
Alberta Building-Lloydminister
Alberta Showcase 2017-Fort Saskatrchewan
Alberta Showcase-Red Deer
Alberta's Own Music Festival-LaCombe
Alberton Arts and Heritage Center-PEI
Alberton Rink (Prince County Exhibition)
Albian Hotel-Guelph
Albion-Heatherington Recreation Center
Alder Hall-Sudbury
Alderney Landing, Dartmouth, N.S.
Alderney Landing-Dartmouth
Ale House-Kingston
Alec's Nightclub-Parry Sound
Alex P. Keaton-London
Alexander Galt Reg High School-Sherbrooke, QC
Alexander Galt Regional High School
Alexander Keith's BirthdayBash-Cambridge
Alexendria United Church
Alexis Fairgrounds
Algoma House Thunder Bay
Algoma Trad Music/dance Camp-St Joseph's Island
Algonquin College
Algonquin Commons Theatre-Ottawa
Algonquin National Park-Ont.
Algonquin Resort-St. Andrews By The Sea
Algonquin Theatre-Huntsville, Ont
Algonquin-St Andrews-N.B.
Alianait Festival
Alibi Bloomfield PEI
Alice Fazoolis-Mississuga
Alix Goolden Hall-Victoria
All City Music Program-Halifax
All Nations Church-Sudbury
All Saints Anglican Church, Pouch Cove, NL
All Saints Anglican Church-Foxtrap
All Saints Anglican Church-St Andrews, NB
All Saints Church-Collingwood
All Saints Church-Pouch Cove
All Saints Parish-Cardigan, PEI
All Stars Bar and Grille-Brampton
Allandale RecreationCenter-Barrie, Ont.
Alley Charlottetown
Alleycats Music & A-Orillia
Alleycatz Live Jazz Bar-Toronto
Allied Arts Center-Dauphin, Man.
Alliston Pentecostal Church
Alliston Potato Festival
Allure On George, Sydney, NS
Almaguin Music Festival-Sundridge, Ont.
Almonte Celtfest-Ottawa
Almote Town Hall
Aloha Room-Ottawa
Alonsa Fundraiser-Manitoba
Alpine RV & Trailer Park
Alpine Trailer Park-Lindsay
Altken Center Fredericton, NB
Alton Mill Arts Center
Altona Concert Series-Manitoba
Altona Concert Series-Manitoba-
Altona Road-Pickering
Alumni Hall Theatre-Vermillian, Albrtta
Alumni Theatre-Dalhousie Campus-Truro
Alymer Pac-Alymer
Alysford Baptist Church, NS
Amabels Music Hall Toronto
Amadeus Choir Benefit
Amateur Aquatic Club-Dartmouth
Ambassador Hotel-Kingston
American House-Waterdown
Ametora Supply-Lunenburg
Amherst First Baptist Church-Amherst
Amherst Independent Music Festival
Amherst Island Lodge-Ont
Amherst Lions Club-N.S.
Amherst Regional High School
Amherst Stadium
Amherst Stadium-N.S.
Amherst Street Party
Amigos-Saskatoon. Sask.
Amina Retirement Home-Barrie
Amphitheatre Cogeco-Trois Riviers
An octopus Garden, Alma
An Sibin Pub-Toronto
Ancaster Fall Fair
Ancaster Memorial Arts Center
Anchor Halifax
Anchor Room
Andersons Creek Golf Course
Andrew H McCain Arena
Andrews Place-Sudbury
Angel Inn
Anglican Church Hall-St.Andrews
Angligan Church Hall-Conception Bay S.
Ann Portnuff Theatre-Yorkton, Sask.
Annabels Music Hall Toronto
Annapolis Basin Center
Annapolis Mess 14 Wing-Greenwood
Annapolis Valley Campout-Morristown, NS
Annapolis Valley Exhibition
Anne Portnuff Theatre-Yorkton-Sask.
Annesley United Church-Markdale, Ont.
Annex Wine Bar Toronto
Annual Agricultural Music Fest-Ste Marie DuKent
Anselmo Hall-Mayerthorpe
Anson's Restaurant and Pub-Slemon Park, S'Side
Antognish Highland Games
Antognish Highland Society
Antognish Jazz Fest
Antognish Summer Concert Series
Antrium House
Apex Casino-St. Albert
Apollo-Thunder Bay
Appalachian Pub & Eatery
Apple Blossom Festival-N.S.
Apple Country Jamboree
Apple Tree Festival-Belleville
Apple Tree Jamboree
Appleby's Sports Bar and Grille
Aquarius Theatre-Hamilton
Aquarius-Saint John
Arboretum-University of Guelph
Arborg Community Center-Manitoba
Arbour Restaurant-Schomberg, Ont
Arbours Bed and Breakfast-St Thomas
Arbutus Meadows-Nanimono
Archie Dillon Sportsplex Timmins
Archie Stouffer Elementary School-Minden
Arcturus Theatre-Happy Valley-Goose Bay
Arden Theatre
Arden Theatre-St Alberts, Alberta
Area 506 Festival Saint John
Arena Complex Theatre-St. Andrews, N.B.
Areneskoh Casino-The Pas Calgary
Arfea 506 Waterfront Container
Argentia Ferry/Smallwood with Wince Saunders
Argentia Ferry-Smallwood
Argentia Ferry-Smallwood with Wince Saunders
Argyle House Guelph, Ont.
Argyle Shore Community Center, PEI
Argyle Street Halifax Music Festival
Argyle Street Kitchen Party-Halifax
Arizona Bar and Grille
Arkell School House-Arkell
Arlington Orchards PEI
Armstrong Hotel, BC
Armview Lounge-Halifax
army and navy
Army Navy & Airforce Veterans Club
Army Navy and Airforce-Lambton #212
Army Navy Club Mississauga-Upstairs
Army Navy Club Weston Rd Toronto
Army Navy Club-Burlington
Army Navy Club-Hamilton
Army Navy Club-Mississauga
Army Navy Club-Mississauga-Jam Session
Army Navy Club-Oshawa
Army Navy Hall-Mississauga
Army Navy Hall-Stratford
Army Navy, Air Force Club-Stratford
Army, Navy and Air Force Club-Barrie
Army, Navy, Airforce Club-Brantford, ON.
Army, Navy, Airforce Club-Kitchener
Army-Navy Club-2080 Dufferin St., Toronto
Army-Navy Club-Scarlett Rd/Lawrence, Toronto
Arnmy Navy Club-Peterborough
Aron Theatre-Campbellford, Ont.
Around The Corner-Brampton,Ont.
Arozona's - OCPFA Showcase
Arst and Culture Park-Quipamsis, N.B.
Art Bar-Gladstone Hotel-Toronto
Art Concepts, Estevin
Art Forward
Art Gallery of N.S. Br 34 Yarmouth
Art Gallery of Northumberland-Coburg
Art Harisen Center-Prince Albert
Art Hauser Center-Prince Albert, SK
Art House Center-Prince Albert
Art Spring-Salt Spring, B.C.
Art Trax-Mississauga, Ont
Art We Are-Kamloops, BC
Artery Noise Lab-Edmonton
Artesian on the 13th-Regina
Artfest-Gallery Stage, Waterdown
Artful Dodger
Artful Dodger, Regina
Arthritis Fundraiser-Portage, MB
Arthur Rec-Arthur, Ont.
Artistic Incidents Studio-Meadow Lake
Artists Landing Arts Gallery
Arts and Culture Center-
Arts and Culture Center-Carbonear
Arts and Culture Center-Corner Brook
Arts and Culture Center-Corner Brook, NL
Arts and Culture Center-Gander, Nfld.
Arts and Culture Center-Goose Bay
Arts and Culture Center-Labrador W.
Arts and Culture Center-St. John's, Nfld.
Arts and Culture Center-Stephenville, Nfld.
Arts and Culture-Grand Falls, Nfld.
Arts and Cutural Center
Arts Guild-Charlottetown
Arts In The Park Concert Series-Whitehorse YT
Arts On The Bay-Pointe Au Baril, Ont.
Arts Place Canmore
Arts Station-Fernie
Arts Theatre Brockville
Arts Under The Stars Festival-Clarenville
Arts Under The Stars-Clarenville
Arts Wells Festival of All Things Art Wells, BC
Artscan Showcase-Vancouver
Artspace-Prince George, AB
Artswell Festival-Wells/Barkerville, BC
Artword Artbar and Artworld Gallery-Hamilton
Arundel United Church
Ascension Collegiate Aud.-Bay Roberts,NL
Ashbridges Bay Park-Toronto
Ashcroft Barn Dance
Ashcroft Opera House-B.C.
Ashum Stompers Festival-MB
Asons Spitfire Pub-Summerside, PEI
Assemly Hall-Etobicoke
Assumption Parish Center-Stratford, PEI
Assumption Parish Center-Vanier, Ont.
Astor Theatre-Liverpool
Athabasca Regional Multiplex-Alberta
Athabasca Seniors Center
Athens United Church Ontario
Athens United Church-Ont.
Atikokan Entertainment Series-Ont.
Atlanic Balloon Festival-Sussex
Atlantic Beer Festival-Monton Colisium
Atlantic Blue-Charlottetown
Atlantic Canada House (2010 Olympic Games)Van.
Atlantic Fiddlers Jamboree-Abram-Village, PEI
Atlantic Film Festival-Halifax
Atlantic Nationals-Downtown Moncton
Atlantic Oak Island Resort, Western Shore, NS
Atlantic Scene Festival-Ottawa
Atlantic Superstore Comm. Room-Ch'town
Atlantic Superstore Festival of Lights-Ch'town
Atlantic Theatre Festival-Wolfville
Atlantic Trap and Gill-Edmonton
Atlantic Wave Festival-Ottawa
Atlantica Hotel (Guild Hall) Halifax
Atlantica Hotel (Seasons Lounge) Halifax
Atlin Arts Festival, BC
Attack The Sugar Shack- Ste.Saint Marie
ATV Club Notre Dame
ATV Club Scoudouc
Auditorium Hotel-Nanton, AB
Auditorium Theatre-Virden, MB
Aud-Northfolk Country Fair Grounds-Simcoe
Augusta House-Hamiton
Aulde Dubliner(Pour House) Ottawa
Ault Theatre-Cornwall, Ont.
Aultsville Theatre-Cornwall
Aurora Cultral Center
Aurora Music Festival Ontario
Australian Boot Co., Toronto
Avalanche Bar & Grill-Courtenay
Avalon Retirement Center-Orangeville
Avalon Theatre Niagara Falls
Avening Hall-Creemore, On
Avenir Center-Moncton
Avenue Theatre-Edmonton
Average Joes-Leithbridge
Avon Theatre-Stratford
Avondale Auditorium, Stratford
Avondale Community Hall-N.S.
Avondale Sky Brewery-Newport Landing
Avondale United Church-Stratford
Avonlea Village-Cavendish, PEI
Avonton Presbyterian Church-St. Pauls, Ont
AW Shuck's-Aurora
Awakening Church, Warman
Axis Bar qnd Grille-Toronto
Ayer Motor Center-Woodstock-New Brunswick
Ayers Cliff Fair-Quebec
Aylesford Fire Hall-N.S.
B J's Tap and Grill-Lac La Biche
B uffet 63 Lounge, Grassland
B.C. Cowboy Heritage Society-Kamloops
B.C. WildlifePark-Kamploops
Ba Ba Blues
Baba Ganoush East Coast Fest-Orangeville
Baba Ganoush-Orangeville
Baba's Lounge-Charlottewn
Baccalieu Collegiate-NL
Bacchus Lounge-London
Back Alley-Calgary
Back AlleyMusic-Charlottetown
Back Stage Lounge-Vancouver
Backdraught Pub-Edmonton
Backlot (MUN)
Backroads Country Jamboree
Backstage Capital Theatre Delhi
Backstreet Records, Saint John
Backyard Jesus on Memorial Drive
Baddeck Community Rink-N.S.
Baddeck NS Gathering Ceilidhs
Baddeck Yacht Club-Baddeck
Badland Amphiltheatre
Bahoma Moma's-Port Colborne
Baie Saint-Anne School, N.B.
Bailey Theatre, Camrose, AB
Bailey Theatre-Trail
Bain Fest
Bainfest 2018-Marshville
Baird's June Jam
Baldwin Ontario Festival
Ballinafad Community Center
Balloon Fest Sussex
Ball's Falls Heritage Conversation Area
Ball's Falls-Thanksgiving Festival-Jordan
Balmoral Kirk-Tatamagouche
Balmoral Kirk-The Falls
Balmy Beach Canoe Club
Balsam Lake Boat Cruise
Baltimore Arena and Community Center-Ontario
Baltimore School-Ferryland
Balwin Country Jamboree
Bambu Club-Harbourfront, Toronto
Bancroft Village Playhouse
Band Hall-Parrsboro, NS
Bands On THe Run
Banff Center For The Performing Arts-Alberta
Bangor Lodge-Bracebridge, Lake Muskoka
Bank Head Pub-Inverness
Bank Theatre & Meeting Place-Leamington, Ont.
Bankside Terrace, Kitchener
Bannerman Brewing Co.
Bar 1911 Charlottetown PEI
Bar 911 Charlottetown
Bar Code
Bar Fly-Montreal
Bar le Coude-Moncton, NB
Bar Named Sue-Calgary
Bar Named Sue-Fernie, B.C.
Bar None (Edmonton Expo Center)
Bar On Broadway Orangeville
Bar Out Back-Chatham
Bar Robo-Ottawa
Bar Room, Cornerbrook
Bar Room-Deer Lake, NL
Bar St. Laurent 2-Montreal
Barachois Brook Seniors Club, NL
Barbour Site Heritage Center
Barge Music-Stratford
Barge-Gull Lake Park-Gravenhurst
Barhead Composiet High School Drama Theatre
Barhtub Weekend Launch Party-Nanaimo
Barley Mow Pub-Picton
Barley Mow-Brockville
Barley Pub & Eatery-Madoc, Ont.
Barn Dance Show-Listowell
Barn Dance Show-Maryhill, Ontario
Barn Dance/Back Festival-Exeter
Barn-Bloomfield, NB
Barn-Mahone Bay
Barn-Margaree Valley, Cape Breton
Barnone Farm Craft Brewery-Rose Valley, PEI
Barn-Sackville, N.B.
Barrel's Head Pub, Rothesay, NB
Barrhead Roxy Theatre
Barrhead United Church
Barrie Banquet Hall
Barrie Fair
Barrie Folk Festival
Barrie Folk Society
Barrie Hill United Church
Barrie Hill United Church-Rockwood
Barrie Molson Center
Barrie Ontario Event
Barrie Rodeo-Barrie Fair Grounds
Barrie Waterfront
Barrys Bay Recreational Complex
Bar-Snow Lake, MB
Barter's Lounge-Grand Bank
Barter's Lounge-Grand Bank, NL
Bartown Days-North Sydney
Base Borden
Base Gagetown
Bash On The Bay
Bass River Community Hall
Bass River Fair-N.B.
Bass River Hall
Bassano Community Center
Bassano Community Center-Alberta
Bassment Jazz Club-Saskatoon
Bassment, Saskatoon
Bastones Northern Ramble-Renfrew
Bata Center-Batawa, Ont
Bateau Royal-Portage Du Fort
Bates Barn-Long Point
Bathurst Christian Fellowship, N.B.
Bathurst High NB
Bathurst Hospitality Days
Bathurst Marina
Bathurst Miner Quarter Century Club
Batoche Days-SK
Batstones Northern Ramble-Renford
Batstones Northern Ramble-Renfrew
Battle of Ridgeway-Old Fort Erie
Battleford United Church-Sask.
Bauer Theatre-Antognish
Bay City Music Hall-Hamilton, Ont
Bay du Vin Days-NB
Bay Landing-Prospect, N.S.
Bay Museum Coffee Houe-Lewisport, NL
Bayfield House-Penetanguishene
Bayfield Town Hall, Ont
Bayhaven Community Retirement Home-Collingwood
Bayou Pub & Eatery-Shediac
Bayshore Community Theatre, Owen Sound
Bayside Middle School Auditorium-Saint John
Bayview Baptist-Bathurst, N.B.
Bayview Country Club-Toronto
BC Place Stadium Vacouver
BC Place-Vancouver-Olympic Ceremonies
Beach Celtic Festival-Kew Gardens, Toronto
Beach Cottage-Holyrood
Beach Lakefront Bar & Grille-Keswick Ont
Beaches Fogo
Beaches Heritage Center-Eastport
Beaches International Jazz Festival
Beaconfield's Carriage House-Charlottetown
Beanfield Theatre
Beanz Coffee House-Uxbridge
Beanz Coffeehouse
Bear Falls Music Festival-Greenfield Queens N.S.
Bear Claw Casino-Carlysle-Sask.
Bear Creek Music Festival-Grand Prairie
Bear Head-Civic Ctr.-Port Hawksbury
Bear River First Nation
Bearberry Hall-Alberta
Bearberry Performing Arts Venue-Sundre, AB
Bearly' Bar and Grill-Halifax
Bearly's House of Blues-Halifax
Bear's Den Restaurant-Deep River
beattie's in cobourg
Beattie's in Port Perry
Beaumont Blue & Roots Festival
Beaumont Pre D'en-Haut Memramcook, NB
Beausejour Curling Club-Sussex, N.B.
Beaver Bank Station Bar & Grill-Lower Sackville
Beaver Meadow Hall-Hattonford District
Beaver Regional Arts Center-Holden
Beaverbrook Kin Center-Mirimachi
Beaverton Motel Ontario
Beaverton Town Hall Concert
Beckwith Bash-Pugwash
Bedeque PEI Historical Museum
Bedford Academy
Bedford Ballroom (Alexander Keith's)
Bedford Basin Yacht Club
Bedford Boxing Club Nova Scotia
Bedford Days-Nova Scotia
Bedford House Series
Bedford United Church-N.S.
Bedque Baptist Church
Beechwood Cemetery-Ottawa
Beer Drum Oshawa
Beer Drum-Oshawa
Belfast Highland Games-PEI
Belfast Rec. Center-PEI
Bell Center
Bell Center-Montreal
Bell Center-Surrey, BC
Bell MTS (Formerly MTS Center) Winnipeg
Bell Performing Arts Center-Surrey, B.C.
Bella Rose Theatre-Halifax
Bella Theatre
Bella Vista-St. John's, NL
Belle Alliance Center-Summerside
Belle Petroleum Center, Peace River, AB
Belle Petroleum Center-Peace River, B.C.
Belle Vista St. John's NL
Belledune Community Hall-NB
Bellefair United Church-Acoustic Folk Music
Belleville Centennial High School
Belleville Club-Belleville
Belleville Farmers Market, Ontario
Belleville Irish Center
Bellevue Hotel-Mission, B.C.
Belly Up BBQ-Truro
Belly Up Pub-Prince Albert
Belmont Community Hall-Man.
Belmore Festival-Belmore
Belvedere Country Club-Charlottetown
Belvedere Hotel-Pefferlow, Ont
Belvedere Social Club-Thorold, Ont.
Belvedereountry Club-Charlottetown
Benares Historic House
Benares House
Beneath The Arch-Turner Valley, Alberta
Benefit Dance - RCL Oshawa
Benefit Show-Dunsford
Benevolent Irish Society Hall-Charlottetown, PEI
Bengough Hall-Sask
Bengough Regional Park, Saskatchewan
Bennett's Energy Center
Benny'z Bar and Grille-Renfrew
Benson Hall-Sask.
Bent Ridge Winery
Berkeley Church-Toronto
Berlin Club-Toronto
Bernard Childs Auditorium
Bernard Kavanaugh Premises-Ferryland
Bert and Ernies-Etobicoke
Bert Bark Inn -Saint Andrew
Bert Church Theatre-Airdrie, AB
Berwick Apple Dome
Berwick Lions Club-N.S.
Bess Gardens
Best Western Bridgewater
Best Western Conference Center-Liverpool, NS
Best Western Glengarry-Truro
Best Western Hotel-Brantford
Best Western-Truro, N.S.
Bethal Christian Assembly
Bethany Community Church-St. Catharines
Bethany United Church-Halifax
Bethel Church-Richview, NB
Bethnay Baptist Church, Kentville, NS
Bethune Community Hall-SK
Better Than Fred's-Grand Prairie
Beverly Crest-Edmonton
Beyond Baccalieu-Grutes Cove, NL
Bez Art Hub-Langley
BHU Amphitheatre, Bathurst
BIA Street Performance-Unionville
Bicentennial Theatre, Middle Musquodoboit, N.S.
Bier Marker-Toronto
Big Al's- Tatamagouche
Big Belle Farm
Big Blue House Concert
Big Bucks-Burlington
Big Bucks-Hamilton
Big Daddy's Rest. Richmond Hill
Big Dance-Port Hood, C.B.
Big Dog Lounge-Salisbury, N.B.
Big Fiddle
Big Four Roadhouse
Big Leagues-Dartmouth
Big Note Music Store-Calgary
Big Orange Lunch Box-Charlottetown
Big Pete's
Big Pond Community Center-Cape Breton
Big Pond Fire Hall-Cape Breton
Big River Country Ferstival
Big Roar Concert-Tatamagouche
Big Rock-Queensway/Kipling, Toronto
Big Ronnie's-Toronto
Big Texas
Big Texas Bar and Grille Niagara Falls
Big Texas Bradford Ontario
Big Texas Niagara Falls
Big Valley Jamboree-Camrose, Alberta
Big V-Delta, Ont.
Biggar Hall-Sask
Bijou Steakhouse-Kenora
Bijou Theatre-Chesley
Bike Fest, Chatham
Bill Mullin's Miramichi Opry-Redbank, N.B.
Bills House-Calgary
Billy Boy's Blues Party-Nanaimo
Billy's Bar and Grill-Dieppe, N.B.
Biltmore Theatre
Bingeman Park (Marshall Hall)-Kitchener
Bingeman Park-Move This Mountain Festival
Bingo Country Charlottetown
Binkley United Church-Hamilton
Birch Cliff United Church -Tor.Acoustic Folk Music
Birchmere Alexander Vancouver
Birchmount Country Club-Scarborough
Birchmount Restaurant and Tavern-Scarborough
Birdsall Camp Resort-Peteborough, Ont.
BIS Hall-Charlottetown
Bishops Theatre-Quebec
Bishops University-Lennoxville, PQ
Bistro 1603-Toronto
Bistro Le Chat Bleu-Baie Verte
Bites Cafe-Hampton, PEI
Bitmore (Cultural Olympiat)
BJ's Q Club and Sports Lounge-Grande Prairie
Black Pirates Pub-Thunder Bay
Black Alley Lounge-Bridgewater
Black Alley Music
Black Alley Music-Charlottetown
Black Badger Pub-Cambridge
Black Birch Restaurant, Orangeville
Black Creek Pioneer Village-Toronto
Black Dog
Black Dog Freehouse-Edmonton
Black Dog-West Rouge, On.
Black Forest Inn-Conestogo
Black Horse Pub-Peterborough
Black Horse-Clarkson
Black Irish Pub Ottawa
Black Knight Lounge-Yarmouth
Black Pioneer Village-Toronto
Black Pirates Pub-Thunder Bay
Black Rafter Lounge-Souris, PEI
Black River Music Fest-Heatherton
Black Sheep Inn-Ottawa
Black Sheep Inn-Wakefield, QC
Black Sheep-St. John's
Black Sheep-Wakesfield
Black Swan Pub-Burlington
Black Swan Tavern-Toronto
Black Top Ball-Pictou County
Blackbird Cafe-Burnstown
Blackbird Coffee House-Coleman, AB
Blackjacks Roadhouse, Nisku
Blackrock Bistro-Parrsboro
Blackrock Bistro-Parrsboro-
Blackshire Pub-London
Blackstock Recreation Center-Ont.
Blackstone Corn Roast
Blackville, NB. Bluegrass Festival
Blandford Firehall-N.S.
Blazing Saddle Saloon-Calgary
Bleachar Bar-Saint John, NB
Bleachers-Base Borden
Blenheim United Church
Blind Beggar Pub-Calgary
Blind River Arena
Blind River Community Center
Blind River Fiddle/Stepdance Contest
Block House Pub
Blockhouse Fire Hall-NS
Bloomfield Provincial Park-PEI
Blue Chair-Edmonton
Blue Door Concert- Didsbury
Blue Frog Studios
Blue Goose Tavern, Etobicoke, Ont.
Blue Goose-Etobicoke
Blue Grotto-Kamloops
Blue Lagoon-Etobicoke
Blue Lobster Public House
Blue Mountain Arts Foundation
Blue Mountain Music Festival
Blue Mountain Ski Resort-Collingwood
Blue Mussel Cafe-North Rustico
Blue Mussel Cafe-Rustico, PEI
Blue Olive-Saint John
Blue River House-On The Danforth, Toronto
Blue Skies Fesival-Red Rock, Ont.
Blue Water Summer Playhouse-Kincardine
Blue Whale Lounge-New Harbour
Blueberry Festival -Brigus
Blueberry Festival, St. Georges, Nfld.
Blueberry Festival-St. Georges, Nfld.
Blueberry Fields Forever-New Glasgow, P.E.I.
Blueberry Hill Bistro Vankleek Hill
Blueberry Jam
Bluebird North-Rivoli, Toronto
Bluebird North-Vancouver
Bluefield High School-PEI
Bluegrass & Old Time Music Festival-Dundas PEI
Bluegrass /Country Music Festival-Cape Tormentine
Bluegrass Festival-Stoney Plain, Alberta
Bluegrass Friends-Weekly Jam Session-Saint John
Bluegrass in The Valley-Greenwich, N.S.
Bluegrass On The Hill-Hopedale, Ont
Bluegrass/Old Time C/Jamboree-Bay Roberts NL
Bluegrass/Old Time Country Jamboree-Bay Roberts NL
Blues d la Baie Festival=Petit-Roche NB
Blues Festival
Blues On Whyte-Edmonton
Bluesfest-Shediac, N.B.
Bluffers Restaurant-Scarborough
Blunt Bartender
Blyth Community Arena-, Ont.
Blyth Fair Arena
Blyth Memorial Hall
BMO Center-Calgary
BMO Centre
BMO Theatre Saint John
Bo Diddleys-Moncton
Bo Peeps Sports Lounge-Toronto
Boardmore Playhouse-Sydney, N.S.
Boardwalk BBQ Pub-Toronto
Boardwalk Cafe
Boardwalk Cafe (Alexander Keith's)-Toronto
Boardwalk-Saint John
Boar's Head Pub
Boat Cruise - Toronto Harbour
Boat Cruise-Fenelon Falls Area
Boat Cruise-Parry Sound Area-Festival of the Sound
Boathouse Restaurant - Fenelon Falls
Boathouse Restaurant-Kitchener
Bob Bale House Concerts-Sudbury
Bobby's Place-Moose Jaw
Bobcageon Concert Series
Bobcaygeon Curling Club
Bodeux Farms (House Concert) Stratmore
Bogans Pub-Florenceville
Bogside Brewery
Bogside Brewing Montague PEI
Bogside Brewing Montaque PEI
Boisdale Firehall-Cape Breton
Bokaber Church, Saint George, N.B.
Bollocks Pub
Bollocks Pub-Pickering
Bolsover Community Center-Bolsover, Ont.
Bolton Community Centre
Bolton Fall Fair-Bolton, Ont.
Bond Head Community Centre Fiddle Club
Bond Place Hotel
Bonita Bar-Weston
Bonne Amie Bluegrass Festival-Dalhousie
Bonnetts Energy Center
Bonnie Glen Pavilion-Cornwall
Bonnyman House Tea Room-Tatanagouche-NS
Bonnyville and District Centennial- AB
Bonnyville Rodeo-Alberta
Bonshaw Hall PEI
Bonshaw Hall-PEI
Bonvie-MacDonald Celebrity Golf Tour
Boo at the Zoo-Moncton-Magnetic Hill
Boogie Mountain's Hillside Cafe-Espanola
Books and Company-Prince George
Bookstore Cafe-Camdon East
Boomerangs (Ned Kelly's pub) Dartmouth
Boomers Bar and Resturant Prescott
Boomtown Casino-Fort McMurray
Boondock's Resturant-Fisherman's Cove
Boone County Cabaret-Coquitlam, B.C.
Boot Hill Country Jamboree
Boot Hill Country Jamboree-Bothwell, Ont.
Boot Scootin Boogie Dance Hall-Edmonton
Bootleggers Ball-The Delta Hotel-Charlottetown
Boots & Bourbon Festival-Burl's Creek, Ont
Boots & Hearts Music Fest-Oro-Medonte
Boots and Bourbon Saloon-Toronto
Boots and Hearts Festival-Bomanville, On
Bootz Saloon-Dartmouth, N.S.
Borden Harbour Hall PEI
Border Arena St. Stephens NB
Bordertown Bike Bash-Amherst
Bordertown Festival Sackville,NB
Bo's Bar
Bo's Nightclub-Red Deer
Boscawen Inn-Lunenburg
Boston Manor-Burlington
Boston Pizza-Bridgewater
Boston Pizza-New Minas, N.S.
Bottoms Up Bar & Grill-Bloomfield, PEI
Bottomup Pub-Saint John
Bouctouche Center, N.B.
Bouctouche Community Center
Bouctouche Market NB
Boulevard Bar and Grille
Boulevard Bar and Grille-Toronto
Bourbon Quarter-Saint John
Bourbon Room-St. Albert
Bourbon St Lounge-Kitchener
Bourbon Street Quarter-Toronto
Bourse Rideau-Quebec City
Bow and Arrow-Toronto
Bow Valley Music Club-Calgary, Ab
Bow Valley Music Club-Comm.Ctr. Srathcona
Bower Place-Red Deer
Bowmanville Community Center
Bowmanville Rotary Park
Bowness Community Center-Calgary
Boxcar Festival Stage
Boxcar Pub And Grill-Emerald, PEI
BoxEar Club and Grill-Emerald
Boxing Rock Brewing Co
Boxing Rock Brewing Company-Shelburne
Boyce Farmers Marker-Frederction, NB
Boyle RodeoAlberta
Brabant Barn Ltd-Knightville
Bracebridge Fall Fair-Ontario
Brackish Charlotteown, PEI
Brackley Beach Ceilidh
Brackley Beach Community Center, PEI
Brackley Beach Community Center-PEI
Brackley Drive-In
Bradford Community Center
Bradley Museum Fall Fair and Folk Festival
Brady Barn Dance
Brady's Barn Dance
Brae United Church Hall-PEI
Braeside Community Center-Calgary
Bragg Creek Community Center-Alberta
Bragg Creek Community-B.C.
Bragg Creek Performing Arts Center
Brakish Dockside-Delta Hotel, Charlottetown, PEI
Bramalea Rangers Supporters Club-Brampton
Brampton Center for Sports and Entertainment
Brampton City Hall (Brampton Day)
Brampton Fair Grounds
Brampton Folk Club
Brampton Folk Festival
Brampton Indie Arts Festival
Brampton Irish Center
Brampton Moose Lodge
Brampton Public Library
Brampton Public Library-2
Brampton Rotary Club-Century Gardens
Branch 266
Branch and Roots Festival-Ormstown, QC
Branch Come Home Year-NL
Branch Restaurant-Kemptville, Ont
Brandl Bull Sale-Dapp, AB
Brandon Folk Music Arts Festival Manitoba
Brando's Brantford, Ontario
Brandt Center
Brandt Center-Regina
Brant Artillery Gunnery Club
Brant Center-Regina
Brant Hills Presbyterian Church-Burlington
Brantford Arts Block-Ont.
Brantford Canada Day Celebrations
Brantford Cape Breton Club
Brantford Concert and Ceilidth (Open Air)
Brantford Folk Club-Brantford
Brantford Jazz Festival
Brantfrd Station Gallery
Bras d'Or Lakes Inn, St. Peter's, N.S.
Bras D'or Yacht Club-N.S.
Brass Taps (Alexander Keith's)
Brass Taps-Toronto
Brasserie Beaubien, Montreal
Brasserie O St Pierre-Bathurst, NB
Brassie Pub-Ancaster
Brazen Head Irish Pub-Toronto
Breakfast TV, CITY TV
Breezaway-St. John's, NL
Breezeway Jamboree Stirling Ontario
Brennans/Kier Gallery-Charlottetown
Brent's Cove Festival-NL
Breton Brewing-Coxheath
Breton Brewing-Sydney
Breton Hotel-Alberta
Brew Pub-Halifax
Brewery Charlottetown
Brewesters-Mill Cove Plaza-Bedford
Brewhouse Inn-Fergus
Brian Mallery Country Summer Bash-St Louis de Kent
Briar Patch, WTCC
Briar's-Jackson's Point
Brices Country Jamboree-Queensville, On.
Brickyard-Etobicoke, Ont.
Bridge Church-Kanta
Bridge Church-Medicine Hat, AB.
Bridge Street Cafe-Sackville
Bridgetown High School, Nova Scotia
Bridgewater Fire Department
Bridgewater United Church, N.S.
Bridgeworks-Hamilton, Ont
Bridie Molloys,St. John's-NL
Bridlewood Presbyterian Church-Scarborough
Brier Curling Championships-Hamilton
Brigden Exhibition Hall
Brightwood Brewery
Brightwood Golf and Country Club-Dartmouth
Brigus Blueberry Festival
Britannia Hall, Tyne Valley, PEI
Britannia Hall-Tyne Valley, PEI
Britannia Pub-Thornhill
Britinnia Tavern-Hamilton
Brittania Park-Ottawa
Brittany Inns,Lewisport, NL
Brittany Inns-Lewisport, NL
Broad Cove Scottish Concert-Cape Breton
Broad Cove Scottish Cove-Cape Breton
Broad Reach Canada
Broad Street Theatre-Saskatoon
Broadcove Community Hall-Petite Riviere
Broadleaf Guest Ranch-Hopewell Hill, N.B.
Broadmoor House Concert-Sackville
Broadmore Playhouse-Sydney
Broadway 45 Charlottetown PEI
Broadway 45, Kensington, PEI
Broadway Cafe-Sussex, N.B.
Broadway Theatre-Saskatoon
Brock Center For The Arts-St. Catharines
Brock University-St Catharines
Brockville Arts Center
Brockville Roadhouse
Brodericks Pub St. John's NL
Brogue Inn
Brogue Inn - Mississauga
Broken Arrow Wilderness-Fullerton
Broken City-Calgary
Broken Record Bar and Music-Frederction NB
Broken Record Music Room
Brokenhead River Community Hall
Brokenhead River Community Hall-Beausejour
Brome Fair
Bronson Center-Ottawa
Bronte Sports Kitchen
Brook Village Hall
Brook Village Parish Hall-Cape Breton
Brookfield Truck Lotto-Brookfield, N.S.
Brooklin Community Center-Ontario
Brooklyn Civic Center, N.S.
Brooks Hotel-Brooks, AB
Brookside Cottage Concerts-Hubbards, N.S.
Brothers Two Restaurant-Summerside, PEI
Brown Stone Cafe-Toronto
Brownstone Cafe-Orillia
Brtae United Church Hall-PEI
Bru Resturant Oakville
Bruce Guthro's Songwriters Circle-North Sydney
Bruce McNaughtans River Theatre-Weatley River, PE
Bruce Mines United Church
Bruce's Wine Bar-Thornbury
Brudnell Park
Brundage Point River Grand Bay-Westfield
Bruno's Bar and Grill-Banff, AB
Brunswick Hotel-London
Brunswick House-Toronto
Brunswick Square, Saint John
Brunswick-Brooks, AB.
Brussels Sprout Festival-Rogersville
BSI Hall, North River Road, Charlottetown
B-SIDE- Toronto
Bubba Gibs-Guelph
Bubba's Bar and Grille
Buck and Barrel, Windsor, On.
Buck Ugly's
Buckaroo Corral-Cayuga
Buckaroo Corrall-Cayuga
Bucking Bull Saloon-London, ON.
Bucking Bull Saloon-London, Ont.
Bucks Tavern Brantford
Bud Country Jamboree-Grand Prairie
Buddha Bear Coffee Roaster & Cafe-Alma
Buddie's @ Hanmer Valley Center
Buddy's Place-Hamilton
Buds Bar and Lounge-Invermere, B.C.
Buds On Broadway, Saskatoon
Buds Pub
Budweiser Garden-London, Ont
Budweiser Stage-Toronto
Buffalo Club-HRM-Halifax, Nova Scotia
Buffet 63 Lounge, Grassland
Bugaboo Creek-Fredericton
Bull and Barrel-Barrie
Bull and Barrel-Windsor, Ont.
Bullring-University of Guelph
Bundy Bash with Ambush
Bunkers Bar-Sydney
Burdock Music Hall Toronto
Burford Agricultural Hall
Burford Fairgrounds
Burin Falls Festival, NL
Burin Peninsula Folk Festival-NL
Burlington Food Truck
Burlington Naval Association
Burlington Navy Club
Burlington Newfoundland Club
Burlington Performing Arts Center, Ont.
Burlington Rib fest
Burlington Sound of Music Festival
Burlington Sound of Music with Ronnie Hawkins
Burlington Summer Music Series
Burl's Creek East Coast Music Festival
Burls Creek Family Park-Oro
Burnaby Blues and Roots Festival
Burning Diner Club-Sudbury
Burnt Island Festival-NL
Burton Cummings Theatre-Winnipeg
Burton-Lot 7 Ceildh's -P.E.I.
Bus Stop-Halifax
Bush Co. Bar and Grille-Dwight,On
Busholme Inn, Fergus
Busker Dan's Nightclub-Toronto
Busking Bar St Quentin
Busy B's Restaurant-Quispamsis, N.B.
Butchart Gardens-Victoria
Butlers Barracks Historcal Sirte-Niagara On The La
Butt Rhettlers-Mississauga
Button Factory
BVJ Songwriters Stage-Camrose
By The Bore Campground-Maccan, N.S.
C. A. W. Center - Woodstock
C.E.C. Theatre-Truro
C.F.B. Gagetown, N.B.
C.J.'s - Peterborough
C.R. Fudge Co.Sydney, CB
C2 Flint Field House-Bonneyville, AB
C2 Flint Field House-Bonnyville, AB
CA Nesbitt Arena-Thompson
Cabaret Du Casino de Montreal
Cabaret du Musee Juste Pour Rire-Montreal
Cabaret La Basoche-Gatineau
Cabaret Music Hall-Montreal
Cabaret Theatre du Vieux-Saint Jean
Cabaret-Stettler, AB
Cabbage Patch-Cabbagetown, Toronto
Cabin, Charlottetown, PEI
Cabot Cove, Rosetown Inn
Cabot Links-Whit's Public House
Cactus Annie's-Merritt, B.C.
Cactus Jacks-Guelph
Cactus Jacks-Guelph*
Cactus Jacks-Kamploops
Cadilac Ranch-Prince George
Cadillac Community Hall-Sask
Cadillac Community Hall-Sask.
Cadillac Lounge-Grand Falls
Cadillac Lounge-Springdale, NL
Cadillac Lounge-Toronto
Cafe 13 Cambridge Mill Race Concert
Cafe Au Laite-Toronto
Cafe Blackbird-Edmonton
Cafe Cempoal-Halifax
Cafe Deckuf-Ottawa
Cafe De'La Vielle Forge-Edmundson
Cafe Delcorso
Cafe Deus Sleil-Vancouver
Cafe In The Woods-Little Current, Ont.
Cafe Lara
Cafe Namas-Ormstown, QC
Cafe Sarajevo-Montreal
Cafe Verve, Medicine Hat
Cafe-Bar Le Zenob-Three Rivers
Cajun Attic-Ottawa
Caledona Country Music Festival
Caledonia Fair
Calestone Center-Shelburne, N.S.
Calgary Irish Cultural Society
Calgary Blues Festival
Calgary Corral
Calgary Fire Club
Calgary Folk Club
Calgary Folk Festival
Calgary Petroleum Club
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra
Calgary Stampede
Calgary Stampede-Nashville North, AB.
Calgary Zoo Gala
Calico Maples B and B Haliburton, Ont
Call The Office-London
Callaghans Rest. & Bar Mill River PEI
Callahan's Pub, Saint John, NB
Callander Fun Fest
Calnash AG Event-Ponoka, AB
Calvary Community Church-Kamloops
Calvary Gospel Church-Beamsville
Calvary United Church-St Jacobs
Calvay Community Church-Kamploops
Calvin Presbyterian Church-North Bay
Cambray Community Center
Cambridge Arts Festival
Cambridge Arts Theatre
Cambridge Fair Banquet Hall
Cambridge Mill Race Festival
Cambridge Newfoundland Club
Cambridge Street United Church-Lindsay
Cameron House-Toronto
Cameron's Farm-Merigomish,N.S.
Camlachie United Church, Ont
Camp A John-Notre Dame
Camp A Rejean
Camp Pascobac, Kars, N.B.
Camp Surmont 2
Camp Triumph Family Ceilidh
Campbell Bay Music Festival
Campbell River Concert Series
Campbelleton Bluegrass Festival N.B.
Campbelleton NB Bluegrass Camp-out
Campbellivlle 100 Celebration
Campbelton Theatre
Camrose Regional Exhibition
Camrose Regional Exhibition Alberta
Camrose Resort Casino-AB
Camrose Senior Center-Alberta
Camrose United Church
Canaan Country Music Fest
Canada AM-TV
Canada Day - Newmarket
Canada Day 2004 Celebrations-Niagara Falls
Canada Day at Columbia Lake, Waterloo
Canada Day Celebrationa-Barrie
Canada Day Celebration-Killaloe
Canada Day Celebrations
Canada Day Celebrations at Port Of Sydney, CB
Canada Day Celebrations-Cannington, Ont.
Canada Day Celebrations-CFB Wainwright, AB
Canada Day Celebrations-Halifax
Canada Day Celebrations-New Minas, N.S.
Canada Day Celebrations-North Rustico, PEI
Canada Day Celebrations-Ottawa
Canada Day Celebrations-Parc du Green New Carlisle
Canada Day Celebrations-Sackville,NB
Canada Day Celebrations-Scarborough
Canada Day Celebrations-Tillinsburg
Canada Day Concert-Cremona
Canada Day Downtown Moncton
Canada Day Festival-New Carlisle, QC
Canada Day July 1- A 10 Hour Canada Day P:E.I
Canada Day-Alymer Quebec
Canada Day-Alymer Quebec--
Canada Day-Army/Navy Hall-3rd St. Miss.
Canada Day-Lahave River, Bridgewarer
Canada Day-Placentia, NL
Canada Games Center-Cornerbrook, Nfld.
Canada Games Center-Grande Prairie
Canada Games Opening Ceremony
Canada Life Center
Canada Life Place
Canada Life Place-London, Ontario
Canada Together
Canada Transportation Museum/HeritageVilllageEssex
Canada's 911 Ride Atlantic Cape Breton
Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards-Toronto
Canadian Bluegrass Awards Show-Huntsville, On
Canadian Coast 2 Coast-Melfort
Canadian Corps-Oshawa
Canadian Corps-Toronto
Canadian Country Open Singing Contest-Simcoe
Canadian Country Weekend-Fort MacLeod, AB
Canadian Culinary Championships-Kelowna
Canadian Fireman's Bonspeil-Delta, Ch'town
Canadian Folk Music Awards Week in St Johns NL
Canadian Forces Base-Cold Lake, AB
Canadian Forces Base-Denwood, Alta.
Canadian Forces Base-Denwood, Alta.*
Canadian Forces-Kingston
Canadian Grand Masters Champion-Fiddle-Ottawa
Canadian Guitar Festival-Odessa, Ont.
Canadian Hockey League Awards-Halifax
Canadian Music Week '11-Toronto
Canadian Music Week Mar 21-25, 2012 Toronto, Ont.
Canadian Music Week Toronto
Canadian National Exhibition
Canadian Old Time Fiddle Contest-Douro, Ont
Canadian Radio Music 2005 Awards-Toronto
Canadian Rockies Bluegrass Festival
Canadian Rockies Cowboys Festival-Nordegg, AB
Canadian Rockies Int. Rodeo, Strathmore
Canadian Tire Annual Picnic
Canadian Tire Center
Canadian Tire Center-Ottawa
Canadian Tulip Festival-Ottawa
Canadian War Museum-Ottawa
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum-Hamilton
Canadian Western Agribition-Regina
Canadian Wood Pallet Assoc.
Canadiana Rest & Bar
Canadianna Resturant-Etobicoke
Canadian-Sault Ste. Marie
Canadiasn Coast To Coast-Melfort
Canaita Center-Medicine Hat
Canal and Railway B/GrasFestival-Smith Falls, Ont.
Candid Brewing Company
Canmore Folk Festival
Canmore Folk Festival-Alberta
Canmore Hotel Alberta
Canmore Miners Union Hall, AB
Cannafest RV Park Grand Forks
Cannington Canada Day Celebrations
Canoe and Paddle-Lakefield
Canon Theatre-Toronto
Canora Composite School SK
Canso 50th Celebration-Port Hawksbury, N.S.
Canso Arena, N.S.
Canterbury Festival-Ingersoll
CAPACOA Conference-Saint John
Cape Breton Bluegrass Festival-Marion Bridge
Cape Breton Bluegrass Festival-Marion Bridge-
Cape Breton Club-Kitchener
Cape Breton County Exhibition-North Sydney
Cape Breton Farmers Market-Sydney
Cape Breton Fudge Compay-Sydney
Cape Light-Cardigan, PEI
Cape North Cultural Center
Cape Ray Activity Center, NL
Cape Smokey
Cape Tormentine Beach Festval
Cape Tormentine NB Beach Festival
Capers Belleville
Capers Pub-Miramichi
Capers Sports Bar-Kitchener
Capilano College Theatre
Capiliano Performing Arts Theatre-North Vancouver
Capital Arts Center-Port Hope
Capital Ballroom Victoria
Capital Bar-Frederction
Capital Center-North Bay
Capital Club-Saskatoon
Capital Complex-Frederction
Capital EX/ED Festival-Edmonton
Capital Hoedown-Ottawa
Capital Hotel-St. John's
Capital Music Hall-Ottawa
Capital Regina
Capital Theatre Chatham, Ont.
Capital Theatre Kamsack, Sask.
Capital Theatre-Delhi
Capital Theatre-Edmonton
Capital Theatre-Oxord
Capital Theatre-Port Hope
Capital Theatre-Windsor
Capital Winter Club
Capitol Exhibit Centre-Fredericton, N.B.
Capitol Sports Bar
Capitol Theatre - North Bay
Capitol Theatre-Moncton, N.B.
Capitol Theatre-Nelson, B.C.
Cap'n Dans-Point Du Chene, NB
Capri Centre-Red Deer
Caps-Humber College
Captain Don's Shediac, NB
Car Ferry between PE and NS (Music On deck)
Caraquet Center New Brunswick
Caraquet NB Acadien Festival
Carassauga Canada Pavilion-Streetsville, Ont
Carberry Community Theatre-Manitoba
Carbon Hotel-AB
Carden Fiddle Contest-Sebrite
Carden Street Cafe-Guelph
Cardinal Cafe-Sharbot Lake
Cardston High School Alberta
Care For Kids Charity Concert-Fredericton
Carefour Beausoleil School-Miramichi
Carefour Theatre Charlottetown
Caressant Care-Arthur, Ont
Carey Day-Colburne
Cargill Pickin' By The Pond-
Cargill Theatre, Camrose
Cariboo House-Prince George
Cariboo Memorial Complex-Williams Lake, B.C.
Cariboo-Quesnel, AB
Caribou Club
Caribou Hotel-Quesnel, B.C.
Carleton Bar & Grill
Carleton Bar & Grill-Halifax
Carleton Civic Center-Woodstock, NB
Carleton Millenium Celebrations
Carleton North High School Theatre-Bristol. N.B.
Carleton Place-Ottawa
Carleton-Victoria Arts Council-Bristol, N.B.
Carlos Murphys-Toronto
Carlson On MacLeod HighRiver
Carlson's on MacLeod-High River, AB
Carlton Trail Jamboree-Rabbit Lake,Sask
Carman Active Living Center-MB
Carman Fair, Manitoba
Carmanville Festival-Nfld
Carnegi Gallery-Dundas, Ont.
Carousel Ranch-Mount Forest, Ont.
Carousel Rest/Bar-Fort Erie Race Track/Slots
Carp Fair-Ontario
Carpenter's Inn-Haliburton, On.
Carpenter's Inn-Haliburton, Ont.
Carpenter's Inn-Haliburton. Ont.
Carrassauga Festival Mississauga
Carrefour de I'isle Saint-Jean, Charlottetown
Carrefour de la Mer-Caraquet N.B.
Carrefour Theatre-Charlottetown, PEI
Carriage House Charlottetown PEI
Carrigan Arms-Burlington
Carrot River Community Hall-Sask
Carr's Oyster Bar-Stanley Bridge, PEI
Carrying Place Golf and Country Club-Aurora
Caruso Club-Sudbury
Cary's Music Hall-Holland Landing
Casa Del Popolo-Mtl.
Cascades Casino-Langley, B.C.
Caseley Park-Riverview, NB
Cash and Kettle-Saint John
Casino NB Moose's Wild Pub-Moncton
Casino Calgary
Casino Dene-Cold Lake, AB
Casino du Lac Leamy Gatineau, Quebec
Casino du Lac-Leamy-Gatineau, Quebec
Casino Edmonton
Casino Lethbridge
Casino Moncton NB-Moose's Wild Pub
Casino NB Moncton (Hub City Pub)
Casino New Brunswick Moncton
Casino Nova Scotia-Halifax
Casino Nova Scotia-Sydney
Casino Rama-Orillia
Casino Yellowhead-Edmonton
Casman's Center-Fort McMurray, AB.
CASO Railway Station-St. Thomas
Cassils Community Center Brooks
Castel Mountain Resort-AB
Castle Inn Perth-Andover
Castle John's
Castletown Town Hall
Castro's Lounge-Toronto
Cat and The Fiddle-Alliston, Ont.
Cat and The Fiddle-Coburg, Ont
Cat N Fiddle-Hamilton
Catch 22 Cafe-Oshawa
Cathedral Church of All Saints-Haifax
Cathedral Village Free House-Regina, SK
Catholic Hall-Norton, N.B.
Cathy's Cafe-Brooklin, Ont
Causeway Bay Linkletter Inn/ Convention Center PEI
Causeway-Summerside, PEI
Cavendish Beach Country Music Festival-PEI
Cavendish Beach Drive-In Concert Series 2020
Cavendish Beach Festival-NL
Cavendish Beach Music Festival Concert Series
Cavendish Beach Music Fetival (Kitchen Stage)
Cavendish Beach PEI First Stop
Cavendish Bech Event Center PEI
Cavendish Bluegrass Festival
Cavendish Farms Comm Event Center Tyne Valley PEI
Cavendish Outdoor Venue-P.E.I.
Caven's Alley Bar-Mississauga
CAW Hall-St Catharines
CAW Hall-Woodstock
Cayuga Fest
Cayuga Secondary School - Buddy Holly Tribute
CB Guitar Night Sydney
CBC Music Festival
CBC Taping-Front/John St.-Toronto
CBRM Discovery Stage-Sydney
CCMA 2011 Hamilton
CCMA 2012-Saskatoon, SK
CCMA 2016 London
CCMA Awards Week 2018 Hamilton
CCMA Awards-Winnipeg
CCMA Music TV Awards-Hamilton
CCMA'S-Saint John, New Brunswick
CCMR (Country Music Reunion Trenton)
CD Plus-Halifax Shoping Center
CD Release Party
Ceasars Windsor
CEC Auditorium-Truro
Cedar Club-Sydney
Cedar Dunes Fall Flavors Event-West Point PE
Cedar Ridge Creative Center-Toronto
Cedar Room-Invermere, B.C.
Cedar tree Cafe-Fredericton, NB
Cedarbrae Mall-Scarborough
Ceili Cottage Rest. and Bar-Toronto
Ceilidh Cruise Murray River, PEI
Ceilidh House Irish Pub-Hamilton
Ceilidh In The City Charlottetown PEI
Ceilidh On The Water-Montaque, PEI
Ceilidh Trail School of Music-Inverness, N.B.
Ceilidh-Lot 7, Burton, PEI
Ceilidh's Maritime Pub-Barrie
Ceili's Downtown Calgary
Celebration 2009-Souris, PEI
Celebration of Hope, St. John's
Cellar Bar
Cellar Patio-Fredericton
Cellar Pub-Frederction
Cellar-UNIB, Fredericton
Celtic Arts Performing Center-Summerside PEI
Celtic Circle Arts Center-New Glasgow
Celtic Club
Celtic College-Goderich, Ont
Celtic Colors
Celtic Colors-Westmount, Cape Breton
Celtic Colours Educational Program-Sydney
Celtic Colours Int. Festival-Cape Breton
Celtic Colours International Festival-Judique
Celtic Colours Int'l Festival-Celtic Pub Baddeck
Celtic Concert at Salmon River, N.S.
Celtic Corner Pub-Dartmouth
Celtic Cross-Ottawa
Celtic Fox Coffee House-Woodstock
Celtic Harmonies -Knowlton
Celtic Heritage Festival-Eastern Township
Celtic Interpretive Center-Judique, Cape Breton
Celtic Mansion Little Bras'Dor CB
Celtic Music Festival-Kew Gardens Toronto
Celtic Music Interpretive Center-Judique, N.S.
Celtic Music Store-Judique, N.S.
Celtic Performing Arts Center-Summerside PEI
Cenntner Multifonctionnelde-Saint Ephrem debeauce
Centennary High School-Belleville
Centennial Auditorium-Brandon
Centennial Auditorium-Saskatoon
Centennial Center-Bonnyville, AB
Centennial Concert Hall-Winkler
Centennial Concert Hall-Winnipeg
Centennial Field-Marystown, Nfld.
Centennial Hall-London
Centennial Park-Etobicoke
Centennial Park-Grand Falls Windsor, NL
Centennial Park-Moncton
Centennial Park-Sarnia
Centennial Park-Trenton
Centennial Secondary School-Belleville
Centennial Secondary School-Welland
Centennial Theatre-North Vancouver
Centennial Theatre-Sherbrooke, QC
Centennial United Church-Stayner
Center 150 Summerside PEI
Center 2000 Erin, Ont.
Center 200-Sydney
Center Acadien de Prince-Ouest-DeBlois, PEI
Center Belle Alliance, Summerside
Center Bell-Montreal
Center Burlington Hall-NS
Center Communautaire Samuel De Champlain-St. John
Center Cultural de Caraquet-NB
Center Culturel de Beloeil-Quebec
Center De Bouctouche
Center des arts et de la Culture de Dieppe, NB
Center des Arts Juliette Lassonde, St. Hyacinthe
Center Dufferin Recreation Complex, Shelburne
Center Expo-Festival-Abram's Village, PE
Center For The Arts-Inverness, N.S.
Center For The Arts-Oakville
Center For The Performing Arts-Oakville
Center For The Performing Arts-Richmond Hill, Ont.
Center For The Performing Arts-Vancouver
Center Goeland-Cap-Egmont, PEI
Center In The Square-Kitchener
Center of The Arts-Regina
Center Region Banquet-Saskatoon
Center Stage (St James) Charlottetown, PEI
Center Stage-Souris
Center Ste Ambroice-Mtl.
Center Videotown Quebec City
Center Wakefield La Peche
Center Wellington District High School-Fergus
Center-Moose Jaw, SK
Centerpointe Theatre-Ottawa
Central Bar and Grill-Victoria
Central Canada Bluegrass Awards-Huntsville, Ont.
Central Canada Exhibition-Ottawa
Central Christian Church
Central Colchester Junior High School-Truro
Central Kafe (formerly Michelles Place) Toronto
Central Music Festival-Red Deer
Central Music Society, Elks Club.Red Deer
Central Queens United Church-Hunter River, PEI
Central Tavern-Elmira
Central United Church
Central United Church, Moncton, NB
Central United Church-Barrie
Central United Church-Brandon
Central United Church-Calgary
Central United Church-St Thomas
Centre Acadien de Prince-Ouest-DeBlois, PEI
Centre Culturel Aberdeen Moncton NB
Centre des arts Juliette-Lassonde
Centre Goeland-Cape Edmond
Centre St-Andre Leblanc
Centrium Arena-Red Deer
Century Casino-Calgary AB
Century Casino-Edmonton
Century Church Theatre-Hillsburg
Century Gardens Rec. Ctr. Brampton
Century Showroom Edmonton
C'est What?-Toronto
CF Fundraiser Yarmouth
CFB Borden-Ontario
CFB Cold Lake-AB
CFB Esquimalt, Victoria
CFB Greenwood-NS
CFB Shilo Manitoba
CFB Wainright Alberta
CFB-Trenton, Ont.
CFMU Fundraiser
Chaeauguay Valley Reginal H/School-Ormstown, QC
Chaffey's Lock Community Hall-Elgin
Chalet- Upper Island Cove
Chalk River Lions Center
Champions Bar and Grille-Truro, NS
Champlain Place-Moncton
Chan Theatre-Vancouver
Chandler's-Sydney, N.S.
Chanter's Pub (Dundee Resort)-Dundee, N.S.
Chapel Auditorium-Antigonish
Chapleau Fishing Derby-Chapleau
Chapleau Nature Festival-Chapleau, Ont.
Chapleau Performing Arts Series-Chapleau, Ont.
Chapters-Bayers Lake, NS
Chapters-Mic Mac Mall-Dartmouth
Chapters-Rideau Center-Ottawa
Charity Beach Bash-Bowmanville
Charity Event For Anderson House-Etobicoke
Charles Bailey Theatre-Trail
Charles V Keating Center-Antognish
Charles W. Stockey Center-Parry Sound
Charlie Fitzwhiskey's
Charlie Ronick's Bar-Whitby
Charlie White Theatre-Sidney
Charlo Fall Fair
Charlotte Street Arts Center-Frederction
Charlotte Street Arts Center, Frederiction
Charlotte Street Theatre-Frederction
Charlottetown Beer Garden
Charlottetown Beer Garden & Seafood Patio, PEI
Charlottetown Civic Center-P.E.I.
Charlottetown Civic Centre
Charlottetown Convention Center (Delta Hotel)
Charlottetown Curling Club
Charlottetown Driving Park Entert. Ctr.
Charlottetown Events Grounds
Charlottetown Fireman's Club
Charlottetown Mall-MusicPE I2014 Event
Charlottetown Old Home Week Exhibition Grounds
Charlottetown Yacht Club
Chars Landing, Port Alberni
Chase Community Hall-B.C.
Chasse Galerie-Lavaltrie
Chateau La Fayette-Ottawa
Chateau Montebello-Quebec
Chatham Capital Theatre
Chatham Culture Center
Chatham Fair
Chatham Ribfest-Ontario
Chatham St Clair Estates Community Ctr.
Chatterbox Cafe-Pugwash
Chaucers Pub-London
Chedabucto Place-Guysborough
Chedoke Presbyterian Church-Hamilton
Cheers Beverage Room-Moncton
Chelmsford Fiddle and Stepdance Festival
Chelton Beach-P.E.I.
Chequegnat 2002-Kitchener
Cherry Colas, Toronto
Cheryl's Country Cookhouse-Milton, ON
Chesley Auditorium-Ontario
Chester Playhouse-Chester, N.S.
Chester Race Week
Chester United Baptist Church
Chester Village
Chesterville Fair
Cheticamp Boardwalk, Cape Breton
Chez Dagobert-Quebec City
Chicago's Diner-Toronto
Chick n' Deli-Toronto
Chief Adams Baldwin Jamboree-Baldwin, Ont.
Children's Hospital Fundraiser
Children's Museum-Kitchener
Childrens Wish FoundationSpare Parts Reunion
Child's Auditorium-Deep River
Chilliwack Antique Powerland-B.C.
Chilliwack Arts and Cultural Center, B.C.
Chilliwack B.C. Bluegrass Festival
Chilliwack Fair
Chingacousy Park-Bramalea
Chinook Folk Society-Calgary
Chinook Stampede Breakfast-Calgary
Chipmab Centienal Arena
Chipman Centenial Arena
Chipman Centenial Atena
Chipman Hall-Alberta
Chit Chats-Petrolia
Chocolate River Station, Moncton
Choo Choo's-Miramachi, N.B.
Choo-Choos-Chatham, NB
Christ Church
Christ Church Deer Park-Toronto
Christ Church-Bonavisa
Christ The King Church, Trenton, NS
Christ The King, Rushoon
Christian MusicFest Shediac, NB
Christian Reform Charlottetown PEI
Christie Community Center-Calgary
Christie Community Center-Calgary-
Christmas and Hits
Christmas and Hits-Clarenville
Christmas and Hits-Corner Brook
Christmas and Hits-Niagra Falls
Christmas and Hits-St John's
Christmas and Hits-Truro
Christmas and Hits-Windsor
Christmas Tree Lighting in Halifax,
Christ's Church-Bolton, On
Chrysler Marina, Morisburg,Ont.
Chrysler Theatre-Windsor
Chuck Mobley Theatre-Quesnel
Chuckles Jack.Smith Falls
Chuggles-Antognish, N.S.
Chumley's-Petitcodiac, N.B.
Churcch of St. Mary The Virgin-St. John's
Church of Our Lady - Guelph, Ont.
Church of St Simon The Apostle-Toronto
Church of St. Cypria, St. Mary's
Church of St. Cyprian, St. Mary, Bell Island
Church of The Epiphay-Hearts Delight Islington
Church of The Holy Family Parish Hall-Fogo
Church of The Holy Family Parish Hall-Fogo, NL
Church Street-Lantz, N.S.
Church Theatre-St. Jacobs
Churchill Park Music Festival St Johns NL
Churchill Arms-Charlottetown
Churchill's-North Bay
Ciderfest-Stoney Creek
Cincade Mayo
Circus Room-Waterloo
CISN In The Rockies-Banff
Citadel Hill-St. John's
Citatel House-Lewisporte-NL
Cities Sports Bar and Grill-Mississauga
City Grille-Moncton
City Hall Sports Cafe-Brampton
City Hall Toronto-Mayor's Party
City of Morrisburg
City of Sudbury
CityFolk Festival-Ottawa
Civic Center-Campbellton,NB
Civic Center-Charlottetown
Civic Center-Huntsville
Civic Center-Merritt ,BC
Civic Center-Miramichi, N.B.
Civic Center-Ottawa
Civic Center-Port Hawkesbury
Civic Center-Prince George, BC
Civic Center-Sackville
Civic Center-Summerside, P.E.I.
Civic Square
Civic Theatre-Nelson
CJ Barley's Pub and Grill-Keswick
CJ's Nightclub-Kamloops
CJVR Performing Arts Center-Melfort, SK
CKCU Ottawa Folk Festival
CKNX Barn Dance-Hensall, Ontario
Claddagh Room/Olde Dublin Charlottetown
Claddagh-Old Dublin, Charlottetown
Claire Bluegrass Festival-Claire, N.S.
Clamdiggers-Cardigan, PEI
Clancy's Bar and Grill Brampton
Clancy's Pub, Stepenville
Clancy's Pub-Stepenville, NL
Clare Bluegrass Festival-Saulnierville, N.S.
Clare Social Club-Clare, N.S.
Clare Social Club-Little Brook-Digby County
Claremichaels Jamb Session
Clarenville Events Center NL
Clarenville New Curtain Theatre, NL
Clare's Harley Davidson-Niagara By The Lake
Claresholm Community Center Alberta
Claresholm High School Alberta
Clark Foudation Theatre
Clarke Theatre-Abbotsford, B.C.
Clarke Theatre-Mission, B.C.
Clarkes Beach United Church
Clarkson Pub-Barrie
Class Act Dinner Theatre-Whitby
Class Art Theatre-Whitby
Classic Bowl Mississauga
Classic Country Music Reunion (Gospel Show)
Classic Country Music Reunion Jamboree-Trenton, On
Classic Theatre-Cobalt
Classic Theatre-Grand Falls-Windsor
Classics Bar and Grille-Bridgewater, N.S.
Claude Presbyterian Church-Hw'y10-S/Caledon
Clay West Bar & Grill-Bayers Lake, Halifax,
Clayton Community Hall for St Georges Anglican C
CLB Armoury-St. John's
CLE Heritage Bldg-Thunder Bay
Clearview Community Church-Stayner
Cleland Theatre-Penticton, BC
Clemens Mill Library-Preston
Clifford Ball Park-Ontario
Cliford Arena-Ayton, ON.
Climax Community Hall-SK
Clinton Hills PEI The Barn
Clinton's Tavern-Toronto
Cloak and Dagger-Toronto
Clock and Hen-Brampton
Clogeroo Island Folk Festival-Georgetown
Close To Ground Concert-Pool's Corner-PE
Clover RCL Charlottetown
Cloverdale Center-Riverview, N.B.
Cloverdale Rodeo-Surrey
Club 126 Rogersville
Club 15-Cap Pele, NB
Club 279-Toronto
Club 580 Bancroft, Ont.
Club 744 (Chic N' Deli) Toronto
Club Absinthe-Hamilton
Club Boishebert-Shediac
Club CitadelTheatre Edmonton
Club Cosmo-Moncton
Club D'Age D'or-Moncton
Club de Sport-Richibouctou
Club Denim-Guelph
Club des Retraites-Cheticamp
Club div Village
Club Du Sport Music Festival-Richibucto, NB
Club HiFi-Calgary
Club Kaos-Brampton
Club LaSalle-St Catharines
Club Lonies-Saint John NB
Club Loreley
Club Monte Carlo-Saint John
Club NV-Ft MacM, AB
Club One-Montreal
Club One-St. John's, Nfld.
Club Oxygen-Moncton
Club Regent Casino-Winnipeg
Club Regent Event Center Winnipeg
Club Saw-Ottawa
Club Soda Montreal
Club Sportif de Pont Lafrance de Tracadie
Club Tonic-Saint John
Club Vinyl-Guelph
CMAO Award Show-Markham Theatre-Ontario
CMAOntario Music Week-Hamilton
CMT Country Music Festival-Oro, Ont.
CMW Saskatoon-SK
CMW Showcase Toronto
CN Center-Prince George
CN Park-Souris
CNB Fundraiser-Moncton
CNE Bandshell Toronto
CNE Comfort Saloon Toronto
CNE Toronto-East Coast Festival
Coach & Horses-Lindsay
Coach and Lantern-Ancaster
Coach's Patio-Picton, Ont.
Coal Miners Cafe-Inverness
Coast Kamploops Hotel and Conference Center
Coastal Inn- Sackville, N.S.
Coasters Pub-Brampton
Cobden Beach Party
Cobden Fair -Ont
Cobequid Educational Center-Truro
Cobequid Educational Center-Truro-
Cobolt Classic Theatre-On
Coburg Comunity Center
Coburg Concert Hall
Coburg Music Experience Ont
Coburg Park Playhouse Ont.
Coburg Waterfront Festival Ont.
Coca-Cola Coliseum
Cocagne Marina-Cocagne, N.B.
Cochrane Folk Club-Alberta
Cochrane Valley Folk Club-Cochrane
Cock and Pheasant
Coconut Grove-Halifax
Cod A Pop House Showcase-Halifax
Codspop Studios-Halifax
Cogeco Amphitheatre
Col. Mustards-Newmarket, Ont.
Colborne Park
Colborne Street United Church-London, Ont.
Colburne Jamboree
Colby Alehouse-Dartmouth
Cold Lake Agriplex-AB
Cold Lake Dene Casino
Cold Lake Energy Center-AB
Cold Lake Treaty Days, AB
Coldstream Clear Distillery
Coldstream Clear Distillery-Stewiach NS
Cole Harbour Big League Bev. Room-NS
Cole Harbour Fire Hall
Cole Harour Rural Heritage Farm-Rose/KettleTearoom
Coleman Hall-PEI
Coles-County Fair Mall
Coliee Pepsi Arena-Quebec City
Collective Cabaret-Winnipeg
College Boreal
College of Piping Summerside
College of Piping/Celtic Performing Art-Summerside
College Social Club-Fredericton
College Theatre-Sussex, NB
College United Church-Woodstock
Collingwood Music Festival-Ontario
Collingwood Nursing Home
Collins Hall-Elliott Lake
Colonal Days Fair-Lloydminister, AB
Columbus Center-Kitchener
Columbus Field-Antigonish
Columbus Field-Antognish
Columbus Field-Antognish, N.S.
Combermere Community Center
Come By Chance
Come By Chance-Hamilton Ontario
Come Home Year-McIvers,
Comfort Inn-Yarmouth, N.S.
Comfort Zone-Cambridge
Comite Acadian et Francophone Souris
Commercial Tavern-Maryhill
Commodore Ballroom-Vancouver
Commons Church-Calgary
Commonwealth Stadium-Edmonton
Commune- New Glasgow
Communite Cafe-Canmore, AB
Communite Cafe-Canmore, BC
Communitea Cafe-Canmore, AB
Community Auditorium-Dryden
Community Auditorium-Thunder Bay
Community Baptist Church-Cold Lake, AB
Community Baptist Church-Swift Current
Community Center-Belle Cote, N.S.
Community Center-Dartmouth, N.S.
Community Center-Gander, Nfld.
Community Center-Point Lance
Community Credit Union
Community Hall-Endiang
Community of Tignish, PEI
Community Theatre-Kelowna
Commuplex-Prince Albert
Company House-Halifax
Complex Arena-Kirkland Lake
Comprehensive High School-Weyburn, SK
Comprensive High School-Swift Current
Comrades Landing-Charlottetown
Comunity Futures Grand Prairie and Region, AB
Concert Hall-Winnipeg
Concert in The Park Shediac
Concert In The Park, Rothesay
Concert In The Park, Sackville
Concert in The Park, Sackville, NB
Concert In The Park, Shediac
Concert of Hope-St. John's
Concert On The Clyde-Clydesville
Concert On The Common-Rothesay, N.B.
Concert On The Green-Fredericton
Concert Series In The Park, Oshawa
Concordia Club Tent-Kitchener
Conestoga College Kichener
Conexus Arts Center
Conexus Arts Center-Regina
Confederation Center (Sobey Family Theatre)
Confederation Center-Mackenzie Theatre-Ch'town
Confederation Court Mall-Charlettown
Confederation Hill Music Fest-St John's
Confederation Hill-St. John's
Confederation Landing-Charlottetown
Confederation Park-Charlottetown
Confederation Park-Ottawa
Congres Mondial Acadien '04-Cheticamp
Congress Mondial -Abrams Village
Conquerall Bank Fire Hall-(Bridgewater Area)
Contact East '05-Summerside, P.E.I.
Contact East -Charlottetown, PEI
Contact East-Sydney, NS
Container Village-Saint John NB
Convention Center-St John's
Convocation Hall-Hamilton McMaster Univ.
Convocation Hall-Sackville
Convocation Hall-University of Toronto
Convocation Hall-Wolfville
Cook County Saloon-Edmonton
Cook Recital Hall, MUN-St. John's
Cookstown Pub
Cool Country Cruise-Sharon
Coolers Sports Bar
Coombs Rodeo Grounds-Vancouver, BC
Co-op Mercer Hall Dawson Creek
Cooper's Hawk Vineyards-Harrow, Ontario
Coors Event Center-Saskatoon
Copper Bottom Brewery Montague
Copper Bottom-Montague, PEI
Copper Penny-Hlifax
Copper Ridge Academy
Copper River Inn Fort Frances
Copps Coliseum-Hamilton
Corel Center-Ottawa
Cork and Kettle
Cork Hall Kitchener, Ont
Corked Wine Bar-Frederction
Corks Restaurant and Wine Bar-Niagara -on-the-Lake
Corktown Pub and Fare-Hamilton
Corktown Tavern-Hamilton
Corky's- Chilliwack
Corner Brook Community Center
Corner Brook Hotel
Corner Brook Hotel-NL
Corner House, Toronto (formerly McCarthy's Pub)
Corner Pin Pub-Rutland, B.C.
Corner Pocket
Corner Pocket Bar-Gander
Cornerbrook Arts and Culture Center
Cornerbrook Civic Center
Cornerpin-Kelowna, B.C.
Cornerstone Baptist Church-Montaque
Cornerstone Cafe-Guelph
Cornerstone Pub-Kenora, On
Cornwall Civic Complex-Ont.
Cornwall Motor Speedway
Cornwall Roadhouse-PEI
Cornwall United Church-PEI
Corona Theatre-Montreal
Coronation Community Center
Coronation Community Center-AB
Corporate Challenge-Cambridge
CorporateRed Deer Golf and Country Club
Corral-Grand Prairie
Corran Ban Community Hall-PEI
Cosmopolitan Hotel-Toronto
Cosy Corner-Portugal Cove, NL
Cottage Hospital Norris Point
Cottage Kingston
Cotton Center-Stratford, PEI
Coulson Night Club-Sudbury
Council at Millennium Place-Whistler
Country 95.3 Country Music Festival-Sunnyside, Tor
Country Acadian Festival-Abram's Village PEI
Country at The Creek-Big River
Country Club -Woodbridge Lobsterfest
Country Concert At Sea-Flordia-Mexico
Country Fest -Grand Anse, N.B.
Country Fest-Dauphin Albert
Country Festival Thorburn
Country Festival-Amos
Country Fest-Sutton Bay
Country In The Woods Festival, Parry Sound, ON
Country Jamboree-Back In Time
Country Jamboree-Wards Island, Toronto
Country Jubilee-Nine Mile River, N.S.
Country Legends Concert
Country Legends Concert -Sherwood Park
Country Line Saloon-Calgary
Country Music Club of Oshawa
Country Music Festival Sterling Ontario
Country Music Festival-Millstream, N.B.
Country Music Reunion-Trenton
Country Music Stampede-Greenbank, Ont
Country Music Store-Toronto
Country Music Tour-Milford, Ont
Country Music Week 2018 in Hamilton Ont.
Country Music Week Halifax 2015
Country Music Week-Calgary
Country Music Week-Edmonton
Country Music Week-London
Country Music Week-Regina
Country On The Bay
Country Roads Music Fest-Napanee, Ont.
Country Roads-Calgary
Country Rockfest 2010 Halifax, NS
Country Rockfest 2010-Halifax
Country Rocks The Hill-Bible Hill
Country Rocks The Hill-Halifax, N.S.
Country Thunder-Calgary
Country Thunder-Craven,
County Line Country Club-Cornwall
Courthouse Concert-Sherbrooke, N.S.
Courthouse Theatre-St Peters Bay, PEI
Courtice Flea Market-Courtice
Courtyard-Courtice, Ont
Cousin Vinney's Chelmsford
Cousins Tavern Bouctouche
Coverdale Center-Riverview
Covered Wagon Saloon-Blackfalds, AB
Cow and Sow, Fenlon Falls
Cow Bay Hall -Cow Bay
Cowboys Ranch-Guelph
Cowboys Ranch-London
Cowboys Stampede Tent-Calgary
Cowboys- Winnipeg
Cowboys-Ft. McMurray
Cowboy's-Miramichi, NB
Cowboys-Red Deer
Cowichan Theatre-Duncan
Cowichan Theatre-Duncan, B.C.
Cowouccino's-Prince Rupert
Cox Creek Cellars Estate Winery-Fund Raiser
Cox Creek Lobsterfest
Cox Creek Winery-Summer Solstice Festival
Cox's Cove Stadium-Nfld
Coyote's Nite Club-Winnipeg
Craffe Mountain Ski Resort-Central Hainesville, NB
Craft Beer Corner Charlottetown
Craigend Community Center-Alberta
Cranbrook Community Theatre
Cranbrook Communiy Theatre BC
Cranbrook RecPlex-Cranbrook, BC
Cranbrook, B.C. Folk Club
Crapaud Community Hall-P.E.I.
Crapaud PEI Exhibition
Craven Country Jamboree-Sask.
Crawford Bar-Toronto
Crazy Horse-Ottawa
Crazy Mark's
Creamery-Port Hawksbury
Creative City Center Regina
Credit Union 2020 Music Week Charlottetown PEI
Credit Union Center-Dauphin
Credit Union Center-Saskatoon
Credit Union Music PEI Week
Credit Union Place-Summerside, PEI
Credit Union S'Side Amphitheatre
Credit Valley Gof Course
Creekside Hall-Canmore, AB
Creekside Theatre-Lake County
Creekside Theatre-Winfield, B.C.
Creekview Resturant, Gagetown, NB
Creekview Restaurant-Gagetown, Ont
Creemore United Church
Cremona Community Hall
Cremona Hotel-AB
Crescent Beach Center-Lockport
Crescent Fort Rouge United Church-Winnipeg
Crescent Heights Community Hall-Calgary
Crocks, Thunder Bay
Crococdile Rock-Toronto
Croix-Bleue Medave Stadium
Cross Keys Bar and Grille Morell
Cross Keys Bar and Grille-Charlottetown
Cross Roads Christian Church Georgetown Road
Cross Roads-Hamilton
Cross Roads-Saint John
Crossroads Street Festival-Prince George
Crowded ShedHalifax
Crowe Valley Jamboree-Mamora
Crown and Anchor, Grand Prairie, AB
Crown and Anchor-Brampton
Crown and Dragon Pub-Toronto
Crown and Goose-Richmond Hill
Crown and Moose Pub-Corner Brook
Crown and Moose Pub-Sydney
Crown Plaza Chateau LaCombe-Edmonton
Crown Plaza Hotel-Moncton
Crown Pub and Eatery-Alberton PEI
Crown Ridge Retirement Home-Trenton, On
Crowne Isle Resort-Courtenay, B.C.
Crowne Plaza Hotel-Fredericton
Crowne Plaza Hotel-Ottawa
Crow's Nest-New Glasgow, NS
Crow's Nest-Tobermony, Ont.
Crstal Beach Campground
Cruise Manada Montague, PEI
Cruise Manada Murray River, PEI
Crystal Beach Campground
Crystal Beach park
Crystal Center-Grand Prairie
Crystal Ridge Community Center-Fort Erie
CTV Christmas Daddies-Sydney
CTV Moncton Studio-Christmas Daddies Telethon
Cuchulainn's Irish Pub-Streetsville
Cuckoo's Nest Folk Club-London
Cugnet Center
Cultural Arts Theatre
Cultural Center-Bouctouche
Cultural Exchange-Regins, SK
Cultural Village
Culture Center
Culture Center Lobby
Culture Club-Merritt
Cumberland Museum,
Cunard Center-Pier 23, Halifax
Cup A Dupa Festival-Wellington, PEI
Curley Brewing Co
Curleys-Enfield, N.S.
Cutten Club-Guelph
CW Coops
Cymbria Lions Club-South Rustico. PEI
Cyprus Center Auditorium-Medicine Hat Center
D.A.C. Center-Mt. St. Patrick, Ont
Daddys Restrurant-Toronto
Daily Grind-Ottawa
Dairy Fest Music Festival
Dakota Dunes Casino-Saskatoon
Dakota Dunes Casino-Whitecap, SK
Dakota Tavern-Bluegrass Brunch
Dakota Tavern-Toronto
Dakotas Sports Bar-Lakeshore Toronto
Dakota's Sports Bar & Grill-Etobicoke, Ontario
Dal Harts Center-Halifax
Dale Fisher Arena Devon
Dalhousie Arts Center-Halifax
Dalhousie Community Center-Calgary
Dalhousie Sub-McInnis Room-Halifax
Dalhousie University-Grawood Lounge
Dalhousie University-Truo Campus, N.S.
Dallas City Limits-Sarnia
Dallas Night Club-Kitchener
Dam Pub-Thornbury
Danby's Bar and Grill-Munster, Ont.
Dance Party with Konflikt and DMayne Event
Danceland, Lakeside Resort-Lakeside
Dancing Bull-Drayton Valley, AB
Dancing In The Hay
Dancing Tree Concerts, Saint John's
Danforth Cafe-Toronto
Danforth Music Hall-Toronto
Daniels-Sydney, Cape Breton
Dankin Firehall
Dante Club Timmins
Darby's Ole Town Arms
D'Arcy Magee' Pub-Orleans, ON
D'Arcy McGee's-Bell Corners, Nepean
D'Arcy McGee's-Bells Corners, Nepean
Darcy McGee's-Ottawa
D'Arcy's Down Under-Edmonton, AB
Dard-Wasaga Beach, Ont.
Darley's-Stoney Creek
Darren Law House-Calgary
Dart Club-Moncton
Dartmoth NS Summer Series
Dartmouth Nova Scotia Waterfront
Dauphin Country Fest-Manitoba
Dauphin First United Church
Dave Thompson Resort-Cline River
Davedi Club North Bay
Dave's Place-Borden, P.E.I.
Dave's Rock Emporium
David Thompson Cowboy Fest-Noregg, AB
Dawson City Music Festival-Calgary
Dawson City Music Festival-Yukon
Dawson Creek Exhibition & Fall Fair
Dawson Creek Exhibition-BC
Day/Night Tavern
Days Hotel and Conference Center-Toronto
Daysland Palace Theatre Alberta
DCutch Inn Lounge-Cornwall, PEI
Dead of Winter-Halifax
Dead of Winter-Wakefield QC
Deblois French School PEI
Decade of Hits With George Canyon 2014
Deckhouse Pub-Summerside
deCoste Center-Pictou, N.S.
Deep Roots Distillery
Deep Roots Music Co-op Springfest-Wolfville, NS
Deep Roots Music Festival-Wolfville, N.S.
Deerfoot Inn and Casino-Calgary
Deerhurst Inn-Muskoka
Degrassi House-Toronto
Dehavilland Resr.
Dekker Center-North Battleford
Del Grary Park-Peterborough, On.
Delclayna Earth Festival-Athabasca, AB.
Delhi Harvestfest
Della Herman Theatre-Smithers, B.C.
Deloraine Winchester Theatre-Manitoba
Delta Brunswick Hotel-Saint John, N.B.
Delta Chelsea Hotel (Monarch's Pub)Toronto
Delta Chelsea-Toronto
Delta Fair-Delta, Ont.
Delta Halifax-Bluenose Room
Delta Hotel Charlottetown 2024 Songwriting Circle
Delta Hotel Chatlotetown-ECMA 2011 Roots Room
Delta Hotel Ch'town 2015 MusicPEI S'writers Circle
Delta Hotel Ch'town ECMA 2011 Members Lounge
Delta Hotel Ch'town-ECMA 2011 Late Nights
Delta Hotel Ch'town-ECMA 2011 Songwriting Circle
Delta Hotel Ch'town-ECMA 2011-Rising Star Showcase
Delta Hotel-Charlottetown
Delta Hotel-Ch'town ECMA 2011 Rock Stage
Delta Hotel-Fredericton
Delta Hotel-Saint John
Delta Hotel-Sennheiser Lounge, Ch'town
Delta Hotel-St. John's
Delta Old Town Hall
Delta Prince Edward Ballroom-Charlottetown
Delta Ressborough Garden Saskatoon
Delta Sennheiser Lounge-Halifax
Demmitt Community Center-Alberta
Denbigh Community Hall
Denezin Hall-Edmonton
Denim Sessions
Denman Island Community Center-BC
Derailed Pub-Medicine Hat
Derrick's Place-Fort Sask, AB
Desbarats Arena, Ont.
Desert Daze Music/Farm Festival-Spences Bridge BC
Desert Dunes Casino-Saskatoon
Detour Music Hall-St Catherines
Devil's Harp-Mississauga
DeWolf Park-Bedford, N.S.
DF Cooke Recital Hall, MUN Campus-St. John's
DhoonLodge, Black Duck Siding, NL
Diamond Center
Diamond House
Diamond Jubilee Ctr-Saint John
Diamond Room Sarnia
Dick Nolan 50th Anniversary-Bell Island, Nfld.
Dickens Pub-Calgary
Dick's Lounge-Bell island, NL
Dick's Pub-Airdrie, AB
Dido Boathouse Inn
Dieppe Arts and Culture Center
Dieppe Kite Festival-N.B.
Dieppe Theatre-NB
Digby East Fish/Game Bluegrass Festival N.S.
Digby High School-Nova Scotia
Digby Pines Resort
Digby Waterfront Seaside Celebrations
Dinner/Show Stompin Tom Center, Skinner's Pond
Dior Lounge-Toronto
Dirt Road Revival
Dirty Dog Saloon - Hamilton
Dirty Jersey-Kamloops, BC
Discovery Bar-Whitehorse
Discovery Harbour-Penetanguishene
Disneyland-Epcot Center, Florida
Disneyworld, Epcot Center, Florida
District 33 Winery
Distrikt Nightclub-Victoria
Divan Orange-Montreal
DJ Cardinal Performing Arts Center-Grand Praire
DNA Lounge-Woodstock
DNV - Hamilton
Dobro Bar and Resaurant-Peterborough
Doc Dylans-Moncton
Doc Malones-Barrie
Doc Willoughby's-Kelowna, B.C.
Dock Side-Richibucto, N.B.
Dock Yard Halifax (CFB Family Day)
Dock, St. Johns
Dock-New Glasgow, N.S.
Dockside Botwell
Dockside Grill-Canso, N.S.
Dock-St. Johns
Dock-St. John's
Dodge Rodeo-Newmarket
Dodger and Firkin-Hamilton
Dog Eared Cafe
Doghouse Studios
Doghouse Studios Napanee
Dokata Dunes Casino-Saskatoon
Dolan's Pub-Fredericton, NB
Domain du Viedux Couvent
Dominion Arena-Nova Scotia
Dominion Building-Amherst
Dominion Hotel Minden
Dominion House-Windsor
Dominion On Queen-Toronto
Dominion Telegraph-Paris
Don Cherry's-Halifax
Don Henderson Arena-Brookfield, N.S.
Don Ross Center-North Battleford
Don Whitney Auditorium-Tilamook, B.C.
Donald Gordon Center Churchill Falls
Donalda Club-Toronto
Donaleigh's Irish Public House-Barrie
Donstock Festival
Donway Covenant United Church-Don Mills
Dooey's-Yarmouth, NS
Dooley's Beach Blast-Shediac
Dooly's Grand Bay, NB
Dooly's-Tracadie-Sheila, NB
Dooly's-Windsor, NS
Dora Keogh's-Toronto
Dorchester United Church
Dorchester Veterans Community Center
Doryman-Cheticamp, Cape Breton
Doryyard Festival-Woodstock, N.B.
Dotton Hall-Temiscaming
Double B Saloon-Mission, B.C.
Double Hill Cidery
Double Ranch-Woodstock, Ont.
Doug Mitchell Thundedrbird Sports Center
Douglas Town Community Theatre-Miramichi, N.B.
Dow Centennial Center-Fort Saskatchewan
Dow Centennial Center-Fort Saskatchewan, AB.
Dowling Festival
Down Home Lounge-Bass River, NB
Down Omer
Downbeat-Sault Ste. Marie
Downhome Show-CNE-Toronto
Downhome Show-Variety Village-Toronto
Downtown Fergus BIA Art Walk
Downtown Fergus Stage
Downtown Guelph Noon Concert
Downtown Oakville BIA Midnight Madness
Downtown Welland
Dr Greenthumb Lounge Moncton
Dr Sharpes Route #2 Roadhouse-Bedford, N.S.
Dr. Carson and Marion Murray Comm. Ctr-Springhill
Dr. J.M. Ennis Auditorium-Welland
Dragon Boat Festival-NL
Dragon Fly Cafe-Antognish
Drake Hall-Regina
Drake Hotel-Toronto
Drake Underground-Toronto
Drake-Canmore, AB
Drayton Festival Theatre
Drayton Valley Hotel-Alberta
Dream Cafe-Penticton, B.C.
Dream Chasers Deli and Treats-Antognish Mall
Dresden Arena, Ont
Dresden Fair-Grandstand Show
Drew House-Elora
DRHS Theatre-Digby, N.S.
Driftwood Cottages
Drumheller Amphitheatre
Drums N Flats-Toronto
Dryden Community Auditorium-Ontario
Dryden Cultural Center
Dryden High School
Dryden Performing Arts Center
Dryden Regional Training and Cultural Center
du Maurier Center-Hamilton
Dublin Church-Guelph, Ontario
Duchess Masen
Ducks Roadhouse-Westport
Ducky's Sackville
Ducky's -Sackville, NB
Ducky's -Wentwsorth Center, NS
Duffs Presbyterian Church Puslinch
Duff's Presbyterian Church-Aberfoyle
Duff's Sports Bar
Duke Live Toronto
Duke of Argyle-Toronto
Duke of Wellington-Georgetown
Duke of Wellington-Kitchener
Duke Of Wellington's- Waterloo
Duke of Westminister
Duke of York-Scarborough
Dukes Country Place, Peace River, AB
Dukes of Dublin Irish Pub-Abbotsford, BC
Dukes-Grand Prairie
Duke-Toronto East
Dumbo Fair
Duncan Garage Showdown-Duncan, B.C.
Duncan McArthur Hall-Queen's University-Kingston
Duncan Pub-Amherst
Duncan Showroom
Duncan Sunfest-BC
Dundalk Arena
Dundas Cactus Festival
Dundas Community Center PEI
Dundas Plowing Match Grounds Hall-PEI
Dundee Arms-Charlottetown
Dundee Golf Resort-N.S.
Dundee Resort-West Bay, N.S.
Dundee Resort-West Bay, NS
Dundurn Castle
Dunk Breadalbane PEI
Dunn Enzies Pizza & Pub-Kelowna
Dunn Theatre
Dunnville Fair
Dunstaffnage Community Center-PEI
Dunville Community Lifespan Center
Durham Celtic Club
Durham Community Center
Durham Highland Games
Durham Ont.-Come Together Festival
Durty Nelly's Pub-Halifax
Dutch Inn Lounge-Cornwall, PEI
Dutch Mill Country Market-Millgrove, Ont.
Dutchie Mason Blues Festival-Truro, NS
Dynes 2000
Dynes Tavern-Hamilton
E and P Senechal Center-Grand Falls. N.B.
E Bar-Guelph
E L Fox Auditorium
E.A. Rawlinson Center For The Arts-Prince Albert
EA Rawlington Center for The Arts-Prince Albert
EA Rawlinson Center For The Arts-Winkler
Eagan's-Fort St. John, B.C.
Eagle Club
Eagle Club Four
Eagle Hill Community Hall Alberta
Eagle Resort and Casino
Eagle River Casino-Whitecourt, AB
Eagles Nest North Rustico
Eagles Nest North Rustico PEI
Eagles Nest, Charlottetown, PEI
Earl of Whitchurch Pub
Earlscourt BBQ Toronto
Early Acres Winery-Chatham
Early Stage Saloon-Stony Plain, AB
EarthSong Store and School-Toronto
Easr Link-Charlottetown, PEI
East Avenue Lounge
East Coast Art Party
East Coast Garden Party-Grand Prairie
East Coast Music Award Week 2018-Halifax
East Coast Music Awards in Halifax May 3 to 7 2023
East Coast Music Festival-Burl's Creek Park
East Coast Music Festival-Cambridge, Ont.
East Coast Night-Nashville North
East Coast Outfitters-Prospect, N.S.
East Coast Street Hockey Championship-Frederction
East Coast Tour
East Coast Tour--
East Dale Collegiate-Oshawa
East End Folk Club
East End Pub
East Link Arena-Summerside, PEI
East Link Center
East Link Center Charlottetown
East Pour, Cambridge
East River Saint Mary's Fire Hall
East Royalty Lions Club Hall
East Shore Country Summer Kick-off-St Anne de Kent
East Side Bar & Grill
East Side Bar-London
East Side Mario's-Ajax
East Village Pub-Fort McMurray
East York Benefit
East York Community Center
Eastbound Hoedown Music Festial-Avondale
Eastbound Hoedown-Avondale
Eastern Canadian Bluegrass Awards-Truro
Eastern Kings Comm. Ctr.-South River, PEI
Eastern Kings Rec. Center-Munns Road
Eastern Kings Sportplex-Souris
Eastern Labrador ArtsAlliance-Happy Valley-Goose B
Eastern Nova Scotia Exhibition-Antognish
Eastern Shore District High School-Musquodoboit
Eastern Shore Wildlife Assoc-Sheet Harbour, NS
Eastlink Event Center Theatre-Clarenville
Eastside Mario's-Mississauga
Easy Pour Winebar-Cambridge
Eaton Park-Pugwash
Eaton Park-Pugwash NS (Gathering of Then Clans)
Ebeneezer Christian Reform Church-Trenton
Eckville Arena-Alberta
ECMA Showcase-Pictou
ECMA 2004 Awards Show-Mile One Stadium-St. John's
ECMA 2004 TV Awards Show-St. John's
ECMA 2005-Sydney
ECMA 2005-Sydney (Host Gala Awards)
ECMA 2005-Sydney, N.S.
ECMA 2006 Showcases-Charlottetown
ECMA 2007 Gala Awards Post Show Party
ECMA 2007-Halifax
ECMA 2008-Fredericton, N.B.
ECMA 2009-Corner Brook, NL
ECMA 2010-Sydney, N.S.
ECMA 2011 Gala Awards Show
ECMA 2011 Murphy's Center Discovery Stage
ECMA 2011 Showcase B/Bird NorthSt Pauls Ang Church
ECMA 2011 Showcases-Charlottetown
ECMA 2011-Charlottetown
ECMA 2012 Members Lounge Delta-Moncton
ECMA 2012 -Moncton, New Brunswick
ECMA 2013 Halifax, NS
ECMA 2014 Songwriter's Circle
ECMA 2015 Week-St. John's, NL
ECMA 2015-St. John's, Newfoundland
ECMA 2016-Sydney
ECMA 2016-Sydney, Cape Breton
ECMA 2017-Saint John
ECMA 2017-Saint John NB
ECMA 2018 - Halifax
ECMA 2018 Awards Show
ECMA 2018 Halifax
ECMA 2019 Charlottetown
ECMA 2019 Songwriters Circle Charlottetown
ECMA 2023 ShowCase
ECMA 2023 Showcase Halifax
ECMA 2024 Charlottetown PEI
ECMA 2024 in Charlottetown PEI
ECMA 2025 St. John's NL
ECMA May 1-5 2019 in Charlottetown, PEI
ECMA Midnight Airport Ceilidh Sydney
ECMA Showcases 2014 Charlottetown
Ecole secondaire de la Riviere-des-Francais
Ecole secondaire Nepisiguit, Bathurst, NB
Ecole-sur Mer School, Summerside, PEI
Economy Clam Festival-Economy
Economy Hall-Bass River
Economy Shoe Shop-Halifax
Eden United Church (Dundonald)Colborne
Edenvale Aerdrome
Edge Lounge-Ajax
Edge of the World Music Festival-Haida Gwaii, B.C.
Edgewater Inn-Peachland
Edible Matters
Edmonton Eskimos Home Opener
Edmonton Events Center
Edmonton Folk Festival
Edmonton Municpal Airport
Edmunston Jazz and Blues Festival
Edward Day Gallery-Toronto
EL Mocambo Toronto
El Mocambo Torornto
El Mocambo-Toronto
Elbow Rink-Sask
Elbow Room-Ottawa
Eleanor Pickup Arts Center-Drayton Valley
Electric Rodeo-Spruce Grove, AB
Electric Street-Amherst
Element Coffee Bar and Lounge, St. John's
Elemental Festival Kapawong
Elements Casino-Surrey
Elements-London, Ontario
Elgar Peterson Arena-Humboldt SK
Elgin Cafe and Pub-Arnprior, Ont.
Elgin Country Market-Elgin, N.B.
Elgin Park Live-Uxbridge
Elgin Theatre Guild-St. Thomas
Elite After 6-Penticton
Elixer Nightclub-Kingston
Elks Club-North Bay
Elks Hall-Red Deer
Elks Hall-Spruce Grove, AB
Elks Lodge-Halifax
Elks Lodge-Red Deer, AB.
Ellena's Cafe-Napanee
Elliott Lake Civic Center
Elm Avenue Social Club-Charlottetown
Elm Hurst Inn & Spa-Ingersoll
Elm Tree Books and Things
Elm/Oak Ballroom, Truro
Elma-Logan Recreation Complex
Elmdale House-Ottawa
Elmhurst Outdoor Lodge Erm's Cove
Elmira Music in The Park
Elmira Street Dance with Lace
Elmsdale Baptist Church, NS
Elmsdale Community Center-PEI
Elmtree Pub & Grill-Amherst, NS
Elmtree Pub & Grill-Amherst.NS
Elmvale Fair
Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival
Elmvale Presbyterian Church-Ont.
Elora Acoustic Cafe-Elora
Elora Brewery-Center Wellington
Elora Brewing Company
Elora Earth Song Folk Concert
Elora General Store
Elora Mill Penstock Lounge
Elora Plowing Match
Elora Race Track
Elora Street Party
Elvina's-Little Brooks
Elwood's-Saint John
Emax Center
Ember Hot Stove
Emera Center-Liverpool
Emera Centre-North Sydney
Emerald Community Center, PEI
Emerald Community Ctr. PEI
Emerald Irish Festival-Emerald, P.E.I.
Emerald Isle Bistro and Bar-Stoufville
Emerald Junction-PEI
Emerald Music Fest, Ontario
Emmanuel Anglican Church Saskatoon
Emmanuel Baptist Church Bloomfield
Emmanuel United Church-Waterloo
Empire Field-Vancouver
Empire Rock Fest-Belleville
Empire Square-Belleville
Empire Theatre-Belleville
Empire Theatre-Belleville, ON
Empress Ale House-Edmonton
Empress Theatre-Fort MacLeod, Alberta
Empress Theatre-Moncton
Emyvale Recreation Center-PEI
Enables Theatre
Enamax Centrium-Red Deer, Alberta
Encana Events Center-Dawson Creek
Encana Events Center-Dawson Creek, BC
Encore-Chatham, Ont.
End of The Line-Bridgetown, NS
End Zone-Hamilton
Enercare Center Toronto
Enfield Fire Hall
Engine Room-Truro
English Harbour Arts Center
Enmax Center-Leithbridge
Enmax Center-Leithbridge-
Ennis Centennial Concert Hall-Winkler, MB
Enoch Turner Schoolhouse-Toronto
Enterprise Center
Enterprise Community Hall-Ontario
Entertainment Center-Moncton
Enwave Theatre Harbourfront Ctr.
Enwave Theatre Toronto
EP Release
Epcor Cente's Jack Singer Concert Hall-Calgary
Epor Center Concert Hall-Calgary
Equiblues Festival-Saint Agreve, France
Eric Harvie Theatre-Banff
Erin Fair
Erin Lobsterfest
Erins Pub-St. John's
Errington War Memorial Hall-Parksville, BC
Erskine Prespitarian Church-Hamilton
Espanola Hall
Espanola Recreation Center
Esplanade Arts & Heritage Center, Medicine Hat
Esplanade Bier Market-Toronto
Esplanade Park - City Hall - Pickering
Esplanade Park-Pickering City Hall
Esplanade Theatre-Medicine Hat
Esquire Tavern, Moncton
ESSAR Center-Sault Ste. Marie
Essex United Church-Ont.
Estevan Comprehensive High School SK
Etheridge Seaside Festival-Joe Batt's Arm, NL
Etobicoke Collegiate Institute-Toronto
Etobicoke Local-Toronto
Eton House Tavern-Toronto
Eugene's Honky Tonk (test venue)
Euro Bar and Grill -Etobicoke, Ont.
European Bar and Grille
Euston Park Resturant on Paelee Beach Shediac NB
Evangel Community Church-Chatham
Evangel Temple -Napanee
Evangelical Free Church-Steinbach
Evangeline Bluegrass Festival-Abrams V. P.E.I.
Evangeline Country Music Festival PEI
Evangeline L'Exposition Agricole/Acadien Festival
Evelina's -Little Brook
Event In The Tent-St Catharines
Evergreen Acres Campgrouind Festival-Kent
Evergreen Camp Ground Bluegrass Festival-N.B.
Evergreen Cultural Center-Coquitam, BC
Evergreen Festival Waterfront
Evergreen Park-Grand Prairie, Alberta
Evergreen Theatre-Chilliwack
Evergreen Theatre-Margareteville, N.S.
Evergreen/Ranch B/grass Festival-St Louis deKent
Evergren Theatre-Powell River
Evermoore Brewery Summerside
Evolve Festival-Antognish
Evolve Music and Awareness Festival-Antognish
Evraz Place-Regina
Exchange-Shelbrook, SK
Exhibition Grounds
Exhibition Grounds Windsor
Exhibition Grounds-Pictou, N.S.
Exhibition Place (CNE) Toronto
Expo Center-Edmonton
Expo Festival Center-Abram-Village, PEI
Expo Monde-Grand-Sault
EXPO Quebec-Quebec City
Extreme Mudfest-Bonnyville
Fables-Tatamagouche, NS
Factory Cookhouse and Dance Hall-Charlottetown
Factory Theatre
Failte Irish Pub-Waterloo
Fairfield School-Wolfville, NS
Fair-Hamner, Ont
Fairview Baptist Church-Lindsay
Fairview United Church-Brantford
Faith United Church-Courtice, Ont
Falconbridge Recreation Center
Fall Fair-Saanich
Fall Festival Mahon Bay-N.S.
Fall Flavours Festival-Wood Islands, PEI
Falls Road Pub
Fallsview Casino Resort-Niagara Falls
Family & Friends Res. & Catering-Kensington, PEI
Family and Friends Restaurant-Kensington
Family Christmas
Family Christmas-Ontario
Family Traditions Restaurant Tignish PEI
Fandango's-Edmonton, AB
Fanshaw College-London, Ont.
Farm Day In The City Charloteown, PEI
Farmer's Bank of Rustico Museum-North Rustico, PEI
Farmer's Market
Farmont Theatre-Montreal
Farquhar Auditorium-Victoria
Farrell Hall-Dartmouth
Farrell Hall-Perth, On.
Fast Lane-Minden, Ont.
Fat Cat, St. John's
Fat Tony's-Pictou
Father JA Rankin Cultural Ctr., Glendale, C.B.
Father Joe Barton Center-Burin, NL
Fatima Arena-Iles de le Madeleine
Feast of St Lawrence
Feast of St Lawrence Festival-Toronto
Feathers Pub Beaches
Feathery Pub-St Catharines
Featival Route 11-Mont-Carmel
Feels Good Follyfest-Gagetown
Feller From Fortune International Festival NL
FemmeWave (Brunch Show)
Fenelon Falls Country Jamboree
Fenelon Falls Fair
Fenelon Falls Fairgrounds
Fenelon Falls United Church
Fergus Community Center
Fergus Fall Fair
Fergus Grand Theatre-Ont.
Fergus Highland Games and Scottish Music Festival
Fergus Market
Fergus Rotary
Fergus Scottish Festival-Fergus
Fergus Scottish games
Fergus Truck Show
Fern Resort-Orillia
Fern Resort-Orillia (Taste Of Nova Scotia)
Fernie Arts Station-BC
Ferryland Festival NF-Southern Shore
Fest des Huitres-Maisonnette, NB
Festival (506) Monton
Festival 500 Choral Festival-St. John's
Festival Alexandria Ontario
Festival By The Sea-Saint John
Festival Caraquet
Festival Country de Lotbiniere-Saint Agapit
Festival Country Western-St Madelaine, QC
Festival de la Chanson-de Tadoursac
Festival de la Chanson-Tadoursac
Festival de la Patate-Notre Dame
Festival de l'Escaouette-Cheticamp
Festival De Montgoefieres-DeGatineau
Festival dea pommier fleures
Festival DeMontgolfieres De Gatineau
Festival des Musiques Actuelles-Alma, QC
Festival des peches Pageant-Shippagan, N.B.
Festival Du Bois
Festival du Vogageur-Winnipeg
Festival Dumonte
Festival Forestier de Shipshaw, Saquenay, QC
Festival Grand Pre-N.S.
Festival Hall-Calgary
Festival Hall-Pembroke
Festival Hall-Pembroke-
Festival Ind du Blue de Trembant-Mont Tremblant
Festival La Grande Recontre-Montreal
Festival Les Arts St. Sauveur-Montreal
Festival Les Folies du-St Quentin, N.B.
Festival Memoires et Racines-Joliette, Quebec
Festival New Country-Brome
Festival of Small Halls 2022
Festival of Friends - Gage Park
Festival of Friends-Gage Park-Hamilton
Festival of Friends-Jerseyville
Festival of Lights-Charlottetown
Festival of Lights-Niagara Falls
Festival of Lights-Peterborough
Festival of Music and Lights-St. John's
Festival of Nations
Festival of Small Halls
Festival of Small Halls - P.E.I.
Festival of Small Halls 2013-PEI
Festival of Small Halls 2014
Festival of Small Halls 2015
Festival of Small Halls 2019
Festival of Small Halls PEI 2012
Festival of Small Halls-June 2016
Festival of The Islands-Gananoque
Festival of the Sound Cruise-Parry Sound
Festival of The Strait-Port Hawksbury
Festival of The Tartans-New Glasgow, N.S.
Festival of Trees-Halifax
Festival On Bloor-BLOORSTOCK
Festival Petite-Cap Gaspe
Festival Place-Market Place, Saint John, NB
Festival Place-Sherwood Park
Festival Route 11
Festival Route 11-Mont Carmel PEI
Festival Theatre-Port Stanley
Festival Theatre-Stratford
Festival Theatre-Wolfville
Festivent Ville de Levi
Few Acres Farm Concerts-Russell
FHS Theatre-Fredericton
Fibbers-New Glasgow, N.S.
Fiddle and The Firkin-Camridge
Fiddlers Green Pub-Toronto
Fiddlers Green-Cambridge
Fiddlers On The Green-Frankford, Ont.
Fiddles On The Tobique-Perth-Hanover, N.B.
Fiddles On The Trent-Frankford, Ont
Fiddling Fisherman Souris PEI
Fife and Drum-Halifax
Filberg Festival-Comox, B.C.
Finbar's Pub-Bedford
Finch Arena
Fine Arts Center-Consort
Finlandia Club-Sleepy Folk Club-Thunder Bay
Finley's-Nelson, BC
Finnigan's Roadhouse-Renfrew
Finnigans Wake
Fionn MacCool's - North Bay
Fionn MacCools Mississauga, Ont
Fionn MacCools on St Clair-Toronto
Fionn MacCool's Sheraton-Calgary
Fionn MacCools-Barrie
Fionn MacCools-Brampton
Fionn MacCool's-King St., Toronto
Fionn MacCools-London
Fionn MacCools-Nepean
Fionn MacCools-Newmarket
Fionn MacCools-Orangeville
Fionn MacCools-Rockyview
Fionn MacCools-Sudbury
Fionn MacCool's-Toronto (on the Esplanade)
Fionn MacCools-Vaughn
Fionn MaCools-Ajax
Fir Mountain Hall, SK
Fire Hall Oakville Ontario
Fire Hall-Miscouche, PEI
Firehall Center For The Arts-Delta
Fireside Grill Elliott Lake
Firkinstein Brewering
Firm-Red Deer
First Assembly of God, Medicine Hat
First Baptist Church-Amherst, N.S.
First Baptist Church-Charlotteown
First Baptist Church-Collingwood
First Baptist Church-Ottawa
First Canadian Place-Toronto
First Church of The Nazarene-Moncton
First Ontario Arts Center-Milton
First Ontario Center-Hamilton
First Ontario Performing Arts Center-St Catherines
First presbyterian Church-Brandon
First United Church, Mt. Pearl
First United Church-Corner Brook, NL
First United Church-Dryden
First United Church-Owen Sound
First United Church-Salmon Arm, BC
First United Church-Truro
Fish Creek Concerts-Calgary
Fisherman Haven Park Tignish Shore, PE
Fishermans Lady-Gros Morne
Fitzgerald's Public House-Toronto
Five and Dime
Five Bridges Bar and Grill-Riverview, NB
Five Bridges-Riverview
Flamboro RacewaySlots-Flamboro, Ont.
Flames Central-Calgary
Flare and Derrick Community Hall-Turner Valley
Flashbacks Nightclub, Kelowna
Flat Bay Community Center, NL
Flato Academy Theatre-Lindsay
Flato Markham Theatre
Flats-St Catharines
Flavours 19-Sydney, NS
Flea Market - Midland/Sheperd
Fleet Club-Halifax
Fliid Lounge
Flin Flon Community
Flint Field House-Bonnyville, AB
Flinton Country/Bluegrass Jamboree-Ontario
Flock and Drover
Florence Simmons Hall Charlottetown
Florence Simmons Performance Hall-Charlottetown
Florenceville Baptist-Florenceville/Bristol, N.B.
Flourish Festival-Fredericton
Fluid Lounge
Flyers Bakery and Cafe-Dunnville
Flyers Club-Gander, NL
Flying Apron Summerville
Flying Boat Festival-Botwood, NL
Flying Cloud Folk Club
Flying Folk Club-Toronto
Flying U Ranch-100 Mile House, BC
Flynne's Traditional Irish Club-Penetaguishene, On
Flynn's Irish Pub-Penetanguishene
Foam Lake Community Theatre-Sask.
Fogarty's-Etobicoke, Ont.
Foggy Dew Irish Pub-Toronto
Fogo Island Regatta-NL
Foire Brayonne Festival-Edmunston
Foley Mountain-Sussex
Folk & Frolic Pub-Iona
Folk Alliance International-Montreal
Folk Fest sur le Canel, Mtl
Folk Music Ont. Conference-Ottawa
Folk Under The Clock-Peterborough
Folksong Festival Miramichi
Folkway Music-Guelph
Folly Fest-Gagetown
Fonthill Bandshell
Foothills Centennial Center-Okotoks, AB.
Ford Arts Centre
Fordwich United Church
Forest Festival-Haliburton, Ont
Forest Hills Baptist, Saint John, N.B.
Forestburg Comm. Center AB
Forestdale Nursing Home-Riverside, NB
Fort Augustus Community Center PEI
Fort Erie Casino
Fort Frances Memorial Center, On.
Fort Henry-Kingston
Fort Howe Hotel-Saint John
Fort MacLeod and District Community Hall-AB
Fort MacLeod and District Community Hall-B.C.
Fort MacLeod High School AB
Fort MacMurray Fundraiser 2016
Fort Massey United Church-Halifax
Fort St. James Secondary School-BC
Fort Williams-Thunder Bay
Fort York
Fortress Louisburg N.S.
Fortress Tavern Chatham
Fortune Community Center-PEI
Fortune Community Center-PEI-
Foster's Inn-Stratford
Foundation Nightclub-Barrie
Founders Hall-Charlottetown
Foundry Pub-Thunder Bay
Four Rivers Brewery
Four Seasons-Toronto
Fox & Crow
Fox & The Fiddle Fort York
Fox and Fiddle-Danforth Ave, Toronto
Fox and Fiddle-Mississauga
Fox and Fiddle-Pickering
Fox and Hound-Riverview, N.B.
Fox and The Fiddle (Dundas/Isl. Etobicoke)
Fox and The Fiddle-31st Street and Lakeshore, Tor.
Fox Cabaret-Vancouver
Fox Den Bar-Sydney
Fox Harbour Reunion-Newfoundland
Fox Harb'r Resort
Fox Moth Theatre Norris Arm, NL
Fox Moth Theatre-Norris Arm, NL
Fox Mountain Bluegrass Festival-Aylerford, N.S.
Fox Mountain Campout-N.S.
Fox Mountain Country Music Festival-N.S.
Fox Mountain Gospel Jamboree-N.S.
Fox Mountain Smokin' Bluesfest-Aylesford, N.S.
Fox N' Hound-Moncton
Fox n' Hound-Riverview, N.B.
Fox Valley Curling Rink-Sask
FrancoFete en Acadie-Moncton
Frank McKechnie Comm. Ctr. Mississauga-Carassauga
Frank Sisson's Silver Dollar Casino-Calgary
Frank Venabies Theatre-Oliver
Frankford Riverfest
Fraser Auditorium-Sudbury
Fratters Speakeasy Venue-Red Deer
Fred Eaglesmith Charity Picnic-Alymer, Ont.
Fred Eaglesmith Picnic-Cobolt
Fred Eaglesmith's DownEast Picnic-Muniac Park, N.B
Freddy Beach Ribfest-Frederction
Frederction Arts Center
Fredercton Exhibition-NB
Frederiction Junction Tri Complex
Fredericton Boyce Farmers Market
Fredericton Expo Festival
Fredericton Motor Inn
Fred's Seafood Restaurant
Free Times Cafe-Toronto
Free Wheeling Concerts-Dundas
Freedom Deck
Freelton United Church
Freeman's on Quinpool, Halifax
Freeman's Sackville, NB
Freezerland NFLD Inc.Brampton, Ontario
French Club-Saskatoon
French Club-Sydney
Freshwater Community Center
Freshwater United Church Hall-Carbonear, NL
Frieze & Roy General Store
Frolic Acadien Aux Miniques-Tracadie, N.B.
Frolic and Folk Pub-Iona
From The Grind Up-Fort Frances
Frontier Hall
Frostbite Festival-Whitehorse, WT
Frosty John's-Bowmanville
Frosty Mug-St. Antoine, N.B.
Frugal McDougal-Guelph
Fulham Community Center-Alberta
Full Circle Festival-Central Burlington, N.S.
Full Moon Folk Club-St. Basil's Cultural Ctr. Edm.
Full Moon Minglewood Rising- MusicNS Truro
Fundraiser at The Center For Spiritual Living -Edm
Fundy Bay Festival-Saint John
Fundy Dockside Restaurant and Bar-Digby
Fundy National Park-Alma
Fundy Sea Shanty Festival
Fundy Trails-St. Martin's, NB
Furnace Falls Farm Retreat-Lyndurst
Furnace Room Brewery Georgetown, Ontario
Fusion Cafe-Woodstock, N.B.
Gaabrielle-Cheticamp, Capee Breton
Gables-Lambton Shores, Grand Bend
Gabrieaus Bistro-Antognish
Gabrielle-Cheticamp, Cape Breton
Gaelic College-Englishtown, Cape Breton
Gaelic College-St. Ann's, C.B.
Gaelic College-St. Ann's, Cape Breton
Gage Park-Hamilton
Gagetown Fairgrounds, NB
Gagnon Beach Party-Cape Pele, NB
Gahan House Halifax
Gahan House Moncton
Gahan House-Charlotteown, PE
Gahan House-Saint John
Gala Expo 2013-Moncton Colliseum
Gale Presbyterian Church
Galerie d'Art Lisabel, Montreal
Gallagher Center-Yorkton, SK
Gallery 345-Toronto
Gallery Bistro Port Moody
Gallery House Concerts Society
Gallery Inverary,(Kingston)
Gallery Lounge-Sault Ste Marie
Galley Pump-Hamilton, Ont
Galt Little Theatre-Galt
Galway Arms-The Queensway, Toronto
Gananoque Fundraiser Gala
Gananoque Outdoor Festival Concert
Gananoque Rec. Center-Ont.
Ganaraska Hotel-Port Hope
Gand Falls Potato Festival
Gander Golf Club
Gander Hotel-NL
Garafraxa Cafe-Durham
Garage Concert Series-Holland Landing
Garage-Duncan, B.C.
Garden Square, Rose Theatre
Gardener's Cottage-The Beaches, Toronto
Garelon Civic Center-St Stephen
Garibaldi Lift Co-Whistler
Garnet B Rickard Complex/Arena-Bowmanville
Garnet on Hunter-Peterborough
Garrick Center-Winnipeg
Garrick Theatre-Bonavista, NL
Garrick Theatre-St. John's
Garrick Theatre-St.John's
Garrison Base-Edmonton
Garson Arena
Gary Owen's
Gas Station Theatre-Winnipeg
Gaspesian Bluegrass Festival-New Richmond, QC
Gaspesian British Heritage Village-New Richmond
Gate 403-Toronto
Gate-Twillingate, NL
Gateway Bar-SAIT Campus, Calgary
Gateway Community Church-Hinton
Gateway Festival-Bengough, SK
Gateway Theatre-Calgary
Gathering of The Clans-Pugwash
Gathering of The Scots-Perth Andover, NB
Gatherings Resto Bar
Gayety Theatre-Collingwood
Gearldton HighSchool
Gearlton Music Jamboree-Gearlton, Ont
Gennesse Tavern
Geomattic Attic-Leithbridge, AB
George and Dragon-Georgetown
George Brook Community Culture House
George Hawkins Arena-Twillingate
George Layh Theatre-Langenburg, SK
George Street Festival-St. John's
George Street United Church-St John's, NL
George's Roadhouse-Sackville
Georges Roadhouse-Sackville
George's Roadhouse-Saskville
Georgetown Fair Grounds
Georgetown PEI Outdoor Concert
Georgetown Three Rivers
Georgian College Theatre-Barrie
Georgian Manor-Penetanguishene
Georgian Racetrack Slots-Innisfil, Barrie
Georgian Theatre
Georgian Theatre-Sarnia
Georgian Village Pub-Penetanguishene
Geraldton Composite HS Theatre
Germania Club
Gerrys Rec Center
GFL Memorial Gardens-Sault Ste Marie
Ghost Concert-Mosher's Shore, N.S.
Ghostown Blues-Maple Creek, SK
Gibraltar Theatre-Williams Lake, B.C.
Gibson Auditorium-Victoria
Gibson Center-Alliston, Ont.
Gibson Guitar Center-Toronto
Gibson's Place
Gigue en fete Festival-Quebec
Gigzz Musique-Restro Ormstown
Gingolx Crabfest-B.C.
Giovanni's Music Theatre-Edmonton
Gitters Pub-High River, AB
Giver On The Green Come Year Concert-Springdale
Giver On The Green Come Year-Springdale NL
Giver On The Green -Springdale NL
Giver On The Green-Springdale NL
Giver/On/TheGreen-Springdale NL
GiverOnTheGreenSpringdale NL
GiverOnTheGreen-Springdale NL
G-Jay Bar and Grille
Glad Tidings Community Church-Blenheim, On.
Glad Tidings Worship Center, Windsor, N.S.
Gladstone (Bronco Room)
Gladstone Community Center-Cottonwood, MB
Gladstone Country Show Place-Hamilton
Gladstone Hotel-(Melody Room)-Toronto
Gladstone Tavern-Hamilton
Glasgow Rangers Supporters Club
Glasgow Square Theatre-New Glasgow
Glasgow Square-New Glasgow
Glasgow Square-outdoors-New Glasgow
Glasgow Supporters Club Scarborough
Glass Onion-Wallaceburg
Glen Arbour Golf Course-Hammond Plains, NS
Glen Cairn United Church-Kanata
Glen Eagle Casino-Calgary
Glen Williams Park
Glenaladale Estate Tracadie PEI
Glenaladale Festival - Tracadie Bay PEI
Glenaladale House
Glenaladale House Mount Stewart PEI
Glenaladale Schoolhouse PEI
Glenaladale SummerSeries-257 Blooming Point Rd PEP
Glencoe Agricultural Hall-Ont.
Glencoe District High School, Ont.
Glencoe Mills Hall-Cape Breton
Glendale Golf and Country Club-Hamilton
Glendale Hall Cape Breton
Glendale Outdoor Concert
Glengarry District High School, Alexandria Ont
Glengarry Highland Games-Maxville
Glenn Abbey United Church-Oakville
Glenn Gould Studio - CBC Building
Globe Bistro-Toronto
Globe World Flavours-Charlottetown
GM Center,Oshawa
GM Place- Vancouver
Go Auto ArenaServius CUPlace-St Albert
Goderich Celtic College-Ont.
Goderich Celtic Festival
Goderich Celtic Roots Festival
Goderich Folk Festival
Gog-North Battleford SK
Gold Eagle Casino-North Battleford-Sask.
Gold Horse Casino-Lloydminister
Gold Pan Saloon-Whitehorse, YT
Golden Arrow
Golden Civic Center
Golden Coast Resturant-Oyster Pond, N.S.
Golden Jubilee Center-Sussex
Golden Kiwi-Cambridge
Golden Nugget
Golden Pheasant-St Catharines
Golden Plough-Coburg
Golden Tap-Chatham
Golden Valley Inn
Golden X Inn-St Frances X Univ-Antognish
Gone Country-Twins Cancer Fundraiser Cloverdale
Good Food Factory-Carleton Place
Good Time Charlies-Woodstock
Good Will-Winnipeg
Goodtime Charlie's-Woodstock
Goofie Newfie-Fergus
Gooie Newfie-Fergus
Goolaholla Festival
Goose and The Firkin
Goose River Community Center PEI
Goose River Hall
Gordie Sampson Songcamp-Ingonish
Gordon Best Theatre-Peterborough
Gordon Community Hall-Innisfail, AB
Gordon Pinsent Center For The Arts-Grand Falls
Gordon Pinsent Ctr. For The Arts-Grand Falls
Gore Bay Community Hall
Gorilla Monsoon's Restaurant and Lounge-Toronto
Gose River Hall PEI
Gothic Arches-Saint John
Goulds Elementary School
Government House, Charlottetown
Government Wharf-Sydney, NS
Governor's Pub and Eatery-Sydney, NS
Gower Street United Church-St. John's
GPS House Concert-Dartmouth, NS
Grace Hartman Amhitheatre-Sudbury
Grace Jollimore Joyce Arts Center, Tatamogouche
Grace Lutheran Church
Grace O'Malley's-Ottawa
Grace O'Mally's-Toronto
Grace Tipling Concert Hall-Shelburne
Grace Tipling Hall-Shelburne
Grace United Church Barrie, Ont
Grace United Church-Digby, Nova Scotia
Grace United Church-Gananoque, Ont.
Grace United Church-Hanover, Ont
Grace United Church-Port Greville, N.S.
Grace United Church-Sarnia
Grace United Chursh-Weyburn
Grace Werstminister United Church-Saskatoon
Graceland-Northern Arm, NL
GraceTipling Hall
Gracies East-Ottawa
Grad Club-Kingston
Grad House - University of Waterloo
Grad House-Fredericton
Grady's Pub-Salsbury, N.B.
Graffiti's Bar & Grill-Toronto
Graffiti's Bar and Grill Kensington Market
Grafton Bluegrass Festival
Grain Elevator
Grand Baccus-Toronto
Grand Bank Come Home Week Celebrations-Nfld.
Grand Bank Nfld.Come Home Week
Grand Bank Nfld.Come Home Wk
Grand Banker-Lunenburg, NS
Grand Club
Grand Digue Hunting & Fishing ClubShediac River NB
Grand Falls Music Festival
Grand Manan Community Center-NB
Grand Masters Fiddling Championship-Ottawa
Grand Old Country Jamboree-Centerville, Ontario
Grand Parade
Grand Prairie Little Theatre-Alberta
Grand Prix Festival-Montreal
Grand Risseau Song Fest-Mont Carmel, PEI
Grand River Boat Trip
Grand River Community Hall-PEI
Grand River Hotel-Cambridge
Grand River Presbyterian Church-N.S.
Grand River Preston-Ont
Grand Theatre Fergus
Grand Theatre London
Grand Theatre Sault Ste Matie
Grand Theatre-Bonavista
Grand Theatre-Calgary
Grand Theatre-Kingston
Grand Theatre-Quebec City
Grand Theatre-Sudbury
Grand Valley Community Center
Grand Valley Fire Department Dance
Grande Prairie College Theatre
GrandeCache Hotel-Alberta
Grandview Stage, Rocky Mountain House
Granite Brewery-Halifax
Granite Brewery-Toronto
Granite Resturant-St. John's
Granite Town Festival, St. George
Grants Old Mill Fundraiser-Winnipeg
Granville Green Concert Series-Port Hawksbury, N.S
Granville Green-POrt Hawksbury Cape Breton
Grapevine-St. John's, Nfld.
Grasshopper Pub-Cambridge
Grateful Fed-Kelowna
Grates Cove Studio
Gravenhurst Centennial Center
Gravenhurst Opera House
Gravenhurst Seniors Activity Center
Gravenhurst Theatre
Great Canadian Barn Dance-HillSpring, Alberta
Great Canadian Theatre-Ottawa
Great Casino Resort Toronto (Woodbine Racetrack)
Great Hall-Toronto
Great Lakes Grille-Toronto
Great Markham Rodeo
Great Northern Ballroom-Sault Ste. Marie
Great Northern Casino-Grand Prairie
Great Village Arts & Entertainment Center NS
Greater Moncton Highland Games & Scottish Festiv
Greater Trail Community Center-Trail, B.C.
Greek Center-Halifax
Green Festival-Clairville, NB
Green Room-Montreal
Green Shore, Summerside, PEI
Green Valley Inn
Green Village Arts Center
Greenbank Centennial Hall-Port Perry, On
Greenbank Folk Society
Greenbridge Celtic Folk Festival
Greenfield United BaptistChurch-Queens County, N.S
Greenstock Festival-Petitcodiac, NB
Greenview Regioal Complex- Valleyview
Greenview Regional Complex-Valleyview
Greenwood Community Center
Greenwood Lodge-Fort Mills, N.B.
Greenwood Outdoor Corn Roast-St Agatha
Greenwood Rod and Gun Club
Grey Cup Festival-Winnipeg
Grey Eagle Casino-Calgary
Grey Eagle Event Center-Rocky View County-
Grey Eagle Resort and Casino
Greystone's on Broadway(Orangeville)
Gridiron Brewing
Griffin Park Theatre-Brooks, AB
Griffin Pub-Bracebridge
Griffith Lions Club
Grimross Brewery-Fredericton
Grizfest Festival-Tumbler Ridge, B.C.
Grizzley's Bar and Grill-Pickering
Grizzlies Lounge-Annapolis Royal, NS
Groove Kitchen-Cambridge
Groove Records-London
Gros Morne National Park-NL
Gros Morne Theatre Festival-Rocky Harbour
Gros Tyme des Pompier-Bouctouche
Grossman's Tavern-Toronto
Ground Zero Acoustic Lounge
Groundswell Coffee House-Aliston
Grovedale Arts & Culture Center
Grovedale House Glendale
Grub Hub Lions Den
Grumblers International-Sudbury
Grumpy's Bar-Montreal
Gryphon Theatre-Barrie
GT Charlies-Woodstock
GTO'S-Pennhorn Mall-Dartmouth
Guelph Concert Theatre
Guelph Golf and Country Club
Guelph Little Theatre
Guelph Masonic Center
Guelph University
Guild Hall
Guilt and Co-Vancoiver
Guinare Pub-Cardigan. PEI
Gunboot Restaurant-Roberts Creek
Gunner's Club-Brantford
Gunners Pub-Tignish,PE
Gus Is Knot Inn-Toronto
Gus's Pub-Halifax
Guvernment Night Club
Gypsy Co-op
Hague Gallery/Creative City Ctr., Regina
Haley's Corner-Hamilton
Haley's Lounge-Yarmouth
Haliburton Country Folk Society
Haliburton Home Concert
Haliburton United Church
Halifax Alehouse-1717 Brunswick St
Halifax Celtic Feis
Halifax Center Library
Halifax Commom
Halifax Convention Center
Halifax Curling Club-Halifax
Halifax Dinner Theatre-Halifax
Halifax Distilling Co.
Halifax Exhibition
Halifax Forum Multi-Purpose Center
Halifax Jazz Festival
Halifax Natal Day Celebrations
Halifax Natal Day Celebrations
Halifax Pop Explosion
Halifax Shopping Center
Halifax Urban Folk Festival
Halifax Waterfront
Halloween Bash
Halloween Party
Halloween Party-Mississauga, Ontario
Hallywood Jamboree Campground-Jarvie
Halton Hills Cultural Center
Halton Naval Veterans Association
Halton Navy Club-Burlington
Halton North Veterans Club
Halton Region Museum
Ham Jam 2011-Camp Pascobac, Kars, N.B.
Hamilton Convention Center
Hamilton Light Infantry Veterans Association
Hamilton Place Theatre
Hamilton Place-Studio Theatre
Hamilton Prop House
Hamilton Public Library
Hamilton Spectator Auditorium
Hamilton Staircase Cafe-Hamilton
Hamilton Tiger Cats Tailgate Party
Hamilton, Ont. World Festival
Hammer Summer Fair-Ontario
Hampton Brewing Co. Ltd
Hampton High School-Hampton, N.B.
Hampton Inn Charlottetown PEI
Handhill Stampede-Drumheller
Hanging Tree-Burlington
Hank Snow Tribute
Hank Snow Tribute-Liverpool
Hanna Community Center, Alberta
Hanover AG Fair-Grunthal
Hanover Ag. Fair
Hants Border Community Hall
Hantsport Baptist Church, N.S.
Hantsport Musicfest
Happy Craft Brewing
Happy Green Acres Campground-Mallorytown
Happy's Bar and Grille- Etobicoke
Harbouirstone Halifax NS
Harbour Folk Society-Cole Harbour
Harbour Mille Festival
Harbour Station-Saint John
Harbour Street Fish Bar-Collingwood
Harbourbridge Sports Bar-Stratford, PEI
Harbourfest - Kenora
Harbourfront - Sydney
Harbourfront Theatre-S'Side, P.E.I.
Harbourfront Center-Toronto
Harbourfront Lounge-Halifax
Harbourfront Twangfest-Toronto
Harbourstone Sea Grill & Pour House
Harbourstone-Halifax NS
Hard Ball Cafe-Milton
Hard Rock Cafe
Hardwick House-Orangeville
Harleys Pub-Mildmay
harlow's Wine Bar and Grille-Uxbridge
Harmony Bazaar Festival of Women and Song-Lockport
Harmony House Theatre-Hunter River, PEI
Harp and Crown
Harp and Crown-Kingston Rd-toronto
Harp and Whistle-Kincardine
Harris Hotel
Harrison Festival of The Arts-B.C.
Harrisville United Church
Harrisville United Church-Moncton
Harrisvville United Church-Moncton
Harrow Fair Grounds-Belle River, Ont.
Harry Flashman's-Brampton
Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Center-Owen Sound
Harrys Pub
Hart House Theatre (University of Tor)
Harvest Center-Westerner Park, Red Deer
Harvest Fair Toronto
Harvest Fest-Todmorden Mills, Toronto
Harvest Home Festival Rollo Bay PEI
Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival-Fredericton
Harvest Picnic-Hamilton
Harvesting The Arts Festival-Saint John
Harvey Hall Harvey-Albert Co. NB
Harvey Station Lions Club-Harvey
Harvisville United Church
Hastings United Church
Have A Nice Day
Havelin Park
Havelock Country Jamboree
Haven Music Hall Saint John NB
Haven Social Club-Edmonton
HaveROCK Music Frestival-Havelock
Haviland Club-Charlettown
Hawkley Valley Conference Centre
Hawrelak Park Amphithere, Edmonton
Haydon Block
Hazelbrook Homestead-Hazelbrook PEI
Hazlet SK Community Center
Hazzard Saloon-Bloomfield
Hazzard Saloon-Bloomfield, PEI
Head Lake Park-Haliburton
Heads or Tails-Toronto
Healing Arts Center-Mississauga
Heart and Crown-Ottawa
Heart and Soul Cafe-Dunrobin, Ont.
Heart of The Valley Fesival-Middleton, NS
Hearth and Cricket Pub-Charlottetown
Heartwood Hall-Owen Sound
Heatherstone Inn-Sydney
Heatherton Parish Hall, N.S.
Heawatha Casino
Hebbs Cross Firehall-N.S.
Heidehoff Hall-St. Catharines
Hell Bay Brewing Co, Liverpool
Hells Kitchen-Halifax
Hender Estate Wines Country Day-St Catharines
Hendrie Park Stage, Burlington
Henley House Pub-Sheet Harbour
Hensall United Church
Here For The Cure Caner Fundraiser-Surrey
Heriot Bay Inn -Heriot
Heritage Center Alberton
Heritage Festival and Air Show-North Bay
Heritage Festival-Edmonton
Heritage Festival-North Bay
Heritage Hall Pier 21-Halifax NS
Heritage Hall, Dundas, PEI
Heritage Inn-Carleton Place, Ottawa
Heritage Olde Tyme Fiddle & Dance
Heritage Park
Heritage Park-Calgary
Heritage Park-Chilliwack, BC
Heritage Pub-Summerside
Heritage Ranch-Red Deer, AB
Heritage River-Elora
Heritage Theatre-Brampton
Heritage United Church-Regina
Heritage United Church-Sydney
Heritage Village-New West Valley, NL
Heroes Pub-Kamloops, B.C.
Hero's Pub-Truro
Hershey Center-Mississauga
Hespeler Library-Hespeler
Hey Babe Restaurant
Heydenshore Pavilion-Whitby
Hi Fi Club-Calgary
Hiawatha Center-Sarnia
Hiawatha Slots-Sarnia
Hickory Grove Campground
Hicks Residence-Upper Coverdale, NB
Hideaway-Saint John
Hideaway-St. Catharines
Hideout-Red Deer, AB
High and Lonesome Club-Winnipeg
High School Auditorium-Fredericton
High School Auditorium-Saint John
Higher Ground Cafe Caledon
Higher Ground-Belfountain
Higher Grounds-Port Credit
Highland Arts Theatre-Sydney
Highland Creek Heritage Festival-Toronto
Highland Games-Eldon, PEI
Highland Games-Government House
Highland Sitting Room-keltic Lodge, Ingonish
Highland Village Museum, Iona
Highlander Pictou
Highlander-Pictou, PEI
Highwayman Inn-Orillia
Highwood Golf & Country Club-High River
Highwood Memorial Center-High River
Hill Crest Mine Disaster,(Crowsnest)
Hillcrest Church, Medicine Hat
Hillcrest United Church-Montague, PEI
Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Center-Calgary
Hillsborough Kiwanis Center-NB
Hillsborough Kiwians Center
Hillsborough Park Community Center-Charlottetown
Hillside Baptist Moncton
Hillside Festival-Guelph
Hillside Festival-Torbay
Hillside Folk Festival-Guelph
Hillside Hoedown Festival-Vankleek Hill (Ottawa)
Hillside Lounge-Hare Bay
Hillside Wesleyan Church-Dartmouth
Hillspring AB. B/grass /Classic Country Music Fest
Hilsborough Hall-PEI
Hinton Center Alberta
Historic Charlottetown Waterfront, PEI
Historic Site-Howick, QC
Historical Coulson Church-Oru Medonte Ontario
Historical Gallery Theatre Collingwood
Hitching Post Country Jamboree
Hive-Kitchener, ON
Ho Jo, Lindsay Car Cruise & BBQ
Hockeyfest-Brantford, Ont
Hockly Valley Mayor's Party
Hodgeville Community Center-SK
Hogans Inn-King City, On
Holden Theatre
Holiday Inn Sudbury
Holiday Inn -Sydney
Holiday Inn-St. John's
Holiday Inn-Truro, N. S.
Holiday Road Show
Holiday Road Show-Halifax
Holiday Road Show-Riverview
Holiday Road Show-Truro
Holland College -Downtown, Charlottetown
Holland Landing Community Center
Holland Landing Fish n' Chips
Holland Landing Jamboree
Holland Park-Surrey, BC
Hollinger Park-Timmins
Holly Rood Country Jamboree-Belleville, Ont.
Holly United Church Center-Barrie
Hollywod Princess-Vaughan
Hollywood Star Room-Clarks Corner
Hollywood Star Room-Clark's Corner-Ripples, NB
Hollywood Theatre
Holmesville Community Theatre
Holsein Rodeo-Mt. Forest
Holstein Bluegrass Celebration-Ontario
Holstein Ontario Rodeo Weekend
Holy Cross Church Pomquet
Holy Eucharist Parish Center Winnipeg
Holy Family Church-Port Au Choix NL
Holy Heart Theatre-St. Johns
Holy Heart Theatre-St. John's
Holy Joe's-Toronto
Holy Redeember Church-Whitney Pier-Sydney, N.S.
Holy Redeemer Hall-Charlotetown
Holy Rosary Hall-Toronto
Holy Trinity Church-Meadow
Holy Trinity Emmanuel Church Hall-Dartmouth
Holyrood SquidFest
Home Concert with Johnny Burke-Haliburton, Ont.
Home Concert with Special Guest-Haliburton
Home County Folk Festival-London, Ont.
Homeport Historic Inn-Saint John
Honest Lawyer-Hamilton
Honey Martins-Montreal
Hook and Cranny-Truro
Hooters-Barrie, On
Hope Center Picton
Hope Center-Picton, Ont
Hope Community Church Sherbrooke
Hope Memorial Spiritual Church-Branford
Hopr Fellowship Church-Couttice
Horizon Credit Union Center-SK
Horizon Stage-Spruce Grove, Alberta
Horizon Stage-Spruce Grove, Alta.
Horowitz Theatre-Edmonton
Horse Hill Music Jamboree-Edam, SK
Horse Show-Oak Bay
Horse Show-Regina
Horseshoe Bar (Silver Fox Summerside)
Horseshoe Tavern-Toronto
Horton District High School, Greenwich, N.S.
Horton Hoedown Renfrew
Horton Performance Center-Greenwich, N.S.
Hospice PEI Fundraiser
Hot Rods-Milton
Hot Shots-Charlottetown
Hotel Gander-NL
Hotel Marystown-Marystown, Nfld
Hound Bar and Grill-Newmarket
House Concert (Terry Mais) St. Andrews, NB
House Concert Rice Point
House Concert-(Trish Patterson's Home)Warminster
House Concert-394 Ashley-Foxboro, ON
House Concert-Canton de-Hatley-QC.
House Concert-Evangeline
House Concert-Guelph, Ont
House Concert-Secret, N.B.
House Concert-Sioux Loookout, Ont.
House Concert-St John's
Howard John's Dutch Inn Pub-Cornwall, PE
Howard Johnson Hotel-Kichener
Howard Johnson's Hotel (formerly Keddy's)
Howard Johnson's-Aurora
Howl at The Moon Beacinia
HRM Market Halifax Forum
Hub City Pub-Moncton Casino
Hub International Theatre Chilliwack
Hub Sports Pub and Club-Moncton, NB
Hugh Foster Hall-Milton
Hugh's Room Live-Toronto
Hugh's Room Open Jam-Toronto
Humani-T Cafe-Halifax
Humber College-Toronto
Humboldt and District Gallery
Hume Hotel-Nelson
Hummingbird Center-Toronto
Humprey Arena-Parry Sound
Hunnys-Brampton-Howard Johnsons
Hunters Ale House-Charlottetown
Hunters and Anglers-Perkinsfield
Hunters at The Fox-Stratford PEI
Huntsman Marine Science Center-Saint Andrews
Huntsville Algonquin Theatre
Huntsville Centennial Center
Huntsville Festival
Huntsville Festival of The Arts
Hurleys Celtic Inn-Seaforth
Hurleys Irish Pub-Montreal
Huron County Playhouse-Grand Bend
Huron Secondary School-Clinton
Hut (A.N.AF Unit #318)-Sherbrooke
H'way 61 Barbeque-Toronto
Hyatt Regency-Montreal
I Rock-Frederction
I Rock-Moncton
Ice Shack
Iceberg Alley Tent St. John's NL
Iceberg Jam, Twillingate
Idea City Toronto
Ideal Bistro-Hamilton
Ignace Tavern-ONT.
Iles de la Madeleine
Illumination Festival
Immaculate Conception Church-Truro
Imperial de Quebec-Quebec city
Imperial Oil Place-Cold Lake
Imperial Oil Theatre-Sarnia
Imperial Theatre-Saint John
Imperial Veterans
Imperial-Vancouver, BC
In The Park-Leipzig-SK
Indian Cultural Center-Thuncer Bay
Indian River Festival-Kensington, P.E.I.
Indian River High School Springdale
Indian River St. Mary's Church-P.E.I.
Indie Distributor at the 400 Market
Indie Music Week-Toronto
Indigo Books, Music and Cafe (Manulife Ctr.)
Indigo-McGill College-Mtl.
Indigo-Richmond Hill
Inlet Theatre-Port Moody, B.C.
Inn On Prince Truro NS
Inner-Nut Cafe-Bracebridge
Innisfil Arts Center
Innisfil Live Music Club
Inniswood Baptist Church-Barrie
Inspire Cafe-Medicine Hat
Interior Savings Center-Kamploops
International Balloon Fiesta-Sussex
International Beer Haus-Red Deer
International Plaza Toronto Airport Hotel
International Ploughing Match-St Thomas
International Plowing Match-Mitchell, Ont
International Plowing Match-Mitchell, Ont.
International Plowing Match-Simcoe, Ont.
International Shellfish Festival Charlottetwn PEI
Intrernational Ploughing Match-Minto
Inuksuk High School-Iqaluit NWT
Inverary Inn-Baddeck, N.S.
Inverary Resort-Baddeck, N.S.
Inverness Arts Center-N.S.
Inverness Days Rink
Inverness Fire Hall Cape Breton
Investors Group Field, Winnipeg MB
Iona Hall, PEI
Iona Heights Inn
Ipsco Place-Regina
Ireland House
Irene's Pub-Ottawa
Irish Canadian Club of Hamilton
Irish Ceilidh-Tignish Fire Hall
Irish Center-Brampton
Irish Cultural Center-Charlolttetown
Irish Cultural Center-Charlottetown
Irish Culture Center-Calgary
Irish Embassy-Miss
Irish Embassy-Montreal
Irish Embassy-Toronto
Irish Folk Festival-Tignish, PEI
Irish House-Lindsay
Irish Moss Festival-Tignish, PEI
Irish Mountain Music-Meaford, Ont.
Irish Rose Pub
Irish Rose-Weston
Irish Shebeen Toronto
Irish Supporters Club-Mississauga
Irish Times-Pickering
Irish Times-Victoria, B.C.
Iron and Clay-Sioux Narrows
Iron Bridge Arena-Ont
Iron Forge Pub-Stewiachi
Iron Horse Festival-St. Thomas
Iron Horse Hall-Kingston
Iron Horse Saloon
Iron Horse Saloon-Kingston
Iron Horse Station
Iron Horse-Cookstown, On
Iron Skull Folk Festival-Belleoram
Ironhorse Bar and Grill, Cookstown, Ont
Ironwood Stage-Calgary
Irricana Town Park
Irving West Hotel-Gander
Isaacs Harbour Fire Hall-N.S.
Isabel Bader Theatre-Toronto
Isabelle's Chocolate Cafe-Oshawa
Isaiah Tubbs Resort and Conference Center-Picton
ISE's - Montaque, PEI
Island Jazz-Baba's Lounge Charlottetown PEI
Island Jubilee
Island Lavender Distillery
Island Nest Restaurant & Lounge Arichat NB
Island Park Retirement Residence-Campbellford, On
Island Peserve-New Glasgow, PEI
Island Pub-Mindemoya, Manitoulin Island
Island Stone Pub-Kensington PEI
Island Sunset Resort and Spa-Belle Cote Beau-N.S.
Island Unplugged Music Fest-Pelee
Island View Lions Club-Quispamsis, N.B.
Islands Folk Festival-Duncan, B.C.
Islands Playhouse-Gananoque
Italian Cultural Center-Halifax
Italian Cultural Center-Thunder Bay
Its Your Festival-Gage Park-Hamilton
Ivans-Niagara Falls
Ivor MacDonald Memorial Arena-Thorburn, NS
Ivy Arms-Milton
Ivy Bridge-Brampton
Izzy's Roadhouse-Summerside
J Irving Diner-Monctom
J J's Bar and Grille Toronto
J Macs Kewick Ont.
J R's Country Parlour-London
J R's Place-Charlottetown
J. J.'s Palace-Port Elgin, NS
J. Walton House-Toronto
J.J.'s Palace-Port Elgin
Jacinthe Treadeau's Fiddle/ Stepdance Camp-Sudbury
Jack Daws-Calgary
Jack Astors Mississauga
Jack Blanchard Center-Charlottetown, PE
Jack Bryne Arena-Torbay, NL
Jack Byrne Theatre-Thor Bay
Jack Miner Migratory Bird Sancturary-Kingsville On
Jack Pine Folk Club
Jack Singer Hall-Calgary
Jacko's Woodstock
Jack's Fillin' Station-Oshawa
Jack's Roadhouse
Jacksom-Triggs -Niagra On The Lake
Jackson Square Garden Rooftop-Hamilton
Jack's-Thunder Bay
Jag Hotel, St. John's
Jake's Boathouse-Brampton
Jake's Kitchen and Bar-Charlottetown
Jamboree - Caledon East Complex
Jamboree Holland Landing Community Centre
Jamboree St-Alex-des Monts, QC
James Joyce
James Joyce Pub-Fredericton
James M. Hill Theatre-Miramichi, N.B.
Jamieson's Irish House-Cole Harbour
Jane Mallett Theatre-Toronto
Jarvis Corn Fest
Jasper Heritage Rodeo-Alberta
Jasper Inn
Jay Jay's-Etobicoke
Jay's Bar and Grill-Stoney Creek
Jazz and Blues Festival-Charlottetown
Jazz Appreciation Month April In Halifax
Jazzman's-Owen Sound
JB Coffeehouse-Victoria
Jeanne and Peter Lougheed Center-Camrose
Jeff Healey's Roadhouse-Toronto
Jeffrey's Cafe and Wine Bar-Edmonton
Jerico Beach Park
Jersey's Bar and Grille-Burlington
Jester's Court-Port Perry, On
Jewel 88.5 FM Studio, Toronto
Jim Kish Theatre-Bothwell, Ont
Jimmy Jazz-Guelph
Jimmy's Montague Rec Park-PEI
Jimmy's Montague Rec. Park
Jimmy's Pub-Toronto
Jim's Fish and Chips
Jitter Bean Cafe-Moncton
JK Irvng Center-Bouctouche, NB
Jo Blo's Rock and Work-St Catharines, Ontario
Joan Harriss Cruise Pavillon, Sydney
Job's Memorial Gardens, Chisasibi
Joe's Apartment-Victoria, BC
Joe's Garage-Courteny. B.C.
Joe's Tavern-Bouctouche, NB
Joey Smallwood Intreperative Center-Gambo, NL
John Gyles Music Room & Inn, Woodstock
John Bassett Theatre
John Brown Richmond Street Grill-Ch'town PEI
John Elliot Theater-Georgetown
John Harris Cruise Pavillon-Sydney
John Labatt Center-London
John Wesley United Church-Sault Ste. Marie
Johnny Burke's Home Concert-Haliburton
Johnny Burke's-The Loft-Newcastle, Ont.
Johnny B-Whitby
John's Hall-Dartmouth
Johnson George Center St. John's NL
Jojo's Cafe-Osoyoos
Jolly 50 Club Burgeo
Jolly Mug Pub-Halifax
Jolly Rogers
Jonas Roberts Memorial Comm. Ctr, La Ronge, SK.
Joni J's
Joques Mudfest (Fire Dept)
Jordan Hotel-Jordan
Jo's Garage-Etobicoke
Joseph R Smallwood Arts and Culture Center-Gander
Joseph R Smallwood Arts/Culture Center-Gander
Josh's Pub(in Smitty's Restaurant)-Georgetown
Joshua Bates Center-Anthens, Ont
Jost Maritime Stomp Festival, Malagash
Joyceville Prison
JP Fitzpatrick's-Whitby
Jp Grill and Bar
Jr. Ranks Mess-Oromocto
JR's Country Parlor-London
J's Bar and Grille
JT's Country Tavern-St Thomas
Juba Theatre-Lloydminister, SK
Jubilee Auditorium-Calgary
Jubilee Auditorium-Edmonton
Jubilee Pavilion-Oshawa
Judique Community Center
Judique Community Center-Cape Breton
Judique Interpretive Center Cape Breton
Judique On The Floor Festival
Junction City Music Hall-Toronto
Juniors Sports Bar & Grill-Cambridge, Ont
Juno Awards-Calgary
Juno Awards-Halifax
Juno Block Party 2024
Juno Fest 2019 London Ontario
Junos 2009 Vancouver
Just Around The Corner-Brampton
Just Around The Corner-Brampton
Just Jennies-Toronto
Just Milton Folk Concert Series
Juvenile Diabetes Benefit-Calgary
K B M Outing Association-Saint John
K Club-Kensington, PEI
K V Billards-Quispamsis, NB
Kaffe 11870-Wakefield
Kahnawake Sports Complex-Quebec
Kaleidoscope Festival-Plantagenet, Ont.
Kamloop Convention Center-BC
Kamloops Cowboy Festival Alberta
Kamloops United Church
Kamsack Playhouse-Kamsack
Kanata Canada Day Celebrations-Ont
Kanosee Lake Kitchen Party
Karla's Roadhouse
Kates Cafe-Montague, PE
Katrine Community Hall
Kawartha Highland Games-Fenelon Falls
Kawartha Highland Games-Fenslon Falls
Kawartha Racetrack Slots-Fraserville, Ont.
Kay Meek Center-West Vancouver
Kaylee Hall-Pooles Corner, PEI
KBM Community Center-Saint John
KC Irving Center-Bathurst
KC's BBQ and Bash-Success, SK
KC's Pub-Coldbrook, N.S.
KC's-Kentville, NS
Keating Millenium Ctr.-St. Francis Xavier, Ant.
Kee To Bala, Bala, Ont
Keeler Center-Colborne
Keene United Church-Ont.
Keg City Theatre-Cranbrook
Keggers Ale House-Truro
Kelleys Pub-Grand Falls Windsor NL
Kelleys Pub-Grand Falls/Windsor NL
Kelleys Pub-Grand FallsWindsor NL
Kelligrews Soiree
Kelly Park-Outer Cove, Nfld.
Kelly's Cross Community Center
Kelowna Community Center
Kelowna Community Theatre, B.C.
Kelowna Folk Club-BC
Kelso Beach Park-Owen Sound
Keltic Lodge-Ingonish Beach, Cape Breton
Keltic Rock Club-Brampton
Kempenfest Festival-Barrie
Kempt Shore Acoustic Festival-N.S.
Kempt Shore Bluegrass and Old Time Festival-N.S.
Kempt Shore N.S. Country Folk Music Festival
Kempt Shore Ocean View Campground
Kemptville Arena
Kemptville College
Kemptville Live Music Festival
Kenaston Place-SK
Kendal Community Cener
Kenmore Theatre-Morden
Kenmount Canada Day Celebrations
Kenmount Street Dance
Kennedy Inn-St. Andrews, N.B.
Kennetcook Festival Grounds
Kennetcook Summerfest-NB
Kennycook Fire Hall-N.S.
Kensington Club-PEI
Kensington Community Gardens-PEI
Kensington Pres. Church
Kensington Presbyterian Church, PEI
Kent County Agricultural Fair-Sainte Marie
Kent County Summerfest-Richiboucto-N.B.
Kent Stage (Kent Building Supplies)
Kent Street Coffee House-Lindsay
Kent Theatre
Kent Theatre, Saint John, NB
Kentville Arena
Kentville Memorial Park-Nova Scotia
Kergano's-Moose Jaw, SK
Kerr Fest
Kerr Fest Westwook Park
Kerr Village Farmer's Market-Oakville
Kerry Vickar Center-Melfort, SK
Keswick United Church-Ont.
Kew Beach-Canada Day Concert
Key City Theatre-Cranbrook
Keyano College Gala
Keyano Theatre-Fort McMurray
Keyano Theatre-Fort McMurray*
Keystone Center-Brandon, Man.
Keystone Irish Club-Brockville
Keystone Pub (Formerly Manchester Arms, Miss.)
KG Pub-Dalhousie
Khyber Club*-Halifax
Khyber Club-Halifax
Kia Men's Curling Cup-Edmonton
Kicking Horse Mountain Resort-Revelstoke, BC
Kicking Mule Ranch-Tehkummah, Ont.
Kidney Foundation of Canada's Farm-Wolfville
Kids Magical Mystery Party-Gore Park-Hamilton
Kiju's Restaurant, Membertou Center
Kiju's Resturant-Membertou Center-Sydney
Kilarney Mounain Lodge
Kildare House Pub-Walkerville- Windsor
Killaloe Craft Fair-Ontario
Killarney United Church
Kilroy's-Thunder bay
Kilt and Clover-Beamsville, Ont
Kimory Resort-Swift Current
Kincadine United Church
Kincardine Scottish Festival
Kindersley Inn-SK
King Eddy-Calgary
King Edward Hotel-Cranbrook, B.C.
King George Hall -Tyne Valley ,PEI
King Henry's Arms-Aurora
King Henry's Arms-Richmond Hill
King Street Bar and Grille
King Street United Church-Trenton, Ont
Kingdom Street Army/Navy Club-Toronto
King's Arms Pub-Kentville, N.S.
King's Arms-Oakville
King's Place-Fredericton
Kings Playhouse-Georgetown, P.E.I.
King's Theatre Society-Annapolis Royal, N.S.
King's Wardroom, Halifax, NS
Kings Wharf Theatre-Penetang
Kingsboro Baptist Church-Souris, PEI
Kingsbrae Int. Residence For The Arts St Andrews
Kingsbridge Crossing
Kingston College Auditorium-Niagara Falls
Kingston Exhibition
Kingston Gospel Temple
Kingston Grand Theatre
Kingston L'Octave Theatre
Kingston Pub-Kingston Peninsula, N.B.
Kingston Rink Fundraiser-N.S.
Kingston Road United Church-Toronto
Kingston Shrine Hall
Kingston Sports and Entertainment Center
Kingston, ON. Christain Fellowship Church
Kingsville Folk Festival-Lakeside Park
Kingsville Folk Festival-Ontario
Kingsville Lions Hall
Kingsville Music Festival Ontario
Kingsway Garden Lounge-Windsor, N.S.
Kington Blues Society
Kinkora Kanata Club-PEI
Kinkora PEI Community Hall
Kinkora Place PEI
Kinmont, Ont. Street Dance
Kinmount Fair
Kinmount Fairgrounds Ontario
Kinmount Jamboree Ontario
Kinmount Park
Kinsella Hall-Kinsella, AB.
Kinsmen Park Lower Saskville
Kinsmen Telemiracle Telethon-Saskatoon
Kipawa Countryfest-Quebec
Kipawo Arts Center-Wolfville, N.S.
Kipling Community Center-SK
Kira Amphitheatre Saint Andrews
Kirk United Church-Edmonton
Kirkland Lake
Kirkton-Woodham Community Center
Kitchen Fest in Cape Breton
Kitchen Party Downstairs at Moose Lodge Etobicoke
Kitchener Auditorium
Kitchener Big Music Fest-Kitchener
Kitchener Blues Festival
Kitchener Centre
Kitchener Farmers Market
Kitchenfest Colais deNa Gaidhlig-St. Anne's
Kitty OiShaeis Irish Club-Tor.
Kitty O'Shea's-Toronto
Kiwanis Center-Hillsborough, N.B.
Kiwanis Comm. Center-Sarnia
Kiwanis Community Center-Sarnia
Kiwanis Theatre-Chatham
Kiwanis Theatre-Sault Ste. Marie
Klienburg Binder Twine Festival
Klondile Institute of Art-Dawson
Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival-YT
Knights Hall-Toronto
Knights of Colombus-Cheticamp
Knights of Columbus Fair-Hanmer, Ont
Knight's of Columbus Hall -Hamilton -Queenston Rd
Knights of Columbus Hall-Cambridge, ON
Knights of Columbus Hall-Carbonear, NL
Knights of Columbus Hall-Gander
Knights of Columbus Hall-Palmer Road, PEI
Knights of Columbus Hall-St .Thomas
Knights of Columbus-Moncton
Knights of The Roundtable-Georgetown
Knox St Andrewa Presbyterian Church Dutton
Knox Church-Elora
Knox Galt Presbyterian Church-Cambridge
Knox Presbyterian Chuch-Elora
Knox Presbyterian Church
Knox Presbyterian Church - Milton
Knox Presbyterian Church, Guelph, Ont.
Knox Presbyterian Church-Acton
Knox Presbyterian Church-Alliston
Knox Presbyterian Church-Kincardine
Knox Presbyterian Church-Listowel
Knox Presbyterian Church-Stratford
Knox Presbyterian Church-Teeswater, Ont.
Knox Presbyterian Church-Tiverton, Ont.
Knox Presbyterian Church-Woodstock
Knox Presbyterian Churck-Meaford, On.
Knox United Church Drumheller
Knox United Church-Calgary
Knox United Church-Fort Frances
Knox United Church-Kenora
Knox United Church-Lower Sackville
Knox United Church-Peterborough
Knox United Church-Taber, AB
Knox United Church-Taber, AB.
Knoxvilles Tavern, Edmonton
Knucklehead's-Paris, Ont.
Knutsford Community Center PEI
KOA Campground-Borden PEI
Koc-Coal Bowl Celebration-New Waterford, CB
Kody's Country Club-Moncton
Koerner Hall RCM
Koerner Hall-Toronto
Kokomo's Dining Room and Lounge-Halifax
Kool Haus-Toronto
Korah Collegiate-Sault Ste.Marie
Kosmos Restaurant & Lounge-Leduc
Kouchibouguac Natioonal Park
Kozlov Center Mall-Barrie
K-Rock Apple Blossom Festival-Kentville
K-Rock Center-Kingston
Kurk Browing Complex-Caroline, AB
L3 Nightclub-St Catherines, Ont
L3 Nightclub-St. Catharines
La Buckstop-Rogersville
La Carrefour de I'sle Saint Jean-Charlottetown
La Gare Resto Bar
La Grande Rentcontre-Montreal
La Kassa-Minto
La Luna
La Night Club
La Petite Boite Noire-Sherbrooke
La Place des arts Pere Anselme Chaisson
La Place des arts Pere-Anselme-Chaisson-Cheticamp
La Plaza
La Plaza- Dovercourt
la Ronge Motor Hotel-Sask.
La Route Du Blues-St Laurent/Isle D'orleans
La Sala Rosa-Montreal
La Salette Historic Church Ontario
La Tavarne a' Joe-Bouctouche, NB
La Taverne-Saint Casimir
La Trappe-Abrams Village
La Villa Bakery-Port Credit
Labor Day Picnic Cafe
Labrador Straits Bake Apple Folk Festival
Lac au Saumon-Quebec
LaGrace Regional Rec Center
Lake Affect-Port Credit
Lake Ainslie Fire Hall-Scotsville, Cape Breton
Lake Baptiste Cottagers Assocation
Lake Loon-Darthmouth
Lake Louise Ski Resort
Lake of The Woods Hotel-Kenora
Lake Simcoe Arms-Jacksons Point
Lake Simcoe Boat Cruise
Lakealive Festival-Cambridge, Ont.
Lakefield Country Jamboree
Lakehead University Outpost-Thunder Bay
Lakeland College Alumni Th Ctr., Vermillion, AB
Lakeland College-Lloydminister
Lakeland Inn-Cold Lake, AB
Lakes at Ben Eoin Golf Club & Resort NS
Lakes District Secondary School-Burns Lake
Lakeshore Lodge
Lakeshore Social Club Etobicoke Ontario
Lakeshore United Church
Lakeside Old Time Dance
Lakeside Park Pavilion-Kingsville, Ont
Lakeside Pavillon
Lameroux Park-Cornwall
Lamont Ag. Society
Lamont Fairgrounds-Alberta
Lamp Cabin-Springhill
Landing-Tyne Valley-PEI
Landsdowne Fairgrounds Ottawa
Landsdowne Park-with Diana Chase
Landstown Park Ottawa Ontario
Lanes Privateer Inn-Liverpool
Langdon Hall-Waterloo, On
Langenburg Community Theatre-Sask
Langer's Sports and Dance Bar
Langer's Sports and Dance Bar-Deer Lake
Langhorn Theatre-Kaslo, BC
Lansdowne Concert Series
Lansdowne Concert Series, Fredericton
Lantern Community Center, Alberta
Lantern Community Church
L'Ardoise Community Center
LaRiviere and Community Rec. Centwer-MB
Larlee Creek Hullabaloo-Perth Andover-N.B.
Larlee Creek Music Festival-Perth Andover
Larry Mercey Christmas Show-Elmira
Larry Mercey Show-Maryhill, ON
Larry Mercey Show-Owen Sound, ON
LaSalette Community Church, Ontario
Lashburn Community Hall-Sask.
Lasso Country Music Festival Montreal
Lasso Live-Pembroke
Last Chance Saloon-Wayne
Last Chance Saloon-Wayne, AB
Last Drop Cafe-Toronto
Last Drop Pub-Revelstoke, BC
Latvian House-Toronto
Laughing Loon-Williams Lake
Laurentan University-Sudbury
Laurentian University Sudbury
Laurie and Bernice Blue-Bluegrass Music Festival
L'Autgre Zone-Quebec
L'Autre Caserne-Quebec City
L'Autre Etage-Quebec City
Lava Lounge
Lavender Festival-Windham
Lavigne Tavern-Ont
Lawrence House Center For The Arts-Sarnia
Lawrence O'Brien Arts Center-HappyValley NL
Lawrence OBrien Arts Center-HappyValley NL
Lawrence O'Brien Arts Center-HappyValley-Goose Bay
Lawrence O'Brien Arts Ctr NL
Lawrencetown Community Center-Nova Scotia
Lazy Lizard Pub and Grill-Toronto
Lazy Lizard-Keswick
Lazy Owl-U-Regina
LB's St. Albert
Le Back Lounge-Rogersville, NB
Le Breton Flats Park-Ottawa
Le Busking Bar St Quenton
Le Cafe Campus-Montreal
Le Cagibi-Montreal
Le Caveau-Moncton
Le Cercle-Quebec City
Le Charlot-Trois Rivieres
Le Club Square DIX30 Montreal
Le Club-Clare, N.S.
Le Deck Resto Bar-Edmundston
Le Divan Orange-Montreal
Le Faubouig-Saint John
Le Festival Acadien de Caraquet-N.B.
Le Gabriel Lounge-Cheticamp, N.S.*
Le Gesu Montreal
Le Ministere-Montreal
Le Parc-Thornhill
Le pays de la Sagouine-Buctouche, N.B.
Le Petit Campus-Montreal
Le Richeheu
Le Salon Vert-Montreal
Le Show du 25e Congress mondial acadien Moncton
Le Studio-Bathurst
Le Swimming -Montreal
Le Theatre Granda- Sherbrooke
Le Tonneau-Moncton
Le Up and Down Restro Bar-Tracadie
Le Zaricot-Ste. Hyacinthe, QC
Le Zoo-Wellington, P.E.I.
Leader Community Center-SK
Leamington Fair
Leamington United Church
Leaside United Church-Toronto
LeBayou Pub and Eatery-Shediac
Lebovic Center-Stouffville
Lebret Sacred Roman Catholic Church
LeBusking Bar St Quentin
L'ecole Pierre-Deblois, PEI
L'Ecsalier Bar-Montreal
Leduc Daystar Church
Leduc Rec. Center Alberta
Leepers Landing Pub
Lee's Palace-Toronto
LeFurgen House, Summerside, PEI
Lefurgey Cultural Center-Summerside
Lefurgey Cultural Center-Summerside, PEI
LeGabriel Lounge-Cheticamp, N.S.
Legacy Center-LLoydminister
Legacy Hall @Deerhurst Resort
Legends Nightclub-Victoria
Legends On The Queensway, Etobicoke, Ont
Legends-St Thomas
Legendz Pub, Rossmore
Leigh Cochrane Memorial Ctr,-Koostatak, MB
Leith Church Ceilidh-Leith
Leithbridge Exhibition-Alberta
Leon's Center (K-Rock Center) Kingston
LER Theatre-Dalhousie, N.B.
Les Eloizes 2012-Bathurst, NB
Les Grandes Fetes Telus-Rimouski
Les Productions Le Moulin-Saulnierville, NS
Les Rythmes-Mount Tremblant, QC
Leslieville Hall-AB
Less Than Level -Oakville
Lester B Pearson Civic Square-Elliott Lake
Lester B. Pearson School-Brampton
Lester B. Pearson Theatre, Brampton
Lester Center For The Arts-Prince Rupert
Lethbridge Arena
Lethbridge Folk Club
Letkeman Theatre-Thompson, Man.
Levee On The Lake
Levee-St. John's
Level 3-St. Catharines
Levy Day Country Party-RCL Brampton Br #15
Lew Murphy's. Coldbrook. N.S.
Lewis Hawkes Pavillion-Grand Prairie-Alta.
Lewisport Collegiate-NL
Lewisport Pub NL
Liberty Lounge-Calgary
Liberty Street Cafe-Toronto
Library and Archieves-Ottawa
Library Resturant-Midland, On
Lido-Fort St. John, AB
Lido-Fort St. John, BC
Lift The Wind Concert Series-St Margaret's Bay
Light Ship Brewing Company
Light House Arts Center Halifax
Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards
Lighthouse Days-Campobello, N.B.
Lighthouse Theatre
Lighthouse Theatre-Port Dover
L'il Big Horn-Cambridge
Lil' Dory-Bay Roberts, NL
Lil' Dory-Marystown, NL
Lily Lake Pavillion Ice Pond Hockey-Saint John
Lily's Sports Bar and Grill Mississauga
Lily's Sports Bar and Grille, Toronto
Lily's Sports Bar and Grille-Toronto
Limerick's Irish Pub-Richmond Hill
Lindsay Academy Theatre
Lindsay Arena
Lindsay Armouries
Lindsay Central Exhibition
Lindsay Country Jamboree
Lindsay Curling Club
Lindsay Fair
Lindsay Park Armories
Lindsey Country Jamboree, Ont.
Linkletter Community Centre
Linkletter Community Hall
Linkletter Community Hall-Summerside, PEI
Linsmore Tavern
Lion of Stouffville
Lion Pavillon, Zwicks Park Belleville
Lionheart British Pub-Mississauga, Ont.
Lions Center-Amherst
Lions Center-Sheet Harbour, N.S.
Lions Club
Lions Club Burton, NB
Lions Club Community Center-Milltown, NL
Lions Club Dodge Rodeo
Lions Club Frederction
Lions Club Hall- Kingston
Lions Club Hall-Cymbria
Lions Club Hall-Salisbury, NB
Lions Club Waterford
Lions Club-Berwick, N.S.
Lions Club-Bishop Falls, NL
Lions Club-Brampton, Ont.
Lions Club-Cobourg
Lions Club-Coles Island, NB
Lions Club-East Royalty, PEI
Lions Club-Eastern Passage, N.S.
Lions Club-Hunter River, PEI
Lions Club-Magetawan, On.
Lions Club-Magnetic Hill Moncton NB
Lions Club-Milltown, NL
Lions Club-Musquodoboit, N.S.
Lions Club-Napanee, ON
Lions Club-Newcastle
Lions Club-North Rustico, PEI
Lions Club-Norwood
Lions Club-Quispamsis, N.B.
Lions Club-Salisbury, NB
Lions Club-St Eleanors. PEI
Lions Club-Stratford, PEI
Lions Club-Summerside
Lions Club-Winsloe, PEI
Lions Community Park-Jarvis
Lions Den-Amherst
Lions Hall St. Peters
Lions Hall St.Peters
Lions Hall-St. Peters
Liquid Concert & Event Venue
Liquid Kitty-Hamilton
Lisa Hart Napanee Ale House
Lisa's Cafe
Lisa's Cafe-Toronto
Liscombe Lodge
Lismore Community Center, N.S.
Little Bean-Kitchener
Little Brook-N.S.
Little Church
Little Current Rec Center
Little Lake Music Festival-Peterborough, On.
Little League World Series-Welland, Ont.
Little Nashville Country Fest-Alexandria
Little Nashville-Welland
Little River Firehall-Petite Riviere, N.S.
Little River Folk Festival-Lunenberg
Little Taste Of Home Newfie Products
Little Texas-Belleville, Ont.
Little Texas-Kingston
Live Act Event Center-Whitby
Live Bait Theatre-Sackville
Live On Elgin-Ottawa
Live! Cafe and Live Bar and Grill-Fort McMurray
Liverpool Fire Hall N.S.
Liverpool Privateer Days
Livery Theatre-Goderich
Living Arts Center
Living Arts Centre-Mississauga
Living Faith Community Church-Baxter, Ont.
Living Room at The Mansion-Kingston
Living Roots Festival-Frederction
Living Sky Casino Theatre(Georgina Theatre) Barrie
Living Sky Casino-Swift Casino, SK
Living Sky Event Center
Living Skys Festival
Living Supperclub-Charlemagne, QC
Lloydminister Exhibition
Lloydminister Gospel Fellowship
Lo Pub- Winnipeg
Lo Pub-Winnipeg
Load of Fish-Mahone Bay, NS
Load of Music-Sydney
Loaf N' Ale-Napanee, On
Loal 343 Charlottetown, PEI
Loblaws Queen's Quay Market-Toronto
Lobster On The Wharf-Tignish, PEI
Lobster Shack-Salmon River House, N.S.
Lobster Shanty-Montaque-P.E.I.
Local Lounge-Summerside, PEI
Local Pub and Restaurant-Toronto
Local Pub Charlottetown
Loch Pub and Grille-Harvey
Lochiel Kiwanis Community Center-Sarnia
Lock Nest
Locke City Grand Theatre-Sault Ste. Marie
Lockeport Canada Day Fest-N.S.
Lockport Dam Festival-Lockport, MB
L'Octave Theater-Kingston
Lodge, Grand Bank-NL
Lodge,Grand Bank, Nfld.
Lodge-Grand Bank-NL
Loft Cabaret Truro, N.S.
Loft-Newcastle, Ont (Johnny Burke's)
Log Inn pub and Grille-Wingham
Logan's Pub-Victoria
Loions Pub-Bathurst
Loko's Lounge-Bragg Creek, AB
L'Olympic Montreal
Londesborough United Church
London Concert Theatre
London Convention Center
London Music Club-London
London Music Hall, Ont.
London Ontario Arena
Lone Oak Brewing Co.-Charlottetown, PEI
Lone Oak Brewing Co-Borden/Carlton
Lone Oak Fox Meadow
Lone Star Texas Grille-Ottawa
Lonestar Dancehall-Ottawa
Lonestar on Lemieux-Ottawa
Long and McQuade, Winnipeg
Long and McQuade-Calgary
Long and McQuade-Edmonton
Long and McQuade-Vancouver
Long Bay Brewery
Long Branch Social House-Etobicoke
Long Creek Church PEI
Long Shots-Orillia
Long Weekenders-Newmarket
Longhorn Saloon-Surrey
Longriders Bar
Longview Hall-Alberta
Loose Moose Magic Village-Barrie
Loose Rooster
Lop Lop Lounge-Sault Ste. Marie
Lord Beaverbrook Arena-Miramichi. N.B.
Lord Nelson Hotel-Halifax
Lord Selkirk Provincial Park, Eldon, PEI
Loretto Tavern-Loretta, Ont.
Lork Selkirk Park-Belfast, P.E.I.
Lorne Days
Lot 16 Community Hall-Miscouche PEI
Lot 42-Kitchener
Lot 7-Burton, P.E.I. St. Mark's Hall
Lotus Cafe-Moncton
Lougheed PAC
Lougheed Pub-Harvey Station, N.B.
Louis J. Robichaud High School-Shediac, N.B.
Louis Pub-USSU-Saskatoon
Louis Riel Day-Saskatoon
Louisbourg Playhouse
Lounge Cafe-Carnarvon
Lou's Pub Bathurst
Low Island Park-Manitoulin Island, On
Lower Coverdale Baptist Church, N.B.
Lower Deck Pub-Ottawa
Lower Deck-Halifax
Loyal Oarsman
Loyal Order of Moose Lodge-Marathon
Loyalist Inn-Summerside, PE
LSPU Hall-St. John's
Lucknow's Music in The Fields Festival-On
Lucky Seven Sports Bar-Emburn
Lucky Bar-Victoria, BC
Lucy's Seafood Kitchen-Mississauga, On .
Lula Lounge-Toronto
Lulu's Dine and Dance
Luminato Festival-Toronto
Lunar Rogue-Frederction
Lunenburg Arms Hotel
Lunenburg County Lifestyle Center-Bridgewater
Lunenburg Craft Fair Celebrations
Lunenburg Fisherman's Picnic and Reunion Festival
Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival
Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival, NS
Lunenburg Opera House
Lunenburg Theatre
Lunenburg, N.S. Newfoundland Fest
Lupin Valley Barn-North Grandville, PEI
Luseland Homecoming Hall-SK
LVIV Hall-Oshawa
Lydia's Pub-Saskatoon
Lymburg Community Hall
Lynn Rive Music & Arts Festival, Simcoe
Lynx Theatre-Swift Current, SK
Lyric Theatre-Assinibonine Park
Lyric Theatre-Swift Current-Sk
Maberly Hall-Maberly, Ont.
Mabou Community Hall-Cape Breton
Mabou N.S Athletic Center
Mac Bouch Tavern-St. Peter's Cape Breton
Mac Island Park-Fort McMurray
MacDonald Island Park-Fort McMurray
MacDonalds Corners Agriculture Hall
MacDowall Rec. Cent. for St. Sephen's Ang. Church
MacEwan Hall Ballroom-Calgary
MacEwan Hall Ballroom-Calgary-
Machine Shop-Sault Sainte Marie, Ont
Machine Shop-Sault Ste Marie
MacKay Bloomfield Center-Antognish
Mack-Confederation Center, Charlottetown
MacKenzie Conference Center-Drayton Valley, AB
MacKenzie Creek Music Festival-Bradford
MacKenzie Hall Center-Windsor, Ont
MacKenzie High School-Deep River
MacKenzie Theatre-Charlottetown
MacKey Celebration Theatre
Mackie's Taigh Osda-Toronto
Maclab Center for The Performing Arts-Leduc, AB
MacLaren Art Center-Barrie
MacLeod's Pub and Grille-Hamilton
MacPherson Theatre-Victoria
MacPheson Theatre-Victoria
Mad Dogs and Englishmen-Mississauga
Maddhatters-Grand Prairie
Mademoiselle Resto Bar-Montreal
Madison Pub
Madoc Arts Center
Madoc Fair
Madsen's Greenhouses-Newmarket
Mady Theatre-Barrie, Ont
Mae Wilson Theatre-Moose Jaw
MAEA Pavillion-Miramichi
Maelstrom-Quebec City
Magaguadavic Place-St George
Magna Hoedown-Aurora, Ont
Magnetic Hill-Moncton
Magnificant River Rats Festival-Athobasca,, AB
Magnolia Cafe-Guelph, ON
Magnolia Cafe-Saint John
Mahone Bay Center
Mahtay Cafe-St Catherines
Main Hall-Montreal
Main Stage
Main Street Montague
Main Street Newmarket
Main Street Pub-Montague
Main Street Station-Bolton
Main Street United Church Mitchell
Mainlanders Bar and Grill-Cambridge
Maison de la Culture-Waterloo
Maison de la Culture-Waterloo, QC
Maitland Fire Hall-Maitland, N.S.
Maitland Recreation Center-Goderich, Ont
Majestic Theatre St John's NL
Majestic Theatre St. John's NL
Majestic Theatre-Biggar, SK
Majo Vino Restaurant-Whitby
Makin' Waves Music Festival-Sydney
Malaspina Theatre Nanaimo
Malkin Theatre-Vancouver
Malpeque Community Center-PEI
Malpeque Folk Festival-Charlottetown
Malt and Barley-Kitchener Ontario
Malton Village
Mama's Pub-Frederction
Mambo Lounge-Toronto
Man of Yorke-Tottenham
Manchester Arms-Meadowvale
Manchester Arms-Mississauga
Manchester Arms-Oakville
Manchester Arms-Toronto
Manhattan Jazz Bistro-Guelph
Manhattan-Moncton, N.B.
Maniac Mansion-Fredericton, NB
Manitoba Centennial Concert Hall-Winnipeg
Manitoba Showcase-Winkler, MB
Manitoba Stampede-Morris
Manitou Kihew Arena-Saddle Lake, AB
Manitou Opera House-Manitou, Manitoba
Manitoulin Country Fest Little Current, ON
Manitoulin Country Fest II-Low Island Park
Manitouwadge Concert-On
Manitouwadge High School-Ontario
Manns Distillary
Manny's Roadhouse
Manor Legiion Hall-SK
Manotich United Church Ontario
Manse Carlotteown PEI
Mansion House-Sutton, ON
Manx Pub-Ottawa
Many Charlottetown Venues
Many Guests
Many Venues
Maoricki Music Hall-Barrie
Maple Avenue Resto Bar-Sussex, NB
Maple Blues Awards
Maple Community Center
Maple Leaf Country Jamboree-Moose Lodge, Lindsay
Maple Leaf Hotel
Maple Leaf Hotel-Niagara Falls
Maple Leaf Jamboree-Baldwin
Maple Leaf Jamboree-Just South of Baldwin
Maple Leaf Jamboree-Moose Lodge, Lindsay
Maple Leaf Jubilee-Jamboree-H'way #48
Maple Leaf Tavern Niagra Falls Ont
Maple Leaf Tavern Niagara Falls Ont
Maple Ridge Theatre-BC
Maple Ridge Town Center-BC
Maple Syrup Festival-Sunderland
Mapleton House-Hardwood Lake, Ont.
Mapleton House-Palmer Rapids, On
Maplewood and Parkdale Community Hall/MaplewoodNS
Maranacook Community High School-N.B.
Maranatha Christian School-Fergus, Ont.
Marathon By The Sea-Saint John
Marathon Parking Lot Concert-Ontario
Marble Arts Center-Tweed
Marble Mountain Steady Brook NL
Marche Moncton Market-Moncton
Marco Polo Cruise Terminal, Saint John, NB
Marco Polo Land-Cavendish, PEI
Marco Polo PEI Bluegrass Gathering
Marc's Lounge-Charlottetown
Marc's Room-Charlottetown
Marc's Studio-Charlottetown
Marg Winspear Center-Sidney
Margaree Literary Festival
Margaree Lodge-Margaree Forks, NS
Margaree Lodge-N.S.
Margaret Greenham Theatre-Banff, Alberta
Margaret Greenham Theatre-Margaretsville-NS
Marigold Theatre-Truro
Marine Atlantic Ferry (MV Smallwood)
Mariners Center-Liverpool, NS
Mariners Center-Yarmouth
Mariposa Folk Festival-Orillia
Mariposa In Concert-Orillia
Mariposa Le Cafe-Montreal
Maritime Acoustic Festival-Kempt Shore, NS
Maritime Center For The Arts-Canning, N.S.
Maritime Countryfest -Frederction
Maritime Express Cider Co-Kentville
Maritime Fall Fair-Halifax
Maritime Junior Ranks Club-Oromocto
Maritime Marionettes
Maritime Music Festival-Springhill
Maritime Quarter Horse Show-Sussex, N.B.
Mark Street United Church-Peterborough
Market Brewery Co, Newmarket
Market Hall Peterborough
Market Hall Theatre-Peterborough
Market Hall-Woodstock
Market Square Boardwalk-Saint John
Market Square-London, Ont.
Market Square-Victoria
Markham Blues and Ribs Fest-Fairgrounds
Markham Fair
Markham Fairgrounds-Gath. of The Celts
Markham Losbter Fest-Markham
Markham Ribfest and Music Fest
Markham Rodeo
Markham Theatre
Markland Pub
Marlland Pub
Marmora Arena
Marmora Fair
Marmora Jamboree
Marquee Ballroom Halifax
Marquee Club-Halifax
Marquee Room-Calgary
Marriott Gateway-Niagara Falls
Marriott Harbourfront Hotel Halifax
Marriott Harbourstone
Marriott Hotel-Halifax
Marriott Hotel-Olde Scotch Room-Calgary
Marsh Center-Clarksburg, Ont.
Marshfield Manse
Marshland Heritage Festival
Martini Bar-Newcastle
Marvelville Schoolhouse, Ont.
Mary Brown's Center
Mary Irwin Theatre-Kelowna, BC
Mary Street Center Parry Sound
Mary Webb Center-Highgate, Ont.
Marystown Hotel
Marystown Lions Club NL
Marysville Days Heritage Center-N.B.
Marysville Jamboree-Ont
Marytown Arena-NL
Mase-Charlottetown, OEI
Masion House-St Catharines, On.
Mason Jar Speak Easy/Cabaret-Sussex
Masonic Center-Guelph
Masonic Hall-Baddeck
Masonic Hall-Goose Bay, NL
Masonic Hall-Riverview, N.B.
Masonic Hall-Riverview, NB
Masonic Hall-Stratford, Ont.
Masonic Lodge Hall
Masonic Lodge-Twillingate
Masonic Temple - St. John's, NL
Massey Fair Ontario
Massey Goulding House-Toronto
Massey Hall-Toronto
Massey Theatre-New Westminister, BC
Masstown Lighthouse
Matawatchan Hall
Matchbox Theatre-Red Deer
Mattawa Voyageur Days
Matthew J Dawe Memorial Ctr
Maurice Taylor Performing Arts Theatre-Tisdale, SK
Mavricks Hall-Barie
Max Cameron Theatre-Powell, B.C.
Max Center-Drayton Valley, AB
Max Center-Kinosoo, Alberta
Max Diner-Mississauga
Maxwell Music House-Waterloo, Ont
Maxwell's Music House-Guelph
Maxwell's Music House-Waterloo
May Run Festival-Charlottetown
May Run Music Fest-Charlottetown, PEI
May Run Song Camp Charlottetwn
Mayne Island Country Music Festival-BC.
Maynooth ANAF Club Ontario
Maynooth Celtic Festival-Maynooth, Ont.
McAdam High School-McAdam
McAdam Lions Club NB
McBride Roundhouse Theatre-McBride, B.C.
McBride Roundhouse-Ont.
McCabes Irish Pub-Kitchener, Ont.
McCain Community Center
McCarthy's Irish Pub-Toronto
McCarthy's on Gerard St-Toronto
McCarthy's Pub (Beaches-Toronto)
McCloskey's Hotel-Chesterville
McClure United Church
McCord Community Hall, SK
McCreary Community Center-MB
McDonald's Corner Agricultural Hall
McDowell School-Shawville, PQ
McDuff's Olde Ale House-Richmond Hill
McGibbon Hotel-Georgetown
McGibbon House-Georgetown
McGiven Hotel
Mcgonagall's Pub
McIntyre Community Center-Timmins
McIntyre Theatre-Mohawk College, Hamilton
McKee House Seniors Center Theatre-Delta, B.C.
McKenna's Pub-Brampton
McKenzie High-Deep River
McKenzie United Church
McKillop United Church-Leithbridge
McKinnon Park Secondary School-Caledonia
McLab Theatre, Leduc AB
McLean House-Perth, On.
McMaster LiveLab-Hamilton
McMichael Gallery-Klienburg
McMurphy's on Eglinton Ave.-Toronto
McMurphy's Pub-Toronto
McMurray Newfoundlanders Bar & Restaurant
McNabb Community Center-Ottawa
McNaughton High School-Moncton
McPherson Playhouse-Victoria
McPhillips St. Station Casino-Winnipeg
McQuiggee Lodge-Belleville
McSweeney's Dinner Theatre-Moncton
McVeigh's Irish Pub Toronto
Meadford Community Hall
Meadow Lake Art Gallery-Sask.
Meadowbrook Golf Club-Ont
Meadowvale Theate-Mississauga
Meadowview Community Hall
Meaford Arts and Cultural Center
Meaford Hall-Meaford
Mechante Soiree-CBC TV-Moncton
Medalta Potteries -Medicine Hat, AB
Media Club-Vancouver
Medicine Hat Arena-AB
Medicine Hat College Eresman Theatre
Medicine Hat Folk Music Club
Medicine Hat Stampede Alberta
Medici's Gelateria-Oliver, B.C.
Medstead Community hall
Mega Medley Center Maille-Edmundston
Mel Lastman Square
Mel Lehan Hall-St James Community Square
Melanie Pringles-Whitby
Melford United Church-Sask.
Melfort Fair-Melfort, Sask
Melville Community Works-Sask
Melville Presbyterian Church-Brussels,Ont.
Melville United Church-Fergus
Melville United Church-Middlesex Center
Melvins Pub-Saint John
Membertou Trade and Convention Center-Sydney
Memorial Arena
Memorial Arena-Brigewater, N.S.
Memorial Auditorium-Kitchener
Memorial Cener-Williamslake, B.C.
Memorial Center-Pembroke
Memorial Center-Peterborough
Memorial Center-RedDeer
Memorial Church-Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
Memorial Cup Celebrations-Moncton
Memorial Gardens-North Bay
Memorial Hall Confed.Ctr. Charlottetown
Memorial Hall-Blyth
Memorial Hall-Harrison Hot Springs
Memorial Hall-Kingston
Memorial Imperial Performing Arts Center Windsor
Memorial Square-Barrie-Canada Day
Memorial Square-Summerside, PEI
Memorial United Church-Clarenville
Memorial United Church-Grand Falls/Windsor, NL
Memorial University-St. John's
Memramcook Bluegrass Campout-N.B.
Memramcooke Bluegrass Festival-N.B.
Mental Health Benefit Concert-Press Club, Moncton
Menz & MollyZ Bar-Halifax
Merchant Ale House-St. Catharines
Merchant Alehouse Sarnia
Merchant MacLiam-Kingston
Merchant Man-Charlottetown
Merchant Tap House-Kingston
Merchant Warehouse-Woody Point
Merchantman Fresh Seafood & Oyster Bar
Mercury Cafe-Edmonton
Mercury Lounge-Ottawa
Mereidian Center-St Catherines
Meridan Hall Toronto
Meridian Center St Catharines
Meridian Theatre
Merigonish School House Community Center
Merk Sports Bar
Mermaid Cafe-Grand Desert, N.S.
Mermaid Imperial Perf. Arts Cte-Windsor
Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Center-Windsor
Mermaid Lounge-Hamilton
Mermaid Tears Sea Glass Festival
Mermaid-Windsor NS
Merrickville Fair Grounds-Ont.
Merrickville United Church
Merritt Civic Center
Merritt Desert Inn-B.C.
Merritt Hall (Fundraiser) Ancaster
Merritt Mountain Country Music Festival
Merritt Park Amphitheatre-Welland
Merritt Rockin Fest
Merritton Comm. Center-St Catharines
Mersey House-Liverpool
Merv Moore Sporftgs[lex, Melville
Merv Moore Sportsplex-Melville
Metcafe Inn-Elora
Metcalfe Fair-Metcalfe, Ont.
Metisfest-International Peace Gardens-MB
Metisville Festival-Boissevain, MB
Metro Center-Halifax
Metro Credit Union Music PEI Week 2012
Metro Hall Square-Toronto
Metroploitan United Church
Metropolitan Grill -Calgary
Mezzanine Curling Lounge-Kelowna, BC
Michael T Wall's 80th Birthday Celebration
Michael's Bar and Grill-Halifax
Michelangelo's Banquet Hall-Hamilton
Michelin Social and Atheletic Club-Waterville,N.S.
Michelle's Place-Toronto
Middle Lake School-Sask.
Middleton United Church-Musquodoboit, NS
Midland Busker's Festival
Midland Cultural Center-Ontario
Midtown Stage-Dryden
Miesiki Cace, Kingston
Miesiki Cafe-Kingston, Ont.
Migration Hall
Migration Hall-Kingsville, Ont.
Mike Bullard Show
Mike E Fynn's
Mike's Bar and Grille-Miramichi
Mike's Place-Bathurst, NB
Mikey's Juke Joint-Calgary
Mile End Guitar Shop-Montreal
Mile One Stadium-St. John's
Miles MacDonald Performace Center
Milford Dance Hall-Dartmouth, NS
Milford United Church-Milford, N.S.
Milkcrate Records-Kelowna
Mill Creek Pub-Orangeville
Mill Music
Mill Pond Bluegrass Festival-N.S.
Mill Pond-Richmond Hill
Mill Race Folk Festival-Cambridge
Mill River Rodd & Resort Lounge-Woodstock, PEI
Mill Square-The Machine Shop-Sault Ste Marie
Millbrook Fair
Millemnium Sports Bar
Millenium Center-Antognish
Millenium Square-Pickering
Millennum Lounge-Moncton
Mills Hardware, Hamilton
Mills Hardware-Hamilton
Millstream Scenic Golf
Millview Recreation Complex-Boyle
Milton Banquet Hall
Milton Center For The Arts
Milton Community Center, N.S.
Milton Community Hall-PEI
Milton Fairgrounds
Milton Fall Fair
Milton Festival
Milton Rib Fest, Ont.
Milton Rocks Festial-Ont
Milton Streetfest Ontario
Milton, Ont. Lobsterfest
Miltonvale Park
Mimico Yacht Club
Minden Community Center-Ont.
Minden Fair-Minden, Ont.
Minden Hills Bluegrass Festival-Ontario
Minden Hoedown With Johnny Burke-Ontario
Miners Hall-Rossland, BC
Mini Trail Comm.Ctr.-Lakevale, N.S.
Minnedosa Comm. Conference Center-MB
Minstrel Cafe and Bar-Kelowna
Minto Coal Mining Festival
Mira River Cottages-Marion Bridge, NS
Mira Road Fire Dept. Festival -N.S.
Miramichi Civic Center
Miramichi Folksong Festival
Miramichi Hospital Funspiel-Newcastle
Miramichi Irish Festival-New Brunswick
Miramichi Opry-New Brunswick
Mirimachi Exhibition Pavillon, N.B.
Miscouche Rec. Center
Mishun Nightclub-St. Catherines
Mississauga Irish Club
Mississauga Waterfront Festival-Port Credit
Mississipi Queen Foods-Hamilton
Misty River
Mitchell & District Community Center-Mitchell
Mitchell Fair
Mitzi's Sister-Toronto
MJCC-Moose Jaw, Sask.
Mocha Shrine Cent. Hall-London
Moche Cabana-Leithbridge
Mod Club-Toronto
Mohawk College-Hamilton
Molly Bloom's-Guelph
Molly Blooms-Kitchener
Molly Blooms-Stratford
Molly Blooms-Waterloo
Molly Blume's-Collingwood
Molly Blume's-London
Molson Amphitheatre-Toronto
Molson Canada Hockey House-Vancouver
Molson Canadian Center
Molson Canadian Grandstand-Regina
Molson Center-Barrie
Monarch Theatre-Medicine Hat
Moncton Alehouse
Moncton Celebration Center-N.B.
Moncton Coliseum
Moncton Dart Club
Moncton Events Center
Moncton Headstart
Moncton High School Auditorium
Moncton Lions Center
Moncton N.B. Casino
Moncton Press Club
MonctonCelebration Center
Monica's Fish and Chips
Monkeys Eatery and Pub
Mono Community Theatre-Orangeville
Montague Rec Club (O'Halloran's Pub)
Montaque Curling Club
Montaque Festival
Montaque Waterfront
Mont-Carmel Parish Hall
Mont-Carmel PEI Summer Concert Series
Monte Carlo-St John, N.B.
Monte Carmel Community Center, PEI
Monte Cristo Restaurant and Piano Bar-Toronto
Montebello Park-St. Catherines
Monte-Carmel Parish Center-PEI
Montes' - Waverly, NS
Monte's Showbar-Dartmouth
Monte's Showroom Bar
Montgomery Theatre-North Rustico, PEI
Montgomery's Inn-Toronto
Montreal Bistro and Jazz Club-Toronto
Montreal Fringe Festival
Montreal House Tavern-Peterborough
Montreal Jazz Festival
Monument Lefebvre-Mermamcook, N.B.
Mooney Bay Park, Ottawa
Moonlight Madness-Grimsby
Moonshine Cafe-Oakville
Moose and Goose-Thorld
Moose Hall-Edmonton
Moose Hall-Marathon
Moose Jaw Casino-Sk
Moose Jaw Culture Center
moose lodge
Moose Lodge - Lindsay
Moose Lodge-Brampton
Moose Lodge-Cobourg
Moose Lodge-Etobicoke
Moose Lodge-Etobicoke-Kids Christmas party
Moose Lodge-Whitby
Moose McGuires
Moose McGuires-Kanta-Ottawa
Moosomin Community Theatre-Sask
Mopar Fest-New Hamburg
Morden Corn and Apple Festival-Manitoba
Morden Recreation Center
Morfree Mountain Fest-McKenzie, BC
Morgan's Pub-Richibucto
Morinville Community Center
Morris Stampede Cabaret Stage-Morris MB
Morton Community Hall-Lyndhurst
Mortons Pub-Moncton
Mo's Family Restaurant Five Islands
Mosaic Multicultural Festival-Regina
Mosher's Beach-Upper Kingsburg, N.S.
Mosiac Place-Moose Jaw, SK
Mosiac Stadium Regina
Moth Lane Brewery
Moth Lane Brewery-Ellerslie, PEI
Mother McGinty's-Ottawa
Motley Kitchen-Sudbury
Motorcycle Rally-Shediac, NB
Mount Albert Fair
Mount Albert Fair, Ontario
Mount Allison University-Sackville, N.B.
Mount Elizabeth Theatre
Mount Forest Theatre
Mount Forest United Church-Ont.
Mount Hope United Church-Ont.
Mount Pearl NL Frosty Festival
Mount Pleasant Rose Toronto
Mount Pleasant Village BIA
Mount Royal College-Calgary
Mount Stewart Community Center
Mount Stewart Community Center, PEI
Mountain Pleasant Rose (formerly Chick n'Deli)
Mountainview County Fairgrounds-Olds
Moustache Club-Oshawa
Move This Mountain Festival
Mowhawk Raceway-Campbellville, On.
Moyer Recreation Center-Fort Saskatchewan
Moyer Recreation Center-Josephburg, Alberta
MSVU Multi Purpose Room-Halifax
Mt. Albert Fair
Mt. Peyton Hotel-Grand Fallls-Windsor
Mt. Pleasant Rd. Fall Fair Toronto
MTM Hall-Tiger Lily
MTS Center (Juno's) Winnipeg
MTS Center (Theatre) Winnipeg
MTS Center-Winnipeg
Muchion Center, Charottetown
Muckish Irish Pub-Scarborough, Ont
Mudbogs --Whitecourt
Muddy Rudder-Alma NB
Muddy Shag-Musgrove Harbour
Mug and Anchor Pub Mahone Bay, NS
Mug Shots (Cafe In The Cove) St John's
Mugsy McCeol's-Halifax
Muir Murray Estate Winery-Wolfville, N.S.
Mule Nightclub-Penticton
Mulgrave Fire Hall-N.S.
Mulligans Pub-Mississauga
Multiplex-Prince George
Multiplex-Vernon, B.C.
MUN Music School St John's
Mundy's Bay Folk Club-Midland
Murchison Center, 17 Pius X Ave Charlottetown PEI
Murillo Countryfest
Murphy Center-Charlottetown
Murphy's Community Center-Charlottetown
Murphy's Inn-Cornwall
Murphy's Law-Toronto
Murray Christian Center
Murray Christian Center-Kensington, PEI
Murray Harbour Community Center-PEI
Murray Premises Courtyard-St. John's
Murray River Hall-PEI
Muscle Shoals to Music Row Live-Alberta
Museum Of Civilization Theatre-Ottawa/Hull
Museum of Civilization-Gatineau, Quebec
Museum On The Boyne-Alliston
Music At The Market-Moncton
Music Barn Bluegrass Campout -Saskville, NB
Music Barn-Sackville, N.B.
Music By The Bay Live Ajax
Music By The Gull-Minden
Music Camp On The Canal-St Peters
Music Festival-Westport, Ont.
Music Gallery-Toronto
Music Hall-Oshawa
Music Hall-Toronto
Music In The Field-Lucknow, Ont.
Music In The Market-Cambridge
Music In The Park-Alliston
Music In The Park-Kamloops, BC
Music In The Park-Souris, PEI
Music NB-Fredericton
Music Nova Scotia Showcase-Truro
Music NS 2018 In Truro, NS
Music On Main Street-Antognish
Music on the Alcove-Red Deer
Music On The Barge
Music On The Barge-Gravenhurst
Music On The Mountain-Fort St. James, BC
Music PEI Showcases-Charlottetown
Music PEI Week 2015-Charlottetown
Music PEI Week Charlottetown PEI
Music Room-Halifax
Music Shop Concert-Rockey Mountain House
Music Up Close-Innisfil, Ont.
Musical Village
MusicFest Westmorland County Agri Fair
MusicFest Westmorland County AgriFair
Musicians Against Cancer - Springfield, Ont
MusicNS Awards Gala-Sydney
Musikki Cafe-Kingston
Musin In The Fields Festival-Lucknow
Muskoka Place Gallery-Port Carling
Muskoka Sands Resort
Musquodobit Valley Bicentenniel Theatre, N.S.
Musquodoboit Valley Bi-Centennial Theatre-N.S.
Musquodoboit Valley Festival
Mussel Bed Soriee-Lewisport
Mustache Club Oshawa
Mustang Sally's-London
Mustangs Country Bar, Parry Sound, ON
Mustard's -Markham
Muzik Nightclub-Toronto
MV Joseph and Clara Smallwood
My Church
My Mellenium Place-Whistler, B.C.
My Sisters Place-Oshawa
My Stompin' Grounds Dinner Theatre
Myer Horowitz-Edmonton
Mystic Sea
N .S. B'grass/Oldtime Music Festival-Stewiacke
N.S. Bluegrass /Old Time Music Festival
N.S. Bluegrass and Oldtime Country Music Festival
N.S. Bluegrass Festival July 23-25/10
N.S. Bluegrass/ Oldtime MusicFestival-E. Stewiacke
NAC Opera
Nacy O's-Prince George, BC
Nait Theatre-Fairview, Alberta
Nakusp Music Festival-BC
Nancy Appleby Theatre-Athabasca
Nancy's Bar and Grille
Nannys -Brantford
Nanoose Center-Nanoose Bay
Nanton Auditorium-Nanton, AB
Napanee Arena
Napanee Country Jamboree
Napanee Fair
Napanee Music Festival
Napanee Rec. Center
Nascar's Sport's Bar
Nashville North
Nashville North (OCPFA Guitar Pull)
Nashville North OCPFA Showcase
Nashville North-Calgary Stampede
Nashville North-Norval
Nashwaak Music Festival-N.B.
Natal Day Show-Halifax Waterfront
Nathan Phillips Square-Toronto
National Arts and Culture-Yellowknife
National Arts Centre-Ottawa
National Hotel-Hanna, AB
National Music Center Calgary Alberta
National Slow Pitch-Edmonton
Natty's Bar and Grill-Port Credit
Natural History Museum Theatre-Regina
Naval Club
Navan Fair-Navan, Ont.
Navel Club_Burlington
Navigators Pub-Moncton
Navy League Hall-Sudbury
NB Day Events-Fredericton
NB Highland Games-Fredericton
NBAAC Int'l Flea Market
NBAAC Int'l Sussex Flea Market
NBIP Club-Dalhousie, NB
NBTA Conference-Miramichi
NDA School Aud.-Cheticamp
NDA School-Cheticamp
Neat Coffee Shop--Burnstown
Neat Coffee Shop-Burnstown, Ont.
Nectar Restaurant and Wine Bar-Dartmouth
Ned Devines-Milton
Neebing Roadhouse-Thunder Bay, On
Needle- Edmonton
Neely G Festival-Long Creek
Neepawa Roxy Theatre
Nelligan's Pub-Quebec City
Nemos-Bass Harbor, NS
Neptune Theatre
Neptune Theatre on Argile Street, Halifax, NS
Neptunes-Saint John
Nesbitt Burns Jazz/Blues Festival-Saint John
Ness Creek Festival-SK
Neutral Hills Arts Alive Fine Arts Centre-Consort
New Americian House Sault Ste Marie
New Carisle Festival (Canada Day)
New City Liquid Lounge-Edmonton
New Civic Center-Port Hawksbury
New Covenant Church-Brantford
New Dundee Golf Course-Ontario
New England Tour USA
New Glasgow P.E.I. Concert
New Glasgow Riverfront Jubliee
New Glasgow Square
New Glasgow Square-N.S.
New Glasgow Stadium
New Glasgow Stadium-NS
New Glasgow Theatre, N.S.
New Hamburg Festival of Arts
New Hope Wesleyan Church, Kentville, NS
New Horizons Center-Laurier, MB
New Life Brethren Church-Collingwood
New Life Church-Collingwood
New London Ceilidh Christmas, PEI
New London Community Complex-PEI
New Martime Brewing CO. Miramichi NB
New Palace Cabaret-Halifax
New Richmond Bluegrass Festival-QC
New Richmond Bluegrass Festival-Quebec
New Richmond Countryfest Quebec
New School Rules: Wonderbar
New Scotland Brewing Co Dartmouth
New Tusket Baptist Church
New Vision Unied United Church-Moncton
New Vision United Church-Hamilton
New Year's Day Jan 1 Levee
New Year's Eve Celebration
Newcastle Community Hall, Ont
Newcastle Park
Newcastle Town Hall
Newcastle, Ontario-Gazebo
Newfie Bash-Crystal Beach Resort
Newfie Corner-Etobicoke
Newfie Dinner and Dance
Newfie Dinner and Dance-Tottenham, Ont.
Newfoundfland Folk Festival-St. Johns NL
Newfoundland Club-Cambridge
Newfoundland Embassy Pub-St. John's
Newfoundland Hospital Association
Newfoundland Music Awards-St. John's
Newfoundlanders Club-Fort McMurray
Newmarket Folk Society
Newmarket Center
Newmarket Community Centre
Newmarket Old Town Hall
Newmarket Theatre
Newmarket Veterans Association
Newport Maritime Acoustic Music Festival-N.S.
Newroads Performing Arts Center
Newtonville Park Ontario
Nexen Field House-Fort NcMurray
Next Door Lounge- Charlottetown
Next Door Lounge-Charlottetown PEI
Nexxan Field House-Fort Mcmurray
Nfld and Labrador Folk Festival-St. John's
Nfld Cambridge Club
Niagara Blosssom Festival
Niagara Falls Convention Center
Niagara Falls Entertainment Center
Niagara Falls New Year's Eve Entertainment
Niagara Fallsview Casino-Niagara Falls
Niagara Folk Arts Festival
Niagara Folk Arts Festival-St Catharines
Niagara Food Festival-Welland
Niagara Peach Festival
Niagara Wine Fest-St Catharines
Niblick Pub-Oakville
Nickelodeon Music Club-Calgary
Nickleodeon Music Club-Calgary
Nicky Zees-Fredericton
Nicol's Farm-Courtright, Ont.
Nightcap-Charlottetown PEI
Nim Rods-Charlottetown
Nine Mile Community Center-N.S.
Nine Mile River Jamboree Hall
Nine Pines-Blackville, N.B.
Nipawin Centennial Center
Nirvana-2067 Frederiction. NB
Nita's Bar and Grill Moncton
Nite Owl Library Room)-Calgary
Niverville Fair-MB
Noah's Ark-Halifax
Noah's Ark-Toronto
Nook and Cranny-Truro
Noonans Irish Club Toronto
Norden Recreation Center
Norfolk County Fair-Simcoe
Norfolk Inn-(The Whip)
Norgan Theatre Palmerston
Norland Wildfest
Norma Jeanes-London
Norma Jeanes-Mississauga
Norma Jeans-Tillsonburg, Ont.
Norman Ritchie Community Center-Kindersley, SK
Normandy Inn-Cape Breton
Norport Community Center-Alberton
Norris Arm Festival-Nfld
Norris Point 50th Birthday Festival
Norris Point 50th Birthday Festival-NL
Norris Point Town Hall
North American ShowGirl Festival
North Arts Center-4th Stage Ottawa
North Bay Capitol Theatre
North Bay Memorial Center
North Bay Shriners Club
North Bay Symphony-North Bay
North Bedeque School
North Bedeque School House PEI
North By NorthEast Festival-Toronto
North Carlton Theatre-Florenceville-Bristol, NB
North Coast Convention Center-Prince Rupert
North Country BBQ
North End Children Charity/Sealed Art Studio
North Greville Municipal Center-Kemptville
North HighlandComm.Musuem & Culture Ctr-Cape Nor
North Hill Inn-Red Deer
North Huron Wescast Comm. Ctr.-Wingham
North Leeds Snowmobile Assoc
North Marysburg Hall-Waupoon
North Middlesex Community Center-Parkhill, Ont.
North Peace Arena-Fort St. John, B.C.
North Peace Cultural Center-Fort St. John, AB
North Peace Cultural Centre-Fort St. John, B.C.
North River Community Hall-N.S.
North River Flea Market-PEI
North River Hall-Luenenburg County
North Rocks The Bay Festival-North Bay
North Rustico Lions Club
North Rustico Lions Club (Good Ol Boys)
North Rustico Lions Club PEI
North Rustico PEI Arena
North Rustico PEI Canada Day Celebrations
North Rustico PEI Country Music Festival
North Shore Commuinity Center
North Simcoe Sports and Rec. Ctr.-Midland
North Star Arena-North Rustico,PEI
North Sydney Firehall North-Cape Breton
Northan Catholic School
Northeast Leisure Center-Melfort, Sask.
Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium-Edmonton
Northern Arm, NL
Northern Carleton Civic Center-Florenceville
Northern College Auditorium-Kirkland Lake
Northern Lights Casino, Prince Albert
Northern Lights Casino-Prince Albert
Northern Lights Festival-Sudbury
Northern Lights Folk Club-Edmonton, AB
Northern Ontario Tour
Northern Yacht Club-North Sydney
Northhumberland Ferry (Pictou-Wood Islands)
Northland Coliseum-Edmonton
Northminister United Church-Oshawa
Northside United Church
Northside United Church-Seaforth
Northumberland Ferries (Music On The Ferrry Deck)
Northwood Inn-Haliburton
Norton Catholic Church Hall-N.B.
Norton Catholic Hall
Norton's Cove Cafe-Brookfield
Norwood Country Jamboree-Ontario
Not My Dog-Toronto
Notre Dame Community Center Moncton
Nova Scotia Bluegrass Festival-Truro
Nova Scotia Music 2010 Awards Week-Yarmouth
Nova Scotia Music Week 2022
Nova Scotia Music Week 2023
Nova Scotia Music Week-Halifax (Showcase)
Nova Scotia Music Week-Truro
Nova Scotia Music Week-Yarmouth
Nova Scotia Stampede-Truro
Nova Scotian Seniors Expo-Halifax
Now Lounge-Toronto
NS Provincial Exhibition Complex-Bible Hill
NS Summerfest Antognish
NSAC Theatre-Truro
NSAI Meeting-Brampton
NSCC Middleton Campus-N.S
NVN Nightclub-Thunder Bay
O' Hara's The Duke of Roncesvalles
O.C.P.F.A. BBQ at Nashville North
O/door Concert-R/Clay Festival Grounds Tignish PEI
Oak Bay Recreation Center
Oak Island Inn-Western Shore, N.S.
Oak River Inn-Manitoba
Oakmount Station-Bedford, N.S.
Oakville Centre For The Performing Arts
Oakville Curling Club
Oakville Farmers Market
Oakville Festival
Oakville Place
Oakville Rod and Gun Club-Forever Young Fest.
Oakville Yacht Club
Oakwood Place-Hamilton
Oasis Church Kamploops
Oasis Lounge, Gander
Oasis-Saint John
O'Brians Event Center-Saskatoon
O'Briens Art Center-Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
O'Briens Riverview, N.B.
O'Briens St John's NL
O'Brien's-Cambridge, Ont
OC Nightclub Moncton
Oceanside-Indian Harbour
Oceanview Retreat Twillingate
OCFF Official Showcase-Ottawa
OCMA'S - Hamilton-Sheraton Hotel
OCMA's Ramada Inn
OCPFA showcase
OCPFA Showcase-Dryden, Ont.
Octagon Arts Center-Dingwall, N.S.
Octave Theatre-Kingston, ON
Octoberfest-Hillsboro, N.B.
Octoberfolk Club-Brantford
Octpus Garden, Alma, NB
Oda Restaurant and Tavern
Odd Fellows Ballroom
Odd Fellows Hall-Brooklin, Ont,
Oddfellows Hall-Port Hope
Odeon- Saskatoon
Odessy-St Catharines
O'Donaghves Irish Pub-Miramichi, NB
O'Donague's Irish Pub-Miramichi, NB
O'Donagues Pub-Chatham, NB
Officer's Square-Fredericton
Officers Square-Fredericton
Official CD-VIDEO Launch Party
O'Finns Irish Temper-Oakville
O'Grady's Tap and Grille
OH Corral Cabaret-Kelowa
Oh! Festival-London, On.
O'Hanlon's Pub-Regina
Oil Sands Hotel-Fort McMurray, Alberta
OK Corral-Kelowna
Okanagan Event Center
Okanagan Mission Community Hall
Okotoks Centennial Center-Alberta
Okotoks United Church Alberta
Oktoberfest des Acadiens
Oktoberfest-Kitchener Parade
Old Barn-Murillo, Ont.
Old Barn-St. Andrews, NB.
Old Belle River Church-PEI
Old Brass Rail-Campbellton
Old Brudenell Park Campground PEI
Old Church Theatre Trenton
Old Confidence Lodge-Riverport
Old Copper Kettle
Old Cosmo-Moncton
Old Cottage Hospital-Norris Point
Old Court House Harbour Grace NL
Old Courthouse-Gagetown
Old Crow Concerts-North Vancouver
Old East 765 Bar & Grill, London
Old Fire Hall-Dawson
Old Fire Hall-Rossland, BC
Old Firehall at Watson Air Center -Dauphin
Old Flame Brewing Company
Old Hall
Old Home Week-Charlottetown
Old Lorne Valley School, PEI
Old Mill and Spa-Toronto
Old Mill Bluegrass Campout-Lutes Mountain, N.B.
Old Mill Bluegrass Festival-Magnetic Hill, Moncton
Old Mill Inn Dining Room-Toronto
Old Mill Tavern-Dartmouth
Old Orchard Inn-Wolfville
OLd Power House-Stoney Creek
Old Powerhouse-Hamilton, On
Old Rock Roastery, Sudbury
Old Roxy Theatre-Mount Forest, ON.
Old Sod-Toronto
Old Tap Room-Summerside
Old Time Christmas
Old Time Christmas Tour 2014
Old Town Hall, Waterford
Old Town Hall-Bayfield
Old Town-Aylmer, Ont
Old Triangle Halifax (An Seanchai)
Old Triangle- Sydney
Old Triangle-Charlottetown
Old Triangle-Halifax
Old Triangle-Halifax-
Old Triangle-Moncton
Old Winery Restaurant
Old York and Grill-Toronto
Olde Dublin Pub-Charlottetown, PEI
Olde Dunstaffnage School Center, P.E.I.
Olde House Shows
Olde Lorne Valley School
Olde Tap Room-Summerside
Olde Union Pub-Atikoken, On
Olde Village Treehouse-Newmarket, Ont
Olds County Fair-Alberta
Olds Performing Arts Society
Ole Foggy Distillery
Ole Foggy Distillery Hampton NB
Ole Foggy Distillery-Hampton NB
O'Leary Curling Club-PEI
O'Leary PEI Race Track
O'Leary Sports Center-PEI
O'Leary Town Complex PEI
O'Leary United Church, PEI
O'Leary's Pub-Saint John
Olympia Theatre-Montreal
Olympic Gardens-Halifax
Olympic Hall-Halifax
Olympic Resturant
Olympic Square-Calgary
O'Malley's Pub-Brackley, PEI
O'Malley's Pub-Fredericton
Omemee Curling Club for Bethel United Church
On The Docks Pub-Huntsville
On The Rocks-Whitby
On The Verge-Wolfville
Once Upon a Barn Music Series
One Horse Town-Truro
One More Time-New Tribute Show
Ontario Plowing Match-Glenco
Ontario Rodeo Association
Ontario Street Theater-Port Hope
OP Childs Auditorium-Deep River
Open Eats Cafe-Summerside, PEI
Open Eats, Summerside
Open Fiddle-Step Dance Contest-Bobcaygeon
Open Hearth Park-Sydney
Opera House
Opera House-Lunenburg
Opera House-Orillia
Opera House-Toronto
Oprey Toronto
Opry House Gravenhurst
Opry North Sterling Ontario
Opry Orillia
Optimist Club
Optimist Park-Niagara Falls
Orangeville Arena
Orangeville Baptist Church
Orangeville District High School
Orangeville Fall Fair
Orangeville Fiddle and Step Dance Camp
Orangeville Opera Theatre
Orangeville Rotary Ribfest Ontario
Orchards Ret., Vineland
O'Reilly's-St. John's
Orgin Maton Brewery-Strathmore
Original Morton Pub-Moncton
Original's Santa Fe Saloon
Orillia Fair
Orillia Folk Society
Orillia Opera House
Orillia Spring Blues Festival-Ont.
Orno Fall Fair-Ontario
Oromocto Pioneer Days
Oromocto United Church, N.B.
Orono Bluegrass/Old Time Country Jamboree
Orono Topwn Hall
Orono Town Hall
Orono Town Hall Ontario
Orpheum Theatre
Orphuem Theatre-Vancouver
Orwell Corner Community Hall-PEI
Orwell Corner Historic Village-Orwell Corner, PE
Orwell's Pub Toronto Ontario
OSAC Showcase 2012-Prince Albert, SK
Oscar's Roadhouse-Brampton
OSCVI Auditorium-Owen Sound
Osgoode Baptist and Vernon United Church-Vernon
Oshawa Celtic Festival
Oshawa Civic Auditorium
Oshawa General Mortors Center
Oshawa Jubilee Pavilion
Oshawa Music Hall
Oshawa/Whitby Old Time Fiddle Club
O'Shea's Pub-Kinkora, PEI
Osoyoos Community Center-Osoyoos
Osoyoos High School-B.C.
Osprey-Shelburne, N.S.
Ostee-Festival2007-Kiel, Germany
Other Office-Stouffville
Ottawa Blues Festival
Ottawa Canadian Museum
Ottawa Cisco Bluesfest
Ottawa Civic Center
Ottawa Congress Center
Ottawa Folk Festival
Ottawa House Concert (call 613-745-7925)
Ottawa Super Ex-Ottawa
Ottawa Tour
Ottawa-Carleton Raceway (a)
Our Family Traditions Restaurant Tignish PEI
Our Friends Pub-Dartmouth
Our Lady fo The Visitation Church-Ottawa
Our Lady of Assumption Church-Stratford, PEI
Our Lady of Fatima Church-Sydney River
Our Lady of Grace, Bird Cove
Our Lady Of Lake (Fundraiser) Newmarket
Our Place
Out of The Woods Music Festival Pomquet NS
Outdoor Concert Glace Bay
Outdoor Concert-Margaretville, N.S.
Outdoor Kick-off to Summer Concert
Outdoor Soccer Field, St. Albans, Bay D'Espoir. NL
Outdoor Stage- Harrow, Ont.
Outlook Civic Center
Out-Of-The-Cold Concert-Sudbury
Outrageous Open Stage-Toronto
Oval Summerside
OV's-1302 Queen St. W (Dufferin/Queen)
Owen Sound Celtic Festival
Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Owen Sound Visitors Center
Owl Acoustic Lounge-Leithbridge, AB
Owls Club
Owl's Roost
Oxford Auditorium-Woodstock
Oxford Baptist Church
Oxford Theatre-NS
Oxygen Nightclub-Moncton
Oyster Pond Fire Hall, N.S,
Oyster Pond Fire Hall-Eastern Shore, N.S.
P J Baccardax Hall
P K Creek-Mississauga
P. J. O'Brien (The City Pub)
P. K. Creek-Mississauga, On.
P.E.I Brewing Company
P.E.I. 2005 Music Awards Showcase, S'Side
P.E.I. Brewing Company-Charlottetown
P.E.I. Christian Music Festival-Alberton
P.E.I. Guitar Festival-Tyne Valley, PEI
P.E.I. Jazz and Blues Festival
P.E.I. Music Award Week
P.E.I. Perserve Co.-New Glasgow
P.J. O'Briens-Toronto
P.W. Enns Centennial Concert Hall-Winkler, Man.
PA Aboriginal Awards-Prince Albert, SK
Pacific Academy-Surrey, B.C.
Pacific B/Grass and Heritage Society-Vancouver
Pacific Coliseum-Vancouver
Pacific Contact-Burnaby, B.C.
Pacific National Exhibition-Vancouver
Paddlefest-St. Andrews, N.B.
Paddy Flaherty's
Paddy Flaherty's-Sarnia
Paddy Meswiggins-Fort McMurray
Paddy O'Farrells-Toronto
Paddy O'Ferrells Pub-Toronto
Paddy O's-Sarnia
Paddy's Place
Paddy's Pub
Paddy's Pub-Gananoque
Paddy's Pub-Ganonoque
Paddy's Pub-Kentville
Paddy's Pub-Kentville, N.S.
Paddy's Pub-Nova Scotia
Paddys Pub-Wolfville
Paddy's Pub-Wolfville, N.S.
Painted Hand Casino-Yorkton Sask.
Painted House Cafe-Riverside Albert NB
Painted Lady-Toronto
Painted Pony-Sackville
Paisley Town hall Theatre
Palais Montcalm-Quebec City
Palais Royale
Palate Restaurant
Palermo Public House (The)
Palmer Rapids Country Music Festival
Palmer Road Catholic Church
Palmer Road Hall-Palmer Road, PEI
Palmerston Arena-Ontario
Palomino Saloon-Sherwood Park, Alta.
Palomino Smokehouse and Social Club-Calgary
Panic Room Saint John
Panic Room-Saint John, NB
Pantages Playhouse-Winnipeg
Papa Georges (Co Co's)
Papas Cafe-Wabegoon, Ont.
Papa's Pub-Port Hawkesbury, N.S.
Papa's Pub-Port Hawkesbury, N.S.-
Pappa's Cafe-Wabigoo, Ont
Paradise Community Hall
Paradise Sunsplash
Paradise Theatre
Paragon Theatre-Halifax
Paramount Arts Center-Windsor
Paramount Canada's Wonderland - Private Booking
Parc LeBlanc-Saint Quentin, QC
Parenthesis Gallery-Halifax
Paris Agricultural Hall
Paris Fairgrounds Ontario
Paris Fair-Paris, Ont.
Paris Fair-Paris, Ontario
Paris Ont Drinks Fest
Paris Presbyterian Church
Paris Presyterian Church
Paris Pub
Parish Hall-O'Leary, P.E.I.
Parish of The Asension-Mt .Pearl
Park Place
Park Playhouse and Performiing Arts-Calgary
Park Playhouse-Coburg
Park Royal United Church, Charlottetown
Park Royal United Church-Charlottetown
Park Tavern
Park Theatre-Winnipeg
Parkindale Hall-Elgin. N.B.
Parkindale Hall-Moncton,NB
Parklane Theatre-Crystal City
Parkminister United Church-Waterloo, Ont.
Parks Canada Campground Cabaret-Cavendish
Parkside Bar abnd Grille-Dartmouth
Parkview Community League Edmonton
Parkview Education Center-Bridgewater, N.S.
Parkview United Church-Stratford
Parliament Pub-Ottawa
Parrsboro Bandstand
Parrsboro Music Hall
Parry Sound High School
Parry Sound Ribfest
Partridge Concert Hall
Party du Chamg
Party For The Planet, Surrey
Party In The Park-Whitecourt
Paspebiac, QC
Pat and Pauls-Miss.
Patchworks House Concert-Bedford
Patrick O'Ryan's Irish Pub-Windsor
Pats Garage-Esponola, On
Pats Place-Antigonish
Pattersen Kayne Resort-Bracebridge
Patty Bolands-Ottawa
Patty Flaherty's-Sarnia
Patty O'Flattery's
Paul O'Regan Hall-Halifax
Paul Oulette Hall-Bathurst
Paul Wasson's Charity (Corn Roast)
Paul's Wharf-St. George, N.B.
Pauper's Pub-Toronto
Pavillion De La Jeunese -Quebec City
Pawn Shop-Edmonton
Pays de le Soguine-Bouctouche
Paysan Lounge-St Antoine
PC HO Theatre-Toronto
Peace Country Gospel Jamboree-Beaverlodge, Alta.
Peace Hall Pugwash
Peace Memorial Multiplex-Wainwright, AB
Peacefest-Peace River, Alberta
Peach Festival-Niagara-on-the-Lake
Peacocks, Toronto
Peakes Wharf-Charlottetown.PEI(Shellfish Festival)
Peak's Quay-Charlottetown
Pearl Cafe-North Rustico, PE
Pearl Company-Hamilton
Pearl Theatre, Lunenburg
Peddler's Pub, Sudbury
Peel Pub-Halifax
Peguis Concert First Nations-Man
PEI Bluegrass & Old Time Music Festival-Dundas
PEI Bluegrass and Oldtime Music Festival-Rollo Bay
PEI Brewing Company
PEI Convention Center Charlottetown PEI
PEI Potato Blossom Festival-O'Leary
PEI Small Hall-Fort Augustus
PEI Small Halls
Pelham Summerfest Streetfest
Pembroke Blues Festival-Upper Stewiack
Pembroke Community Center
Pembroke Country Music Festival
Pembroke Festival Hall
Pembroke Marina
Pembroke Memorial Center
Pembroke Music Festival
Pendys Pub, College of Piping Sunmmerside PEI
Pendys Pub-College of Piping
Penetanguishene Church, Ont
Pengrowth Saddledome-Calgary, AB
Penhold Regional Multiplex
Penhorn Mall-Dartmouth
Peninsula Shores District Aud.-Wiarton
Penstock Lounge-Elora
Penticton Events Center-B.C.
Penticton Peach Festival
Penticton Secondary Auditorium-BC
Penzies Bistro (Shaws Hotel)
People's Chicken-Toronto
Pepper Jack's Cafe-Hamilton
Peppers Bar-Etobicoke, Ont.
Peppers Pub-Saint John
Pepperwood Bistro-Burlington
Pepsi Center-Cornerbrook, Nfld.
Perch Gallery-Port Dover
Perfect Pour Pub-Dartmouth
Performance Hall-Horton High-Wolfville, N.S.
Performing Arts Center-Burlington, Ont.
Performing Arts Center-Duncan
Performing Arts Center-North Bay
Performing Arts Center-Richmond Hill
Performing Arts Center-Stettler, AB
Performing Arts Center-Stirling
Performing Arts Center-Vernon, B.C.
Pero Maurice LeBlanc Theatre
Perrish Hall, Port Hawksbury
Perth Arena
Perth Blue Wings Fundraiser
Perth Civitan Hall, Ont.
Perth Collegiate
Perth Fairgrounds
Perth Studio Theatre
Petawawa Civic Center
Peterborough Festival of Lights
Peterborough Folk Festival
Peterborough Memorial Center
Peterborough Music Fest, Ont
Peterborough Showplace Theatre
Peterborough Winter Folk Festival
Peter's Place-Gravenhurst
Petersens Festival Campground-Kempt Shore, NS
Petit Campus-Montreal
Petitcodiac High School-N.B.
Petite Riviere Fire Hall N.S.
Petite Riviere Vinyard, N.S.
Petpeswick Yacht Club-Musquodoboit Harbour, N.S
PH 8-Toronto
Pheonix Lounge-Southhampton
Phi Kappa (Dalhousie University) Halifax
Philosophers Bar and Grill
Philthy Macnasty's-Hamilton
Philthy Macnasty's-Oakville
Philthy Mcnasty's-Burlington
Phoenix Dinner Theatre-Saint John
Phoenix Lounge
Phoenix Theater-Gabriola
Phoenix Theatre Fort Nelson
Phoenix Theatre-Fort Nelson, B.C.
Phog Lounge-Windsor
Piazza Joes-Charlottetown
Picaroons Roundhouse-Fredeicton
Pickering Ontario Casino
Pickering Village United Church-Ajax
Pickford & Black-Halifax
Pickin By The Pond-Cargill
Pickin Parlor-Riverview, NB
Pickled Onion Bar and Grill
Picton Fairgrounds Ontario
Picton United Church-Ont.
Pictou Bluegrass Festival-N.S.
Pictou County Wellness Center-New Glasgow
Pictou Lobster Carnival
Pictou Lodge-NS
Pictou Summer Seies, Nova Scotia
Pictou United Church-N.S.
Pictou Waterfront
Pier 21-Halifax
Pier 22-Halifax
Pier Marina-Port Dalhousie
Pierside -- Port Stanley
Piggery-North Hedley, QC
Pilot House
Pinawa Com Center-Manitoba
Pinawa Com. Center-Manitoba
Pincher Creek Community Center-Alberta
Pincher Creek High School AB
Pincher Creek Small Business Awards AB
Pine Beetle Hall-Hythe, AB
Pine Knot Golf and Country Club-Dorchester
Pine Lake Music Festival
Pine Valley Restaurant-Griffith
Pinehurst Comm. Ctr.-Lunenburg County, NS
Pinewood Inn-Barry's Bay
Pint Public House
Pioneer Days-Oromocto, N.B.
Pipers Pub-Antigonish
Pirates Port Pub-Digby
Pit Pub-Vancouver
Pizza Delight-Moncton
PJ O'Brien's-Toronto
Plac Des Arts-Montreal
Place Bar and Grill-Brampton
Place Bell Laval
Place des Arts
Place des arts Pere-Anselme-Chaisson Chetcamp
Place des Arts-Cheticamp, Cape Breton
Place Festivalma
Place Resurgo Place Moncton, NB
Placentia Winter Carvival
Placetia Bay Cultural Arts Center
Plage Foley
Plan B-Moncton
Planet Zooz-Smithville
Platto Pizzeria
Play On The Lake, Grand Lake
Playhouse Theatre Louisbourg
Playhouse Theatre-Chester, N.S.
Playhouse Theatre-Prince George
Playhouse-Fredericton, N.B.
Playhouse-St Thomas, Ont
Playtime Casino
Plaza Theatre-Shaunavon
Pleasantview Lodge-Spirit River, AB
Plough and Harrow Pub
Plymouth Community Hall, N.S.
Plympton Wyoming Agricultural Society Hall
PNE Amphitheatre-Vancouver
Podium, St. John's
Pogue Fado-Halifax
Pogue Mahone-Toronto
Point Lance Hall
Point Rock House-Fall River, NS
Points West LivingWetaskiwin
Police Association Hall-Ottawa
Polish Hall-Brantford
Polish Veteran's Hall-Oshawa
Polish War Veterans Hall-Toronto
Poly Mountain-Sussex
Polyvalente Louis-Mailloux-Caraquet, NB
Polyvalentic Roland-Pepin Auditorium
Pomquet Hall-Antognish
Pond Hollow Folk Festival-Colbrook, N.S.
Pond-Bible Hill, NS
Ponderosa-Bible Hill, N.S.
Pond-MtA Campus Sackville, NB
Ponds Festival
Ponds Resort-Miramichi
Pondside House Concert-Victoria
Ponoka Stampede Alberta
Pontiac Convention Center, Fort Coutonge
Poor Alex Theatre-Toronto
Port Au Basques Come Home Year-NL
Port Credit Ont Memorial Park, Miss. Ontatio
Port Credit Open Air Concert
Port Dalhousie Festival
Port Dalhousie Yacht Club
Port Elgin Community Center
Port Elgin United Church
Port George Community Centre-NS
Port Grocer-Port Mediway Pub
Port Hardy Civic Center-Port Hardy
Port Hawksbury Civic Center
Port Hope Bandshell
Port Hope United Church Ont.
Port of Sydney Cape Breton
Port Perry Arena
Port Perry Fall Fair
Port Rexton Brewery
Port Stanley Festival Theatre-Ont.
Port Theatre-Cornwall
Port Theatre-Nanaimo, B.C.
Port Wallis United Church
Port William Fire Hall, NS
Portage Collage-Lac Labiche, Alberta
Portage EX-Portage La Prairie
Porter's Lake Days-Porter's Lake, N.S.
Porters Lake Pub
Porter's Lake Pub
Portland Community Center Elgin Ont.
Portuguese Club of Cambridge
Post ECMA Kitchen Party-Georgetown, PEI
Post Office Bar and Grille-Milton
Postmaster Pub-Almonte
Potato Festival
Potato Fest-Victoria, PEI
Pour House-Ottawa
Pour House-Toronto
Pourhouse/Old Triangle/Ch'town (Upstairs)
Power House-Stoney Creek
Powerhouse Theatre-Vernon, BC
Prague Resturant and Pub-Scarborough
Praire Exporum
Prairie Trails Hotel-Kindersly, SK
Prairieland Community Center-Kerrobert, SK
Prairieland Exhibition Trade Center-Saskatoon
Prairieland Park-Saskatoon
Pre-Festival Country Show-Acadian Festival Barn
Preserve Company River Theatre-P.E.I.
Press Club-Moncton, N.B.
Press Club-Toronto
Press Club-Windsor, Ont.
Press Room-Pictou
Prestige Convention Ctr. Vernon, BC
Prestige Hudson Bay Lodge Conv.Ctr Smithers
Prestige Lounge-Rossland, AB
Preston Library-Preston
Preston Mennonite Church-Cambridge, ON
Preston Springs Jamboree-Hastings County
Pride Off the Rock Festival
Primento's Fine Dining-North Whitby, Ont.
Prince Albert Exhibition-Sask
Prince Charles Secondary School-Creston
Prince County Exhibition, Alberton, P.E.I.
Prince Edward Tavern
Prince George Hotel-Halifax
Prince George Hotel-Halifax*
Prince George Multiplex-B.C.
Prince of Wales Cultural/ Rec.Center-Assiniboia,SK
Prince Rupert Performing Arts Centre
Princess Aveue Playhouse-St. Thomas
Princess Cafe-Waterloo
Princess of Wales Theatre-Toronto
Princess Shelia Na Geira Theatre-Carbonear, Nfld.
Princeton Centennial Hall-Ont.
Private Booking
Private Christmas Party
Private Corporate Show-Fort McMurray
Private Party-Bradford
Private Wedding-Tignish
Privateer Days-Liverpool
Privateer Inn Liverpool
Professors Lake-20th Annivarsary Bash
Promenade Mall-Toronto
Prospect Hill Campground-Ontario
Prospera Center-Chilliwack-B.C.
Prospera Place-Kelowna
Providence Bay Arena
Providence Christian Reformed Church-Beamsville
Pub Down Under-Saint John
Pub Du Quai
Pub du Quai-Bouctouche
Pub On Main-St George NB
Public House-Cabot Link Inverness, NS
Puck and Beaver Saloon
Puddiecombe Estate Farms and Winery
Pugsley's Wharf-Saint John
Pugwash Canada Day-N.S.
Pugwash Harbourfest-Nova Scotia
Pugwash High School
Pulse Nightclub-Leithbridge
PumpkinFest-Port Elgin, Ont
Puntledge Campground-Courtenay, B.C.
Purcells Cove Social Club, N.S.
Purdy's Irish Pub-Brantford
Pure Spirits Distillery Patio-Toronto
Purple Hill County Hall-Thorndale, Ont.
Purple Pig-Bracebridge
Pyramid Cabaret-Junofest-Winnipeg
Q Club-Toronto
QC-Barfly, Montreal
Quad-Dalhousie University-Halifax
Quai Aborteau-Cap Ple
Quai des Brumes-Montreal
Quality Inn Parkway Convention Ctr-St. Catherines
Quality Inn-Summerside, PE
Quarters-MacMaster Univ. Hamilton
Quebec City Summer Festival-New Richmond
Queen Elizabeth Bldg.-CNE Toronto
Queen Elizabeth High Theatre-Sioux Lookout
Queen Elizabeth Theatre
Queen Elizabeth Theatre-Toronto
Queen Elizabeth Theatre-Vancouver
Queen Elizabeth Theatre-Vancouver-
Queen Landing-Halifax
Queen Street United Church
Queen-Port Colborne
Queen's Bar and Grille-Port Elgin
Queen's Hotel-Nanaimo, BC
Queen's Inn - Stratford
Queens Landing-Halifax
Queens Landing-Halifax-
Queens Place Emera Center Liverpool
Queens Square Library-Hespeler
Queensport Fire Hall, N.S.
Queensway Pentecostal Church-Espanola
Queensway Roadhouse-Trenton
Quense Center-Quence, BC
Quesnel and District Seniors Club, B.C.
Quidi Brewery St. John's NL
Quigley's Cruise
Quigly's-North Bay
Quill Lake Community Center-Sask
Quinns Ale House-Ottawa
Quispamsis Arts & Culture Park
Quonset Days Cyprus County Alberta
Quyon Jamfest Gospel Show
Quyon Jamfest-Quebec
R C L Port Hawksbury
R C L Sparwood
R J Lalonde Arena-Bonnyville, AB
R U Serious
Rache Club Kingston
Rack & Roll Boxing Day Bash-New Waterford
Rack and Roll-New Waterford
Radio Lounge-Dartmouth
Radisson Hotel-Calgary
Rafters Lounge-Wolfville, NS
Rafters-Souris, PEI
Rage Underground Nightclub-London
Rage-Clare, N.S.
Ragin Caygeon-Guelph
Raglan Village-Collingwood
Rail Yard Pub-Truro
Railcar Brewing Co. Perth
Railway City Brewery-St Thomas
Railway Club-Vancouver
Railway Gazebo Kensington PEI
Railway Stage & Beer Cafe-Vancouver
Rainbow Bistro-Ottawa
Rainbow Valley-Cavendish, P.E.I.
Rainmaker Music Festival-St Albert, AB
Ralph's Texas Bar-Medicine Hat, Alta.
Ramada Inn
Ramada London Hotel
Ramada Plaza Crystal Palace Hotel-Moncton
Ramada Suite Hotelway
Ramblin Road Brewery Farm
Rampt and Rose-Mississauga
Ranch 2.0 Barrie Ontario
Ranch Concert Hall-Barrie
Ranchman's Restaurant-Calgary
Rancho Relaxo-Toronto
Ranch-Parry Sound
Random Passage Film Set-New Bonaventure
Random Ranch-Barrie
Rangatang's Steakhouse and Pub-Cornwall
Rangeline Tavern-Cadillac, SK
Rankin Gallery-Inerary, Ont.
Rare Bird Pub and Eatery-Guysborough, N.S.
Rasputin's Folk Club-Ottawa
Rath Eastlink Community Center-Truro
Rattlesnakes Saloon-Edmonton
Raven and Republic North Bay
Raw Sugar-Ottawa
Rawlinson Center-Prince Albert
Ray Twinney Complex-Newmarket
Razoolie's-Stephenville, NL
Razzy's Roadhouse-Charlottetown
RBC Bluesfest-Ottawa
RBC Center-Sarnia
RBC Theatre-London
RC L egion
RCAF Wing Summerside PEI
RCHA Club Kingston
RCl Branch 614 Scarborough
RCL - Ontario Convention
RCL Amherst
RCL Beamsville
RCL Bedford NS
RCL -Br #643 Jutland Rd. Toronto
RCL Br 1/42 Coxwell/Gerrard, Toronto
RCL Br 15 Brampton
RCL Br 189-Blind River
RCL Br 258 Port Union and Kingston Rd Toronto
RCL Br 266 Maple Leaf Swansea Toronto
RCL Br 32 Bay Roberts, NL
RCL Br 33 Shediac, NB
RCL Br 345 Toronto
RCL Br 51 Edson
RCL Br 58 Hamiton Ontario
RCL Br 582-456 Hensal Circle, Mississauga
RCL Br 614
RCL Br 614 Midland and Sheppard
RCL Br 614 Midland and Sheppard Toronto
RCL Br 617 Toronto
RCL Br 622
RCL Br 631 Matthew J Dawe Memorial
RCL Br 643 Eobicoke, Ontario
RCL Br 67 Lindsay, Ont
RCL Br 73 Toronto Ontario (Robinson Ave)
RCL Br10 Todmorden East York
RCL Branch 43 Oshawa
RCL Branch Tottenhan, Ont.
RCL Branch 10 Toronto (Pape /O'Connor)
RCL Branch 101 Long Branch
RCL Branch 11 (Dawes Rd)
RCL Branch 11 Scarborough
RCL Branch 121-Galt, Ont
RCL Branch 22 Woodbine Heights Scarborough
RcL Branch 258-45 Lawson Rd
RCL Branch 31
RCL Branch 4 Welland Ontario
RCL Branch 424 Bala
RCL Branch 486 (Bronte)
RCL Branch 551, Waterdown
RCL Branch 582 Mississauga (456 Hensall Circle)
RCL Branch 60
RCL Branch 614
RCL Branch 614 Scarborough
RCL Branch 614, Scarborough
RCL Branch 614-Midland/Sheppard
RCL Branch 69-Saint John
RCL Branch 75 Toronto
RCL Branch 82 Mississauga
RCL Bridgewater
RCL Chester
RCL Club 10 Miramichi
RCL Colchester Br 26
RCL Conception Bay, Newfoundland
RCL Fairview Halifax NS
RCL Grand Prairie
RCL Montaque PEI
RCL New Ross
RCL Oakland Ontario
RCL Pictou Nova Scotia
RCL Pictou NS
RCL Port Hawksbury
RCL Richibucto
RCL Sackville NB
RCL Sparwood
RCL St Stephen
RCL St Stephen New Brunswick
RCL St. Anthony's Bloomfield PEI
RCL Steady
RCL Uxbridge
Readers Cafe-Dunnville
Read's Newstand-Fredericton
Rebecca Cohn Aud.-Halifax
Rebel's Rock Irish Pub-Hamilton
Rebel's Rock Irish Pub-Hamilton-
Rec Miramichi
Rec Rom-Edmonton
Rec Room London (Juno Fest)
Rec Room St John's NL
Rec Room, Hamilton
Reclaimed Canada Trading Post-Calgary
Recpex Wasaga Beach
Recreation Complex-Cranbrook, B.C.
Red Barn-Meadow Green
Red Bird
Red Brick Arts Center-Edson, AB
Red Brick Cafe-Guelph
Red Brick Pub & Eatery Hampton
Red Clay Bluegrass Camp-out-Tignish, PEI
Red Clay Bluegrass Festival-Tignish, PEI
Red Deer United Church-Calgary
Red Deer Memorial Center-AB
Red Deer Memorial Center-Alberta
Red Deer Music Fest-Alberta
Red Devil
Red Dirt Girl Music Room Middleton
Red Dirt Girl Music Room-Summerside PEI
Red Dog Tavern-Peterborough
Red Door Cafe, Fergus
Red Door Gala-Barrie
Red Farm
Red Fox (The Village at Bayers Road)
Red Herring-St. Andrews
Red Hot Chili Peppers-St. Catharine's
Red Hot Fall Fling-Midmay
Red Island Blues Festival, Cymbria, PEI
Red Island Cider-Charlottetown, PEI
Red Knight-Yarmouth
Red Lake High School
Red Leaf Grille and Lounge-Moncton
Red Lion Bristo, Applewood Plaza, Missisauga
Red Lion Club-Belleville
Red Onion-Calgary
Red River Exibition-Winnipeg
Red Robinson Theatre-Coquitlam (BC Music Awards)
Red Robinson Theatre-Coquitlam, BC
Red Rock Festival-Ontario
Red Roof Studio, Brooks
Red Rooster-Burlington
Red Sands Potato Festival-Victoria by the Sea, PEI
Red Shoe-Mabou, Cape Breton
Red Shores Casino-Charlottetown
Red Tang Tavern-Sudbury
Red Truck Brewery with Drake White
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Red's Corner-Charlottetown
Red's Corner-Pooles Corner, PE
Red's Gold Cup Lounge-Charlottetown PEI
Redvers Art Center-Sask
Redwood Theatre Toronto
Redwood-Stoney Creek
Reflections Cabaret-Halifax
Reg Benoit (Upstairs New Years Party)
Regency Motor Hotel-Niagara Falls
Regent Casino
Regent Mall-Frederction
Regent Restaurant Pub NightClub-Summerside, PEI
Regent Theatre-Oshawa
Regent Theatre-Picton
Regina Agridome-Regina
Regina Casino-Sask.
Regina Exhibition Park-Sask.
Regina Mundy Complex-Renews
Registry Theatre-Kitchener
Reid Center-Mount Pearl, NL
Reilly Lounge-Port Hawksbury
Relais Allardville Lodge
Relay For Life-Sherwood Park
Relay For Life-Strathcona
Relics Pub-Pictou
Relish Bar and Grill Toronto
REM Lee Theatre-Terrace, BC
Renaissance Cafe-Toronto
Renaud's Lounge-St. Antoine, N.B.
Rendez vous Rustico
Rendez Vous-Rustico
Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships, Annapolis Royal
Rendezvous-Nanaimo, BC
Rene M. Caisse Memorial-Bracebridge, ON
Renee's Cafe-South River
Renfrew Bluegrass Festival-Ontario
Renfrew, Ont. Fair
Renous Rec. Center
Resource Center For The Arts-Clarenville
Resourse Center for The Arts-St. John's
Respect is Burning Dinner Club-Sudbury
Resto Bar Le Deck-Edmundston
Resto-Bar LA TRAPPE -Abrams Village, PEI
Reston Collegiate for Reston United Church-Man.
Revelstoke Community & Aquatic Center
Revelstoke United Church-BC
Revelstroke Community Center & Aquatic Center
Revelstroke Performing Arts Center
Revival House-Stratford
Revolution Place-Grand Prairie
Rex Hotel-Toronto
Rexall Center (York University)Toronto
Rexall Place-Edmonton
Rexton Lions Hall
RH Channing Auditorium-Flin Flon-MB
Rhinestone CountryFest-Toronto
RHLI Veterans Assoc Hall-Hamilton
Ribfest Bridgewater
Ribfest Scarborough-Country Day
Ribfest Tillsonburg
Ribfest Waterdown
Rich Uncle Tavern
Richard J. Currie Center
Richards Memorial United Church-London
Richards on Richard-Vancouver
Richmond Arena Expo-Louisdale, N.S.
Richmond Hill Ribfest
Richmond Regional High School-Quebec
Richmond Street Grille, Charlottetown
Rickk's Room-Wentworth Nord
Ride for Sight
Rideau Carleton Raceway Slots-Ottawa
Rideau Rouge-Quebec
Ridge Fest 2-Winsor, NS
Ridge Taphouse-Sawridge Inn Conf. Ctr.
Ridgefest-Wolfville, N.S.
Rifflanda Festival-Victoria, BC
Ringo's Bar & Grill-Fredericton, NB
Ringo's Fredericton
Rio Theatre-Vancouver
Ripley Fall Fair
Riptides-London, Ont.
Rising Tide Arts & Music Fesival, Alma
Rising Tide Festival-Fundy, NB
Rita's Tea Room
Riva's Sports Bar
River and Sky Festival-Sudbury
River Bend Grille House
River Club-Pembroke
River Cree Resort and Casino-Enoch, AB
River Cree Resort & Casino Edmonton
River Deck Series Miramichi
River N Roots Festival Paris Ontario
River of Fire Festival-Mundleville
River Place Park-Ayton, Ont
River Place Park-Ayton, Ont.
River Place Park-Mount Forest Ont
River Pub-Bridgewater, N.S.
River Roadhouse-High River, AB
River Rock Casino-Richmond, BC
River Run Center (Guelph)
River Theatre, New Glasgow, PEI
River Valley Bluegrass & Country Wind-up
River Valley Civic Center-Perth Anover
River Valley Country and Bluegrass Wind-up Weekend
River Valley Ontario Weekend Event
Riverbend Park-Guelph
Rivercity Players Theater-Campbell River
Rivercross Church-Saint John, NB
Riverfest-Mission, BC
Riverfest-Pine Grove, N.S.
Riverfront Jubilee-New Glasgow, N.S.
Riverfront Festival Plaza-Windsor, On
Riverfront Jubilee
Riverland Campground-Nine Mile River, NS
Riverside Ent. Center. Miramichi
Riverside International Speedway-Antognish NS
Riverside Park Motel and Camping-Niagara Falls
Riverside Park-Carlton Place-Ont
Riverside Park-Kamloops
Riverside Pub-Bedford
Riverside Pub-Miramachi
Riverside Pub-Woodstock
Riverside United Church
Riverview Arts Center
Riverview Arts Center-N.B.
Riverview Bandstand, NB
Riverview Harvest Festival NB
Riverview High School-Moncton
Riverview Lounge-Salmonier Line
Riverview Maple Fest-Chocolate River Station,NB
Riverview United Church-Atikokan, Ont.
Riverview United Church-Elmsdale, N.S.
Riviera Parque-Vaughan, Ont.
RM of Good Lake(Tent) Sask
Road To Stanfest
Roadhouse-Cornwall, PEI
Roadside Attractions-Saskatoon, SK
Roadside Willies-Halifax
Roast of Sharon Pub-Newmarket
Rob Roy Memorial Service-Singhampton
Rob Roy Pub-St. John's
Robbie Burns Pub Night/Owen Sound
Roberta Bondar Pavilion-Sault Ste Marie
Robert's Arm Come Home Year-NL
Robert's Park
Roblin Knox United Church-Man.
Roc 'N' Doc's-Mississauga
Roca Music and Art House-Dartmouth
Rock Barra Retreat
Rock Barra Retreat-PEI
Rock Bottom Pub-Halifax, NS
Rock Bottom-Windsor
Rock City-Grand Prairie, AB
Rock Creek Fall Fair-BC
Rock Folk Festival-Red Rock
Rock Island Lodge-Wawa
Rock N Horse Saloon-Toronto
Rock n Rodeo
Rock Pile Toronto
Rock The Boat Festival-Tyne Valley
Rock The Boat Festival-Tyne Valley
Rock The Boat Musicfest-Green Park, PEI
Rock The Dock-Sydney, N.S.
Rock The Lake Festival-Kelowna
Rock The Lot
Rock The Mountain-Moncton NB
Rock The Park Festival-London, Ont.
Rock The Park- West Vancouver
Rockbottom Brew Pub-Halifax
Rockcliffe Trailer Park
Rocket Club-Toronto
Rocket Room-St John's NL
Rocket Science Room Montreal
Rockhouse, St.John's, NL
Rockhouse-St.John's, NL
Rockhouse-Thunder Bay
Rockin' Horse-London
Rockin River Festival-Mission, BC
Rockin' Riverfest -Merritt, B.C.
Rockin Rodeo Summerside, PEI
Rockin Rodeo-Moncton
Rockin The Valley-Drydon Valley, AB
Rockin' The West -Winfield
Rocking Horse Pub-Nanoose, BC
Rockmosa Community Hall Rockwood
Rocks Provincial Park-Hillsborough, N.B.
Rockstock-Chatham, Ont.
Rockton Fair
Rockwater Grill and Bar-Golden, BC
Rockway Community Center-St. Catherines
Rockwood Seniors Center
Rockwood-Deerlake, NL
Rocky Mountain Folk Club-Calgary
Rockyford Rodeo
Rodd Charlottetown Hotel
Rodd Grand Hotel-Yarmouth, NS
Rodd Hotel Ch'town ECMA'11 Francophone Stage
Rodd Hotel Ch'town-C. Breton ECMA Embassy Stage
Rodd Hotel-Chatham
Rodd Hotel-Ch'town-ECMA 2011 Atlantic Airwaves
Rodd Inn-Charlottetown-Planner Conference
Rodd Mill River Resort-West Prince PEI
Rodeo Bar and Grille-Brantford
Rodeo Lounge-Dartmouth
Rodeo-Holstein, Ont.
Rodeo-North Battleford, Sask.
Roger's Amphitheatre-Vancouver
Rogers Arena-Vancouver
Rogers Center Toronto
Rogers Center-Edmonton
Rogers T V Durham-Ottawa
Rogersville Bluegrass Festival
Rogersville Country Music Festival
Rogersville Homecoming Bluegrass Festival-N.B.
Rogue Folk Club-Vancouver, B.C.
Roland Inspiration Center-Toronto
Rolled Oat Cafe Wolfville
Rollie's Pub North Sydney, N.S.
Rolling Rock-Gravelbourg
Rollo Bay Bluegrass Festival
Rollo Bay Festival Grounds
Rollo Bay Fiddle Fest:Tri-Country Reunion
Rollo Bay Fiddle Field Ceilidh Barn
Rollo Bay P.E.I. Fiddle Festival
Rolly Rockets-Hamilton
Rollyview Farmers Day-Alberta
Roma at Three Rivers Brudnell PEI
Roma at Three Rivers Pavillion-Brudenell PEI
Rooftop-Port Credit
Room With A Cue-Windsor
Rooms-St. John's
Roosewood Bar-London
Root Community Emporium LLoydminister
Roots and Blues Festival-Salmon Arm, B.C.
Roots and Blues Festival-Salmon Arm, Nfld.
Roots Festival-St Lawrence Market
Roots Festival-Wallaceburg, Ont.
Roots North Music Festival-Orillia
Roots Roundup-Cobourg. Ont.
Roots, Rants & Roars Festival-Elliston, NL
Rorab Shrine Club-North Bay
Rose and Crown Pub and Grill-Toronto
Rose and Crown-Banff
Rose and Kettle-Dartmouth
Rose and Shamrock - Howard Johnson's-Brampton
Rose and Thistle Pub, St. Johns
Rose and Thistle Pub, St. John's
Rose and Thistle Pub-St. John's
Rose and Thorne Pub-Etobicoke
Rose Theatre-Brampton
Roselands Cabaret, New Glasgow
Roselawn Theatre
Rosemount Hall Ottawa
Roseta's Cafe-Etobicoke, ONT.
Roseto Bar-Etobicoke, Ontario
Roseto Cafe Bar
Ross Creek Center-Canning, N.S.
Ross Street Patio-Red Deer
Rossland Miners Hall-BC
Rotary Arena-Dauphin, MB
Rotary Arts Center-Corner Brook
Rotary Career Symposium-Winnipeg
Rotary Center For The Arts-Kelowna
Rotary Center For Youth-Bracebridge, On
Rotary Complex, Stratford
Rotary Park-Penetanguishene
Rotary Performing Arts Center-Okotoks
Rothesay Center
Rothesay Summer Series-N.B.
Rou de Capitaine-Frederction, NB
Roughstock Rumble (Rodeo & Cabaret) Brooks
Roughstock, Roundup Center-Calgary
Rouje-Quebec City
Round Hill Hotel, Alberta
Round Hill Hotel-Alberta
Round Hill Motel-Round Hill, Alberta
Round Tower Pub-London
Roundhouse Theatre-McBride, B.C.
Route 145 Bar & Grill, Bloomfield, PEI
Route 145-Bloomfield, PEI
Rouyn-Noranda Congress Center Concert Hall
Rowers Pub and Restaurant
Roxy Theatre-Guelph, ON
Roxy Theatre-Mt. Forest
Roxy Theatre-Neepawa, Manitoba
Roxy Theatre-Owen Sound
Roy Babstock Beaches Accordion Festival
Roy Pub-Courtenay
Roy Thompson Hall-Toronto
Royal Albert Arms-Winnipeg
Royal Alberta Museum Theatre-Edmonton
Royal Alexander Theatre-Toronto
Royal Bank Theatre-Mississauga
Royal Botanical Gardens (Lilac Festival)
Royal Can. Horse Artillary Club-Kingston
Royal Canadian Lefgion - New Ross - NS
Royal Canadian Legin - Hinton - Alberta
Royal Canadian Legiom - Beaverton - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legiom - Ear Falls - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - 66 Spring Garden Rd - Tor
Royal Canadian Legion - Acton - Br. 197
Royal Canadian Legion - Ajax
Royal Canadian Legion - Aldergrove - BC
Royal Canadian Legion - Alton
Royal Canadian Legion - Aurora
Royal Canadian Legion - Baddeck
Royal Canadian Legion - Bancroft
Royal Canadian Legion - Barrie
Royal Canadian Legion - Bathurst - New Brunswick
Royal Canadian Legion - Bell Island - NL
Royal Canadian Legion - Bloomfield - PEI
Royal Canadian Legion - BordenCarleton - PEI
Royal Canadian Legion - Bowmanville
Royal Canadian Legion - Bradford - Branch 521
Royal Canadian Legion - Brampton - 609
Royal Canadian Legion - Brampton - Br 15
Royal Canadian Legion - Brampton - Branch #15
Royal Canadian Legion - Brantford - Dunstan
Royal Canadian Legion - Brechin - Ont
Royal Canadian Legion - Bridgetown - N. S.
Royal Canadian Legion - Brighton - Branch 100
Royal Canadian Legion - Burkes Falls
Royal Canadian Legion - Burlington - Branch - 60
Royal Canadian Legion - Calgary - Ogden
Royal Canadian Legion - Callander
Royal Canadian Legion - Canning - Nova Scotia
Royal Canadian Legion - Carbonear - Newfoundland
Royal Canadian Legion - Charlottetown - PEI - Br 1
Royal Canadian Legion - Cherhill - AB
Royal Canadian Legion - Cherhill - Alberta
Royal Canadian Legion - Claremonte - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Clarks Harbour - N.S.
Royal Canadian Legion - Cloverdale - BC
Royal Canadian Legion - Coboconk
Royal Canadian Legion - Cobourg
Royal Canadian Legion - Colborne - Branch 187
Royal Canadian Legion - Coles Island - N. B.
Royal Canadian Legion - Collingwood
Royal Canadian Legion - Coquitlam - BC
Royal Canadian Legion - Corner Brook - NL
Royal Canadian Legion - Creemore
Royal Canadian Legion - Dalhousie
Royal Canadian Legion - Dartmouth - NS
Royal Canadian Legion - Desaronto - Ont
Royal Canadian Legion - Downsview - Branch 527
Royal Canadian Legion - Drayton Valley - Alberta
Royal Canadian Legion - Dundas - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Ellerslie
Royal Canadian Legion - Ellerslie - PEI
Royal Canadian Legion - Elmsdale - PEI
Royal Canadian Legion - Elmvale
Royal Canadian Legion - Elora
Royal Canadian Legion - Elora - Hall
Royal Canadian Legion - Enfield - NS
Royal Canadian Legion - Erin
Royal Canadian Legion - Espanola
Royal Canadian Legion - Etobicoke - Longbranch 101
Royal Canadian Legion - Exeter - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Fenelon Falls
Royal Canadian Legion - Forest - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Fortune - NL
Royal Canadian Legion - Gaetz Brook - N.S.
Royal Canadian Legion - Georgetown
Royal Canadian Legion - Grafton - Branch 850
Royal Canadian Legion - Greely
Royal Canadian Legion - Guelph - ON
Royal Canadian Legion - Haliburton
Royal Canadian Legion - Hamilton
Royal Canadian Legion - Hariston - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Havelock - New Brunswick
Royal Canadian Legion - Hepworth-Shallow Lake - On
Royal Canadian Legion - Humboldt
Royal Canadian Legion - Huntsville
Royal Canadian Legion - Iona - Nova Scotia
Royal Canadian Legion - Iroquois
Royal Canadian Legion - Jasper - AB
Royal Canadian Legion - Jasper - B.C.
Royal Canadian Legion - Kanata
Royal Canadian Legion - Kelvington
Royal Canadian Legion - Kensington - PEI
Royal Canadian Legion - Kingston
Royal Canadian Legion - Kingston Peninsula - N.B.
Royal Canadian Legion - Kinmount
Royal Canadian Legion - Kitchener
Royal Canadian Legion - Lakefield
Royal Canadian Legion - Langley - BC
Royal Canadian Legion - Lindsay - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Liverpool - N.S.
Royal Canadian Legion - Lockport
Royal Canadian Legion - London - Br 317
Royal Canadian Legion - Madoc - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Mahone Bay
Royal Canadian Legion - Malton - Br 528
Royal Canadian Legion - Midland
Royal Canadian Legion - Millbrook - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Milton
Royal Canadian Legion - Minden
Royal Canadian Legion - Minto - New Brunswick
Royal Canadian Legion - Miramichi - New Brunswick
Royal Canadian Legion - Miscouche - PEI
Royal Canadian Legion - New Germany - N.S.
Royal Canadian Legion - New Lowell
Royal Canadian Legion - Newmarket
Royal Canadian Legion - Niagara Falls
Royal Canadian Legion - North Bay
Royal Canadian Legion - North Rustico - PEI
Royal Canadian Legion - Norton
Royal Canadian Legion - Norwood - Ontario - Br 300
Royal Canadian Legion - O'Leary - P.E.I.
Royal Canadian Legion - O'Leary - PEI
Royal Canadian Legion - Orangeville
Royal Canadian Legion - Orillia
Royal Canadian Legion - Oshawa - Branch 43
Royal Canadian Legion - Oshawa - Branch 637
Royal Canadian Legion - Ottawa - Greely
Royal Canadian Legion - Out;look - Outlook - Sask
Royal Canadian Legion - Owen Sound
Royal Canadian Legion - Parrsboro
Royal Canadian Legion - Parrsboro - N.S.-
Royal Canadian Legion - Pentanguishene - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Petawa
Royal Canadian Legion - Peterborough
Royal Canadian Legion - Petitcodic - New Brunswick
Royal Canadian Legion - Pickering
Royal Canadian Legion - Port Colborne
Royal Canadian Legion - Port Credit
Royal Canadian Legion - Port Dalhousie
Royal Canadian Legion - Port Morien
Royal Canadian Legion - Port Perry
Royal Canadian Legion - Renfrew - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Richmond Hill
Royal Canadian Legion - Ripley - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Salisbury - NB
Royal Canadian Legion - Sault Ste Marie
Royal Canadian Legion - Saunierville - N.S.
Royal Canadian Legion - Scarborough
Royal Canadian Legion - Scarborough - 2 Robinson
Royal Canadian Legion - Scarborough - 81 Pearl Rd
Royal Canadian Legion - Scarborough - Br 1
Royal Canadian Legion - Scarborough - Lawson Rd
Royal Canadian Legion - Seabright - Nova Scotia
Royal Canadian Legion - Seabright - Seabright, N.S
Royal Canadian Legion - Sheet Harbour - NS
Royal Canadian Legion - Shelburne - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Smith's Falls
Royal Canadian Legion - Souris - P.E.I.
Royal Canadian Legion - South River - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - St Catharines
Royal Canadian Legion - St George - New Brunswick
Royal Canadian Legion - Stellarton - N.S. - Br.28
Royal Canadian Legion - Stoney Creek - Ont
Royal Canadian Legion - Strathroy
Royal Canadian Legion - Streetsville - 135 Church
Royal Canadian Legion - Sudbury - Coppercliff
Royal Canadian Legion - Summerside
Royal Canadian Legion - Sussex - N.B.
Royal Canadian Legion - Sutton
Royal Canadian Legion - Swift Current
Royal Canadian Legion - Sydney
Royal Canadian Legion - Thessalon
Royal Canadian Legion - Thorld
Royal Canadian Legion - Tignish - P.E.I.
Royal Canadian Legion - Tignish - PEI
Royal Canadian Legion - Tofino - , B.C.
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - 1050 Weston Rd
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - 150-Eighth St.
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - 3850 Lakeshore W
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - 3rd St and L
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - 66 Spring Garden
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - 8th Street
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Bloor/Islington
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Br 22
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Branch - 344
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Davis & Danforth
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Dawes Rd
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Fairbanks - On
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Irwin Rd. - Br11
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Jutland Road
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Pape/O'Connor
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Silver Thorn
Royal Canadian Legion - Toronto - Silverthorn
Royal Canadian Legion - Trenton
Royal Canadian Legion - Trenton - Nova Scotia
Royal Canadian Legion - Truro - N.S.
Royal Canadian Legion - Uniacke - N.S.
Royal Canadian Legion - Uxbridge
Royal Canadian Legion - Vancouver - Br179
Royal Canadian Legion - Vermillion
Royal Canadian Legion - Waden - Sask
Royal Canadian Legion - Waterdown
Royal Canadian Legion - Waterloo
Royal Canadian Legion - Waubaushene
Royal Canadian Legion - Waverly
Royal Canadian Legion - Wellington - Ontario
Royal Canadian Legion - Wellington - P.E.I.
Royal Canadian Legion - Western Shore - N.S.
Royal Canadian Legion - Whalley - BC
Royal Canadian Legion - Whitby
Royal Canadian Legion - White Rock - BC
Royal Canadian Legion - Wiarton
Royal Canadian Legion - Windsor
Royal Canadian Legion - Windsor - NS
Royal Canadian Legion - Woodbridge
Royal Canadian Legion - Woodstock
Royal Canadian Legion - Yarmouth - NS
Royal Canadian Legion - Yellowknife
Royal Canadian Legion - Yorkton
Royal Canadian Place - Carledton Place - On
Royal City Church
Royal City Mission
Royal Coachman Pub
Royal George Hotel-Winnipeg
Royal Medieval Faire-Waterloo
Royal N.S. International Tatoo-Halifax
Royal Theatre-Toronto
Royal Theatre-Victoria, B.C.
Royal Yacht Club-Sydney, C.B.
Royal York Fairmount Hotel-Toronto
Royalist Lakeview Resort Summerside, PEI
Royal-Nelson, BC
RU Serious-Guelph
Ruby's Rhinestone Reception & Lounge,Sydney
Rudders-Yarmouth, N.S.
Rumours Mill-Grimbsy
Rumrunner Coleman
Rum-Running Festival
Rushoon Community Center-Nfld
Ruskin Hall-Mission
Russel Fair
Russell High School Ont
Rustico Bay Seniors Club PEI
Rustico Concert In The Park-North Rustico
Rusty Nail Pub-St. Antoine, NB
Ruth Eastlink Community Center
Ruth's Barn-Fergus
Rutland Centennial Hall Kelowna
Rutland United Church-Kelowna
RV Campout-Wellington, PEI
RV Rally (KOA Campground) Cookstown, On.
Rwlinson Center-Prince Albert, SK
S t. Mary's Academy-Sherbrooke, N.S.
S.J. Alehouse-Saint John
Sackville All-day Event-N.B.
Sackville Patriot Days-N.S.
Sacred Heart Catholic Center-Norton, NB
Sacred Heart Church-Marystown
Sacred Heart Church-Placentia
Sacred Heart Church-St Bernard
Sadler's Apple Orchard Opry Country Jamboree
Sadlon Arena
SAERC-Port Hawkesbury, N.S.
Safari Bar and Grill-Ajax, Ont.
Safari Niagara Amphitheatre-Stevensville
Sagebrush Theatre-Kamloops
Saini Bar and Grille-Toronto
Saint and Sinner
Saint Andrews Church-Mount Stewart
Saint John Boardwalk
Saint John Harbour Station
Saint John Hilton
Saint John Jazz and Blues Festival
Saint John Marina
Saint John Market Place
Saint John NB Arts Center
Saint John NB Exhibition
Saint John River Festival-Fredericton
Saint John Trade and Convention Center
Saint John, N.B. Exhibition
Saint John's United Church-Mount Stewart PEI
Saint Louis De-Kent Music Festival
Saint's Peter and Paul Catholic Church-Hr, Main
Saints St. Peter and Paul-RC Church Hr. Main
Salle Alec et Gerard Pelletier-Sutton
Salle Andre-Prevost-St. Jerome
Salle Bourgie-Montreal
Salle J Armand Lavoie Tracadie NB
Salle Nultiffonctionnelle
Salle Wilfred Pelletier-Montreal
Salle-Pierre Mercure-Montreal
Salley's Galley Pub & Grill-O'Leary PEI
Sally Creek Music Festival-Dorchester, Ont
Salmar Classic Theatre-Salmon Arm, BC
Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival
Salmon Festival-Campbellton, NB
Salmon Festival-Grand Falls, NL
Salmon Spectacular-Owen Sound
Saloon Festival
Salt & Sol Restaurant & Lounge
Salt Lounge-London
Salt Springs Folk Club-B.C.
Salt Waters-Dalhouse
Saltbox Brewery- Mahone Bay
Salty Jam-Saint John
Salty Roses & The Perwinkle Cafe, Igonish
Salty Sea Dog-Moncton
Salute Coffee Company (Armstrong) Sudbury
Salvatore Dali Cafe-Charlottetown PEI
Salvatores Trattoria and Cafe-Port Perry, Ont
Sam Slick Days
Sam Slick Festival-Windsor, N.S.
Sam's Lounge-Stellarton
Sam's Restaurant and Bar-Cornwall
Sanadian Corps Hall-Toronto
Sanctuary Arts Center-Darmouth NS
Sanctuary Center For The Arts-Fort Erie
Sanctuary Theatre-Saint John, NB
Sand Road Bluegrass Festival-Moose Creek, Ont.
Sand Road Sugar Camp Concert-Ontario
Sandal's Restaurant-West Poiont, PEI
Sandbar Rest. & Lounge Dominion NS
Sanderson Center-Brantford
Sandman Center-Kamloops
Sandman Theatre-Kamloops
Sandtrap Bar and Grille - Dartmouth
Sandy Bar Treaty Days-Manitoba
Sandy Cove Music Series-Digby
Sandy's Place-Toronto
Santa Fe Grill and Beverage-Pembroke
Sarnia Bayfest-Ontario
Sarnia Centennial Park-Sarnia
Sarnia Public Library
Sarnia Sports and Entert. Center
Sarnia Summer Concert Series
Sarnia Theatre
Sask Place-Saskatoon
Saskatchewan Building-Lloydminister,AB
Saskatchewan Center of The Arts-Regina
Saskatchewan Jazz Festival, Saskatoon
Saskatchewan Provincial Auditors Convention-Regina
Saskatoon Centenial Auditorium
Saskatoon Centennial Auditorium
Saskatoon Event Center
Saskatoon EX
Saskatoon Jazz Festival
SaskTel Center-Saskatoon
Saturday Night Cool Country Cruise-Sharon
Saturday Night Special Club
Sauble Beach Speedway-Hepworth
Sauble Christian Fellowship-Sauble Beach,On
Saugeen Summer Nights Festival Harriston, On
Saugeen Summer Nights-Ayton, Ont
Sault Ste Marie Theatre
Save On Foods MemorialCenter-Victoria
Savoy Hotel-Dunnville
Savoy Theatre-Glace Bay
Sawdust Music City Festival , Gravenhurst
Sawridge Hotel-Slave Lake, AB
Sawridge Inn Conference Center-Slave Lake, AB
Sawridge Inn-Jasper, AB
Saxby's Pub-Riverview, N.B.
Saxby's-Riverview, N.B.
SCA Community Center Calgary
Scalliwags-Camrose, AB
Scene Music Festival
Scene Music Festival-St.Catherines
Scenic View Golf, Sussex
Schomberg United Church-Ont.
Schoolhouse Brewery Windsor
Schoolhouse Community Center
Schoolhouse Theatre-St. Jacob's, Ont.
Schooner Room-Casino -Halifax
Science North-Sudbury
SCMA Awards-SK
Scorpio (Scarborough)
Scotia Bank Center Toronto
Scotia Bank Center-Halifax
Scotia Bank Convention Center-Niagara
Scotia Bank Mainstage-The Forks-Winnipeg
Scotia Music Room
Scotiabank Arena
Scotiabank Place-Ottawa
Scotiabank Saddledome-Calgary
Scott McAulay Performing Ars Center
Scott Park-Canada Day
Scotties Tournament of Hearts-Ch'town
Scottish Corner
Scruffy Duck Rest. & Bar-Schomberg, Ont.
Scruffy Murphy's
Scruffy Murphy's Irish Pub-Etobicoke
Scruffy Murphy's Pub (150 Eglinton Ave. E.)Toronto
Scuddy Hunker's Sports Bar-Guysborough
Scugog Arena-Port Perry
Scuttlebuttt's Bar and Grille-Thunder Bay
Seabird Theatre Festival-Newtown, NL
Seacaps Memorial Park-Lockeport
Seacoast Celtic Concert-Musquodoboit Harbour
Seadog Saloon-Skelburne
Sea-Esta Studio
Seafood Festival-Moncton
Seaforth Community Center
Seaforth Hall-Seaforth
Seahorse Tavern-Halifax
Sealed Art-Hamilton
Seamus David's Pub-Dartmouth Crossing
Seamus O'Brien's - Etobicoke
Seamus O'Brien's - Pickering
Sean O'Sullivan Theater-Bock Univ-St. Catharines
Sean O'Sullivan Theatre, Niagara Symphony
Seaport Center-Charlolttetown
Searc Theatre-Port Hawksbury
Searching For The Abegweit
Searching For the Abegweit-College of Piping
Seashore Tavern-Halifax
Seaside Days, Dominion
Seaside Folk Festival-Lunenburg, N.S.
Seaside Folk Festival-Lunenburg, N.S.-
Seaside Landing Country Inn-Charlos Cove
Seaside Social Kitchen Party-Ch'town
Season's-Owen Sound
Seaview Community Hall PEI
Seawall Park-North Rustico, PEI
Sechelt Country Music Festival-B.C.
Second Street Theatre-Grand Prairie, AB
Second Wind Music Center
Second Wind Music Center-Florenceville Bristol
Seely's Bay Community Hall
Selby Community Hall-Ont.
Selkirk Recreation Complex-Manitoba
Sellers and Newel Bookstore, Toronto
Seniors 5th Ave Activity Ctr.-Salmon Arm
Senior's Expo, Mill River Resort, PEI
Sennheiser Lounge-Sydney
Senors Hall-Minto, NB
Serb Club Regina
Serendipity Gardens-Rossport
Sermon Captain's Qtr.-Moncton
Servus Credit Union Place-St. Albert
Sessions Cafe-Rothesay, N.S.
Sessions-Rothesay, N.B.
Seven 44 Rest/Lounge Toronto (former Chickn'Deli)
Seven Star Billiards-Toronto
Sgt. Mess-Base Borden
Sgt. Peppers Pub & Grill
Shadbolt Center for The Arts-Burnaby, B.C.
Shadow Lawn Inn-Rothesay, N.B.
Shady GrovenBluegrass Festival-Nanton
Shaika Cafe-Montreal
Shake The Lake
Shakespeare Arms
Shakespeare Presbyterian Church-Ont.
ShaMaSha Center-Georges Brook
Shamrock and Thistle
Shamrock City Pub
Shamrock City-St. John's
Shamrock Festival, Ferryland, NL
Shamrock Festival-Ferryland, NL
Shamrock Festival-Southern Shore
Shannon Pub
Shannon Studio-Civic Center-Port Hawkesbury
Shanty-Montague, PEI
Sharbot Lake Country Inn
Sharon Hope United Church
Sharon St John United Church Stellarton, NS
Shatford Center-Penticton
Shaunavon Public School-Sask.
Shaw Amphitheatre-Banff
Shaw Conference Center-Edmonton
Shaw Festival Theatre-Niagara-On-The-Lake
Shawanga Landing-Ont.
Shaw's Hotel-Brackley Beach PEI
Shawville Anglican Church Hall-
Shawville Fair
Shawville Fair-Shawville, Quebec
Shedden Tractor Pull
Shediac Arena
Shediac Int'l Flea Market 2013
Shediac Lobster Festival
Sheila Na Gerra Theatre-Cabonear
Shelbrook Theatre-SK
Shelburne Arena
Shelburne Fairgrounds Ontario
Shell Theatre, Fort Saskatchewan
Shell Theatre-Fort Sashatchewan
Shellfish Festival-Charlottetown, PEI
Shelter Valley Folk Festival-Grafton, Ont.
Sheltie Pub
Shenanigans Bar & Grille St John's NL
Shenanigans-Conception Bay South
Shenkman Arts Center-Ottawa
Shepherd's Crook-Georgetown
Shepody House-Dorchester
Shepody House-Dorchester, NB
Shepody House-Sackville, NB
Sheraton Center Hotel-Toronto
Sheraton Hotel, St. John's
Sherbourne Place
Sherbrooke Village Courthouse
Sheridan Auditorium
Sherkston Shores Resort-Sherkston, Ont.
Sherlock Holmes- Edmonton
Sherwood Hall Ceilidh-Charlottetown
Sherwood Park-Edmonton, Alberta
Shilling and Stout-Burlington
Shindig By The Water-Fort Qu'appelle, SK
Ship and Anchor-Calgary
Ship and Plough-Gimli
Ship Inn-St. John's
Ship Pub-St. John's
Ship to Shore-Darnley,PEI
Ship Victory-Dartmouth, NS
Ship's Company Theatre-Parsboro
Shipyard Market-Summerside
Shipyard Market-Summerside, PEI
Shiretown Pub-Hampton, N.B.
Shivering Songs Festival-Frederction, NB
Shivering Songs Festival-Fredericton
Shoctor Theatre-Edmonton
Shoebox Cantina
Shoebox CJSR Radio Show-Edmonton
Shoeless Joe's-Orangeville
Shooters-Enfield, N.S.
Shooters-Kenora. ON
Shooters-North Bay
Shore Club-Hubbards, NS.
Shore Front Festival-Etobicoke, Ont
Shoreland Restaurant and Bar Keswick Ont
Shot -Kingston
Showbox Cantina
Showplace Peterborough
Shoxs -Toronto Ontario
Shriners Club-North Bay, Ont.
Shriners Hall Halifax (Cape Breton Dance)
Shubenacadie Community Center
Shubenacadie United Church, N.S.
Shutters Restaurant-Barrie
Shy Lounge-Brampton
Sicamous Beach
Sick KidsBenefit-Magnetawan River,On.
Sid Buckwold Theatre-Saskatoon
Sid Williams Theatre-Courtenay, B.C.
Sidedoor Presents-Alliston
Sidetrack Cafe-Edmonton
Sidewalk Grill Alberton, PEI
Signal Brewery-Corbyville
Sikorski Hall, Oshawa, Ont.
Silence-46 Essex St. Guelph, ON
Silver Bean Cafe
Silver City-Toronto
Silver Dollar Casino Calgary
Silver Dollar Room-Toronto
Silver Fox Curling Club-Summerside
Silver Glen Center For The Arts-Antognish
Silver Sage Community Ctr-Brooks, AB
Silver Sands-NL
Silver Spike
Silver Spire United Church-St. Catherines
Silverglen Resort-Antognish, N.S.
Simcoe Arms-Simcoe
Simcoe Composite School Auditorium
Simcoe Hotel
Simcoe Manor-Beeton, Ont.
Simcoe Park
Simeons-Sydney Cape Breton
Simonholt -Nanaimo
Sims Corner-Charlottetown
Sin City-Peterborough
Singhampton Community Centre
Sip Cafe Yarmouth
Sip Club-Guelph, Ont
Sips-Southwest Harbor, NS
Sir Andrew Macphail Homestead-Orwell, PEI
Sir Frogs
Sir James Dunn Academy
Sir Vivor's Restaurant-Fenelon Falls
Sir Wilfred Laurier University-Waterloo
Sir William Van Horne Estate-St. Andrews
Sir Winston Churchill Square-Edmonton
Sirene et Matelot-Fete de l'Acadie
Sister Sanctuary- Salt Spring Island
Sisters Bar-Toronto
Site MusiciqueArt Site
Sit'n Bull
Six By Five-Hamilton
Six String Nation Guitar Performance-Calgary
Sixty-Six On Brock-Uxbridge
SK Conexus Arts Center-Regina
Skeleton Arts Press Benefit
Skinny Fat Jacks-Vancouver
Skookum Festival Vancouver
Sky Center-Swift Current, SK
Skydome-Toronto (First Night Toronto)
Slave Lake Musicfest
Sleeman's Center-Guelph
Sleeping Giant Folk Music Series-Thunder Bay
Slemon Park Hotel-PEI
Slicks Bar and Grill, Wetaskewin, Alberta
Slick's Bar and Grille, Alberta
Slinger's Pub-Elk Point, AB
Slip Mahoney's Bar and Grille
Sloppy Joes Bar and Grille
Slye Fox-Burlington
Smiley's Buffet-Saskatoon, SK
Smilin Jacks Mississaga
Smilin' Jacks-Scarborough
Smiling Buddha Bar-Toronto
Smith Falls
Smithers Brewing Company
Smith-Hondo Fall Fair-Alberta
Smokes Meat Peti-IIe-Peerrot
SmokeShow BBQ (formerly Chick 'n'Deli)
Smokin' Blues Festival-Alysford
Smoky Lake Arena-Alberta
Smooth Hermans-Sydney, N. S.
SMS Equipment Stadium Fort McMurray
Smugglers Cove-Dalhousie NB
Smugglers Jug, Charlottetown
Smythe Street Cathedral-Frederction
Sneaky Dee's-Toronto
Sniggly Wiggly's- Halifax
Snodgrass Recreation Ctr.-High River, AB
Snow Kings Winter Festival
So Ho Bar and Grille-London
Soap For Hope-Victoria
Sober Island Brewing Co
Sobeys Family Theatre-Charlottetown PEI
Socan Songwriter's Showcase ECMA 2014
Sociables, Springhill
Social Enterptise Center
Soho Two-Scarborough
Sola's Grill-Sauble Beach
Sold Out
Sold Out NB
Sold Out PEI
Sold Out_NL
Sold Out-Nova Scotia
Sold Out-PEI
Sold Out-Vancouver
Solid Ground Arts and Coffee House, Lorette, MB
Solid Rock Cafe-Charlotteown
Somerset Pub-Saint John, NB
Sommo Festival Cavendish Beach Festival Grounds
Songbird Cafe-Guelph
Songs From The Heart In Support of TheRed Cross
Songwriters Cafe-R U Serious, Guelph
Songwriting Workshop-Candle Lake
Sony Center For The Performing Arts-Toronto
Soo Blaster-Sault Ste Marie
Sooke River Bluegrass Festival-B.C.
Sorrels-Carbon AB
Sorrento Center BC
Sou West Bar and Grill Kensington PEI
Sou' West Bar Grill-New London Wharf, PEI
Sou 'West-Kensington
Soulfood Cafe Cranbrook
Sound Academy-Toronto, Ont.
Sound Of Music Burlington, Ont
Sound of Music, Burlington, Ont. (OLG Stage)
Sounds of Music Festival-Burlington
Sounds of Summer, Springhill
Soundwaves Music Festival
Souris Hall-PEI
Souris Hall-PEI (The Center Stage)
Sous Sol du Cercle-Quebec City
South Branch Bristo Kemptville
South County Fair-Fort MacLeod, Alta.
South County Fair-Fort MacLeod, Alta.-
South Huron Recreation Center-Exeter
South Mountain Agricultural Fair-Ontario
South Mountain Fair-Ontario
South Mountain Rodeo Dance
South Okanagan Events Center-Penticton,B.C.
South Peace Ballpark-Grand Prairie
South River Arts Festival-Ontario
South Rustico Seniors Club PEI
South Shore Actiplex-Crapaud, PEI
South Shore Exhibition
South Shore Exhibition-Bridgewater, N.S.
South Shore Oktoberfest
South Shore United Church-Tryon, PEI
South Side 543-Thorold, Ont.
South Side Johnny's-Etobicoke
South West Margaree Hall-Cape Breton
South West Margaree Parish Hall-Cape Breton
Southam Hall Ottawa
Southbrook Retirement Home, Brampton
Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium-Calgary
Southern Alberta Music Fest
Southern Kings 50 Club
Southern Shore Folk Arts Building-Ferryland, NL
Southgate Church-Kemptville
Southminister United Church-Lethbridge, AB
Southminister United Church-Ottawa
Southshore Community Center-Barrie
Southwood United Church-Calgary
Sou'West Bar & Grille
Spaghetti Western Festival
Spatz Theatre Halifax
Speak Easy (above Ryan Duffy's)-Halifax
Spectacle de cloture-Citadel Hill, Halifax N.S.
Spectra Palace-Estevan, SK
Speedbumps Fredericton
Spencerville Beach Party
Spencerville Fairgrounds
Spilchen's Counry Fever-Grand Prairie
Spinnakers Landing-Summerside
Spirit 91.7 2nd Anniversary Party
Spirit 91.7 Anniversary Party-Welland
Spirit Bar-Nelson, BC
Spirit of Chautauqua Festival (Arts In Motion)
Spirit Quest Music and Arts Festival
Spitfire Arms Alehouse-Windsor, N.S.
Spitfire Cafe-Brockville
Split Crow Pub-Truro
Split Crow-Antognish, NS
Split Crow-Bedford, NS
Split Crow-Halifax
Sport Mart Place-Kamloops
Sportman's Club-Charlottetown
Sports and Entertainment Center-Guelph
Sports Bar
Sports Garden Cafe-Whitby
Sports Page-Charlottetown
Sportsman's Lounge-Charlottetown, PEI
Spot Nightclub, Ultra Lounge-Yorkton, SK
Spot Nightclub-Yorkton, SK
Spot One-Brampton
Spring Park United Church Charlottetown
Spring Shaker-St Andrews
Springdale NL Concert
Springhill Arena-N.S.
Springhill Community Center, Nova Scotia
Springhill Community Ctr
Springhill United Church
Spruce View Community Hall-AB
Square dance with Ian MacDougall
Square Dance with Leanne Aucoin
Square dance with Mairi Rankin
Squires Pub
Squirrels in The Attic-Luasville,N.S.
Squre dance with Colin Grant and Dara Smith
SS Mergle Lounge-Conception Bay
St Francis Xavier University
St Patrick's Carbonear
St . Peter's Bay Complex
St .James Center For Community-Parry Sound
St .John The Baptist Anglican Church Hall-Riveview
St Andrews - Wesley United Church Springhill, NS
St Andrews - Wesley United Church-Springhill
St Andrews Presbyterian Church
St Andrews Presbyterian Church-Parry Sound, Ont
St Andrew's St. Paul United Church-Russell, Ont.
St Andrews United Church, Toledo
St Andrews United Church,Union Hall-Almonte
St Andrews United Church-Hamilton
St Andrews United Church-Harvey
St Andrews United Church-Lanark, Ont.
St Andrews United Church-Pakenhanont, Ont
St Andrews United Church-Tide Head, N.B.
St Andrews's Presbyterian Church-Thunder Bay
St Andrews-Wesley United Church
St Anges Church-Halifax
St Annes's Church St Thomas
St Anthony Daniels Catholic Church-Waterloo
St Anthony's Parish Hall
St Augustines Anglican Church, Stephenville
St Augustin's Church, Rustico PEI
St Cecilia Studios-Purcells Cove
St Christopher's Church-Mississauga
St Clair College Capital Theatre-Chatham
St Croix Church, Pomquet
St Davids Field-Mount Pearl, Nfld
St FX Alumni Event
St FX Auditorium-Antigonish, N.S.
St george's Heritage Church-Brigue, NL
St Georges Heritage Church-Brigui, NL
St Georges Heritage Church-Brigus, NL
St Gertude's RC Church, Oshawa
St Gilses Anglican Church, Garnish, NL
St Hubert's-Moncton
St Ignatius Church, St Alban's
St Jacobs Market
St James Church-Summerfield, PEI
St James Gate Fox Creek-Dieppe
St James RC Church Charlottetown PEI
St James United Church-St John's
St Joachim's Parish Hall-Vernon River
St Joes Island Festival-With Diane Chase
St Johns Lutheran Church
St John's NL Convention Center
St John's Parish Hall-Woodslee
St John's Presbyterian Church, Bradford
St John's United Church-Halifax
St John's Untied Chuch Flat River NS
St Josephs Church Gander
St Josephs Parish Hall Stratford
St Joseph's Parish Hall-Stratford
St Lawrence Hall
St Lawrence Hall (Bruce Bell's Lecture Series)
St Lawrence Market Craft and Beer Show- Toronto
St Lawrence Market Festival-Downtown Toronto
St Lawrence Market Gala Fundraiser-Toronto
St Lawrence Market Seafood and Wine Event
St Lawrence Parish Hall-Halifax
St Louis Bar and Grill
St Louis Bluegrass Campout-P.E.I.
St Louis Community Center-P.E.I.
St Margaret's Parish Hall-PEI
St Mary's Anglican Church-Clarenville, NL
St Mary's Catholic Church Kensington PEI
St Mary's Church-Miramichi
St Marys Parish Church
St Matthew's Church-Halifax
St Michael, Deer Lake
St Michaels Secondary School
St Michael's Secondary School
St Michaels-Bell Island
St Michaels-Deer Lake
St Ninians, Church-Antognish
St Patricks Church-Burin
St Patricks Church-Titling
St Patricks Day Concert
St Patricks In The Valley-Merrit
St Patricks-Carbonear
St Patricks-St John's
St Paul's Anglican Church Charlottetown PEI
St Paul's Parish Hall-Charlottetown
St Pauls United Church-Grand Prairie
St Peters Anglican Church, Upper Guillies, NL
St Peters Anglican Church-New Boyne, Ont
St Peters Courthouse Theatre PEI
St Quentin Beer festival-NB
St Simon & St Jude Church Tignish Parish Picnic
St Theresa's Hall-Sydney
St Thomas Aquinas-St Lawrence
St Thomas of Villa-Nova Parish Hall-Conception Bay
St Thomas of Villanova-Manuels
St Thomas University-Fredericton
St. Aidan's Anglican Church-Port Blandford
St. Alban's Pub-Holland Landing, Ont.
St. Albert Canada Day Festivities
St. Alexandre Pub-QC.
St. Andrews Anglican Church Hall
St. Andrews Anglican Church-Timberlea, N.S.
St. Andrews Arena Complex-N.B.
St. Andrews By The Lake United Church-Kingston
St. Andrew's By The Sea-Old Perlican
St. Andrews By-The Lake United Church-Kingston
St. Andrews Celtic Concert-Ingonish, Cape Breton
St. Andrews Church
St. Andrews Church Hall
St. Andrews Church-Harrow, Ont
St. Andrews Church-Sudbury
ST. Andrews Hall-Timberly, N.S.
St. Andrew's Hespeler Presbyterian Church
St. Andrews Place Sudbury
St. Andrews Place-Sudbury
St. Andrews Presbyteran Church-Sydney Mines
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church-Arthur
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church-Beeton
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church-Carleton Place,
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church-Fergus
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church-Huntsville
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church-Parry Sound
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church-Thunder Bay
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church-Whitby
St. Andrews Presbyterian Hall-St John's
St. Andrews United Church Cochrane
St. Andrew's United Church Hall-Rexton, N.B.
St. Andrew's United Church, Sudbury
St. Andrews United Church, Vernon Bridge, PE
St. Andrews United Church, Yorkton
St. Andrew's United Church-Blind River
St. Andrew's United Church-Chatham
St. Andrew's United Church-Golden, BC
St. Andrews United Church-Hamilton
St. Andrew's United Church-Moose Jaw
St. Andrew's United Church-Moose Jaw-
St. Andrew'sPresbyterian Church-Molesworth, Ont.
St. AndrewsPresbyterian Church-Picton, Ont.
St. Annes Auditorium-Victoria
St. Anne's Church, Codroy Valley
St. Anne's Codroy Valley
St. Anne's Court
St. Anne's Parish Center-St. Thomas
St. Ann's Bay United Church, Cabot Trail, NS
St. Ann's Bay United Church-N.S.
St. Ann's Gaelic College-Cape Breton
St. Ann's Lobster Supper, Hope River, PEI
St. Anthony Polar Center
St. Anthony Stadium-Nfld.
St. Anthony's Church-O'Leary, PEI
St. Anthony's Hall-Bloomfield, PEI
St. Anthony's Parish Hall-Bloomfield, PEI
St. Antonio's Hall (Olympic Gardens)Halifax
St. Augustine Anglican Church, New Harbour
St. Augustine,Stephenville NL
St. Augustine's Church-Rustico, PEI
St. Augustine's Parkland Anglican - Spruce Grove
St. Augustine-Stephenville, NL
St. Barnabas Church Hall-Toronto
St. Bartholemew's Anglican Church-Sarnia
St. Basils Cultural Center, Edmonton
St. Bonnaventure Parish-Tracadie Cross, PEI
St. Christopher Parish Hall
St. Chrysostome Church PQ
St. Colombo Parish-Fairfield, PEI
St. Denis Theatre-Montreal
St. Dunstan's Church
St. Ed's Community Hall-Dorchester
St. Edwards Youth Center-PEI
St. Elizabeth's Church Springfield PEI
St. Felix Community Center, Tignish PEI
St. Finnan's Church-Alexandria
St. Francis Xavier Parish-Renfrew
St. Francis Xavier University
St. Gabriel's Hall-Marystown, NL
St. George Anglican Country Church, Punnichy, Sk
St. George Banquet Hall-Waterloo, On
St. George Civic Center, N.B.
St. George's Anglican Church-Brigus, NL
St. Georges Anglican Church-Hastings
St. Georges Blueberry Festival-Nfld.
St. Georges Pub
St. Giles Presbyterian Church-North Sydney
St. Giles United Church-Martinon, N.B.
St. Hubert Moncton
St. Jacobs Arena-Elmira
St. Jacob's Church-St Jacob's, Ont.
St. Jacobs Country Playhouse-Waterloo.Ont.
St. Jacob's Theatre-Ont.
St. James Gate Pub Etobicoke
St. James Gate Shediac
St. James Gate-Charlottetown
St. James Gate-Moncton
St. James Gate-Toronto
St. James Hall-Vancouver
St. James M Hill Theatre-Miramichi, NB
St. James Presbyterian Church-Forest
St. James The Aspostle Church Port Aux Basques, NL
St. James United Church Hall-Antognish
St. James United Church, St. John's
St. James United Church-Simcoe
St. James United Church-St. John's
St. Joachim's Parish Hall, Vernon River, PEI
St. Joachim's Parish Hall-Vernon River, PEI
St. John Chrysostom Parish Hall-Amprior
St. John Market Concert
St. John The Evangelist Anglican Churdh
St. John's Convention Center-NL
St. John's Anglican Church
St. John's Anglican Church Carlton Place
St. John's Anglican Church Milton PEI
St. John's Anglican Church, Crapaud, PEI
St. John's Anglican Church-Crapaud, PEI
St. John's Anglican Church-Ellerslie, P.E.I.
St. John's Anglican Church-Lunenburg
St. John's Anglican Church-Wadena, SK
St. John's Church, Belfast, PEI
St. John's Church-Toronto
St. John's Convention Center, NL
St. John's Folk Festival-Bannerman Park-NL.
St. John's International Airport
St. John's Lutheran Church-Mahone Bay, N.S.
St. John's On The Hill United Church-Cambridge
St. John's Presbyterian Church-Belfast, P.E.I.
St. John's United Church-Alliston
St. John's United Church-Marathon, Ont.
St. John's United Church-Moncton
St. Joh's Anglican Chursh-Carlton Place
St. Joseph Aid Society-Formosa
St. Joseph's Church-Gander
St. Joseph's Church-North Sydney, N.S.
St. Josephs Hall for St Ursulas CWL-Chatham, Ont.
St. Joseph's Parish Hall-Douro
St. Judes Church-Oakville
St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage-Morrisburg
St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage-Morrisburg, Ont.
St. Lawrence Market
St. Leonards Catholic Church, New Waterford
St. Louis Bluegrass/Oldtime Jamboree-PEI
St. Louis Community Center-PEI
St. Louis Wings-Ajax
St. Lukes Anglican Church St. John
St. Luke's Hall , O'Leary Corner, PEI
St. Luke's United Church
St. Luke-Springdale, NL
St. Malachy's High School-St John, N.B.
St. Margaree Hall Cape Breton
St. Margaret's Bay Boating Festival-N.S.
St. Margaret's Center-Tantallon, NS
St. Margaret's Hall-Souris
St. Margarets Parish Hall, PEI
St. Mark's Anglican Church -Halifax
St. Mark's Hall, Burton PEI
St. Mark's Presbyterian Church-Charlottetown
St. Marks St John's
St. Mary The Virgin, St Anthony NL
St. Mary's Academy-Sherbrooke, N.S.
St. Mary's Anglican Church Hillsborough
St. Mary's Anglican Church-Summerside, PEI
St. Mary's Catholic Church-Montague
St. Mary's Church-Indian River, PEI
St. Mary's Lismore Church, Pictou
St. Mary's of The Angels Parish Hall-Glendale, N.S
St. Mary's Our Lady of Assumption Church
St. Mary's Parish Centre
St. Mary's Presbyteriam Church-St. Mary's, On.
St. Mary's University-Halifax
St. Matthew Wesley Church Studio-North Sydney
St. Matthew's Church-Rocky Harbour, NL
St. Matthew's United Church-Belleville
St. Matthew's United Church-Halifax
St. Matthews United Church-Inverness, N.S.
St. Matthews United Church-Pugwash
St. Michaels and All Angels Aglican Church-Arnolds
St. Michael's Parish Hall-Baddeck, N.S.
St. Nicholas Anglican Church Toronto
St. Nicholas Anglican Church-Toronto
St. Nicholas Community Hall PEI
St. Patrick's Church-Halifax
St. Patricks Concert
St. Patrick's Hall, Grand River, PEI
St. Patrick's Kinkora Church, Ont.
St. Patricks School Auditorium-Atikokan, On
St. Paul and St. Stephen United Church-Kentville
St. Pauls Angilican Church Trinity Bay NL
St. Pauls Angilican Church-Sackville, NB
St. Paul's Anglican Church-Charlottetown
St. Paul's Center-Orillia
St. Pauls Church
St. Pauls Church Hall-Sturgeon
St. Paul's Church Jazz Series, Chrlottetown PEI
St. Pauls Church Summerside
St. Pauls Church, Leaskdale, On
St. Pauls Church-Charlottetown
St. Paul's Congregational Church-Chatham
St. Paul's Presbyterian Church-Prince Albert
St. Pauls United Church
St. Paul's United Church-Brampton
St. Paul's United Church-Estevan, Sask.
St. Paul's United Church-Perth
St. Pauls United Church-Petrolia
St. Peter's Anglican Church, Twillingate
St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica-London, Ont.
St. Peters Cathedral Hall Charlottetown PEI
St. Peter's Circle Club
St. Peters Court House Theatre-PEI
St. Peter's P.E.I.
St. Peter's Parish-Ingonish
St. Philips -Richmond
St. Quendin Western Festival
St. Simon and St. Jude Church-Tignish, P.E.I.
St. Stephen Middle School, N.B.
St. Stephen Middle School-St. Stephen
St. Stephen's United Church
St. Thomas Villa Nova Parish Hall-Conception Bay
St. Thomas Anglican Church-Fall River, N.S.
St. Thomas Central United Church
St. Thomas of Villanov Church-Manuels
St. Thomas Theatre, Ont
St.. Pauls United Church-Stirling
St.James United Church-Simcoe
St.Louis, PEI Bluegrass Camp-out
St.Mary's Lions Hall-Sherbrook
St.Nicholas Communiry Hall PEI
Stage 9*
Stage at St Andrews
Stage Door-Cranbrook
Stage For Aids-Ottawa
Stage St Andrew-Halifax
Stage West-Calgary
Stage West-Mississauga(Ballroom-Lobster Supper)
Stage West-Mississauga, Ont.
Stageline Saloon-Rockyview Hotel-Cochrane, Ont.
Stages Nightclub-Kingston
Stagger T's (Tent)
Staircase Theatre-Hamilton
Stampede Coral-Calgary
Stampede Corral-Kitchener
Stampede Ranch-Guelph
Stan Rogers Festival-Canso NS
Stan Rogers Festival-Canso, N.S.
Standard Bar -Standard, AB
Standard Tavern-Winnipeg
Stanhope Parks Canada Campfground Cabaret
Stanhope Place-PEI
Stanhope Resort-PEI
Stanley Bridge Hall PEI
Stanley Bridge Resort-PEI
Stanley's Sports Ent. Lounge-Toronto
Star City Community Hall-SK
Star of The Sea Club-North Rustico. PEI
Star of The Sea-Placentia
Starbuck Crystal Palace-Dieppe, NB
Stardust Picnic 2000-Fort York
Starlite Lounge-Waterloo
Starlite Room-Edmonton
Stars and Thunder 2017-Timmins
State and Main Kitchen Bar-Toronto
Station Arts Center-Rosthern
Station Coffee House-Brantford
Station Coffeehouse-Grimbsy
Station Gallery-Parry Sound
Station House Pub Club-Minto, NB
Station Music Hall-Sarnia
Station on Jasper-Edmonton
Stayner Community Ctr.
Stayners Wharf-Halifax
Steakhouse Tavern
Steam Whistle Brewery-Toronto
Steamers, Saint John
Steamwhistle Roundhouse Toronto
Steelback Center-Sault Ste. Marie
Steeltown Bluegrass Festival-Trenton, N.S.
Steelworkers Hall-Sydney
Steelworker's Union Hall
Steeves Memorial United Church, Moncton
Stella Maris Church-Creignish, Cape Breton
Stella Maris Hall-Blacks Harbour, N.B.
Stellarton Homecoming-Stellarton, N.S.
Stella's Inn -Beaver Mines, AB
Stellerton Community College
Stellerton Fire Hall, N.S.
Stephen Leacock Theatre-Keswick
Stephenville Dome-Nfld.
Sterling Fair
Sterling Womens Institute
Stettler Performing Arts Center-Alberta
Stevens Road Baptist Church, Dartmouth, NS
Stewart Park Festival-Perth, Ont
Stewart Park Festival-Perth, Ont.
Stewart Park Folk Festival-Perth
Stewiacke Baptist Church, N.S.
Stewiacke Bluegrass Festival-N.S.
Stewiacke Coffee House-N.S.
Stewiacke Community Center, N.S.
Stewiacke Country Festival
Stewiacke River Newfie/Country Jamboree-N.S.
Stewicake River Fest
Stinkin Rose-Campbellford, On
Stirling Agricultural Fair
Stirling Arena
Stirling Theatre
Stockey Center-Parry Sound
Stockman's Rest & Lounge-De Winton/Calgary
Stockyard Saloon, Calgary
Stompin' Tom Center Skinners Pond PEI
Stompin'Tom's Birthday Bash
Stone Cottage Pub
Stone Distillery-Fermenting Cellar-Toronto
Stone Lodge, Guelph
Stone Street Bar and Grille-Gananoque
Stonebridge Canadiana Roots Festival-Wasaga Beach
Stonecroft Folk Ingersoll
Stonecroft Folk-Ingersoll, Ont.
Stonecrop AcresWinery & Vineland
Stonecutter's Arms
Stone's Throw Pub-Bowmanville
Stonetown Jam-St. Mary's, Ontario
Stonewall Quarry Days
Stonewalls Restaurant-Hamilton, Ont
Stonewater Pub-Gananoque
Stoney Nakota Resort-Morley- AB
Stony Plain Community Center-
Stony Plain Cowboy Gathering AB
Stop Bar-Hamilton
Stop Coffeehouse-Black Diamond, AB
Stop-Black Diamond, Alberta
Storm's Billiards-Moncton
Storms Pub-Moncton
Stouffville Market
Strabane United Church
Strait Area Yacht Club
Stratford City Hall-Ontario
Stratford Cotton Center PEI
Stratford Festival
Stratford Rotary Complex
Stratford Summer Music Series
Strathcona Community Center-Alberta
Strathcona Community-Calgary
Strathcona Hotel (The Tavern)
Strathmore Music Arts Society
Strathroy Turkey Festival
Strathroy United Church
Strathspey Place-Mabou, Cape Breton
Straw Fest Carp Arena
Streetfest Burlington
Streetsville Arts Fest - Masonic Lodge Hall
Streetsville Ceilidh-Johnston Comm. Ctr.
Stroud Corral
Struts Gallery-Saskville
Stt. Pauls Congregational Church-Chartham
Stubborn Goat-Halifax
Stubborn Mule-Sarnia, Ont.
Studebaker-Burlington Ontario
Student Alumi Center-Olds, AB
Studio 112-Saint John
Studio 13 House Concert Milgrove, Ont
Studio 2-Bathurst
Studio 65-Medran
Studio 7 Hundred Club-halifax
Studio 700-Moncton
Studio 9-Halifax
Studio at Lighthouse-St John's NL
Studio Bell Performance Hall Calgary
Studio Hamilton
Studio Sky Bar-Ottawa
Studio Thatre-Sault Ste. Marie
Studio Theatre-Laval
Studio Theatre-Perth
Studio-Eastern Shore, N.S.
Study-Lakehead University-Thunder Bay
Sturgeon Falls Complex Grounds-Ont
Sturgeon Falls Stepdance/Fiddle Festival
Sturgis Community Hall-SK
Suck Bang Blow-Stoney Creek, Ont.
Sudbury Arena
Sudbury Concert Series
Sudbury Events Center
Sudbury Theatre Center
Sugar Bush
Sugar Moon Farms
Sugar Nightclub-Victoria
Sullivan Pond-Dartmouth
Summer Blast 03 Festival
Summer Blast-St.Thomas
Summer Breezes Festival-Port Elgin, N.B.
Summer Breezes Festival-Port Elgin, N.S.
Summer Concert Series
Summer Sessions (Shikaoi Park) Stony Plain
Summer Solstice Event-Sydney, C.B.
Summer Sounds Concert Series-Pictou, N.S.
Summer Stomp-Salmon Arm, BC
Summerfest Downtown Woodstock
Summerfest-Antognish NS
Summerfolk Festival
Summerfolk Fest-Owen Sound
Summerfolk Music Festival-Owen Sound
Summerset Music Festival-Alexandra, P.E.I.
Summerset Pub-Saint John, NB
Summerside Baptist Church
Summerside Christmas Daddies Fundraiser-PEI
Summerside Intermediate School PEI
Summerside Lobster Carnival-Credt Union Center
Summerside Lobster Carnival-Festival Grounds
Summerside PEI Arts Fest Concerts
Summerside PEI Bluegrass Festival
Summerside PEI Lobster Fetival
Summerside Squall In The Hall
Summerside Wellness Center
Summit Theatre Cascades Casino-Langley, BC
Sun n' Shade Campground-Borden, PEI
Sun Parlor Folk Society-Leamington
Sunbury Shores-St. Andrews, NB
Suncor Energy Center For The Performing Arts
Sundance on George St., St John's
Sundance Saloon-Streetsville, Ont.
Sunday Night Shenanigans Charlottetown
Sunderland Arena
Sundial Resturant
Sundre Arts Center-AB
Sundy Fundy Charlottetown PEI
Sunfest Country Music Festival Lake Cowichan
Sunfest Music Fest-Duncan, BC
Sunfest-London, Ont.
Sunny Brook Veterans K Wing-Toronto
Sunnybrook Hall, AB
Sunnybrook United Church-Red Deer
Sunnyside Home-Kitchener
Sunnyside Park-Toronto
Sunrise Mercantile, Tatamagouche, NS
Sunseekers Ball '11-Chance Harbour, N.B.
Sunset Beverage Room-Digby
Sunset Room-Summerside
Sunset Saloon Winnipeg
Sunset Sounds Series-Grand Bend
Sunset Watch Campground-Bruce Point, N.S.
Sunshine Cluc-Vegreville
Sunshine House and Tavern-Kapuskasing
Sunshine Village-Banff, Alberta
Super Crawl and Arts Festival
Superior International Festival-Thunder Bay
Supermarket-NXNE Showcase-Toronto
Superstore Community Room-Charlottetown
Surf Lodge, Gabriola
Surface Nightclub-Ottawa
Surrey Arts Center-BC
Sussex NB Drive In Event
Sussex Balloon Festival N.B.
Sussex Drive-In
Sussex KOA
Sussex Rotary Amhitheatre
Sutton Arena
Sutton Bay Contryfest-New Liskeard
Sutton Fair
Sutton Place-Edmonton
SW Margaree Hall, N.S.
Swallow Deli and Lounge-Toronto
Swan Club-Markham
Swanky's-Dartmouth, NS
Sweetz Bistro Lounge-Woodbridge, Ont.
Sweltering Songs Festival Fredericton NB
Swift Current Comprehensive High School
Swift Current High-Sask
Swigs Pub-Calgary
Sydenham United Church-Kingston
Sydney Center
Sydney Highland Arts Theatre
Sydney Mines 125th Anniversary
Sydney Ribfest
Sydney Street Pub-Digby
Sydney UCCB-The Pit
Sylvia Gravel Theatre
Symes Center-Toronto
Symphony On The Green-Leithbridge
Syncrude Sports And Wellness Center-Fort McMurray
T J's Hangar-Orangeville
T J's Hanger-Orangeville
Taco Pica-Saint John
Taghum Hall Nelson
Tails To Tell Fundraiser-Crossfield, AB
Tait House Boutique Hotel & Two Nine
Tall Ships 2004-Port Hawkesbury, N.S.
Tall Ships in Summerside PEI
Tall Ships-Sydney
Tall Sips On Stilts-Bear River
Talo-Glace Bay, NS
Taloola Cafe-Windsor
Tamarack Motor Inn-Alberta
Tampa's Sea Deck-Barrington Passage, N.S.
Tangies Fire Hall, N.S.
Tankhouse Pub-Peterborough
Tantramar Theatre-Amherst
Tantramar Veteran Memorial Civic Center-Sackville
Tap and Tankard
Tap Room Sunmmerside, PEI
Taphouse Craft Beer
Tapp's Parkdale-Hamilton
Tapps-Saint John
Taps Bar-Campbellton, NB
Taps Tavern and Grill-Hamilton
Tara Cross Pub-Ottawa
Tara Inn
Tara United Church
Tart House-Sackville, N.S.
Tartan Arms-Brampton
Tartan-Oshawa, On
Taste of Georgetown
Taste of Little Italy-Toronto
Taste of Nova Scotia-Fern Resort-Orillia
Taste of The Danforth St. Festival
Taste of The Kingsway Festival-Toronto
Tatamagouche Center
Tatamagouche Concert, N.S.
Tatamagouche Fire Hall-N.S.
Tatamagouche NS Bluegrass Campout
Tatamagouche Shell-N.S.
Tatto Rock Parlour-Toronto
Tavern On Main-Fort McMurray, AB
Tavern-Rockwood, Ont.
Tavistock and District Rcreation Center
Tawse Winery-Vineland
Tay Creek Folk Festival
Taylor Center for The Performing Arts-Calgary
Taylor's Point Park, New Richmond, BC
TCU Place
TCU Place-Saskatoon
TD Canada Trust Atlantic Jazz Festival-Halifax
TD Echo Beach West Toronto
TD Place-Ottawa
TD Station Saint John NB
Tea Room
Teazers-Amherstn NS
Tecumsah Park-Chatham, Ont.
Tecumseh Corn Festival
Ted's Wrecking Yard
Tee and Tee's Sports Bar and Grill-Etobicoke, Ont.
Teepee Creek Stampede Grounds-Alberta
Telemiracle Annual Fundraiser-Saskatoon
Telkwa B.C. Annual BBQ
Telkwa Pub
Telus Convention Center Calgary
Telus Country Fever-Grand Prairie
Temperance Hall-Sharon
Temple on Queen Brigetown
Temps Partiel-Quebec City
Ten Feet Tall-Toronto
Ten Gallon Bar & Grill Newmarket
Tennessee Tavern-Toronto
Tent booking Uptown Country Waterloo
Tequila Willies-Oshawa
Terra Cotta Gardens
Terra Nova Park-NL
Terra Nova Pub-Terra Nova
Terry Fox Theatre-Port Coquidlan, BC
Terry O's-Toronto
Tesswater Fair
Tex's Smoke Haus-Pickering (Indie Music Festival)
Thames Center Rec Complex Auditorium Dorchester
Theatre Capitole-Quebec City
Theatre Corona
Theatre Corona-Kingston
Theatre De Cuivre-Rouyn-Noranda-QC
Theatre Des Eskers-Amos, QC
Theatre du Casino du Lac Leamy-Gatineau
Theatre du Cegep-Trois Rivieres
Theatre Du Monument-Lefebvre Theatre-Memramcook,
Theatre Granada Sherbrooke
Theatre Hector-Charland-L'Assumption
Theatre Louis Vermeersch-Saint John
Theatre Maisonneuve Place de Arts-Montreal
Theatre Palace-Jonquiere, QC
Theatre Passe Muraille-Toronto
Theatre Petit Champlain-Quebec City
Theatre St. Denis-Montreal
Theatre Telbec-Val D'or-QC
Theatre TGL Miramichi NB
Thessalon Community Hall
Thickwood-Fort McMurray
Thinkers Lodge (Lobster Factory)
Third Glass Moncton
Thirsty Beaver-Pemroke
Thirsty Duck-Halifax
Thirsty Hiker Pub (Glenghorm Beach Resort)Ingonish
Thirsty Moose Bouchtouch New brunswick
Thirsty Moose-Bouchtouch
Thirsty Moose-Carleton Place
This Ain't Hollywood-Hamilton
Thistle New Glasgow
Thomas Albert School, Grand Falls
Thompson Rivers University-Kamloops
Thorncliffe Community Center Calgary
Thorndale Community Center, On.
Thornton Lions Hall (Highway 27)
Three Bears-Sussex, NB
Three Dog Distilling
Three Judges-Oakville
Three Mile
Three Rivers Community Hall-Torbrook, NS
Three Rivers Summerfest Series
Threshermans Reunion-Austin, MB
Through The Years with Richard Wood
Thunder and Lightning-Saskville
Thunder Bay Auditorium
Thunder Bay Blues Fest, Ontario
Thunder Bay City
Thunder Bay Community Center
Thunder Bay-Festival
Thunderbird Stadium
Tickets Now Available St John for Nov 10 -Box Of.
Tidal Pool-St Andrews
Tide and Boar-Moncton
Tide -Miramichi, N.B.
Tide Theatre-Fort St John
Tidemark Theatre-Campbell River, B.C.
Tidnish Hall, N.S.
Tiffin Bay Folk Club-Midland
Tiger Bar
Tiger Hills Arts Association-Holland
Tiger Lilly Community Hall-Barrhead, AB
Tignish Credit Union Arena, PEI
Tignish Dinner Theatre PEI
Tignish Irish Folk Festival
Tignish Parish Center-P.E.I.
Tignish, P.E.I. Irish Folk Festival-P.E.I.
Tignish, P.E.I. Irish Moss Festival
Tignish, PEI Fire Hall
Tillsonburg Memorial Arena
Tillsonburg Music Festival
Tilted Kilt-Richmond Hill, Ont.
Tim Hortons Bier CurlingChampionships-St. John's
Tim Horton's Jazz and Blues Festival-Charlottetown
Tim Hortons Southside Shuffle 2022
Timber Lounge, Halifax
Timber Run-Lanark, Ont.
Timberlea Beverage Room-N.S.
Time in Torbay
Time Out Sports and Taps-Georgetown
Times Change High and Lonesome Club-Winnipeg
Timkin Center-St. Thomas, On
Timmins Fan Fest-Timmins
Timmins High School
Timothy's Coffees-Charlottetown
Timothy's Pub-Etobicoke
Tin Cup-Oakville
Tin Pan North-Brampton (Songwriters symposium)
Tinhorn Creek Winery-Oliver, B.C.
Tinhorn Creek-B.C.
Tipsy Muse Cafe Frederction, NB
Tipsy Muse-Fredericton
Tir Na Nog-Kingston
Tir Nan Og
Tir-Na-nog Theatre-Bowen Island
Tisdale RecPlex - Tisdale
Titled Kilt-Richmond Hill
TJ's Country Roadhouse-Kitchener
TJ's Place-Hamilton
TJ's Sports Bar-Bloomfield,
TJ's-St Thomas
To Be Advised
To Be Advised-St Andrews
Tobermory Annual Celtic Weekend
Toby Jugs-Bolton
Toddies-Jadore, N.S.
Toddy's Resturant and Lounge-Jeddore, N.S.
Todmorden Mills Harvest festival-Toronto
Tofield Rodeo Alberta
Together Again
Tom and Jerry's Bristo-Newmarket
Tom Perkin Birthday Party
Tommy Banks Theatre Edmonton
Tommy Douglas Performing Arts Center-Weyburn
Tommy Gun's Speakeasy Lounge-Windsor, NS
Tommy Guns-Windsor, N.S.
Tommy's Restaurant and Bar-Toronto
Tomorrow's Lounge-Bridgewater
Tongue and Groove-Lethbridge
Tongue on the Post Festival, Medicine Hat
Tongue on The Post Festival-Medicine Hat
Tony's Music Box-Frederction
Top Hat-Greenwood
Top Lop Lounge-Sault Ste. Marie
Top Spot Pub
Topsoil United Church
Tornado Joes-Chilliwack, B.C.
Tornadoes Bar-Moncton, NB
Torono Downtown-PEI Tourism Campaign
Toronto Center For The Arts
Toronto City Roots Festival
Toronto Distillery Area
Toronto Dominion Center/Outdoors
Toronto Fest-Harbourfront
Toronto Festival of Beer
Toronto Harbourfront-Canada Day Celebrations
Toronto New Covenant Cathedral
Toronto Skydome
Toronto Street Festival-JAZZ CAFE!
Toronto Yonge Street Festival-Dundas Square
Tottenham Bluegrass Festival-Ont
Tottenham Community Center
Tottenham Library Building Summer Theatre
Town and Country Saloon-London
Town and Country-Calgary
Town Hall Heritage Theatre-Wingham
Town Hall Norwood
Town Hall-Newcastle
Town Hall-Norwood
Town Hall-Port Perry
Town Hall-St Joseph's Island, Ont
Town Lounge-Saint John
Town of Athens
Town of Carp
Town of Hllsborough
Town of Ingleside
Town of Navan
Town of Pictou
Towne House-Sudbury
Townhouse Brewpub-Antognish
Townhouse Tavern-Sudbury
Townshend Theatre-Fort Frances
Townshend Theatre-Fort Francis
Toy Run Motorcycle Rally-Sackville Arena, NS
Tracadie Community Center-Tracadie Cross-PEI
Tracadie Music Cafe-Mount Stewart, PEI
Tracies Place, Hamilton
Track On 2
Tracks Brewpub-Brampton
Tracks Pub-Olds, AB
Trackside Music Festival-London
Tractor Draw-Seaforth, Ont.
Tractor Grease Cafe-Chilliwack
Tracy's Tap and Grille-Kincardine
Tradewinds International Center-Peterborough
Trading Company Tobique River
Trading Post-Rosedale (Trent Severn)
Traditional Bluegrass Days-New Richmond, QC
Traditions Folk Club-Greystone's on Broadway
Trailade Community Center Mount Stewart PEI
Trails West Club 40-Brandon
Trails, Tales and Tunes Festival-Gros Morne, NL
Trails, Tales and Tunes Festival-NL
Trails,Tales and Tunes Festival-NL
Trailside Music Hall-Charlottetown PEI
Trails-Tales-Tunes Festival- Norris Point NL
Trails-Tales-Tunes Festival, NL
Trane Studio Toronto-Tin Pan Festival
Trane Studio-Toronto
Trans Canada Theatre-Olds, AB
Travel Lodge-Saskatoon, SK
Traveller Hotel Banquet-Peace River
Travellodge Hotel--Orillia (Galaxy Room)
Trellis Cafe-Hubbards, N.S.
Tremount Collingwood
Tremours-Niagara Falls
Trent University
Trent Valley Jamboree-Belleville
Trent Valley Jamboree-Trenton High School
Trenton Gospel Show
Trenton HS Auditorium-Ont.
Trenton Military Resource Center
Tribute Communities Center-Oshawa
Tribute To Father Leo Campbell
Trider's Craft Beer-Amherst, NS
Trillium Jamboree-Hastings
Trilogy Concert Club-Brampton
Trinitea's Cup-Frederction
Trinity Church-Coburg
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Trinity Pub-St. John's
Trinity St. Paul's Center-Toronto
Trinity Unied Church Botwood
Trinity United Church
Trinity United Church Portage La Prairie
Trinity United Church-Bobcaygeon
Trinity United Church-Charlottetown
Trinity United Church-Minto, NB
Trinity United Church-Napanee
Trinity United Church-New Glasgow
Trinity United Church-Newmarket
Trinity United Church-North Bay
Trinity United Church-Shediac, N.B.
Trinity United Church-Shelburne, Ont.
Trinity United Church-Summerside, PE
Trinity Unitrd Church-Shelburne, Ont.
Tristin Osborne-Memorial Music-Kingston
Triumph Hotel
Trochu Baptist Fellowship Center
Trochu Community Center-AB
Trochu Community Center-Trochu, AB
T-Room Dal-Tech-Halifax
Trophy Case-Bradford
Troubadour Fest Barrie
Trout Creek Community Center-Ont
Trout Forest Music Festival-Ear Falls, Ont
Truck Drivin' Night with Terry Sumsion-Delhi
Truck Rodeo Notre Dame Des Nord, QC
Trudeau's Park Dance Hall-Tweed
Trudeu Park-Tweed, On
True Black Swan-Toronto
Truffle Pigs Bistro-Field
Truro Church of The Nazarene, N.S.
Truro RCL
TruroTulip Festival
Tsawwassen United Church-Delta, BC
TSUNAMI Benefit Dance - RCL #238 Fenelon Falls
Tuna Blue
Tunes On The Dunes-Bouctouche, N.B.
Turner's Tavern-St. John's
Turtle Fest Celebrations
Turtle Jack's Richmond Hill
Turtleford Comm. School -United Anglican Church
Tweed and Company Theatre
Tweed Hungerford Argicultural Fair-Ontario
Tweed Park Hall
Tweed Stampede and Jamboree-Ontario
Tweedsmuir Hotel-Tweed
Tweedsmuir Presbyterian Church-Orangeville
Tweedsmuir Tavern
Twelve Foot Davis Ball Park-Peace River, AB
Twillingate Fish Festival-NL
Twillingate Fish Festival-NL-
Twin Butte Country General Store
Twin Butte General Store-AB
Twin Shores Bluegrass Festiva lP.E.I.
Twin Shores Bluegrass Festival P.E.I.
Twisted Kilt-(formerly Bow and Arrow) Toronto
Twister's Night Club-Chatham
Two Dogs Sports Bar Toronto, Ont
Two Doors Down-Brantford
Two Hour Relay-Kelowna, BC
Two Islands Brewery-Parrsboro
Two Rivers Wildlife Park
Two Whales Cafe-Port Rexton
Tyne Valley Fire Hall
Tyne Valley Landing-P.E.I.
Tyne Valley Music Festival
Tyne Valley Oyster Festival PEI
U of Saskatchewan Fieldhouse-Saskatoon
UAW Hall-Oshawa
UBC Chan Center For The Performing Arts Vancouver
Ugly Mug Cafe-London
Ukrainian Hall-Dryden
UNB Homecoming Reception-Fredericton, N.B.
Unchagah Hall-Dawson Creek, BC
Uncle B's Lounge-Camrose, AB
Uncle B's Lounge-Camrose, BC
Uncle G's-Sussex
Uncle Mike's Bloomfield PEI
Uncle Mikes-Bloomfield
Uncle Mike's-Summerside, PEI
Uncorked On Main-Georgetown
Under The Spire-Kensington PEI
Uniacke Baptist Church-Mount Uniacke, N.S.
Uniacke Baptist Church-Mount Uniacke, NS
Uniake Pine Grove Grille-Mount Uniacke
Union Corner Prov. Park
Union Hall-Edmonton
Union Sound Hall-Winnipeg
Union Street Cafe-Berwick
Unionville Arms
Unionville Celtic Festival
Unionville Community Center
Unionville Main Street Summer Series
Unitarium Hall Namaimo
Unite 150 Winnipeg
Unitea Cafe-Ashcroft
United Baptist Church-Milford Coffee House-NS
United Church Center
United Church Cochrane St-St John's
United Church George St
United Church Jamboree-Beaverton, Ont
United Church Winchester
United Church-Avondale, N.S.
United Church-Innisfail
United Kingdom Club-Cambridge
United Presbyterian Church
Unity Western Days-Sask.
University of Alberta-Edmonton
University of Calgary
University of Lethbridge
University of Moncton
University of New Brunswick-Sub Cafeteria
University of PEI (The Wave>
University of PEI-Charlottetown - P.Arts Center
University of St. Anne -Church Point
University of Victoria
University of Waterloo Theatre
University of Waterloo's Grad House Patio Party
University of Windsor
University Theatre-Regina
Unknown Venue- Sarnia
Unknown Venue-Deep River
Up To Par
UPEI Dr. Steel Recital Hall, Charlottetown
UPEI Sports Center-Charlotteown
Upper 3 Corner Pond Park-Torbay, NL
Upper Canada Bluegrass Festival-Morrisburg, Ont.
Upper Clements Park
Upper Deck-Fredericton
Upper Three Corner Pond Park-Torbay, NL
Upstairs Cabaret-Victoria
Upstairs Jazz Club Montreal
UPstreet Craft Brewing-Charlottetown, PEI
Uptown Country Festival-Waterloo
Uptown Folk Club Edmonton
Urban Arts Center-Kemptville
Urban Cafe-Richmond Hill
Urban Room-Red Deer
Urbandale Arts Center
USSU Louis Pub-Saskatoon
Utopia Hall
Uxbridge Fair
Uxbridge Music Hall-Ont
Uxport Country Music Stampede
Vacationland RV Park-Brackley Beach, PEI
Valemount Theatre-Secondary School-B.C.
Valentine Dinner and Dance
Valhalla Inn-Toronto
Valhalla Tavern St. John's
Valley City Saloon-Clive, AB
Valley Heritage Radio-Live Performance-Ottawa
Valley Jamboree-Sussex
Valley Lounge-Norris Arm, Nfld
Valley Resort-Barrie
Valleyfest, Hants County-Windsor, NS
Van Go Resturant and Bar-Port Credit
Van Gogh's Ear-Guelph
Van. Island Music Business Conference-Comox Valley
Vancouver Arts Club-Backstage Lounge
Vancouver Folk Festival
Vancouver International Jazz Festival
Vancouver Island Music Fest-Comox Valley
Vancouver Island Symphony Nanaimo
Vangelis Tavern-Saskatoon
Vanier Hall-Prince George, B.C.
Various Venues
Vat-Red Deer
Velvet Nightclub-Quebec
Velvet Olive-Halifax
Velvet Underground-Edmonton
Venue Cochrane
Venue Nightclub Vancouver
Vermilion Folk Club
Vernon and District Multiplex-Vernon
Vernon Performing Arts Center
Vernon River Hall-PEI
Vessel -Charlottetown PEI
Vesta Restaurant-Brampton
Viamade Resort- Stoney Lake, Ont.
Vibration Studio-Ottawa
Vic Juba Theatre-Lloydmaster, B.C.
Vic Juba Theatre-Lloydmaster, B.C.-
Vic Juba Theatre-Lloydminister
Vic Juba Theatre-Lloydminister, AB
Vicars Vice-Hamilton
Vicar's View Venue Baddeck NS
Vickers Field
Vic's Place-Belleville
Victims of Igor (NL) Charity Show-Kitchener
Victoria Day Celebrations-Beaches-Tor.
Victoria & Albert Pub
Victoria By The Sea
Victoria Carlton Arts
Victoria Concert Hall-Coburg
Victoria Folk Club-Victoria
Victoria Hall-Bass River
Victoria Highland Civic Center-Baddeck
Victoria Hotel-Dunnville
Victoria International Jazz Festival
Victoria Jubilee Theatre-Walkerton
Victoria Park Charlottetown
Victoria Park-Charlottetown
Victoria Park-Moncton
Victoria Park-Truro
Victoria Playhouse-Petrolia
Victoria Playhouse-Victoria, PEI
Victoria Row
Victoria Row, Charlottetown
Victory Cafe-Toronto
Videotron Center-Quebec City
Village Bakery-Haines Junction, YT
Village Green Restaurant-Steinback
Village Guitar and Amp, Saskatoon
Village Inn-Bradford
Village Musical
Village Musicial Acadien-Abram Village PEI
Village of Yorkville Park-Toronto
Village Playhouse
Village Pub-Coldbrook, N.S.
Village Pump
Village Square Coffee House-Port Stanley, Ont.
Village Vinyl Emporium
Village-Blue Mountain-Collingwood
Villages - Brantford
Vince Ryan Hockey Tournament-Sydney
Vintage Bistro-Hampton, NB
Vinyl Envy-Victoria
Vinyl Garage-Pasadena
Virden Auditorium Theatre-Manitoba
Virden Auditorium Theatre-Manitoba-
Virgin Hill Bluegrass Festival-N.B.
Virginia United Church-Ontario
Virginiatown Country Jamboree, Ontario
Vlahos Trailer Park Mount Albert
Vlahos Trailer Park-Mt. Albert, On
Vogue Theatre-Mirimichi
Vogue Theatre-Vancouver
Voyager Inn-North Bay
Voyageur Festival with Jason McCoy
Voyageur Inn-North Bay
Vu Night Spot-Cornwall
Vulcan Lodge-Alberta
W.C. O'Neil Arena-St Andrew's, N.B.
Wa Wa Shrine Center-Regina
Wabana Club
Wainright Comuniplex Alberta
Wakestock-Wasaga Beach, Ont.
Waldorf Independent School Funraiser-Edmonton
Walker's Brew Pub-Brampton
Walkers Fish Market-Mississauga, Ont.
Walkerton Benefit Concert
Walkerton Rotary Conference-Ontario
Walkerton Rotary Conference-Ontario-
Walkham's Gate Pub-Bonavista
Wall St. United Church-Brockville
Wallace Community Center, Wallace, NS
Wallace Lucas Community Center, Sackville,N.S.
Wallacetown Fair-Ontario
Wally's Tavern-Guelph
Walper Pub-Kitchener
Walters Music Venue-Bright Ont
Walton Fire Hall, N.S.
Waltzing Weasel-Bolton
Waltzing Weasel-London
Waltzing Weasel-Oshawa
Wandlyn Convention Center
Wandlyn Inn-Coldbrook, NS
War Memorial Hall-Guelph
Warburg Community-Alberta
Warehouse Concert Hall St. Catherines
Waring House
Waring House-Picton
Warkworth Arena Dance
Warm House Retreat B&B
Warm House Retreat Garden Summerside PEI
Warp 9-Thunder Bay
Warren Butland Albert County Pub-Riverview, NB
Wasaga Beach Canada Day with Tim Hicks
Wasaga Beach Historic Main St. Market
Wasaga Beach Uniterd Church
Wasaga Recplex-Ont.
Wasaga Under Seige-Wasaga Beach
Washasa Bluegrass Assoc.-Red Deer, AB
Wasted Day Brewery-St John
Wasted Space-Oshawa
Water HoleTavern-Patrica, AB
Water Street Dinner
Water Street Fish and Chips, Charlottetown
Waterdown Community Park
Waterford Old Town Hall-Ont.
Waterford PumpkinFest
Waterford United Church
Waterfront Container Village
Waterfront Festival-Dartmouth, N.S.
Waterfront Festival-Sydney, N.S.
Waterfront Stage-Gananoque, Ont
Waterfront Theatre-Vancouver
Waterhouse Ballroom-Huntsville, Ont.
Waterloo Community Arts Center
Waterloo North Presbyterian Church
Waterloo Region Museum-Ontario
Watermark Theatre North Rustico PEI
Watermark Theatre North Rustico PEI
Watermark Theatre-North Rustico
Watermark Theatre-North Rustico, PEI
Waters Edge Resto Grille Charlottetown
Water's Edge Restro/Bar/Grill-Charlottetown
Water's Edge-Charlottetown
Waterside Summer Series-Amherst Island
Watertown Inn-Sault Ste. Marie
Waterville Fire Hall
Watford United Church
Watrous Civic Center-SK
Watson Arts Center-Dauphin, MB
Waupoons-Smith Bay, Ont
Waverley Village Green
Waverly Hotel-Cumberland, B.C.
Wave-University of PEI
Wawa Motor Inn-Wawa, On
WB Speak Easy
WCAF Music Fest Petitcodiac NB
WCMA Awards-MooseJaw
WCMA Awards-Regina SK
Webber Academy-Calgary
Webs Res. and Lounge-Mississauga
Webs Rest. and Lounge-Mississauga
Wee Folk Club-Toronto
Welcome Inn-Spiritwood, SK
Weldon Matthews Theatre
Welland Country Jamboree
Welland Farmers Market
Welland Truck Show
Wellington Boot
Wellington Club
Wellington Community Sportplex-Fergus
Wellington Elementary School-Prescott
Wellington Expo Center
Wellington Park, Guelph
Wellington Square United Church-Burlington
Wellington Tavern-Hamilton
Wellington Terrace, Fergus
Wellington-Havelock, Ont.
Well-Nelson, N.B.
Wellness Center-Montaque
Wellness Center-Summerside
Wembley Pub-Toronto
Wendover Country Festival
Wentworth Heiights, Hamilton
Wentworth Park Sydney
Wentworth Recreation Center
Wentworth Recreation Center-N.S.
Wesbild Center-Vernon, BC
Wesley St. Matthews United Chursh-Pugwash
Wesley United Church-Pembroke
Wesleyan Celebration Center-Moncton
Wesleyan Church Aud.-Moncton
West 7 Night Club
West Branch Hall-Pictou County
West Brooklyn
West Central Events Center, Kindersley
West Chezzetcook Fire Hall-N.S.
West Cork Tavern
West Dublin Hall-Lathave
West Dublin Hall-Tahave, NS
West Edmonton Mall
West Elgin Secondary School-West Lorne, Ont.
West End Cultural Center-Winnipeg
West End Cultural Center-Winnipeg-
West End Culture Center - Winnipeg
West Gore Firehall
West Loon Community Hall, Ont.
West Mabou Dance
West Mabou Sports Hall
West Mabou, C.Breton Hall
West Point Beach Resort
West Point Grey Presbyterian Church-Vancouver
West Point Harbourside Center PEI
West Prince Heritage Properties-Tignish, PEI
West River United Church, Cornwall
West Seven (formerly Nashville North, Norval)
West Side Charlies-Bay Roberts, NL
West Side Joey's-Toronto
West Town Bar and Grill-Hamilton
Westben Arts Festial Theatre Inc-Cambellford
Westbrook Inn-Winnipeg
West-End Worship Center-Etobicoke
Western Centennial Auditorium Ottawa CollegeCampus
Western Fair District-London
Western Fair-London
Western Festival
Western Financial Place-Cranbrook
Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium-Brandon
Western Nova Scotia Exhibition
Westerner Fair-Red Deer, Alberta
Westhen Arts Festival-Campbellford
Westile Composite School Theatre-PEI
Westile Theatre-Elmsdale PEI
Westin Harbour Castle (CMW Week)
Westin Hotel (Commonwealth Ballroon Halifax)
Westin Hotel-Edmonton
Westin Hotel-Halifax
Westisle Theatre-Elmsdale, P.E,.I.
Westlock Cultural Arts Theatre
Westlock Culture Arts Center-Westlock
Westman Auditorium-Brandon
Westman Communications Group Place-Brandon
Westman Place-Brandon
Westmeath Community Hall
Westminister Presbyterian Church Smith Falls
Westminister Presbyterian Church-Barrie
Westminister Presbyterian Church-Sault Ste. Marie
Westminister United Church-Orangeville
Westminister United Church-Whitby
Westmorland County Fair Petitcodiac
Westmount Army Navy Club
Westport Music Festival-Ont.
Westsale Theatre Hamilton
Westside Charlies-Bay Robers, NL
Westside Concert Theatre-Hamilton
Westville Canada Day Celebrations
Westville Park-Nova Scotia
Westville Town-Hockey Team Benefit-N.S.
Westworth Park-Sydney
Wetaskiwin Community Theatre-AB
Wetmore-Street Pub-Fredericton,
Weyburn Comprehensive High-Weyburn, SK
Whale and Ale
Whalen's Gate-Corner Brook
Whalley Days Festival-Central Park, B.C.
Wharf Rar Rally-Digby
Wharf Rat Ralley-Digby
Wharf Rat Rally-Digby
Wheat Kings (Sneakers/Fitzgerald's)Newmarket
Wheatley River Hall-PEI
Wheel Club-Montreal
Whelan's Gate
Whelans Gate Restaurant-Torono
Whelan's Gate-Corner Brook
Where Friends Meet-Fogo Island
Whippett Lounge-London
Whippletree Coffee-Esterhazy
Whiskey Pub & Kitchen-Stratford
Whispering Winds Campground-Shubenacadie, N.S.
Whistle Bear Golf Club-Waterloo, On
Whistle Stop-Jasper, AB
Whistler's Pub-Stewiacke, N.S.
Whitby Canada Day Celebration
White Court Community Center-Alberta
White Horse Tavern-Corner Brook, NL
White House Hotel-Peterborough
White Oak Folk Club
White Paint Beach Resort, Liverpool
White Point Beach Resort, Hunts Point, NS
White Rabbit-Newmarket, Ont.
White Shield Plaza-Scarborough
Whitetail Pub and Grill-Westville, NS
Whitney Forum-Flin Flon, Man.
Whoop Up Days-Stage EX Music Festival-Lethbridge
Who's On First
Whycocomagh Center
Whycocomagh Watertfront
Whyte Horse Cafe/GlueFactoryCanmore, AB
WI Hall-Stanley Bridge
Wiarton Fall Fair
Wild Bill's-Baniff
Wild Bills-Keswick
Wild Blueberry Harvest Fest-Amherst
Wild Caraway Resturant-Advocate Harbour
Wild Moose-Haliburton
Wild Rose Saloon
Wild West Saloon-Edmonton
Wild Wing
Wild Wing South-Barrie
Wild Wing-Bowmanville
Wild Wing-Lindsay
Wilderness Park(On The Mira)
Wildwood Re. Complex-Wildwood, AB
Willdwood By The Lake, Rondeau
William Dawson Auditorium-Timmins
William Glesby Center-Portage la Prairie
Williams Lake Stampede Arena-B.C.
Williams Restaurant
Willow Restaurant-Toronto
Willow Vale Estate
Willows Lake Camp, Brantford
Willy McGee's, Miramichi
Wilmot Community Center-P.E.I.
Wilmot United Church-Frederction
Wilno Tavern-Wilno
Wilser Room-Fredericton
Wilson Equipment-Truro
Winchester Arms-Alliston
Winchester Arms-Belleville
Winchester Arms-Clarkson
Winchester Arms-Kingston Rd/Victoria Park
Winchester Arms-Orangeville
Winchester Arms-Port Colborne
Winchester Arms-Toronto
Winchester Theatre-Deloraine
Winchster Arms-Bradford
Wind & Reef Seafood Restaurant North Cape PEI
Wind and The Reef Restaurant-North Cape PEI
Wind Drifter, Mundy's Bay Folk Society-Midland
Winding Road Country Festival-Port Perry
Window To The West Stage-Calgary
Windsong Festival-Powassan
Windsor Beer Exchange-Windsor
Windsor Celtic Festival
Windsor Folk Club
Windsor Park Officers Mess
Windsor Tavern-Timmins
Windsor Tavern-Windsor
Wine-Ohs Bristo and Cellar-Calgary AB
Winfield Recreation Center
Wing Shack-Ajax
Wing Shack-Whitby
Wingham Community Center
Wingham Heritage Hall-Ont.
Wingham Town Hall-Ontario
Wingham-CKNX Radio And The OOCSC
Wings-Summerside, PEI
Winking Judge-Hamilton
Winkler Harvest Festival-Manitoba
Winlsoe United Church, PEI
Winnipeg Convention Cener
Winnipeg Folk Festival
Winnipeg Jazz Festival
Winona Peach Festival-Ontario
Winsloe Lions Club
Winsloe Lions Club PEI
Winsloe United Church PEI
Winspear Center-Edmonton
Winston Shagwell's-Pickering
Winter Carnival Hillsboro
Winter Carnival-Riverview, N.B.
Winter Garden Theatre-Toronto
Winter Jazz-Charlottetown, PEI
Winterfest-Toronto Nathan Phillips Square
Winterfolk Indoor Folk Festival-Toronto
Wintergreen Concert Series-Petit Campus-Montreal
Winterton Rec. Center
Winterval Festival
Wise Guys Deluxe Grille and Bar -Toronto
Wise Hall-Vancouver
Wize Guyz-Riverview, NB
Wolf Performance Hall-London
Wolfe Island Music Fest-Ontario
Wolftone in The Beaches, Toronto
Wolftone Irish Pub
Wolfville Farmers Market-N.S.
Wolfville Union Hall
Wood Islands Prov. Park
Wood Mountain Festival-Assinaboine, SK
Wood Mountain Regional Park-Wood Mountain, Sask.
Woodfire Deli-Souris
Woodhouse Lounge-Toronto
Woodland Acres North
Woodlands Jamboree
Woodlawn United Church-Dartmouth
Woodman Competition-Memramcook
Woods Harbour Community Center, N.S.
Woods Nightclub-Castlegar
Woodside United Church-Cole Harbour
Woodstock en Beauce-Sirius Stage-Saint Ephrem
Woodstock Fair
Woodstock High School Auditorium-N.B.
Woodstock Navy Club
Woodstock Streetfest
Woodstove Festival Cumberland
Woodville Community Center-NS
Woodville Community Presbyterian Church-ON.
Woody Point Festival-Nfld
Woody Point Heritage Theatre
Woody Point Heritage Theatre-NL
Woody's Place-Riverview, NB
Woolastook Bluegrass Festival-Cloverdale, N.B.
Woolastook Bluegrass Festival-Upper Kingsclear, NB
Woolich Arms-Guelph
Workers Arts and Heritage Ctr. Hamilton
Workman Theatre-Toronto
Workworth Arena
World Class Kitchen Party
World Guitar Festival-Rouyn-Noranda, QC
World Trade and Convention Centre
Worship In The Square-Fredericton
Wrangler Bar & Grille-New Glasgow
Wrangler's Roadhouse-Upper Tantallon
Wreckhouse Jazz Festival-St. John's, NL
Wroxeter Community Hall
Wuthering Bites Literary Cafe
Wyatt Heritage House-Summerside
Wylders-North Bay
Wylie's Pub-Nakusp, B.C.
Wyndham Manor
Xeno's Bistro and Bar-Ajax
Xeroz Arcade-Moncton NB
X-Tremes Lounge
XYZ Seniors Hall
Yale Memorial Theatre-Leithbridge
Yaletown-Vancouver, BC
Yarc Theatre-Yarmouth
Yard at Mill Square-Sault Ste Marie
Yardmen Arena-Belleville, On.
Yarmouth Arts and Recreation Center
Yarmouth County Museum
Yates Memorial Theatre-Leithbridge
Ye Old Jar Bar-Medicine Hat, AB
Ye Olde Squire-Hamilton
Yellow Cup Cafe-Etobicoke
Yellow Door-Montreal
Yellow House-Creston
Yellow Steeple Music Hall-Blind River
Yellowknife Golf Course
Yellowknife Multiplex
Yoga By Sarah-St Catherines
Yonge Street Festival (Eglinton and Yonge)
Yonge Street Festival-Yonge and Dundas-Toronto
Yonge-Dundas Square-Toronto
York Community Center-Charlottetown
York Point Community Center
York University-Toronto
Yorkminister Park Baptist Church-Toronto
Your Father's Moustache-Halifax
Your Neighborhhood Pub-Beamsville
YQM Country Fest in Dieppe NB
Yukon Arts Centre
Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous-Whitehorse
Zacchaeus Cafe-Thornhill
Zadach Event Center-Regina SK
Zaphod Beeblebrox 2-Ottawa
Zaphod's -Ottawa
Zeke's Gallery-Montreal
Zen Waffle Inn-Waubaushene
Ziggys Pub-Sydney River
Ziggy's-Sydney River
Zion Lutheran Church-Lunenburg, N.S.
Zion Presbyterian Church-Charlottetown
Zion United Church-Digby Neck
Zion United Church-Kitchener
Zion United Church-Sandy Cove
Zone-Red Deer
Zoo-Brooks, AB
Zorba's Banquet Hall-Kingston
Zumas Rodeo
Celtic (Irish)
Christmas Shows
Classic Rock
East Coast
Hip Hop
Honky Tonk
Maritime Folk
New Country
Newfoundland Music
Old Country
Old Rock & Blues
Rock & Roll
Top Country