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# Rappin Gifts 2018
#OTFG (Bishu, Sharkweek & DJJO) Paint Party
$5.00 Cover Charge
(A is A)
(Call The Club)
(My Stompin Grounds) A Stompin' Tom Story
(No Band)
(No Entertainment)
(Open stage)
(To Be Advised) LIVE
1 Row Back
10 Mile House
10 String Circus
100 Years From Now
10Q-Classic Rock
10th Anniversary Celebration
10th Annual Bluegrass Jubliee
112 Accords (Christmas Music)
12 Bar Blues Band
16th Annual Canada Day Party
1984 Song Book
19th Nervous Breakdowns-Tribute to Rolling Stones
1st Anniversary Celebration
1st Anniversary Party
2 and 1\2 Men
2 for the Show
2 Just Women/2 Just Men
2 Makes 12 (Tanner Gaudet & Friend)
2 Minutes to Maiden/Deaf Forever
2 Plus 3
2 To Tango
20 Eyes
20 Live Acts
20 Year Anniversary of Failte
2010 Memramcook Valley Bluegrass
2015 Country Mega Ticket
2015 Digital Dreams Music Festival
2015 OV Fest (Drake)
2015 OVO Fest (Drake, J Cole, Big Sean, YG)
2022 Juno Awards
20th Anniversary Gala Concert
20th Anniversary Party
21 Gun Salute/ACDC Tribute
21 Gun Salute-Wise Crakers-Flat Top
2112 Tribute To Rush
22nd Street
24 Strong: Competitive Showcase
24th Street Wailers
25th Anniversary Celebrartion
25th Annual Christmas Wish Fundraiser
2nd Anniversary Celebration
2nd Anniversary Celebration-
2nd Anniversary Dinner Show
2nd Anniversary Night
2nd Annual Jingle Jangle Jam
2nd Annual Lobster Boil (N.S. Live Lobsters)
3 For The Road
3 Inches of Blood with Goatwhore
3 Sheets To The Wind
30 Russell
30th Anniversary Events For 12 days
30th Anniversary Party
38 Special
3AM (Jamie Matthews Band)
3rd Anniversary Celebration
4- 2- THE BAR
4 days of Music Entertainment
4 Men In A Tub
4-2-The Bar
43rd Annual Maud Whitmore Benefit Concert
45 Knots
4th Anniversary Celebration
5 Bands - All Age Show
5 Seasons of Summer
5 Seconds of Summer
5 Year Anniversity Patio Party
50 and 60's Dance
50 and 60's Sockhop
50's and 60's Dance with B and B
50th Anniversary Jazz Concert -the Quintet
52 Pick-Up
55th Anniversary Show
5th Avenue
5th Dimension
6 Degrees of Syncopation (Jazz Fringe festival)
6 Hearts
6 Lead Singers
6 Strings and Counting
60 LPS
60th Birthday Party
7 Day Weekend
70 Mile Yard Sale (Comedy)
7th Mystic
8 Second Ride
8 Track Favourites
8 Wheel Drive
80's Night
80's Night with DMayne Event
9 Mile Driver
90"s Night with Pineau
905 Band
90's R&B Rewind
9-1-1 Night (Firefighters Charity)
A Christmas Concert with Jim, Fergus, Mark & Aar
-A is A Top 40
a' Joe Narcisse
A. Frank Willis
A. J. Crose
A.V.B. and O.M.A. Campout
Aan Jackson Experience
Aaron and Kristy
Aaron and Alicia
Aaron and Ryane Crane
Aaron Carter
Aaron Collier
Aaron Collier and Paul Christian
Aaron Collier/A/V Live
Aaron Comeau
Aaron Crane and Fiona MacCorquodale
Aaron Crane and Friends
Aaron Griggs
Aaron Hastelow and Friends
Aaron Hastelow, Nick Doneff, Amanda Jackson Band
Aaron Jake Goodvin
Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lines
Aaron MacDonald
Aaron MacDonald and Friends
Aaron Paugh
Aaron Pritchett
Aaron Pritchett, Kira Isabella, David James
Aaron Protogey
Aaron Solomon
Aaron Tippin
Aaron Wilkinson
Abba Experience
ABBA Mania-Trib. to Bee Gees
Abba Revisited
Abbamania (Abba and The Bee Gees) Trib.
Abba-The Concert
Abbey Road
Abby Hackett
Abby Hameline
Abby Peters
Abby Peters and Rodney Arsenault
Abegweit Chimes
Abi McCarthy
Abi, James & Sara
Abigail Rogers (16 Year old Stepdancer)
Abigail Hamelin
Abigail Lapell
Abigail Lapell (ON)/Raine Hamilton (MN)
Abigail Rogers (Stepdancer)
Aboriginal Group
Abraham's Children
Abrams Brothers
Absolut Sharpie Party
Absolute Losers
Absolutely Sinatra with Rick Sonata
Abysseral Throne
AC DC ( Sin City)
AC DC -by Jail Break
AC/DC Tribute
AC/DC Tribute-Hells Bells
Acadia Hall-Sackville, N.S.
Acadian Celidth
Acadian Christmas Party-Several Artists
Acadian Kitchen Party
Acadian Show
Acadian Soiree with Robert Deveaux/Mario Fayo
Accordion Crimes
Accoustic Duo-Chris and Josh
Ace of Spades
Acorn Rangers
Acorn Rangers and Choxx Burlington
Acousic Punters
Acoustic Brothers
Acoustic Brothers
Acoustic Country-Cameron Family Singers
Acoustic Evening
Acoustic Heartstrings
Acoustic jam
Acoustic Maritime Music Festival
Acoustic Merchants
Acoustic Music Live
Acoustic Open Mic
Acoustic Open Stage
Acoustic Theft
Acoustic Tradition
Acres of Lions
Actors Studio Concert Series
Adam The Foe
Adam and Eric
Adam and Liam
Adam and The Foes
Adam Baldwin (Halifax)
Adam Baxter (NFL)
Adam Cooke
Adam Cousins
Adam Crossley
Adam Dobres
Adam Gregory
Adam Hill
Adam Karch
Adam MacGregor
Adam MacGregor and The Foes
Adam MacPherson and The Foes
Adam Makowiez
Adam Osinski
Adam Timoon
Adam Waite
Adam Washburn
Adam Young
Adam's Rib
Adaptive Reaction and Organ Grider
Addis and Hamper
Adi Braun
Adonis Puentes/Pancho Amat
Adrain Sutherland
Adrien Breda (pianist)
Adriene Gallant/Paul Gallant
Adrienne Gallant
Adult Dance
Adult Singing Competition
Adult Square Dance
Adyn Townes
Aengus Finnan
Aeolian Singers
Aero Smith (Trib. by Mama Kin Band)
Aero Smith-Trib. by Sweet A Motion
Aeroforce (Ladies Night)
Aerosmith Rock
Africa to Appalachia
African Jazz January
Africville-Jackie Richardson/Joe Sealy
After Funk
After Glow
After Hours Band
After Hours Live
Afternam//Vortex//Death Valley Driver
Against All Odds
Aggie McFee
Aggie McPhee and Gary Gale New Year's Eve Bash!!
Aggie/Gary Gale
Ahearn Duo
Aideen O'Brien
Ailie Robertson
Aimish Family Christmas
Aina and The Boys
Aindnas de Staic
Air Supply
Air Traffic Control
Airships (NB) /No Mad Sky
Airships w/West Ave
Ajax Downs-Casino
Akwuar (Ger
Al Bano
Al Brisco (Guest)
Al Cross & Don Hart
Al Duffy
Al Leman
Al Lerman
Al Lukas Band
Al Matthews
Al Murack, Duaine Presley, Bandana
Al Pazienza
Al Penney
Al Simmons
Al Snow/The Avalanche
Al St. Louis
Al Stewart
Al Tuck
Al Tuck and No Action
Alainn (The CMICPlayers)
Alan Buchanan (Story Teller)
Alan Buchanan-Allan Rankin
Alan Butler, Dale Howard, Fred Richard
Alan Butler/Frankie MacGregor/Shirley O'Halloran
Alan Cummings and Ari Shapiro
Alan Darveaux-dulciner
Alan Dewar
Alan Dowling
Alan Dowling Trio
Alan Doyle (Great Big Sea)
Alan Doyle Band
Alan Frew (from Glass Tiger)
Alan Gerber
Alan Jackson
Alan Jackson Experience
Alan Jackson-Brooks/Dunn-Sugarland
Alan Jeffries
Alan Jeffries and The Slim Pickers
Alan Rankin
Alan Rhody
Alan Savident (harmonica)
Alan Sonier
Alan White
Alana Lee Daizel (Dancer)
Alana Yorke (N.S.)
Alanis & No Doubt Tribute
Alanis Morissette
Alanis Tribute
Alanna Dalziel
Alannah Miles
Alasdair Fraser/Natalie Haas Genticorium
Albert and Mona Arsenault
Albert Arsenault
Albert Cumming
Albert Kays
Albert Kays and Chris Smith
Albert Lee
Albert MacDonald
Albert MacDonald and Alex Seaward
Albert, Mona & Louise Arsenault
Alec O'Hanley
Alejandra Ribera
Alert The Medic and Stanfields
AlertThe Medic
Alessia Cohle
Alex Bailey and Friends
Alex Cuba
Alex Kelly
Alex Lamourex
Alex Leggett
Alex MacKenzie
Alex MacLaren (Stepdancer)
Alex Madsen (Divorcees)
Alex Pangman
Alex Seaward
Alex Tintinalli
Alex To
Alexander Brothers
Alexander Keiths Birthday Celebrations
Alexander Sevastien
Alexander Wayne McKinnon
Alexandra Streliski
Alexandria Sullivan
Alexanra Sullivan-Brielle Ansen-Sashas Ambolia
Alexisonfire Tribute
Alfie and Steven Perry
Alfie Zappacosta
Ali McCormick
Alica Keys
Alica Toner
Alice & Chains, Stone Temple Pilots Tributes
Alice Cooper
Alice Gallant and Friends
Alice Kos and Marvin Etzioni
Alice Lau
Alice Witt
Alicia and Aaron
Alicia Toner
Alicia Toner, Ashley Condon, Dennis Ellsworth
Alicia Toner/Justin Nozuka
Alicia Tones
Alie Sin (QE)
Alison Brown Quartet
Alison Krause
Alison Rose
Alissa Klug/Jordan Cameron
Alistair Christi
Alistar Christal and Ace Brown
All About Island Christmas
All Ages Show
All Dance Party with Kinflikt and DMayne Event
All Day Eviction Party
All -Day Party Extravaganza
All Day St. Paddy's Day Party (Several Artists)
All Day Sub Sessions
All Day Vinly Night with Anthony Constable
All Day Vinyl Night with Simon Kulla
All Fired Up & Cyril MacPhee
All Nighters
All Request Night with Mark Willms
All Request Vintage
ALL Request with Chris Ahearn /Eric Rodgerson
All Request with DJ
All Shook Up With Rock-It!
All Star Cast
All Star Rock Tribute Band
All There Is
Allan Dewar
Allan Gallant & Marcel Caissie
Allan Postie Connolly
Allan Rankin
Allan Ricketts
Allan Savidant (harmonica)
Allan Sonier
Allana Dalziel (Dancer)
Allen Snow & The Quorum
Alli Walker
Allie Bennett
Allie Robertson
Allison Brown/Uncle Dan Henshall
Allison Crowe
Allison De Groot & Nic Gareiss
Allison Giggey
Allison Kelly
Allison Kruss
Allison Lupton
Allison Russell
Allison Walker
Allson Giggey (fiddler)
Allyson Morris/Geoff Daye
Almeta Speaks/Tom Hazlett/Steve Cole
Almeta Speaks-Ode to Odetta
Almight Rhombus (NS)
Almighty Rhombus (Ont)
Almost Famous
Alone Together
Alpha YaYa Diallo
Alphabet of Awesome Science
Alphie Perry
Alphie Zappacosta
Alphy Perry and Family
Alphy Perry-Victor Doucette
Altan and Pierre Schryer
Alteo Ego
Alternative Rock Show
Alycia Putnam
Alyssa and Andraya Gallant
Alyssa and Corey
Alyssa Delbaere Sawchuk
Alyssa Harper
Alyssa Reid
Alyssa Wright
Amanda Cramer
Amanda Cunmore
Amanda Jackson
Amanda Jackson and John Cain
Amanda Jackson Band
Amanda Jackson Trio
Amanda Lee
Amanda Marshall
Amanda Martinez
Amanda Rae Gallant
Amanda Rheaume Mimi O'Bonsawin
Amanda Wilkinson
Amazing Raven
Amazing Tales of the Atlantic
Ambassadors of Rock & Roll
Amber Babrick
Amberwood (Toronto)
Ambre MacLean/Aaron Goldsteen
Amelia Curran
Amelia Curran/Melissa McMcCelland
Amelia Parker (NS Junior Fiddler Champion)
America 9
American Idols Live
American Outlaws
Amir Amiri Ensembe
Amnesty, Death Valley Driver, Getbodied
Amory Pasion
Amos Garrett
Amy and Philip DesRoches
Amy and Rachel Beck
Amy Brandon Trio
Amy Cervini
Amy Gallatin and Stillwaters
Amy Helm
Amy McConnell and William Sperandee Quintet
Amy Metcalfe
Amy Rose
Amy Schumer
Amy Sky
Amy Sky and Marc
Amy Winehouse Tribute
Amy Wood
An Acadian Christmas
An Acoustic Classic Country Evening
An Acoustic Sin
An East Coast Christmas
An Evening of Cabaret
An Evening of Women's Voices
An Evening with Elvis:Almost Christmas
An Incredible Tribute To Kenny & Dolly
An Island Country Christmas with Neil Matthews
Anastashia DesRoches Trio
Anastasia Ballet
Anastasia DesRoches
Anastasia Rizikov
Ancient Chiere Secret
Ancient Chinese Secret
Anderson House Fundraiser
Anderson House Fundraiser (Ladies Only)
Andre and The J Tones
Andre Pettipas and The Giants
Andre Pettipas-The Giants-Brad Milligan
Andre Philippe Gagnu
Andre Rieu
Andre Saulnier
Andrea Beaton
Andrea Beaton and Friends
Andrea Beaton, Glenn Graham, Mac Morin
Andrea Florian
Andrea Jeffery
Andrea Koziol
Andrea Koziol and Kathryn Rose
Andrea MacDonald
Andrea Ramolo
Andrea Ramolo and Her One Man Band
Andrea Ramolo/David Baxter
Andrea Ramolo/Michou
AndreBrunet (De Temps Antan) Fiddle Workshop
Andree Mackula-Theriault/Erin Dempsey
Andre-Phillippe Gagnon
Andrew and Nikki Waite
Andrew Baldwin
Andrew Collins
Andrew Collins Trio
Andrew Collins/Marc Roy
Andrew Doyle
Andrew Fetterley
Andrew Frelick
Andrew G
Andrew Gillis
Andrew Hardin
Andrew Hastelow & Friends
Andrew Hercules
Andrew Hunter and The Gatherers
Andrew James O'Brien
Andrew Johnston
Andrew LeDrew
Andrew MacDonald
Andrew MacIsac and Todd MacLean
Andrew MacIssac
Andrew Murray Band
Andrew Queen
Andrew Rollins Show
Andrew Schulz
Andrew Scott
Andrew Smith
Andrew Sneddon
Andrew Wait Band
Andrew Waite
Andrew Waite & The Firm, War Horses
Andrew White
Andria Simone
Andy and Monique Doucette
Andy and Monique Doucette/Michael Richard/Strum
Andy and Robert MacIsaac
Andy Best
Andy Brown
Andy Brown Band (Frederction)
Andy Doucett
Andy Doucette
Andy Doucette and Monique Pendergast
Andy Hodgins
Andy Kim
Andy M. Stewart/Gerry O'Beirn
Andy Maiz
Andy Maize and Friends
Andy Maize/Josh Finlayson of The Skydiggers
Andy McKee
Andy Paynter
Andy Perry
Andy Shauf
Andy Swan and JJ:Ipsen
Andy Todd
Andy Todd Band
Andy Townes
Andy White
Andy Williams
Andy, Monique & Pam Doucette Family
Andyn Townes
Anette and Adam
Ang and The Tin
Angel Fire
Angela Curran
Angela Haskill
Angela Siracusa
Angele Arsenault
Angele Hashie-Rix and Kristen
Angelina Ballerina The Musical Christmas Ball
Angelina MacKinnon
Anger Brothers
Angie Arsenault
Angie Shepperd
Angligan Church Hall, Conception Bay S.
Angry Candy
Angus Brown
Angus Brown Junior
Anica (NB)
Anica With Route 225
Animal House
Animal House - Q107 House Band
Animal House-Top 40 Rock
Anita Fisher Band (USA)
Anita MacDonald
Ann Denny
Ann Murray
Ann Vriend & Rooster Davis
Ann/Gilbert Musical
Anna Ludlow
Annabelle Chvostek
Annapolis Valley Bluegrass/Old Time Music Jamboree
Annapolis Valley Highland Dancers
Anne and Gilbert (Musical)
Anne Finley
Anne Lederman
Anne Lederman Duo
Anne Lindsay
Anne Louise Genest/Kim Beggs from the Yukon
Anne Ludlow
Anne Murray
Anne Murray/T.S.O.
Anne of Green Gables Ballet
Anne of Green Gables-The Ballet
Anne Quinn, Dean Dunford, Mike McGarry
Anne Walker
Annette Drapeau Reynolds
Annick Gagnon (N.B.)
Annie and Gabi Kitson
Annie and Julien Kitson
Annie Kitson
Annie, Julien and Joey Kitson
Anniversay Party
Annual Andrew Hashie Memorial Concert
Annual Banjo Special
Annual Christmas Fundraiser for Salation Army
Annual Christmas Gathering
Annual Food and Warmth Show with:
Annual Food Drive
Annual Pipers Ceilidh
Annual Sports Banquet-$10 Buffet D-6pm-All Welcome
Another Bluesy Christmas
Another North
Another Round
Anthony Carr-Psychic
Anthony Constable
Anthony Damiao
Anthony Gomes
Antoine Dufour
Antonio Piretti
Any Doucette and Monique Pendergast
Anya Smith
Apollo Ghosts with The North Lakes
Apps and Tunes
April Aileen
April Discoveries
April Lavigne
April Martell
April Verch
April Wine
Aqua Alta with Emille Sorrey
Aquakulture, Wolfcastle and Stephen Hero
ARC PEI Dance Party
Arcade Fire
Archetype Trad
Archie Fisher
Archieves/Zebra Bot
Arden and The Tourists
Arden McMannus and many more guests
Ardyth and Jennifer
Aretha Franklin
Ari and Mia
Ari Hoenig
Ariana Gillis
Ariana Gillis and Amy Speacy
Ariana Nasa's Edith Piaf Show
Ariel Sharatt/Mat Hias Kon/Erin Turcke
Arietta, Dean Lickyer and Syracus Me
Arka Teks
Arlene Bishop
Arlene Perry/Christine Cameron
Arlibido (Halifax)
Arlo Guthrie
Armanda Drive
Armistice Dinner and DJ -Sammy Rydell
Aron Scott Earhquake
Aron Scott Earthqauake
Around The World with Bradley Walters
Arrogant Worms
Arrows in The Air
Arsenal Mills
Arsenault Brothers
Arsenault Reunion
Arsenault Sisters
Art After Dark
Art Battle
Art Battle All Stars
Art Battle Canada
Art Dayton
Art Garfunkel
Art Jam
Art LaJambe
Art Legere
Art Lundy
Art Officia
Art Stevenson and Highwater-Wisonsin, USA
Art Turner
Artemis Arrow /The Demand Alternative Rock
Arthur O'Brien and Fred Jorgenson
Arthur Simeon-Shawn Hogan-Patrick Ledwell
Artifically Hip
Arts Education Celebration Light Up The Dark!
ArtsCan Circle Benefit Concert (Several guests)
Arun Pal Band
Ascot Royals
Aselin Debison
Ashley and Lisa MacIsaac
Ashley Condon
Ashley George
Ashley Gorman
Ashley MacIsaac
Ashwyn Singh Comedy Show
Aslley Moffatt
Aspin Switzer
Astrid Young
At Ships End
At the Dog Leg Side of The Road
Athena Messiak for Young Players
Athena Presents-Annie Jr.
Atlantic Ballet Theatre
Atlantic Blue with Tara MacLean
Atlantic Canada's Best Kitchen Party
Atlantic Fiddlers Jamboree (Many Fiddlers)
Atlantic Seabreeze Presents East Coast Night
Atlantic String Machine
Atomic 7 Formerly Shadowy Men Frm A Shadowy Planet
Atomic 7!
Atta Boy
Attack In Black
Aubin Pi La S.C.B.
Aubrey Arsenault
Aucoin's Holiday Dance Off
Audie Blaylock/Redline-Tenn., USA
Audra Raulyns
Audrey and The Agents
Audrey Chamberlain
Auggie Style
August Band
Aulnes, Martin Bolduc
Ault Sisters
Aunt Softie (Comedien)
Australia Bee Gees Show
Australian Pink Floyd Show
Autumn Haze
Autumn Swing Festival
Ava and Lily Rashed
Ava and Lily Rashed/Skye MacAusland
Avataar Surfire
Avenue Inn
Avery Raquel
Avon Lea Showband
Avonlea Showband
Avril Lavigne
Awesome Live Music
Aynsley Saxe
B 52's
B and B
B B King
B J Thomas
B Team
B.Rich (Ont)
BA Johnston
BA Johnston and Shotgun Jimmie
Bab Bad Bad
Babes For Breasts
Baby Boomers The Show
Baby God
Bach Sonata-Mark Fewer & Hank Knox
Bachman and Cummings
Bachman and Turner Overdrive
Back 40
Back Alley Big Band
Back Alley Ringers Blues Band
Back Draft Toronto Firefighters
Back in The Daze
Back In The Daze
Back In Time
Back in Tyme Gospel Concert
Back Pack
Back Pages
Back Roads Country Talent Search
Back to Back
Back to Basics
Back Tracks
Backbeat (50's and 60's Rock and Roll)Casino Trip
Backroad Band
Backroad Bound
Backroads (N.B.)
Backroom II
Backstrays-Marian-Jerry Faye
Backstreet Boys
Backyard Devils
Bad Bad Bads
Bad Company
Bad Dogs
Bad Habits
Bad Ideas/Gentleman Husbands
Bad Lads with The Drunken Dogs
Bad Luck Woman and Her Misfortunes
Bad Mountie
Bad Nicholas Duo
Bad Nicholas/Wheelhouse
Bad Plus
Bad To The Bone-Trib. George Thorogood
Bad Uncle(Mtl)Cud Eastbound (Halifax)
Baddeck Gathering Christmas Celidh
Badger, Newfoundland Benefit
Badger-Nfld. Benefit-Niagara Falls
Badson Breez with Wildcat
Bag'd Benefit Concert
Bagles and Bach with Julia MacLaine
Baile Beag
Bailey Zimmeman
Ballad Night
Ballad of Stompin' Tom
Ballet Edmonton
Ballet Jorgen-Coppelia
Ballet-Anne of Green Gables
Band Called 9
Band From TV
Band Jam and Open Stage
Band of Horses & Early James
Band Of Thieves
Band of Thieves/Sleepshaker (NS)
Band On The Run-Trib to Paul McCartney
Band Perry (USA)
Banded Stilts (N.S.)
Bands On The Run
Bang On The Ear
Banjo Special
Banjo Workshop with Dan Walsh
Banner Year
Bannokkburn and Ripped Paper
Baobab Tree Drum and Dance
Bar Stool
Bar Toones
Bar Toonz
Barb Perry
Barb Ramsey
Barbara Jordon and The All Stars
Barbara Lia
Barbara Lica
Barbershop Quartet
Bareback Riders
Barefoot Jitterbug Boogie Band
Barenaked Ladies
Barley Brae
Barn Bhreagh
Barn Dace with Host Ward MacDonald (Fiddler)
Barnard and Brohm
Barney Arsenault & Friends
Barney Bentall
Barnkats and The Death Avengers
Barr Brothers
Barr Brothers/Laura Sauvage
Barra MacNeils
Barra MacNeils (An East Coast Christmas)
Barra MacNeils 2019 Christmas Tour
Barra MacNeils-Christmas Concert
Barrel House Blues Band
Barrell Boys, Dan Paynter, Joelyn Fraser
Barrett MacKay Budreski
Barrie Davis
Barrowdowns (NS)
Barrowdowns/Koconut Kings (NS)
Barry Canning and Friends
Barry Dewling
Barry Maanilow
Barry Manilow
Barry O'Brien
Barry Payne
Barry Peat
Barry Williams
Barstool Conspiracy
Bas De Laine
Basia Bulat
Bass Camp
Bat Out Of Hell
Batt Burns
Battery Point
Battle of The Bands
Battle of the Brits-Beatles vs Stones
Bay Boys
Bay Boys with Special Guest (DownEast Music)
Bay City Rollers
Bayou Boys-CCRTribute
Bayview Crossing
Bb Sisters (Fiddlers)
B-bop Cowboys
Beach Bats
Beach Blast
Beach Body
Beach Boys
Beach Bums-The Ultimate Seach Boys Tribute Show
Beach House
Beach Karaoke
Beach Party Music-60's and 70's
Beach Party with Malibu Bob
Beach Party/Disc jockey
Beads/Host-Susan HooKong-Taylor
Bear Band
Bear Tracks (New York)
Bearded Losers
Bears in Hazenmore (Sask)
Beary Merry Christmas
Beat Kings
Beathany MacLeod-Vanessa Bernard-Janine Chapman
Beatlers (Beatles Tribute)
Beatles Cover Band
Beatles Journey
Beatles Story
Beatles Tribute
Beatles VS Stones Tribute
Beatles-Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club
Beats With Jakt
Beats With Nick Bike
Bebop Cowboys
Becca Griffin
Beck Sisters
Becoming The Beatles
Bedouin Soundclash
Bee Gees Gold
Beech Hill and Daimh
Beer Choir (Fundraiser)
Beer Mice
Before The Flood (ONT)
Behind Sapphire (Vancouver)
Belfast Pipe and Drum
Bell Comedians
Bell Island Soiree
Bellamy Brothers (USA)
Belle Comedians
Belle Comedians, Rain Over Saint Ambrose
Belle Plain
Belle Starr
Belleville Centennial Secondary School Choir
Belmore Band
Ben Liz
Ben Liz DUO
Ben Affleck
Ben Aitken
Ben Arsenault (BC)
Ben Caplan
Ben Caplan and The Casual Smokers
Ben Chase
Ben Chase and Friends
Ben Crosby
Ben Deschamps
Ben Edwards (HFX)
Ben Gallant
Ben Gallant, Michael Richard, Brayden McGuigan
Ben Gallant, Wade Carragher, Jason Perry
Ben Gallant-CD Launch-Down The Road
Ben Guyatt (of Comedy Club)
Ben Haggard
Ben Hudson
Ben Kunder
Ben Kunder and Nick Rose
Ben Kunder and Sarah MacDougall
Ben Miller (Piper from New York)
Ben Miller & Anita MacDonald
Ben Rutz
Ben Somer
Ben Spencers Funeral and Bramwell Park
Ben Sures
Bend Sinister
Benefit for Mary MacDonald and Family
Benefit Concert For Cape Breton Cancer Center
Benefit Concert Silent Auction for Ed Hodgson
Benefit Dance For Ryan Walfield
Benefit For Aggie MacPhee
Benefit For Autism Speaks Canada
Benefit For Bethesta House
Benefit for Connie Ellis
Benefit for Darleen MacWilliams
Benefit For Dave Fitzpatrick (The Fables Member)
Benefit For David/Noreen DesRoches From PEI
Benefit For Hudson Graham
Benefit for Ivan Albert (Joe Tucker's Bass Player)
Benefit for Lillian O'Connor
Benefit For Mable Matthews (Jamie's Mother)
Benefit For Myra
Benefit for Randy Baldwin from P.E.I
Benefit For Street Youth Legal Services
Benefit of A Doubt-The Last Division-Fifth Avenue
Benefit To End Abuse To Women and Girls
Benefit Variety Show with Cast of Anne and Gilbert
Benj Rowland, Abi Hameline, Romy Munkres
Benjamin Dakota Rogers
Benji and Rita
Benny Golson
Benny Von
Bent Roots
Bent Sinister (BC)
Bent The River-Carmel MiKol/Jeff Gay
Beppe Gambetta/Tony McManus
Bernadette and Friends
Bernard Family
Bernardo Padron
Bernie Blanchard
Bernie Blanchard D J
Bernie LaBarge
Besac Arthur
Best Damn Band Around
Best Kind Comedy Tour
Best Medicine Show -Host Dr. Mercury O'Malley
Best of The Island Showcase
Best of Island Gospel Showcase
Best of Live Country and Down East Music
Best of Maritime Idol
Best of Season Halloween Wrapup
Best of The Fest (Comedy)
Best of The Island Country Showcase
Best of The West ShowftNOT
Beth Bartley
Beth Neilsen Chapman
Bethany Coughlin
Bethany Coughlin and The Angle Band
Bethany MacLeod
Bette MacDonald
Bette Midler
Bettii-Gizmo-Pearly Gates
Betts Family Gospel Group
Betty and The Bobs
Betty Ann and Dane Perry
Betty Richardson
Betty Wang
Beverley Mahood
Beyond The Pale
BG Rhythm Section (Gary Kendall/Mike Fitzpatrick)
BG's Dance Party/RS SMooth
Big and Rich
Big Ass Cracker
Big Bad Party Band
Big Band Jazz Night
Big Band Marty Band
Big Band Valentine Dance
Big Bill Morganfield
Big Bottle of Joy
Big Catch
Big Catch w/ Tara Oram
Big Cherry
Big City
Big City Big Band
Big Dave McLean
Big Dirty Orchestra
Big Groove
Big Hair Band-Dance-Dance-Dance
Big Halloween Party with DJ Chris
Big Huge
Big In Japan
Big Island Trio
Big John Anthony
Big Lonely
Big Lou's Confesion
Big Mama Lele (YT)
Big Red Music Festival After Party
Big River
Big River Band with Nick Arsenault
Big Rude Jake
Big Secret
Big Shiny Boxing Day Party
Big Shiny Party Band
Big Shiny Tunes
Big Shiny Tunez 2
Big Shot (Trib. to Billy Joel)
Big Show with many Bands
Big Sugar
Big Thief
Big Things Happening
Big Thirsty
Big Tida Max and Brandon
Big Time (80's) New Wave
Big Time Rush
Big Tobacco & The Pickers
Big Twang Theory
Big Whiskey
Big Wreck
Biggest Kitchen Party in Atlantic Canada
Bill Anderson
Bill and Joel Plaskett
Bill Appleby
Bill Bourne
Bill Brennan
Bill Burr
Bill Candy
Bill Carruthers
Bill Clinton Hercules
Bill Colgate-Cam MacIness-Joe Gaitanis
Bill Cosby
Bill Craig
Bill Culp
Bill Durst
Bill Engvail/Larry The Cable Guy
Bill Engvall
Bill Gaither
Bill Garrett and Sue Lothrop
Bill Kelly
Bill Maher
Bill Medley
Bill Morrisey/Josh Ritter
Bill Plaskett
Bill Roach
Bill Stevenson and Tom Easily
Bill Usher
Billie Dre and The Poor Boys
Billy and The Bruisers
Billy and TheTroublemakers
Billy Bragg
Billy Currington
Billy Dan
Billy Dinn
Billy Harper
Billy Harper (One Man-band)
Billy Hilly Band
Billy Idol
Billy J White
Billy Joe Shaver/Romi Mayes
Billy Joel
Billy MacInnis (Fiddler)
Billy MacInnis and Band (From PEI)
Billy MacInnis and Cory Gallant
Billy MacInnis CD Release
Billy MacInnis, Leon Gallant, Remi Arsenault
Billy Martin and Gang
Billy Matthews
Billy McGuigan -Rave On!
Billy McGuigan-Rock Legends
Billy Ray Cyrus
Billy Roy Murnaghan
Billy Talent
Billy the Kidd and The Most Wanted
Billy White
Billy's Flick
Binder Brothers
Bing Yiao and More
Binges and HYFY
Birds of Bellwoods/The Pick Brothers Band
Birds of Chicago
Birt and Crowdis
Birthday Boys
Birthday Cakes (Sudbury)
Birthday Celebration of Justin Hyne
Birthday Party
Birthday Party (80th)
Bison BC
Black Crowes
Black Diamond Bay
Black Eye
Black Eyed Peas
Black Eyed Susan
Black Eye-Top 40
Black Fly Band
Black Gold
Black Hats
Black Ice
Black Is The Colour
Black Keys
Black Lung Inner City Choir
Black Pearls (A Tribute)
Black Rats (Halifax)
Black Rhino Riot (Ont)
Black River
Black Sabbath
Black Suit Devil
Black Tremor (SK)
Black Umfolosi
Black Umfolsi
Black Water
Blackberry Smoke
Blackboard Blues Band
Blackbood Blues Band
BLACKD/Hot Dan/Murph
Blackie and The Rodeo Kings
Blackjack Billy
Blackwell-Classic Rock
Blackwood Quartet
Blackwood Two
Blaine Hrabi
Blaine Lamb
Blair and Marcella Gaudet
Blair Coughlin-Gary Chipman-Billy Murnaghan
Blair Gaudet
Blair Packham
Blair Smythe
Blairs Birthday Bash
Blake Crockett
Blake Hemphill
Blake Johnson
Blake Johnston
Blake Papsin-CD Release
Blake Reid
Blake Shelton
Blame Canada
Blame Yoko
Blanchard Sisters
Blazers (Red Hot)
Bleaker Ridge with Corey Doucette
Bleeker Ridge
Blind Boys of Alabama
Blind Double Darts
Blind Draw Darts
Blind Prophets
Blind River
Blink 182 Tribute
Blink Drunk
Blisk Burdon
Blistered Fingers
Blizzard Goat
Blizzard of Ozz
Blizzard Oz-Black Sabbath Tribute
Block Party
Blondin and Bayley
Blood Sweet and Tears
Bloody Diamonds (Halifax)
Bloody Phoenix/Dystheism/Uncle
Blooming House
Bloomsday Hooley
Bloor West Music Studios
Blu Gillis
Blu Robin
Blue Budzz
Blue Cats
Blue Clay
Blue County
Blue Creek Band
Blue Crystals
Blue Engine Quartet
Blue Haze
Blue Hearts
Blue Horizon
Blue Lane (NS)
Blue Man Group
Blue Midnight IV
Blue Miners
Blue Moon Maequee
Blue Notes
Blue Percussion
Blue Persuasion
Blue Prints
Blue Ray
Blue Revival-PEI
Blue Rodeo
Blue Sky Miners (ON)
Blue Steel
Blue Thunder (Lloyd and Ivan)
Blue Tie Affair
Blue Train
Blue Willow
Blue Zone
Bluebird Blues Cafe
Bluebird North
Bluebird North Songwriters Show
Bluebird North Tour-Lennie Gallant and Others
Bluefield Grass
Bluefield Grass-Blue Zone
Bluefield Youth Showcase
Bluegrass 4
Bluegrass and Acoustic Music Concert
Bluegrass and Acoustic Music Festival
Bluegrass and Country Music Show
Bluegrass and Old Country Weekend
Bluegrass and Old Time Country Festival
Bluegrass and Old Time Music Jam
Bluegrass and Oldtime Country Jamboree
Bluegrass and Southern Gospel
Bluegrass Assoc Acoustic Jam Session
Bluegrass Brothers (Virginia)
Bluegrass Brunch
Bluegrass Ceilidth
Bluegrass Concert
Bluegrass Concert (Tony Holt/Wildwood Valley Boys)
Bluegrass Connection
Bluegrass Diamonds
Bluegrass Festival
Bluegrass Friends Weekly Jam Session
Bluegrass Jam
Bluegrass Jammers
Bluegrass Jubilee
Bluegrass Laurie Blue (Memorial) Festival-PEI
Bluegrass Matinee
Bluegrass Mondays
Bluegrass Mountain Boys
Bluegrass Music Awards
Bluegrass Old Country Jamboree
Bluegrass Revival
Bluegrass Tradition
Bluegrass/Old Time Music Concert
Bluegrass/Variety Show
BlueRidge Bluegrass Band (USA)
Blues Bash
Blues Bash (4th Annual)
Blues Before Sunrise
Blues Blowout with Music on 2 floors
Blues Drivers
Blues Hall of Fame
Blues Jam
Blues Matinee
Blues Medicine/The Weber Brothers
Blues Meltdown
Blues Meltdown 2014
Blues Meltdown 2015
Blues Miner
Blues Mongrels
Blues Night (Call Bar for info)
Blues of Winterfolk
Blues On The Eastside
Blues Society Showcase
Blues Summit: Tightrope
Bluesuol Supects (Blues)
Blume Canadian Theatre
BluRobin Music
Blus Brothers
Boat Cruise-Call Legion for Details
Boats (from Winnipeg)
Bob Ardern
Bob Bossin
Bob Bossin/Marie-Lynn Hammond (Stringband)
Bob Boyd
Bob Cats
Bob Doyle
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan Tribute
Bob Erlendson
Bob Gagnon
Bob Hallett (of Great Big Sea)
Bob Lanois
Bob Lind
Bob Lucier
Bob Lucier and Todd Nolan Band
Bob Lucier Presents Don Helms
Bob Lucier, Mel Aucoin, Todd Nolan & Band
Bob MacLean
Bob Marley Music Celebration
Bob Exodus
Bob Martine
Bob Mills and The Brave Strangers
Bob Newhart
Bob Porter
Bob Robichaud & The Midnight Fire
Bob Saget
Bob Seger
Bob Snider
Bob Taylor and Carl Peters
Bob Wills
Bob Wiseman
Bobby Bazini
Bobby Blake
Bobby Cameron
Bobby Currie
Bobby Curtola
Bobby Doyle
Bobby Jones and Friends
Bobby MacGillivray
Bobby Niosi
Bobby Parsons
Bobby Shew
Bobby Starr
Bobby Vinton
Bobby Watt
Bobby Wills
Bobby Wright
Bobby's Peace-Remembrance Day Film Presentation
Bobi Niosi Band
Bodhran Workshop
Bogside Brewing-Montague PEI
Bohemian Embassy Revival-Music of Queen
Bolton, Donnelly and Stairs
Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi Tribute
Bon Jovi Tribute-Slippery When Wet
Bon Jovi-Trib. by Cross Road Band
Bon Jovi-Tribute by One Wild Night
Bones (Moncton)
Bones and Craig Cameron
Boney M
Bonfire: Chris Norman, David Greengerg
Bonnie LeClair
Bonnie LeClair and Catherine Ann
Bonnie LeClair/Jon Rehder/Brielle Ansems
Bonnie LeClair-Paul Broadbent-Michael Mooney
Bonnie Raitt
Bonnie Ste-Croix's Canadian Girl Tour
Boogie Bros.
Boogie Kings Motown Dance Party
Book Launch
Bookshop Band
Boom Chucka Boys
Boomer Gallant (The PEI Weatherman)
Boon Dockers-Leona Perry-Juanita Arsenault
Boondockers/Deanna Gallant
Bootlegger's Ball (Music)
Bootleggers Ball-Many Musicians
Booty Boppin' Brass Band (Halifax)
Boozeday Tuesday
Bop Ensemble
Borderline (Lester Stubbert and Peggy Clinton)
Borderline with Steven Cormier
Bordertown Dance
Boreal Sons/The River/The Road
Borg and Vella
Born Bandits
Born Red Solid/ap Grfeen/Fire Valley Fire
Boston-The Band
Botfly and Guests
Botfly, Bonesaw, Iron Eye, Gutter Talk, The Nothin
Both Ends Of The Earth
Bottle Devils
Boubacar Traore
Bounty Hunters
Bourbon Brown Pub
Bowie Lives
Bowie Spectacular
Bowser and Blue
Box (The)
Box Full Of Cash
Boxcar Boys
Boxcar Country Music Festival
Boxcar Dan
Boxer The Horse
Boxing Day Bash
Boxing Day Shaker (Many Artists)
Boy George
Boy Golden
Boyd Band
Boyd Gang
Boyde Beck
Boyer Band
Boys Do Girls
Boys From 'Ome
Boys II Men
Boys In The Kitchen
Boys Next Door
Boys of Alabama
Boys Play Girls
Boys Sing Dolly-Women Sing Bowie
Boyz From Home
Boyz From The Rock
Boyz From The Rock (Keith, Wilf and Roy)
Boyz vs Girl
Boz Scaggs
Brad & Griffen
Brad and Griffen
Brad and Logan
Brad and Nick
Brad Conrad
Brad Davage
Brad Farrel-Robert Barrett, Brendan Hewitt
Brad Flemlin-Perry Williams
Brad Fremlin
Brad James
Brad Johner
Brad Karal
Brad Mehidau
Brad Milligan
Brad Nelson
Brad Paisley
Brad Paisley, Terri Clark, Johnny Reid
Brad Reid
Brad Roberts of Crash Test Dummies
Brad Trivers and Charles Reid
Braden Gates
Braden Lam
Braden V
Bradley and The Bouncers (Swing Music)
Brady Cudmore
Brakish Dckside-Delta Hotel, Charlottetown PEI
Bram Taylor-(UK)
Branch Christmas Party with DJ
Branden Lam
Branden Lam/Driftwood People/Brandon Howard Roy
Brandon and David
Brandon Collier
Brandon Gillis
Brandon Gillis-Norm Browser
Brandon Hood
Brandon Howard Roy
Brandon Roy
Brandy Clark
Brantley Gilbert
Brarded Losers and Ftiends
Brass Transit
Brave and Crazy
Brayden and Dustin
Brayden McGuigan
Bread and Butter
Breagh Isabel
Breagh MacKinnon
Breakdown County Boys with Billy MacInnis
Breakfast at 9 am
Breakfast Club
Breakfast FREE To All Mothers
Breakwater Acoustic
Breeze Band
Breeze and Wilson (UK Group)
Breezeway Independent Music Awards
Brenda Doiron
Brenda Mills and Colleen Skeard
Brenda Stubbert
Brenda Stubbert and Kimberly Fraser
Brendan Arsenault and Mitchell Richard
Brendan Nolan
Brendon Turlotte
Brennan Gallant
Brennan MacDonald
Brennan MacDonald & Kolten MacDonnell
Brennan MacDonald/Bonny Jean MacDonald
Brent Band
Brent Amaker and The Rodeo
Brent and Jim (Moose Stew) Chilled
Brent Aucoin and Jason Roach
Brent Butt
Brent Chaisson
Brent Chaisson/Ashley Condon
Brent Mason
Brent Randall and his Pinecones
Brent Titcomb
Brent Williams
Bret Polegato
Breton and Baroque
Breton Brewing Co Sydney
Breton Rock
Brett and Friends
Brett and Zack
Brett Baker
Brett Eldredge
Brett Eldridge
Brett Gallant
Brett Gallant/Zach Doucette
Brett Jones Presents
Brett Kissel
Brett Kissel with Ben Chase
Brett Young, Mitchell Tenpenny. Dee Jay Silver
Bria O'Broin/Patrick Crehan/Shane McGrath-Ireland
Brian and Ricky (45 Knots)
Brian and Ritchie
Brian and Shane Arsenaut-Robert Doucette
Brian Arsenault
Brian Baker (NB)
Brian Barron
Brian Barron/Larry MacLean
Brian Barry/Larry MacLean
Brian Blain
Brian Byrne/Divorcees
Brian Doiron and sister Rhonda
Brian Doyle and Scott MacMillian
Brian Doyle Band
Brian Dunn
Brian Edwards
Brian England
Brian England and Dan Sutherland
Brian Gladstone
Brian Guptill
Brian Hache
Brian Itch
Brian J Dunn, Jolene Willis
Brian J. Dunn
Brian Knox and friends
Brian Langile and Ricky Bulger
Brian Langille
Brian MacDonald
Brian MacMillan
Brian Mallery
Brian Mallery Celebrates 20 Years In Music
Brian Manson
Brian Maxwell
Brian Murphy and Friends
Brian Murphy Band
Brian O'Broin/Shane McGrath (Ireland)
Brian Pickell Band
Brian Potvin of the Northern Pikes
Brian Regan
Brian Rudy
Brian Tyrell
Brian Wilson (of the Beach Boys)
Brian/Bonnie Gladstone-Tony Quarrington
Brianna Gosse
Brid Harper/Tony O'Connell from Ireland
Bridget (Comedienne)
Bridget Taylor
Bridgette Blanchard
Briekke Ansems, John Connolly, Jenna-Marie Gallant
Brielle Ansems
Brigh House Band Irish Matinee
Brigham Phillips Big Band
Brigid Trio
Bring Back The 90's
Bring Back The 90's w/Matty
Brit Floyd
Brite-VU with Guests
British Invasion-60's and 70's Music
Brittany Banks
Brittany Campbell and Justin Shaw
Brittany Campbell and Shawn Hogan
Brittany Spears
Broad Cove Boys
Brock Mason
Brock Mattsson
Brock Zeman
Broken Emptys
Broken Social Scene
Bronco (QC)
Brooke & Brad
Brooke MacArthur
Brooke MacArthur & Ben Gallant
Brooke Miller
Brooke Miller/Andy McKee/No1 Act on
Brooke Palsson-Old Man Luedecke-The Stray Birds
Brooklyn Roebuck
Brooks and Dunn
Brookside Mall (NB)/Saint Jack (NB)
Broomfiller (Ont)
Brother James
Brothers Chaffey
Brothers Cosmoline
Brothers In Stereo
Brothers MacPhee
Brothers Osborne
Brothers to Soul with Mae Cromwell (Motown dance/R
Brtian Gladstone
Bruce and Kathy Snow
Bruce and Kathy Snow/Keith Fitzgerald
Bruce and Robert Jones
Bruce Arsenault
Bruce Cochran Birthday Party
Bruce Cockburn
Bruce Cockburn Tribute
Bruce Domoney
Bruce Dyer
Bruce Griffith
Bruce Guthro
Bruce Guthro, J.P. Cormier, Raylene Rankin,
Bruce Guthro's Songwriters Circle
Bruce Hare
Bruce Hornsby
Bruce Hughes Band
Bruce Innes
Bruce Jones
Bruce Longman
Bruce MacEwen
Bruce Madole,DavidMcLachlan, Don Quarles,
Bruce Molsky
Bruce Nasmith
Bruce Peninsula
Bruce Rooney
Bruce Snow
Bruce Springsteen
Brunch Prophets
Brundy Clark
Bruno Di Bartolomeo
Bryan Adams
Bryan Kennedy Trio
Bryan Switzer
Bryds, Bryds, Bryds
Bryson Gupstil
Bryson Waind, Lauren Mann, Fairly Odd Folk
BT Flow, Vice The Messenger, Lil Slime, Kenny Z,
Buck 65
Buck and Kinch
Bucket Truck
Buckwheat Zydeco
Bud Baxter Band
Bud Davidge
Bud Rice/Maybe Greys (QE)
Buddy Guppies: Ready To Rock
Buddy Guy
Buddy Holly Show
Buddy Holly Story (Jeff Giles/Memphis Cats)
Buddy MacDonald
Buddy MacMaster
Buddy Wasisname and The Other Fellers
Buena Fe
Buffy Sainte Marie
Bukkshot (ON)
Bull Dogs (British Invasion Band)
Bullet For My Valentine
Bunny Bop/Kim Albert and The Wannabeeze
Burgess Brothers
Burke Carroll
Burke Family Christmas
Burlfest 100- A Tribute to Burl Ives
Burning Hell
Burning Hell with Erin Nurcke
Burning Hell, Jill Stavely and Rockenspiel
Burning Hell/Construction/Destruction
Burns Sisters/Cara Luft
Burnt Project 1
Burnt Rose
Burt Austin Band
Burt Bacharach
Burton Cummings
Burton Cummings, Arkells, The Glorious Sons
Bus Trip to Fallsview Casino From Legion
Bushmill Minstrels
Business Mixer Anyone Welcome
Busted Skulls
Butcher Sings Baker
Butless Chaps
Buzzcat and Co.
By Divine Right
By Divine Right and The Meds
Byran Kennedy Trio
Byrdox Country Ramblers
Byron Potivin
C and G Music Factory
C C Rider
C Word
C.A.L.-David Bowie-Ziggy Stardust
C.A.L.-Pink Floyd-Wish You Were Here
C.A.L.-Rolling Stones-Sticky Fingers
C.J. and The Taylor Creek Band
C.J. Carroll and Western Corporation
Cabana Room Acoustic Reunion
Cabana Room Elecric Reunion
Cabbra Cadabra
Caber Fey
Cadallic Ranch
Cadillac Country Ranch Matin
Cadillac Cowboyz
Cadillac Daddys
Cadillac Kings
Cadillac Ranch
Cadillacs Last Ride
Cafe Ole (TO)
Cailyn MacAulay
Caio L
Caitlin Hanford and Dan Whiteley
Cajun Moon -Classic Rock
Cake Parade- Oli's Musical Birthday
Calamity Brothers
Cale Crowe
Caledon (from Scotland)
Calen Kinney
Calendar Girls
Cali Fever
call 905-277-2902 for tickets for the cash show$20
Call For Submission
Call For Submission (Halifax)/Shadow of Everest
Call of The Kells
Callan Furlong
Callie Getson
Calling All Captains
Calm Baretta
Caltic Rant Trio (NS)
Calum Graham
Cambridge Newfoundland Club Ontario
Cambridge Ontario Reunion Celebrations
Cameltoe-Top 40
Cameron Family Singers
Cameron Family Singers-Creaking Tree StringQuartet
Cameron Francis
Cameron Latimer
Cameron Mchone
Cameron Nickerson
Cameron The Backstays-Honeymoon Driver
Camila Carello
Campbell & Green (Halifax)
Campbell and Green
Campbell and Johnston
Campus Thursdays
Canada Day Band-Magnum
Canada Day Celebrations-Live Entertainment
Canada Day Eve Party
Canada Day Party with Marion oh Band
Canada Day/Reg Benoit-Boyz Fr. The Rock
Canada It's Complicated
Canada Rocks-Many Artists
Canada's Famous Dumbells
Canada's Rockin' the Hits
Canada's Royal Winipeg Ballet-The Messiah
Canadian Brass
Canadian Brass' Annual Christmas Concert
Canadian Chamber Choir
Canadian Classics
Canadian Country Christmas Show
Canadian Country Music Awards
Canadian Folk Music Awards
Canadian Folk Music Benefit
Canadian Girl Power
Canadian Independent Music Awards
Canadian Juno Awards
Canadian Karaoke Idol Videos Posted Online
Canadian Music Broadcast and Industry Awards
Canadian Music Week-Country Artists
Canadian Smooth Jazz Awards
Canadian Songsmith Sessions
Canadian Tenors
Canan Smith
Cancer Bats
Cancer Benefit-Many Music Artists
Candace Bushnell
Candace Woodside
Candice Sand (Ont)
Candyrat Guitar Night-Antoine Duforur/T Gauthier
Can't Stand The Weather
Canvas (Ont)
Canyu and guests
Cape Breton All-Stars
Cape Breton Barbarians
Cape Breton Chordsmen
Cape Breton Christmas Ceilidh
Cape Breton Guitar Night-April 13/17
Cape Breton Int'l Drum Fest
Cape Breton Live Tour '06
Cape Breton Newfoundlanders
Cape Breton Square Dance
Cape Breton Summertime Revue
Cape Breton Visits Christmas Toyland
Cape Breton's Songwriter' Tour
Cape Brettoners
Capital Drive
Capital Grass and The No Men
Capital Hoedown-Many Country Music Artists
Cappuccino Cantata
Captain Morgan
Cara Luft (of the Wailin' Jennys)
Carabana Weekend-(Call Bar)
Cardboard Crowns
Carey Back Group
Carey Beck
Caribbean Jazz Event
Caribbean Jazz Collective
Caribou Country
Caribou Run/Joe MacMillian
Carl & Matt ( from Freedom Train)
Carl Dixon
Carl Doucette
Carl Henry Band (Raegee) (Back Stage)
Carl Kees
Carl MacKenzie and Pat Chafe
Carla Bonnell with Erynn Robichaud
Carleton Collective
Carleton Stone (N.S.)
Carleton Stone and Young River (N.S.)
Carli and Julie Kennedy
Carlos del Junco
Carlos Morgan
Carlos-3-Latin Rock
Carlton Showband
Carlton Stone
Carlton Stone Drive The Big Wheel
Carly Jo
Carly Pierce
Carmel Mikol
Carmella Long
Carmen Townsend
Carmichael Sisters
Carnal Theory-Swerok
Carol Ann Gallant and Friends
Carol Goodman (QE)
Carol McCartney
Carol Pope -*ANTI DIVA*
Carol Welsman
Carole King
Carole Pope
Carolie Bernard and Anique Granger
Carolina Bernard
Carolina East
Caroline Bernard
Caroline Bernard and Remi Arsenault & Family
Caroline Chocolate Drops
Caroline Davies
Caroline Marie Brookes & Ben Kunder
Caroline Wiles
Caroline, Remi and Family
Carolyn Dawn Johnson
Carolyn FE Blues Collective
Carolyn Mark
Carolyn Mark/Geff Berner
Carolyn T Band
Carpenter with Kestrels
Carpenter's Christmas Tribute
Carpet Frogs
Carpetface (UK)
Carrie Rodriguez
Carrie Underwood
Carried Away (Ont)
Carroll Baker
Carroll Baker Christmas Show 2022
Carroll Irish Dancers
Carrot Top (King of Prop Comedy)
Carrs Oyster Bar-Stanley Bridge, PEI
Carson Downey Band
Carter Family (From Virgina, USA)
Carter MacLellan
Case of The Mondays
Casey Abrams
Cash Brothers
Cashmere Disciples
Casper Skulls
Cassie and Maggie
Cassie and Maggie MacDonald
Cast of Come-All-Ye
Castle (Cal)
Cat & Nat Unfiltered Live
Catarina Cardeal and Mike Siracusa
Catcoon Lakes
Catherine Ann Howatt Dickson
Catherine Gallant (Stepdancer)
Catherine MacLellan & Tara MacLean
Catherine MacLellan, Liam Corcoran
Catherine MacLellan, Rachel Beck, Tim Chaisson
Catherine MacLellan/Meaghan Blanchard Christmas
Catherine MacLennan
Catherine MacLennan/Life & Music of G/ MacLennan
Catherine McKinnon
Catherine O'Brien
Cathouse Dogs
Cathy Doucette
Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer
Cathy Fink/Marcie Marxer/Grit Laskin
Cathy Jackman
Cathy Jackman, Jeff Couglin, Al Peters
Cathy Korpi
Cathy MacFadgen-Jackman and Friend
Cathy Young (Honouring Our Own)
Catie Curtis
Catl w/Bradleyboys
Catrin Finch & Seckou Keita
Cats and Dogs Band
Cats Broadway Show
Caution Donkeys
Cavendish Beach Music Festival Concert Series
CB and Nellzey
CBC Books Open House Festival Presents Torn
CBC Debaters
CBC Poetry Face-Off
CBC Radio 1 Poetry Face-Off-Avril Benoit
CBC Radio's National Poetry Face-Off
CBC's Laugh Out Loud on PEI
CBC's This is That Live
CC Boys
CCR Band-Tribute by The Bayou Boys
CD Launch (Brian Mallery)
CD Release Party
Cece Pastor
Cecile Doo-Kingue
Cecilia Edwards-Stacey
Cecilia MacKinnon
Cecilia McKinnon
Cecilia String Quartet
Ced, Marty and Dave
Cedar and Pine
Ceili House
Ceilidh Dancing
Ceilidh For The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, PEI
Ceilidh In The City
Ceilidh In The City Band
Ceilidh In The City-Charlottetown, PEI
Ceilidh with Eddy Quinn and Fiddlers Sons
Ceilidh with Soul Searches
Ceilidhs Unite For Fort McMurray (Many Artists)
Ceilidh-Several Artists
Ceilidth-Hosts Karen and Joey Beaton
Celebrate Island Women 2019 with Several Artists
Celebrate The Season 2012
Celebrating JS Backs Birthday
Celebrating Sunnuz
Celebrating The Life of Don Harron
Celebrating the Music of Cream
Celebrating The Spirit of New Orleans
Celebration in Honour of Scotty Wells
Celebration of Bob Dylan Music
Celebration of Eric MacEwen Life In Music
Celebration of Food and Wine
Celebration of Legends George Jones/Tammy Wynette
Celebration of Levon Helm
Celebration of Life (David Spurvey)
Celebration of Life For Eric Edwards
Celebration of Robbie Burns Day
Celebration of Song
Celebration of The 60's
Celebration of The Life & Music of Jay Smith
Celebration of The Life of Ron Hynes
Celebration of The Music of Gordon Lightfoot
Celebration of the Music of Oliver Schroer
Celeste Barber
Celia and Lacey Koughan (Stepdancers)
Celine Dion
Celine Experience with January Butler
Cellar ghost (NB) and Stegosaurus (NB)
Celtic Blaze with Stephanie Cadman
Celtic Christmas Show
Celtic Colours Fiddling Finale
Celtic Colours Grand Finale Concert
Celtic Colours International Concert
Celtic Connection
Celtic Cross
Celtic Crossroads
Celtic Dance Festival
Celtic Dancing
Celtic Fiddlers
Celtic Jam
Celtic Kitchen Party and Lecture
Celtic Ladies and Men
Celtic Music Night-Muppet Childrens Carol
Celtic Offspring
Celtic Rant
Celtic Serenade Jam Session
Celtic Storm
Celtic Tenors
Celtic Thunder
Celtic Tide (P.E.I.)
Celtic Trio, Gaedelica
Celtic Women (Songs From The Heart)
Celtic Women Destiny World Tour
Celts (Nonie Crete, Eugene Rea, Jay Weiler)
Centennial College Music Night
Century Egg, Norton & Space Bud
Ceviche Latin Trio
Chad and Jeremy
Chad Brownlee
Chad Brownlee-Jess Moskaluke-Bobby Wills
Chad Matthews
Chad Matthews and Keelin Wedge
Chad Matthews and Michael Richard
Chad Matthews Gospel Show
Chad Slade
Chad Slade and Young Country
Chad Tetford
Chadley Chase
Chadley Chase Band
Chahut d'Ruelle (Montreal) and Story
Chairstheband, Future States, Jon McKiel
Chairstheband, Future States, The Everywheres
Chaisson Family
Chaisson Family Christmas Ceilidh
Chaisson Family Concert-Fundraiser
Chaisson Trio
Chaisson Trio (Kevin, Louise, Rannie)
CHAM 820 Classic Country
CHAM 820 The Legend-Launch
Chambers (Ont)
Chambers Sisters
Champion of Magic
Chandler and Norman Stewart
Change Islands Annual Dinner and Dance
Change of Step Highland Dance Company
Chantal Chamberland
Chantel Kreviazak
Chantererelles, Kylie Fox, Fire Signs
Chaotically Zen
Chapagne Kitty
Chapmans/ Crazy Strings
Chara/Syracuse Me/Get Bodied/Birmingham
Charity Event
Charity Poker
Charles and Anne Brander (From Summerside)
Charles Phillips Benefit
Charles Richard-Hamelin
Charley Brown Chrstmas
Charley Pride
Charli XCX
Charlie A'Court
Charlie A'Court & Witchitaw
Charlie A'Court-Suzie Vinnick-Lloyd Spiegel
Charlie and Glenda
Charlie Coffin
Charlie Daniels Band
Charlie Hansen
Charlie Hansen and House Band-Gordie MacKeeman
Charlie Love and The Silky Smooth Band
Charlie Major
Charlie Masselwhite, James Cotton, John Hammond
Charlie X
Charlotte and The Dirty Cowboys
Charlotte Cardin
Charlotte Cornfield
Charlotte Cornfield/Bent by Elephants (Montreal)
Charlotte Day Wilson
Charlotte's Web
Charlottetown Burlesque
Charlottetown Jazz Ensemble
Charlottetown Police Choir
Charlottetown R.C. Legion Performers
Charlottetown Summerfest
Charming Ruins (Ont)
Chas Guay
Chase Bryant
Chase Padgett-Nashville Hurricane
Chase The Ace
Chaser Band
Chasing Blue
Chastity and Jon Rehder from Soul Food Trio
Chastity: Trilogy Tour
Chayce Beckham
Cheap Trick
Chebucto w/ Incase We Crash (ONT)
Chebucto and Young Culture (Nova Scotia)
Chedf Adams and Friends
Cheese Burger Slim (Wiley Bros Blues Quartet)
Cheeseburger Slim
Cheeseburger Slim/The Full Meal Deals
Chef Adams and Friends
Chelsea Amber
Chelsea Nisbett
Cherry Gang (Logan Richard, Sam & Josh Langille)
Cherry Trees Band & Friends
Cheryl Richard
Cheryl Bentyne (Manhattan Trfansfer)
Cheryl Gaudet
Cheryl Lescom
Cheryl Smith
Cheryl Thibideau
Cheryl Wheeler
Chet and Jim Doxas
Chet Atkins Tribute
Cheyl Smith
CHFI Saturday Night Oldies with Mike Cooper
Chicago Project
Chicago Transit Powerhouse
Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock
Chicks & Patty Griffin
Children's Christmas Pics with Santa and Mummer
Children's Show
Children's Show-Musical Instrument Petting Zoo
Childrens Wish Foundation Spare Parts Reunion
Children's Workshop & Show (Matinee)
Child's Christmas
Childs Christmas -Michael Pendergast
Child-U2 Tribute
Chill Vibes
Chilly Gonzales
China Crisis
China Crsis
Chip and Dale (Canada's Most Wanted) by ladies
Chip Taylor and Carrie Rodriguez
CHIPS (Fred)
Chiquesa and guests
Chiquesa, Pepeto Pinto
Chirs Altimann
Chloe Albert
Chloe Charles
Chloe Charles/Kae Sun
Chloe Dances in Twighlight
Choir Girlz
Choir! Choir! Choir!
Choo Mi Mi
Choral Fundmaster
Choral Music Handel's Messiah
Choral Music Sing Noel
Choral Music-In Rememberance
Choxx Burlington
Chris & Alyssa
Chris Ahearn and Barry O'Brien
Chris A'hearn/Barry O'Brien
Chris Ahern
Chris Ahern and Eric Rogerson
Chris Ahern and Friends
Chris and Adam
Chris and Andy
Chris and Eric
Chris and Jason Ellis
Chris and Roger Ahearn
Chris and Roger Ahern
Chris Antonik
Chris Antonik Ashley Belmer
Chris Arsenault
Chris Barber with Jazz Wizards and Jeff Healey
Chris Brown
Chris Buck Band
Chris Burrows
Chris Chown Band
Chris Colepaugh
Chris Colepaugh and The Cosmic Crew
Chris Corrigan
Chris Coupland
Chris Crowley and friends
Chris Culgin
Chris Cummings
Chris Cummings, Brad Johner, Cruzeros
Chris Dalziel
Chris de burg
Chris D'Elia
Chris Field
Chris Field-
Chris Field and Gina Dunn
Chris Funk: Redefining Wonder
Chris Gauthier
Chris Hennesey
Chris Hillman
Chris Isaak
Chris Janson
Chris Johnston
Chris Jones and The Nightdrivers
Chris Kenny
Chris Kirby
Chris Lane
Chris Langan Weekend
Chris Leducke
Chris Martell-Tribute to Ray Brown
Chris McKhool
Chris McKool (Christmas Show)
Chris Mclean/Tiiu/Amy Campbell
Chris Murphy
Chris Murray Combo
Chris Norman and David Greenberg
Chris Page (Camp Radio ON) Josh Carter
Chris Partland (of the Partland Brothers)
Chris Partland and Friends
Chris Rock
Chris Roumbanis
Chris Ryan
Chris Smither
Chris Stapleton
Chris Syrie
Chris Thomas King
Chris Tomlin
Chris Van Reid
Chris Vanreid
Chris Velan
Chris Whiteley
Chris Whitely Blues/Jazz Quartet
Chris Williamson
Chris Young
Chris Young and Lee Brice
Chris Zimmerman
Chris's Birthday Birthday
Chrissy Crowley
Chrissy Crowley and Jason Roache
Christas with St Michaels Choir
Christian D and the Hangovers
Christian Devils
Christian Gogen and Louise Vautour (NB)
Christiania Aguilera
Christina Aquilera
Christina Bouey and Magdalena von Echer
Christina Bouey and Pierre Andre Doucet
Christina Forgeron
Christina Leroux
Christina Martin
Christina Paoletta
Christina Smith and Jean Hewson (Nfld)
Christine Cameron
Christine Campbell
Christine Gaidie
Christine Glenn
Christine Green, Penny Skolski, Phil/Jon
Christine Kenny
Christine Lavin
Christine Melanson & Friends (NB)
Christine Tassan & ET Les Imposteures
Christmas 2024 in Cape Breton
Christmas at The Opry
Christmas at The Rose
Christmas Bazaar
Christmas Blaze-A Celtic Christmas Party
Christmas Brunch Show
Christmas Carol
Christmas Caroling
Christmas Carols
Christmas Ceilidh
Christmas Daddies Country Music /Bluegrass Concert
Christmas Daddies Fund Raising Concert
Christmas Dinner and Dance
Christmas Dinner and Dance-$20 each
Christmas Dinner and Show
Christmas Entertainment
Christmas Eve Sing - a - long
Christmas Fiddle Doo
Christmas Gathering
Christmas in July with The Prendergast's
Christmas in Killarney
Christmas In Nashville
Christmas in Space
Christmas in Victoria
Christmas Jam. with Harold- Macintyre 2-PM
Christmas Karaoke
Christmas Legends
Christmas Mania
Christmas Music Nights and a Delicious Meal
Christmas Nite/Carolling and Live Entert.
Christmas Party
Christmas Party with Keith Armstrong
Christmas Party/Xmas Medley
Christmas Pot Luck with House Band & Guests
Christmas Show
Christmas Show-Santa's Got Problems
Christmas Stars 2024 Concert For QEW
Christmas Stars Concert
Christmas Time With The Ennis Sisters
Christmas To Remember
Christmas with Cara
Christmas With Friends
Christmas With Harold - Macintyre
Christmas With The Rowdymen
Christopher Dunn
Christopher Lee
Christopher Plock
Christopher Thompson/Tyler Knight/Matt Steele
Chrystal Paynter
Chubby Checker
Chuck and Albert
Chuck Brodsky
Chuck Jackson
Chuck Jackson Blues Jam
Chuck Jackson and The AllStars
Chuck Jackson Trio
Chuck Simms
Chuck Simms (Special Guest with The Bay Boys)
Chuck Simms and Al Penney
Chuck Simms and Wince Saunders
Chuck Simms Benefit
Chuck Simms/Gary Gale
Chucky Danger
CHUM Oldies Dance/DJ Marc Chambers
CHUM Oldies Night with Amber Payie
CHUM Oldies with DJ Marc Chambers
Chum/City 26th Annual Christmas Wish Fundraiser
Chute Libre
Cian and Mary
Cian O Morain & Friends
Cian O'Morian
Cinderella-Ballet Jorgen
Cindy Booth
Cindy Church
Cindy Church/Joe Sealey/George Koller
Cindy Church/Susan Crowe
Cindy Fink/Marcie Marxer/Grit Laskin
Cinema L'Amour w/ The Downwalls
Cinema Summerside
Cirmhor (Scottish Band)
Cirque Alfonse
Cirque Dreams Holidaze
Cirque du Bass/Danish/Ruby Booms
Cirque Du Soleil (Michael Jackson The Immortal)
Cirque du Soleil Toruk
Cirque Mechanics Boom Town
Cirrhosis and The Steam
Cistin Ceol.
City and Color/Half Moon Run
City and Colour
City Natives (NS)
City Sirens
City With Color
Clair and Pearl
Claire Jenkins
Claire Lynch
Claire On Keys
Clammin'N Jammin
Clan and Mary
Clan O'Morain and Eoin Begley
Clandeboye Bound
Clannad from Ireland
Clarington Fiddle Club-Dancing
Clary Croft
Classc Albums Live-Tom Petty
Classic Album Live (Led Zepplin II)
Classic Albums Live
Classic Albums Live (Pink Floyd)
Classic Albums Live: Billy Joel
Classic Albums Live-AC/DC
Classic Albums Live-Aretha Franklin
Classic Albums Live-Creedence Clearwater Revival
Classic Albums Live-Fleetwood Mac:Rumours
Classic Albums Live-Heart
Classic Albums Live-Hotel California
Classic Albums Live-Led Zeppelin
Classic Albums Live-Meatloaf
Classic Albums Live-Michael Jackson
Classic Albums Live-Queen
Classic Albums Live-The Beatles
Classic Albums Live-The Beatles: Abbey Road
Classic Albums Live-The Doors
Classic Albums Live-The Eagles
Classic Albums Live-The Who
Classic Albums Live-U2
Classic AlbumsLive-Jimi Hendrix Experience
Classic Albums-Paul Simon
Classic Albums-Supertramp
Classic Albums-Th Beatles-The White Album
Classic Countoury
Classic Country and Christmas Tunes
Classic Country Jam
Classic Country Music
Classic Folk
Classic Movie Night-It's A Wonderful Life
Classic Music Night-Miracle on 34th St.
Classic Rock Experience
Classic Seger
Classic Troubadours Live
Classic Vinly Presents Kiss Alive
Classic Vinyl Live
Classical Albums Live-RUSH 2112
Classical Movie Night-Christmas Vacation
Classical Series
Classified, Hedley, Uss
Claude Simpson and Friends
Claudia Schmidt (From USA)
Clay Tyson
Clay Walker
Clayton Bellamy
Clayton Dentwood (open stage)
Clayton/Scott Goup
Clear Sailin
Clearwater Country
Clelbration of Levon Helm
Clements Family
Cliff Short
Clint Black
Clint Newcom
Clinton Charlton
Clive Bixby's
Clive Vanderburg
Clkassic Albums Live-Jim Hendrix Experience
Clockwise-Top 40
Clockwork Mysteries
Cloggeroo Folk Festival
Close To Home (N.S.)
Close To The Coast Songwriting Circles
Close To The Coast IX-Many Bands
Close To The Ground
CLOSED (Holidays)
Closed at 4 pm (Liberal party)
Closed at 6 pm
Closed at 7pm
Closing After Party-Festival of Small Halls
Closing Music 2015 Pop Show
Closing Show of 2017
Clover Club-RC Legion-Charlottetown
Club Rat
CMAO 2018 Country Music Awards
C'mon In
C'Mon with Starvin Hungry
CMW-Tiki Lounge11 Bands
CNE Airshow Weekend-Barbecue
CNG Music Factory
Coaltown Chorus
Cobact Priz Showcase
Cobblestones and Bobby Evans
Cocaine Moustache, Aron Scott Earthquake
Cocksure Boys
Coco Love Alcorn
Coda-Tribiute To Led Zeppelin
Codiac Christmas
Codie Prevost
Cody Allen
Cody Brown/Jerome Arsenault
Cody Johnson
Coeur de Pirate
Col, Chris Hadfield
Cold Canned Pop
Cold Creek Country
Cold Plate-No Cover Charge
Cold Sweat - Top 40
Cold Water
Cold Wraps, Sleight, Acousma, Muckraker, Unclean
Cole Brioux
Cole Swindell
Colette Cheverie
Colette Deveaux
Colin Amey
Colin Amey with Sleeping Giant
Colin Arsenault
Colin Buchanan
Colin Campbell (singer/harmonica player)
Colin Campbell, Logan Richard, Alan Dowling
Colin Grant
Colin Grant and Dara Smith (Square Dance)
Colin Grant, Chrissy Crowley, Jason Roach
Colin Hay
Colin James
Colin Jeffery, Mark Douglas, Claudie Mackula
Colin Jeffrey
Colin Linden
Colin MacDonald
Colin Mochrie
Colin Stewart Band
Colin Wilkinson
Coline Savoie-Levac and Eleonore Pitre (QC)
Collective Soul
Colleen and Paul
Colleen Hodgson/Shelley Coopersmith
Colleen MacPhee
Colleen O'Brien
Colleen Peterson
Colleen Power
College of Piping
College of Piping Dancers
College of Piping Student Recital
Collin Raye
Colonel Tom Parker
Colonel Tom Parker/Miss Alex Pangman
Colonel Tom/Backstabbers
Colonel Tom's Swinging Door
Colonel Tom's Swinging Door (old country)
Colour Code
Colours of Christmas
Colson Quartet
Coma--Ultimate Trib. To Guns and Roses
Come From Away Christmas Comedy Show
Comeback Kid
Comedians Scott Faulconbridge, Justin Shaw
Comedy Cove with Cathy Jones
Comedy Dinner Theatre
Comedy Extravaganza
Comedy in The Poor House-Patrick/ Matt/Francois
Comedy Night
Comedy Night With Daryl Makk & Friends
Comedy Records Goes East with Clare Belford& Gue
Comedy Show with Simon B. Cotter
Comford decade, Pretty Matty and Pony
Comic Strippers
Coming Home Concert
Commercial Bluegrass Band
Commingle Too (Fundraiser)
Common Ground
Community Showcase-Roy MacCaul/Kim Tuplin
Community Soul Project
Company Men
Complete Worksof William Shakesphere
Con O'Brien and Patrick Moran
Conception Bay Showband
Concert of Hope
Concert of Hope with Larry Carter
Concession 23 (Bluegrass Band)
Confederation Center Holiday Variety Show
Confederation Singers
Conn Country
Conner Brothers
Connie and Paul/Nelson Doyle Dancers
Connie Carter
Connie Kaldor
Connie Scriver Band
Connor Fox
Conor Gains
Constant Connection
Construction and Destruction (N.S.)
Contact East
Contemporary Color
Contemporary Dance
Cooking Up Comedy
Cool Drummings/Virtuoso Virarations
Cool Water
Coole Park
Cooles Paradise
Cop Shades
Cope Cat
Copy Cat
Corb Lund
Corduroy Road
Corey Buchanan
Corey Doucette
Corey Doucette Band
Corey Hart and Glass Tiger
Corin Raymond
Corinne West
Cork (formerly The Durty Nellies)
Cormier Duo
Cornation Street
Corner Stone
Coro Italia
Corona Sunsearch Party
Corry Sobol
Cory Gallant
Cory Gallant and Company
Cory Gallant and Joey Doucette
Cory Gallant and Randy (from Old Doctor Young)
Cory Gallant and The Red Dirt Posse
Cory Gallant Benefit (Old Doctor Young)
Cory Gallant Family
Cory Hotline
Cory Isenor, David Simard, Fraser McCallum
Cory James Mitchell
Cory Keeping
Cory M. Coons and The Tycoons
Cory Marks
Cory Roper
Cory Tedford
Cory Tedford, Barry Canning
Cosmos From Ireland
Cotton Mouth (Chad Slade/Jay MacDonald)
Cottus (NS)
Cougars in America (On)
Count and The Cuban Cocktail
Countdown to Pride
Counting Crows
Country Alliance
Country Blend
Country Boulevard
Country Christmas
Country Christmas Music Show
Country Christmas Show
Country Christmas Story
Country Class
Country Classics
Country Dance
Country Devas-by Daina Thurman (Nashville)
Country Express (Ralph Cashen and Friends)
Country Fair
Country Fever
Country For Warriors
Country Future
Country Gospel Songs (Tribute) Brunch 12 Noon
Country Grass Band
Country Heart
Country Heartbreak
Country Hearts- Leo Arsenault, Al Peters
Country Hoedown
Country Jam Band
Country Jamboree with Host, Cliffy Short
Country Jamboree with Jolee and Country Lane
Country Jamboree/ Joe Tucker/Second Wind-Host
Country Jamboree/Several Guests
Country Jamboree-Back In Time
Country Karaoke
Country Kenny
Country Knights
Country Lane
Country Legends Experience Tour
Country Legends Men of The Century
Country Line
Country Line Dancing
Country Line with Neil MacKay
Country Meets Bluegrass
Country Music Festival
Country Music Hoe Down
Country Music Jam Night /Accoustic Players Welcome
Country Music Jam Session
Country Music Legends Concert
Country Music Legends Show
Country Music Matinee
Country Music Night
Country Music Opry
Country Music Show
Country Music-80's
Country Newfie
Country Night: Mallory Johnson & Scott MacKay
Country Outlaws Tribute
Country Roads-Many Country Artists
Country Roots
Country Showcase
Country Steel
Country Time
Country Trio Band
Country Versitiles
Country Video Dance
Country, Tango, Whiskey
Count's 77
County Legends, Men of The Century
County Line
County Line Romance & Shane Pendergast
County Line with Niall MacKay
County/Gospel Concert
Courtney Barnett
Courtney Farquhar
Courtney Hogan
Courtney Hogan and Jon Matthews
Courtney Hogan and Norman Stewart
Courtney Hogan-Chandler and Cynthia MacLeod
Cousin Dupree
Cousin Heiley
Cover $5 includes Fish Cake & Fries
Covered In Paint
Cowan and Cicchillitti
Cowan Mountain Boys
Cowboy Junkies
Cowboy Troy and Two Foot Fred
Coy, Owen Meanies Batting Stance, Park Day
Coyote Ugly Cowgirl Night
CpoyCat Holiday Tribute
CR Avery
Crabtree and Mills
Cradle Stone
Cradle To Rave Talent Finals
Craig and Lionel
Craig Atkinson and Friends
Craig Cardiff
Craig Clark
Craig Fair & Ben Aitken (Dueling Pianos)
Craig Fair's Mix Tape Night (60's)
Craig Ferguson
Craig Martin
Craig Mercer/Will Be Gones
Craig Sampson (From Cape Breton)
Craig Tour Productions 2025 Launch Party
Craig Young
Craigs Band
Cranberies (From Ireland)
Cranberries (From Ireland)
Crash Karma
Crash Parallel
Crash Parallel with Tim Chaisson
Crash Test Dummies
Crazy Anne
Crazy Babies - Tribute To Ozzie
Crazy Neighbours
Crazy Strings
Creaking Tree String Quartet
Creative Saskatchewan Showcase
Credit Goes Country
Credit Union Music PEI Week
Credit Union Music Week 2018 Awards Party
Credit Union Music Week Awards and Concert
Credit Union PEI Music Awards and Concert
Credit Union-May Run-Music Festiival
Creedence Clearwater Revisited
Creep (The Creed Trib.)
Crimson City
Crissi Cochrane/Mary Stewart
Cristian de la Luna
Crohn's and Colitis Fundraiser
Crooked Boot
Crooked Brothers
Crooked Jack
Crooked Still
Crooked Zebras
Crossing The Border (Celtic Group)
Crossroad Devils (NB)
Crowd of Bold Sharemen
Crowded House
Crown Landings (Ont)
Crowns For Convoy
Cruch-Best of Bon Jovi
Crunchberry-Top 40
Crush (Best of Bon Jovi)
Crush and Nathan Wiley
Cry Baby
Crystal and Kurk
Crystal Creek Band
Crystal Gayle
Crystal Loch
Crystal Paytner
Crystal Shawanda
Cud Eastbound, The Official Suckers, Kit Yang
Cuff the Duke and The North Lakes
Culter Boyd
Curious Crow
Curious Tale of Fingerpickin' Fury
Curlew (Nonie Crete, Eugene Rea & Neil Aitken)
Curly Strings (Estonia)
Curse In The Woods
Curt & Kev
Curtis King
Curtis Klien
Curtis Reginald
Custom Outfit (Halifax)
Customer Appreciation Night With DJ
Customer Appreciation Party
Cutler Boyd
Cutter John
Cy I and The Other Guy
Cyndi Lauper
Cynthia Dale
Cynthia MacLeod
Cynthia MacLeod and Jon Matthews
Cynthia MacLeod/Gordon Belsher
Cynthia MacLeod-Mark Haines-Out of The Blue-
Cyril Carroll and Western Corporation
Cyril McPhee
Cyril Way
D B Rivers and North'n Rebels
D J - Dr. Time (Spinning 80's)
D J Music
D ua Lipa
D W James
D. Hook
D. J. Dancing-(Slow Pitch Tournaments)
D. J. Don Weir
D. J. Jolimore
D. Michael/G. Carroll (The Newfie Stumpjumpers)
D.J Flycore
D.J. (Ladies Night-All Request)
D.J. Don Weir
D.J. Don Weir-
D.J. Don Weir (Tropical Night)
D.J. Iris
D.J. Ronnie
D.J. Viper/Mr D
D.O.A. Supercar Cell Deth
D.O.A., Mvll Crimes, Cell Deth
Da By's
Dack and Blecker
Dad and His Lad featuring Jolee
Daft Floyd
Dahalia Ave.
Dahlia Ave (NB)
Daily Food Bank Benefit
Daisy Debolt
Dakha Brakha
Dakota Oliver
Dala Girls
Dale and Scott
Dale Ann Bradely (USA)
Dale Gaudet
Dale Gaudet and Friends
Dale Howard
Dale McIssac (stotyteller)
Dale McKie
Dale Murray
Dale Ryan
Dale Verge and Doin' Country
Dali Van Gogh (NS)
Dallas Smith
Dalva Lenka Lichtenburg
Dalziel Girls (Dancers)
Dame Alexander Halloween Show
Damhnait Doyle (Nfld.)
Damian The Hypnotist
Damien Ross
Dan & Mitchell
Dan + Shay
Dan and Eric
Dan and Julie
Dan and Larry
Dan and Mike
Dan and Shay
Dan Aronovich
Dan Bern
Dan Cantin
Dan Crary
Dan Cunningham
Dan Currie
Dan David (Aronovich)
Dan Doiron
Dan Frechette
Dan Hendricken & Friends (Comedy)
Dan Hill
Dan Howlett
Dan Kershaw (Bluegrass)
Dan MacAulay
Dan MacDonald from Cape Breton-Chris Gartner,
Dan MacDonald/Lennan Delaney
Dan MacDonald/North Atlantic Drift
Dan Mangan
Dan Mazerolle
Dan McCarthy
Dan McKinnon
Dan McTaggart
Dan McVeigh
Dan McVeigh Duo
Dan McVeigh, Keith Thompson, Len Watkins
Dan McVeigh-Keith Thompson-Robert Maciag
Dan McVeigh-Songwriters Night (Open Mic)
Dan Paynter
Dan Ross
Dan Rowswell Quartet
Dan Tyminiski Band
Dan Walek (from Harvest Band)
Dan Wallack
Dan Walsh (UK)
Dan Whiteley
Dan Williams
Dan Younger Band
Dana Ariel Stahl
Dana Beeler
Dana Lee Lynch and Steve Perry
Danah Lee Tara Hope
Danalee and Rodney
Danalee Lynch and Carol Burroughs
Danalee Lynch Veinotte
Danalee Lynch, Vienotte and Rodney Asenault
Danalee Lynch-Veinotte
DanaleeLynch/Carol Burroughs
Dance Band
Dance Downstairs
Dance Laury Dance
Dance Movie, Quiet Parade
Dance Music Video Party
Dance Party
Dance Party of Newfoundland
Dance Party of Newfoundland Tour
Dance Party with Q107
Dance Party-Classic Rock
dance umbrella Year End Performance
dance Umbrella YHear End Performance
dance umbrella: Aesop's Fables
dance umbrella: When in Rome
dance umbrella:Worlds of Wonder
dance umbrella-Once Upon a Fairytale
Dance with Joe Hynes, Johnny Ross, Davey Weale
Dance-Ages 45 & Up
Dancer Juliette Roberts
Dancers Charlotte MacPherson & Georgia Maxwell
dancers-Allanna Lee & Shelby Lynne Dalzel
Dancers-Gilbert, Miguel & Thomas Arsenault
dancers-Mylene & Genevieve Ouelletie
Dancing On The Shore
Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen-Abba Hits
Dancing With The Stars
Dane Perry
Dane Perry-Sandra Gaudet-Phyllis Weatherbie
Danger Bees (Ontario)
Danger Bees-Port Cities-Quake Matthews
Danger Cat and Les Travleux (NB)
Dani Nash
Dani Nash Band
Dani Strong
Danie Cortese
Daniel and Mike
Daniel and Stephanie Payne
Daniel and Steve Perry
Daniel Boudreau
Daniel Champagne
Daniel Drouin
Daniel Goguen
Daniel Goguen (NB)
Daniel Greer Band
Daniel James McFadyen
Daniel James McFadyen/Emily MacLellan
Daniel Lanois
Daniel Lapp
Daniel Ledwell-Kinley Dowling
Daniel Leger (NB)
Daniel Martin Music
Daniel Matto
Daniel O'Donnell
Daniel Ramano
Daniel Roa
Daniel Skye
Daniel Walker (Owen Meany's Batting Stance)
Daniella Nardi
Danielle Bourjeaurd
Danielle MacDonald
Danielle Smith
DannaLee Veinot & Steve Perry
Danni O'Neill
Danny Dourin
Danny Amos
Danny and Jamie
Danny and Mitchell Gallant
Danny B
Danny B Show with Brian Gauci
Danny Bakan (CD Release)
Danny Bhoy
Danny Brooks
Danny Dourin
Danny Drouin, Marcella Richard, Rick Sparks
Danny Druin
Danny Fisher of Lost Vegas
Danny Gallant and Roland Beaulieu
Danny Laj and The Looks
Danny MacNevin
Danny Marks
Danny Michel
Danny Michelle
Danny Miles
Danny Scott
Dany Laj and The Looks
Dapper Dan & The Drive-In Classics
Dar Williams
Dara MacDonald
Dara O Briain
Dara Smith and Friends
Dara Smith MacDonald/Adam Young
Dara Smith, Colin Grant and Mac Morin
Dara Smith-MacDonald and Adam Yoing
Darci Lynne
Darcy & Jer
D'Arcy & Mo
Darcy and Moe
D'Arcy Boyle
D'Arcy Broderick Benefit
D'Arcy Ellis
Darcy Mazerolle
Darcy Oake
Darcy Stamp
D'Arcy Wickham
Darcys and Stone Mary
Darcy's/String Theory/Battery Point
Dare Devils of Soul
Dare The Devils:3 Sunday Lunches of Great Fiddling
Darelle London
Daren Swanson
Darius Rucker
Dark Angel/Patrick Brealy
Darkest Side of The Moon-Pink Floyd Tribute
Darla Chaisson
Darla Gallant
Darla MacPhee
Darlene and Sweetwater Women
Darrel Scott
Darren Arsenault
Darren Brown as Garth Brooks (Banquet Hall)
Darren Criss
Darren Evorglens
Darren Freeman
Darren Hancock
Darren LaChamp and Kenny Post
Darren Lachange
Darren McMullen
Darren Stevenson
Darren, Marvin, Steve
Darret Zusko
Darryl Hebb
Dart Tournament (NO BAND)
Darts Banquet
Darvel with Hit The Coast
Darvel with Moment of Eclipse
Darvel, Sweet Nectar, Gizmo, Space Bud
Daryle Singletary
das macht Show
Daughters of The Moon
Davage Creek Band
Dave Adam
Dave & Wayne
Dave (Our Soundman) Birthday Party
Dave Adkins (USA)
Dave Albert
Dave Alvin/The Guilty Women
Dave and Adam
Dave and Brandon
Dave and Jud Gunning
Dave and Kirk
Dave and Laura
Dave and Louis
Dave and Phil Alvin
Dave and Scott from Fallback
Dave and Tian Wigmore
Dave and Tom
Dave Arthur Band
Dave Beattie and The Question
Dave Bidini
Dave Borins
Dave Bradstreet
Dave Callander as Chuck Berry
Dave Carmichael
Dave Carroll
Dave Clarke/Rosemary Phelan
Dave Clarke-Tod Gorr-Ellen Shizgal-Lucinda Chodan
Dave Clayton Thomas
Dave Connolly
Dave Cousins (Strabs lead singer)
Dave Curran-Hypnotist
Dave Doyle
Dave Doyle and Friends
Dave Doyle Band
Dave Doyle Duo
Dave Dunlop
Dave Gossage & Jim Doxas
Dave Gunning
Dave Gunning and JP Cormier
Dave Gunning/Matt Anderson/Mike Stevens
Dave Hendricken & Friend Comedy Show
Dave Howard
Dave James
Dave Love Band
Dave MacIsaac and Louis Benoit
Dave MacIssac
Dave MacIssac and Louis Benoit
Dave Martin
Dave Mason
Dave Matthews Band
Dave Murphy
Dave Murphy Band-Radio and Classic Rock
Dave Nachmanoff
Dave Noodle
Dave Orrett Band
Dave Petersen and His Oldtime Country Band
Dave Pico Band
Dave Pike
Dave Rave
Dave Ravin
Dave Reid
Dave Rotundo
Dave Rotundo and The Blue Canadians (True Blues)
Dave Sampson
Dave Simpson and Colin Grant
Dave Thompson
Dave Thomson
Dave Waco
Dave Weale
Dave Wells
Dave Whalen and The Starlites
Dave Whelan
Dave White
Dave Whitely Band
Dave Wigmore and Friends
Dave Wilcox
Dave Woodhead
Dave Woodside
Dave Young
Dave Young/Terry Promane Octet
Davel with Moment of the Eclipse
Dave's Country Hoedown
Davey Peters and Friends
Davey Jones Crew
David A. Wilson/McGee Band
David Albert
David and Jud Gunning
David Archibalds Titanic
David Bacha
David Ball (USA)
David Bowie (Trib. by Heros Band)
David Bradstreet
David Briggs (Acclaimed Organist)
David Bromberg Quartet
David Buchbinders Odessa/Haven
David Carrol
David Cassidy
David Celia
David Celia Band
David Celia Joan Bessen/ Gary Taylor/ Russ Boswell
David Clarke/Geoff Somers
David Clayton Thomas
David Copperfield
David Craig
David Dobson
David Essig
David Francey
David Gaudet and Friends
David Gillis
David Gilmour
David Gogo/Tony D
David Gray
David Grey
David In The Dark (NB)
David Jalbert
David Kaplan
David Leask
David Lee Murphy (Nashville)
David Lindley
David Love
David Lowery
David MacIssac and Louis Benoit
David MacKay & Friends
David Mallett
David McLachlan/Ronnie Robertson/Calvin Warr
David Michael
David Murphy
David Myles
David Nail
David Newland
David Occhipiniti
David Olney
David Olney and Bobby Watt
David Parmley
David Peterson
David Potvin
David R Elliot with Mike Trask
David R. Elliott
David Racha Band
David Rankin
David Rea
David Roth
David Rotundo
David Rotundo Band
David Sereda
David Stone
David Trainor
David Usher
David Vest
David Wall Band
David Weale (Storyteller)
David Whitmore-Brenda Peters
David Wilcox
David Wildsmith
David Woodhead
David Woodside
Davis Rogan and Chris Butcha
Davis Ward (guitarist)
Davy Jones
Davy Jones Band
Dawn and Margie Beaton (C.B.fiddlers)
Dawn Sodaway
Dawn Tyler Watson
Day Tripper
Dayglo Abortins with Batted, Witch HandsGreen Eyes
Dayna Manning
Daytime Disco with DJ
Daze with Guests
De Danann
De Railed
De Temps Antan
Dead Airwaves
Dead Beats
Dead Broke
Dead Levee
Dead Man's Pond
Dead Nothings
Dead of Winter-Wakelield, QC
Dead Ranch
Dead South
Deadline Sunday
Deadly Rays
Dean and Friends
Dean Brody
Dean Brody and Cassadee Pope
Dean Brody/Paul Brandt
Dean Brody/Paul Brandt/Jess Moshaluke
Dean Brody/Paul Brandt/Lindi Ortega
Dean Brody/Paul Brandt/Madeline Merlo
Dean Brody/Paul Brandt/Whitney Rose
Dean Dunford Band
Dean Dunford, Wally Young, JD Hughes, Mike McGarry
Dean James
Dean Lickyer
Dean McTaggart
Dean Project and SatWeCanFly (TO)
Deanna Knight/Janine Stoll/Kristin Sweetland
Deanna Knight/Laura Bird/Chris MacLean
Dear Lucy (A Zombie Folk Rock Opera)
Dear Rita
Dearly Beloved
Death Avengers
Death Valley Driver
Death Valley Driver/Get Bodied/Syracuse Me
Debbie Bayshaw
Debbie Carroll/Jeff Morrison
Debbie Fleming
Debbie G
Debbie Myers
Debert Plaza
Deborah Kimmett
Debra Digiovanni
Debut Atlantic-Meagan & Amy
Decade of Sleep
Decidedly Jazz Danceworks:Juliet & Romeo
Deck Open
Declan McGarry
Declan O'Docherty from Donegal-Leah Salomaa
Declan O'Doherty
Declan O'Sullivan
Dee Dee Austin
Deed Wheeler
Deekaye Ibomeka
Deep Dark Woods
Deep End
Deep Groove (Raegae)
Deep Purple
Deep Purple (Trib by Fire ball)
Deep Purple (Trib. by Depest Purple)
Deering Family Benefit (Many Musicians)
Def Leppard Tribute
Def Leppard with Styx and Tesla
Defending The Caveman
Defuses Max Brando
Deja Vu CD Release Party
Del Barber
Del Leppard
Del Ray/Steve James
Del Rey/Steve James
Della Mae
Delores Boudreau
Delso-Jaelem Bhate
Delta 88
Demetra Penner
Demi Lovato
Denam and Lace-
Denielle Hann
Denim and Lace
Denis Keldie
Denis Martel
Denis Parker
Denis Richard
Dennis Kinley
Dennis and Kinley
Dennis Brunton
Dennis Cahill and Martin Hayes
Dennis Conn and Linda Wells
Dennis De Young (Music of Styx Live)
Dennis Dunn Band
Dennis Ellsworth
Dennis Ellsworth & The Mercy Dolls
Dennis Ellsworth and Haunted Hearts
Dennis Ellsworth and the Electric Stars
Dennis Ellsworth/Lindy Vopnfjord
Dennis King
Dennis King & Ian Stretch (Dancers)
Dennis Pitre-Terry Arsenault-Vincent Doucette
Dennis Trainor (comedy)
Dennis Whittey
Denny Pitre, Vincent Doucette, Terry Arsenault
Denzal Sinclaire
Deon Cole
Derek Arsenault
Derek Atkinson of the Loon Choir/guests
Derek Edwards (comedian)
Derek Hough
Derek Miller
Derek Pilgrim
Derek Pilgrim - jam session
Derek Pilgrim (CD 709- Release Party)
Derek Pilgrim and Roy Penny
Derek Pilgrim&Linda Wells
Derek Pilgrim, Roy Penny, Al Cross
Deric Ruttan
Deric Ruttan, Dean Brody, Aaron Lines
Derina Harvey Band
Derrick and Melody Cameron
Derrick Littlejohn/Outbreak
Derrick Paul Miller
Derrick Vaters
Deryl Gallant
Desert Heat
Desert Reign
Desj and Thalia Coutour
Destiney Bradshaw and Johnny Arsenault
Destiny Bradshaw
Desyl Gallant
Deux Def Dudes
DeVarow-Arsoniste-Owen Meanys-Botting Stance
Devin Casario
Devin Casarion and The Illusion
Devin Cuddy Band
Devin Sproule and Bernice
Devon Cole
DGB with Zebra Bot
D'Harmo and Gadelle
Dial Ups
Diamond Cut-Neil Diamond Trib. Band
Diamond Girl
Diamond Minds
Diamond Rio
Diana Braithwaite
Diana Chase
Diana Cox and Route 66
Diana Jade
Diana Krall
Diana Panton
Diana Ross
Diana Salvatore/Suzana da Camara
Diane Chase
Diane Chase-Jamie Warren-Sean Hogan
Diane Lee Clemons
Diane Nalni/Sean Bray/Vincent Wolfe
Diane Slade
Dick Clark Five With G
Dick Gaughan and Jason Wilson
Dick Nolan
Dick Redmond and Son Patrick
Dickens Christmas
Diem La Fortune
Dierks Bentley and Chad Brownlee
Dierks Bently
Diesel Dog/Guests
Different Folks
Dig deeper
Dig Your Roots
Digging Roots
Dina Braitewaite
Dinner and Show Package -Oldies
Dinner and Show with Donna Moore (USA)
Dinner Theatre (Throw Back Thursday-80's)
Dinner Theatre-My Island Home
Dinner with David
Dinner/Dance Upstairs (For High Degrees)
Dino and Friends
Dino Dunsford
Dion MacBeth Band
Dione Taylor
Dionne Warwick
Dirkin Kave
Dirt County Confederates
Dirt Road Highway
Dirt Road Hwys
Dirty Dancing In Concert
Dirty Deeds
Dirty Dishes
Dirty Nil
Dirty Thursday
Disc Jockey
Disco Dance Party With DJ
Disco Inferno Band
Disco Night with Super Freak
Disco Pub Night with D.J. Douce
Disco Rockin' Llamas
Disco Tribute-70-80s-Trib. by Studio 54 band
Disco/Retro (Studio 54)
Discord,Chaos Theory, Busted Skulls
Disney Show-101 Dalmations,Jungle Book
Disturbed, Slaind, Bad Wolves
Divet & the Love Soldiers
Dixie Chicklets
Dixie Chicks
Dixie Flyers
Dixie League Play Offs(9am-3:30pm)Blind Draw After
Diyetd and The Love Sol
Dizzy and Fay
DJ - Dr. Time
DJ Hype
DJ (all request) and Karaoke
DJ (In Downstairs Room)
DJ and Buffet-$15.00 ea.
DJ and Karaoke
DJ Battle: Novah & Big S
DJ Biggar Beats
DJ Biggar Beats Retro Dance Party
DJ Col. Tom Parker
DJ Cosmic Kaos*
DJ Crawford
DJ Dekz & Brad Milligan Band
DJ Douce
DJ Duotang
DJ Flycore Video Dance Party
DJ Grolleman
DJ HYPE Beach Party
DJ Hype Therapist
DJ J. Grolleman
DJ John Riley
DJ Johnny
DJ Jonny King
DJ Kevin Kaye
DJ Konflikt and DMayne Event
DJ Nashville
DJ Niimo
DJ Nimo
DJ P.E.I. (Detonate and Encor)
DJ Paul/Killer Classics
DJ Phobic
DJ Rhiannon
DJ Rick Gimza
DJ Rob Martine
DJ Sahil Sally
DJ Sammy
DJ Savoury
DJ Serge Kosticin
DJ Sonny D
Dj Steve Wilson
DJ Supreme
DJ Viper
DJ Wayne
DJ Wayne (downstairs)
DJ Wayne Beach Party
DJ Whaleskin
DJ with Flycore
DJ-(Downstairs, Club Room) New Years Party
DJK Matty Jay and Mizz Leiya
DJ-Kevin Kaye
DJ-New Years Party
Djokic Family and Friends
DJ-Rocky Horror
Dk Ibomeka
DL Incognito
D'Maggio Connection
DMayne Event
Dmitri Lekovich & Agne Radzeviciute
Dmitri Levkovich & Rhapsody In Blue
Do Good Assassis
Dobbie Brothers
Doc Landry
Doc MacLean
Doc Walker
Doc's Corner Alumni Reunion
Doc's Corner-4th Annual Reunion with Bunker Boys
Dodge Fiasco
Dog Day, Apollo Ghost
Dog is Blue (Ontario)
Dog Mountain Bluegrass Band
Doggers Annual St. Paddy's Day Stomp
Doghouse Rose
Dogs of War-Pink Floyd Trib.
Doin' Damage Dec Edition
Doiron Brothers
Doiron Family-Brian, Dwayne, Rhoda, Karlie
Dole Tinkers
Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton Mothers Day Matinee
Domenic Troiano Tribute
Dominic Muncuso Group
Dominique Fils-Aimi
Don Amero (Winnipeg)
Don and Laura
Don Bray
Don Brownrigg
Don Brownrigg and Erin Costello
Don Campbell
Don Cochrane
Don Fraser and Frends
Don Fraser, Deryl Gallant, Alan White
Don Gibbons and Friends Band
Don Harron (Charlie Farquharson)
Don Juans
Don MacLean and Big Dave
Don Mancuso
Don Meeker Band
Don Messer Jubliee Christmas 2003 Tour
Don Messer Jubliee Christmas-Memories 2002
Don Messer Tribute
Don Messer's Violin
Don Reid
Don Rideout
Don River Blues Band
Don Rooke-Geoff Berner-Steve Dawson
Don Ross
Don Ross and Friends
Don Thompson
Don Williams
Don/Elaine Olson-Sarah, Annie and Clair Muir
Dona Lee Lynch, Vencotte, Rodney Arsenault
Donald MacKenzie,Dillon Ferguson
Donald Younie Experience
Donations also accepted at Little Taste Of Home
Donegal Fiddlers/1802 Station Fiddlers
Donna and LeRoy Anderson
Donna Duga Karaoke
Donna Dugas Karaoke
Donna Garner and The Island Boys Little Big Band
Donna Marie DeWolf
Donna Moore From USA Dinner and Show
Donna Morrissey
Donna Proctor Benefit
Donna Washington
Donnie & Marie
Donnie Campbell
Donnie Deveau
Donnie Doyle
Donnie Dumphy
Donnie LeBlanc
Donnie Meeker
Donnie Wallace
Donnu Meeker
Donny Anderson and The Thunder Run Band
Donny Mann
Donny Marks
Donny Osmond
Donny Parenteau
Donny/Grady Brothers
Donovan and Laura
Donovan Woods
Doo Wop With A Twist-Oldies Tour-50's/60's
Doobie Brothers
Doof Doof
Doogie & Dun & The Doggy P
Dookie-A Tribute to Green Day
Doors (Trib. by Rider On The Storms)
Dora The Explorer
Doreen Brown
Doris Mason
Doris Mason and Friends
Dot Com
Dottie Cormier
Dotty Davis-Jazz Night
Double B
Double Barrel and many guests
Double Barrel/Oprey Toronto Band
Double Barrell
Double Experience/Big Hugh/Eleventh Hour
Double O Soul
Double Trouble
Double Vision
Double Wides
Doucette Night-Victor, Cathy & Family
Doug Alcock Band
Doug Counter
Doug Cox
Doug Cox/Sam Hurrie/Paul Reddick
Doug Crawford Music
Doug Deveaux/Rick Jones/Doug Johnson
Doug Dietrich
Doug Hawco
Doug Hoyer
Doug Hoyer and Blimp Rock
Doug Hoyer/ Calvin Macelroy/ New Royality
Doug Johnson
Doug Lamey
Doug MacEwen
Doug MacKiln
Doug Mallory
Doug McArthur/Nancy Simmonds
Doug Paisley
Doug Riley Memorial Concert
Doug Taylor
Dougie MacDonald
Dougie MacLean
Douglas Cameron
Douglas Cameron/Lawrence Cameron
Douglas Michael and The Newfie Stump Jumpers
Douglas Watson-R and B Revue
Dover Fault Band
Down East Garden Party -Freezerland
Down With Darby
Downbeat Launch concert for Garnes Theatre
Downchild Blues Band
Downhome Christmas Concert
Downhome Classic Concert
Downhome Show-CNE Grounds
Downstroke Showband
Downtown Blues Band
Doyle Band
Doyle Dykes
DR Cian O Morain, Mary MacGillivray
Dr Draw
Dr Magnificent Travelling Musical Medicine Show
Dr Mike Daley presents James Taylor Story
Dr. Dfunkt
Dr. Draw
Dr. Feelgood - Motley Crue Tribute
Dr. Hook
Dr. Hook featuring Ray Sawyer
Dr. Mile Daley
Dr. Zoo (Randal Arsenault)
Drake Adams and The Sticky Bandits
Drake Jensen
Drea and The Girls
Drea MacDonald
Dreadfort and Skull Kid and The Giants
Dreadfort and Voodoo Sometimes
Dreadnoughts and Collin Moore
Dream Aria
Dream Theater
Dregs (NS)
Dressed To Kill (Kiss Tribute)
Dressing Room (Comedy)
Drew Gregory
Drew Heggie
Driftwood Harmony
Driftwood People
Driving Rain featuring Dave Noodle
Drop Dead Gorgeous Killer Valentine Party
Dropped Tailgate
Drowsy Maggie
Drug Treatment Court Fundraiser
Drumming Cousins
Dry Country
Dry River Caravan
Dry Toast Reunion
Duane Andrews
Duane Andrews and Craig Young
Duane Steele and The Poverty Men
Duane Steele-Jason Blane
Dub Fix
Dub Brothers
Dub Kartel
Dub Kartel with KDZ
Dude Perfect Tickets
Due South
Due West
Duel by Pallade Musica
Duel Exhaust
Dufferin County Line with Kevin Kinsella
Duke Robillard
Dukes of Atmosphere
Dukes of Hazzard Band
Dumpster Mummy (NS)
Duncam Ivany & The North Coast Band (ON)
Duncan Cameron
Duncan Cameron and Lynn Harrison
Duncan Cameron/Pierre Schryer Band
Duncan Gerard
Duncan Matheson
Duncan Williams
Dunes and Tunes
Dunsmore (Saint John)
Duo Beija-Flor
Duo CBJ & MH
Duo Concertante
Duo Lipa
Duo Santos
Duran Duran
Durians (NY)
Durty Nellies
Dusk (Fireworks at The Beach)
Dustin Bentall and Adam Balwin
Dustin Bentall Outfit
Dustin Jones and The Rising Tides
Dustin Perry
Dusty Shoes and Popalopalots
Dutch Mason
Dutch Mason Blues Festival
Dutch Thompson
Duvet Band
DW James
Dwayne Cote
Dwayne Cote and Doug McPhee
Dwayne Cote and Kevin Levesque
Dwayne Cote/Duane Andrews
Dwayne Doiron
Dwayne Doiron, Shane and Molly Pendergast
Dwayne Dorion-Roy McCaull-Victor/Kathy Doucette
Dwayne Gretzky
Dwayne LaForm
Dwayne Laforme/Michael Fonfara
Dwight Yoakam
Dya Singh
Dylan Ferguson
Dylan Guthro
Dylan Jensen
Dylan MacIsaac
Dylan MacKenzie
Dylan Menzie
Dylan Menzie, Ashley Condon, Alica Toner
Dylan Moran
Dylan Murray/Chris Assaad
Dylan Tierney & Mary Clements
Dylan Tree (Trib. to Bob Dylan)
Dysfunktional Dads
E B Anderson/The Resolites
Eagles Experience
Eagles Tribute Band
Eagles Tribute:Hotel California
Eagles-John Fogerty-Sam Roberts-KT Tunstall
Eaglewood Folk Festival
Eamon McGrath
Ear Noizenthroat
Earl and Coffin (NL)
Earl Chinna Smith/Kiddus I/Jason Wilson
Earl Smith-Kiddus I-Willi Willliams-Jason Wilson
Early Bird Mondays with Chas, Mike, Chris, Roger
Earth, Wind and Fire
Earthbound Trio
East Bound Connection-Wiff Doyle Jr. /Dianne Rose
East Coast 2011 Music Week-Charlottetown
East Coast Art Party
East Coast Band
East Coast Bandstand
East Coast Blues Christmas
East Coast Ceildth
East Coast Ceildth Blow-Out Night
East Coast Christmas
East Coast Comedy Pride Tour
East Coast Fiddle
East Coast Hip Hop-Music PEI 2018
East Coast Kitchen Party
East Coast Love Story
East Coast Music Awards
East Coast Night (several bands)
East Coast Pub Night
East Coast Songwriters Tour
East Coast Supershow-Many Artists
East Gypsy Bandwith Tim Ries
East of The Dial Showcase
East Pointers
East Pointers and Fortunate Ones
East Wind
Easter Sunday Brunch with Easter Bunny
Easter Seal Telethon
Easter Seals Telethon
Eastern Belles
Eastern Edition
Eastern Front
Eastern Ridge Bluegrass Band
Eastern Storm (Jerry Lush/Gary Gale)
Eastwind Reunion Show
Easy Money
Echo Hunters
Echoes: A Night of Garth Brooks
ECMA Sendoff Showcase
ECMA 2006 Showcases
ECMA 2008 Showcases (Nfld/Lab.)
ECMA 2011 Bluebird Noth Showcase
ECMA 2011 Rising Star Showcase
ECMA 2011 Trad Music Showcase
ECMA 2011-A Sound Celebration
ECMA 2012 Artists All Day
ECMA 2012 Music Awards
ECMA 2013 Bands Send-off
ECMA 2015 Gala Awards
ECMA 2015 Showcase
ECMA 2017 Mondays
ECMA 2019 Blues Stage
ECMA 2019 Rising Star Stage
ECMA 2019 Rock Stage
ECMA 2019 Weekend
ECMA 2024 Awards Show
ECMA Fridays
ECMA Gala Awards 2018
ECMA Opening Nght
ECMA Small Halls Event
ECMA Songwriters Circle
Economy Mountain Boys
Ed Kopala
Ed Ratelle-Hypnotist
Ed Sheehan & Elton John Tribute Night
Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran and Christina Peiri
Eddie Bullen and Liberty Silver
Eddie Bullen/Kingsley Ettienne
Eddie Coffey
Eddie Coffey and Marty Delaney
Eddie Coffie and Marty Delaney
Eddie Cummings
Eddie Eastman
Eddie Eastman TV Reunion Show
Eddie From Ohio
Eddie May Murder Mystery Wed Night
Eddie Money
Eddie Quinn
Eddie Rowsell (Eastman)
Eddy C Duo
Eddy Poirier & Grassline
Eddy Poirier and Family
Eddy Poirier and Fern Maillet
Eddy Quinn
Eddy Quinn and Friends
Eddy Quinn and Old Habits
Eddy Quinn with Fiddlers Sons
Eddy Quinn, John Webster, Garth Matthews
Eden Hill
Eden Warsaw
Edgar Winter
Edith Gaudet-Tanner Gaudet-Norman Gaudet
Edward and Ruth Fitzgerald
Edward Sayers
Eiana Cuevas
Eight Feet
Eight Wheel Drive
Eileen Brown and Just Among Friends
Eileen Joyce
Eileen McGann
Eileen, Monique & Angela Pendergast
Eilen Jewell
El Dub
El Viento Flamenco
Elaine Kilpatrick and Brain Fraser (Guests)
Elaine Ryan
Elaine Wedge
Elani Mandell
Elder Sister Plum and The Sun
Eleanor McCain
Electric Blue
Electric Leprechauns
Electric Spoonful (NS)/Nightbreed
Electric Tuesday
Electrolyte of wing-nut-night
Elephant Rock
Elephant Skeltons ((NB)
Elevation-U2 Tribute
Eleventh Hour
Eleventh Hour, Vicious and Machete
Eli Barsi
Eli Best
Eli Smith
Eli Young Band
Eliana Cuevas/Brenda Navarette
Eliona Cuevas Jermey
Elipe Saunders
Elisa Chan and Maria Cordero
Elite I MMA-Payback
Eliza Gilkyson
Eliza Niemi
Elizabeth Shepard
Elizabeth Shepherd Trio
Elizabeth Sheppard
Elizabeth's Concert of Hope-Dan Hill/Shaye
Ella Campbell
Elle Putty
Ellen Clements
Ellen McILwaine
Ellen McQuillan
Elliot Smith Tribute
Elliott Brood
Ellis Brothers
Ellis Family Band
Ellis Paul/Vance Gilbert
Ellis Paul-Red Molly-Elephant Revival
Ellsworth's Haunted Hearts
Elmer Deagle
Elmer Ferres Band
Elmo Lewis Band (R/Roll)
El's Rockpile Indie Rock Showcase Night
Elsie Aeryn
Elsie Besler
Elsie Gallant-Lorne Howard-Phillis Murphy
Elton John
Elton Songs: The Elton John Experience
Elusive Kings
Elvis (Roy Leblanc)
Elvis 30th Ann. Celebration/Thane Dunn
Elvis at Sun Record
Elvis Birthday Celebration
Elvis Birthday Tour With Thane Dunn
Elvis Costello
Elvis Greatest Christmas Hits
Elvis Las Vegas Style Dinner/Show
Elvis On Tour/Thane Dunn and The Cadallic Kings
Elvis Presley Story
Elvis Presley Tribute-Aloha From Hawaii
Elvis Presley's Aloha from Hawaii
Elvis Rock and Country
Elvis Shane Jeffery-Trib. by King T.O. Band
Elvis Summer Festival with Thane Dunn
Elvis Tribute
Elvis: The Comeback Special
Elvis--The Moments with Pete Paquette
Elvor Palsdottir
Elyse Aeryn
Ember Swift
Emerald Community Center, PEI
Emerald Junction
Emerald Rae
Emeralds Gospel Group
Emerson Drive
Emerson Street Rhythm Band
Emil Chau
Emile Robichaud
Emilea MacLellan
Emilea May
Emilee Sorrey
Emilie Landry (NB)
Emilio Fina
Emily Rockarts (ONT)
Emily Coffin
Emily Gimble
Emily MacLellan Duo
Emily Stam & Flippo Gambetta
Emily Steinwall
Emily Taylor Adams
Emm Gryner
Emm Gryner and Matthew Barber
Emma Catherine
Emma Cook
Emma Doucette
Emma Gallant
Emma Street
Emma, Pastelle & Philippe LeBlanc
Emmanuel Travis
Emmanuelle LeBlanc
Emmett DeCourcey
Emmylou Harris
Emo LeBlanc
EMO Night
Emory Lester
Empty Flask
End of Summer Party
End of The Road (with John Prince)
Engage The Threat
Engelbert Humperdinck
English Words
Englishmen and Mad Dogs
Ennis and The MacKenzie Project
Ennis Sisters
Enrique Iglesias
Enter the Haggis
Enterenment By Derek Pilgrim&MartyDelaney 9pm
Entertainment Children's Wish
EP Release Party
Epic Eagle Tribute and
Epilepsy 2nd Annual Toronto Benefit Concert
Epiphany (NS)
Equinox Rocks
Eric & The Reflections
Eric and Chris
Eric and Trevor
Eric Anderson
Eric Bibb
Eric Bogle
Eric Broadbent
Eric Burdon/Animals
Eric Church
Eric Ethridge
Eric Fresia
Eric Heideman
Eric Johnston Comedy
Eric Lamber and The Gang
Eric Lee
Eric Mahar
Eric Payne
Eric Rodgerson
Eric Schenkman
Eric Shain
Eric St-Laurant, Rob McBride
Eric Wright
Erica and Sandra (open stage)
Erica Shipman & Bluegrass Connection
Erika Lamon/Nikkie Gallant
Erika Werry
Erika Werry and Mike Hopkins
Erin Best
Erin Costelo
Erin Crosby
Erin Ford and The Good Life
Erin Haley
Erin Nurcke
Ermal Meta
Ernest Ranglin
Ernie Gallant, Claude Gaudet, John Campbell
Ernie Haase (Songfest by The Sea)
Ernie Sears Music Product Show and Sale
Eros Ramazzotti
Erskine Smith (Storyteller)
Eruic Claybourne
Erynn Marshall/Brian Taheny
Erynn Marshall/Chris Coole/David Newland
ES:Mo /Felix Pastorious
Esponala Slim
Este Mundo
Estelle Klein-Tribute Concert
Estreet Band
Estrella Morente
Ethan Ash (UK)
Ethan MacPhee
Etta James Triute
Eugene Rea and The Murphy Family
Eva Cassidy Tribute
Evalyn Parry
Evan Champagne
Evan McCosham
Evan Oliver
Evangelene Gentle
Evangeline Country Music Festival
Evangeline Rec Ctr. Reconstruction Fundraiser
Evans and Doherty
Eve Brown
Eve Goldberg
Eve Goldberg/Evalyn Parry/Trevor Mills
Evening Patriots
Evening of Music
Evening of Wine & Song For Anderson House
Everclear and Sister Hazel
Everett Boulter and Friends
Evergreen Gamelan Group
Everly Brothers Story
Everything Fitz
Eviction Party
Ewan MacIntyre
Exclusive Kings
Excuses Excuses (ONT)
Exiles Return
Exodus (Reggae)
Exodus-Bob Marley Tribute
Extraordinary Voices
Extravaganza For Anderson House
Extreme Martial Arts
Extremeties, MDP
Eyepod Shuffle
Eyes For Telescopes
EZ Street
Fab Four
Fable 69
Fabulous Bakersfield Boys
Fabulous Knockouts
Fabulous Nothings
Fabulous Tone Dogs-Top 40 Rock
Fabulously Rich
Fabulously Rich Tribute to Tragically Hip
Faces For Radio
Facinating Ladies
Faded Blue
Faded Blue/Disco Rockin' Liamas
Fado Blues
Fado with Sonia Tavares/Paulo Flipe
Fair Deal Exchange
Fairgale (NL)
Fairport Convention (From U.K.)
Fairport Convention Direct from UK 35th Ann.Tour
Fakers (tests website only)
Fall Brawl
Fall Country Music Concert-Oshawa, Ont.
Fall Fiddle Fest
Fall Guys
Fall Out Boy and Wiz Khalifa and Hoodie Allen
Fallback Band
Fallback Dance
Family Day Long Weekend
Family Feud-Live Stage Show
FAMILY Karaoke with Tony Prior
Family Magic and illuion Show
Family Square Dance
Family Summer Folk Concert
Famines (MTL) with Wildcat
Fancy Free
Fandango On Stage
Fanningbank Recital
Far Flung Folk
Far Side Band
Farewell Town
Farmer The Band
Farrell Brothers
Farsan Celtic Quartet
Fast Lane
Fast Track (USA)
Fat Head
Fathead (Juno Award Winners)
Father Keith Kennific
Father's Day Bash
Fathers Day Breakfast
Father's Day Country Music Festival
Father's Day Pie Off and Musical Extravaganza
Fathers Day Steak and Lobster Event
Fats Kaplin/Colin Linden
Fatt Matt (BC) Big Moves
Fay Herridge
Faye Arsenault
Fear of Drinking
Fearing and White
Feast Dinner Theatre (Baby, Its Cold Outside)
Fed Pennies/Motorleague and Gallactus
Feelin' Alright
Feelings with The Devil's Punchbowl
Feels Like Home (QC)
Felix Cavaliers Rascal
Felix Turrett
Fellowship Dance
Fellowship Dinner and Dance
Female Impersonators
Ferando Varela
Fergus Hambelton
Fergus Hamilton/Tom Leighton
Fergus O'Byrne
Ferraro vs Janes Party
Festival 500
Festival Finale-Music PEI
Festival of Small Halls
Festival of Small Halls 2012
Festival of Small Halls 2016
Festival of Small Halls 2017
Festival of Small Halls 2019
Festival of Small Halls 2024
Festival of Small Halls All Day Festival ECMA 2011
Festival of Small Halls Closing Party
Festival of Small Halls Finale
Festival of Small Halls Grand Opening Show
Festival of Small Halls-Trad. Music and Dance
Festival of Small Halls-Weekend Late Nights
Fetival of Small Halls 2022
Fiction Makers
Fiddle Concert
Fiddle Doo
Fiddle Fandemonium
Fiddle Freaks
Fiddle Frolic
Fiddle Stix
Fiddle Summit
Fiddle Tunes and Songs For a January Winters Night
Fiddle Workshop
Fiddlehead Social
Fiddler Louise and Co.
Fiddlers 3
Fiddlers at The Park
Fiddler's From Hunter River
Fiddlers Green
Fiddlers Jam Session
Fiddlers' Sons with Eddy Quinn
Fiddles and Pipes
Fiddlesong Trio (Anne Lederman/Geoff Somers)
Fiddlestickers-Christy Hodder-Kim Holmes
Fiddling and Country Music
Fidler-Anne Lederman
Fieldtrip/Ted Quinlan Trio/Kirk MacDonald Quartet
Fifth Year Anniversary Benefit Concert
Fifty 50
Fig For A Kiss
Fight For Fiji
Filly and The Flops
Filthy Saturday with Nick Bike and DMayne Event
Final Fantasy (Owen Pallett)
Final Farewell-End of An Error
Final Student Night of The Year/YakBak
Find The Others/Andy Sheppard
Fine Lads
Finest Kind
Finger Eleven
Finjan (Klezmer Ensemble)
Finley Mullally and The River Thieves
Finnegan and McGill
Finnegan and Snider
Finny McConnell of The Mahones
Fiona MacCorquodale
Fionn MacCools 5th Anniversary Party
Fire Cracker Line
Fire Horns
Fire Next Time
Fire Valley Fire
Fire When Ready
Firefly Cabaret
Firemens Fundraiser
Firesound Band
First Annual Christmas Gathering S'Side Choirs
First Ladies of Jazz
Fish and Bird
Fisher Kings
Fitzgerald Family Band
Fiun Gus (NS)/Comfort Decade
Five Alarm Funk (BC)
Five Dollar Cover Charge
Five Man Electrical Band
Flamenco Caravan
Flash Back
Flash Lightnin'
Flashlight Radio
Flat Top Grove
Flatrock (Ont)
Fleet Foxes
Fleetwood Dreams (Trib. to Fleetwood Mac)
Fleetwood Mac
Fleetwood Mack
Fleetwood MacMania
Fleetwood Mix
Fleetwood Nicks (Fleetwood Mac Trib)
Fleur Mainville (N.S.)
Flip 45
Flip Fabrique
Flipside 45
Flo Durelle (NB)
Floating Weight
Floating Widget
Florence Smith
Florian Hoefner Trio
Florida Georgian Line
Flotilla, Plumes (Montreal)
Floweshine with BDM
Floyd Factor-Pink Floyd Tribute
Floyd Gaudet
Floyd King
Fluffy Little Cowboys
Flush Reunion
Flux A. D.
Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band
FM Berlin (from NB)
FM Hi Low
FM Hi Low with The Band Before Time
Foggy Hogtown Boys
Foggy Hogtown Boys-Swamperella-Joanne Mackell
Foggy Mountain Band
Foggy Mountain Boys
Folk Alliance Int. Conference-Montreal
Folk Alliance Public Shows
Folk and Roll
Folk Music Award Nominees Concert
Folk Music Awards Vancouver
Folk Music Canada Acoustic Showcase
Folk Music Festival
Folk Music Ontario Fundraiser
Folk Night
Follow Ups (NB)
Folly and The Hunter with Paper Beat Scissors
Foo Fighters
Food and Warmth Show 2011
Fook Luk Sau World Tour
Fools (Neil Simon Comedy)
Fools Paradise
Fool's Paradise
Fools-A Neil Simon Comedy-by the Jubilee Players
Foothills Brass Quintet
Footloose (Musical Play)
For Esme (QE)
For His Name Sake
For King and Country
For The Love of Country (Impersonators)
For Those About To Rock
Foreigner Meets Journey
Forest City Lover (Toronto)
Forever Plaid
Forgotten Rebels
Forresters, Kings Eden and Big Huge
Fort MacMuray Fundraiser Square Dance-Sydney, NS
Fort McMurray Fundraiser
Fortunate Losers (Ontario)
Fortunate Ones
Fortunate Ones with Dylan Menzie
Fortunate Ones with Sherman Downey
Fortunate Son
Fortune Bridge
Fortune Feimster
Fortune Hand
Fortune's Hand
Fortunes Head/Luke Cox/Chuck Simms/Reggie O'Quinn
Foster and Allen
Foster The People
Four By Four Tribute Show
Four Hands, 88 Keys Concert
Four Hearts-SoPA Students
Four Lane Hi-Way
Four Play
Four Sesons
Four Tellers
Four To The Bar
Four Tops
Foursome (Norm Foster's Play)
Fox and The Hound
Fox and The Moon
Fr. Keith Kennific and Forever Friends
Fran Doyle
Francelle Maria
Frances Leahy (Fiddler)
Frances Yip
Franco Proud
Francois Webber
Frander and Ariko
Frank Cosentino
Frank Cosentino Band
Frank D'Angelo
Frank Ferrel
Frank Horvat
Frank Leahy
Frank Leahy (with Don Messer's Fiddle)
Frank Martinez
Frank Mills
Frank Nevada/The Ferraros/Kevin Quain
Frank Sinatra Jr.
Frank Turner/Sleeping Souls
Frank Vignola
Frank Whitty
Frank Whitty and Angela Curran
Frank Whitty and Jim Williams
Frankie and Jimmy (Ont)
Frankie Benson
Frankie chavez/Alexendra Boga
Frankie MacGregor
Frankie MacGregor and Donnie Doyle
Frankie MacGregor and Sheila McIntyre
Frankie MacGregor, Dana Lee Lynch, Keila Dunn
Frankie McGregor, Rosemarie Dalton
Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons
Frankie Wood
Fraser and Girard
Fraser Anderson
Fraser Anderson, Ambre McLean Preetam Sengupta
Fraser McCallum Duo
Fraser McCallum of Racoon Bandit
Fraser Newcombe and Evelyn MacCrae
Fraser Newcombe Christmas Show
Fraser Newcombe Show
Frasere Newcombe
Frazey Ford
Freak Heat Waves (BC)-Solids (MTL)
Freaker's Ball
Freaky Stylie T-40s
Fred and Janet Hale
Fred Arsenault
Fred Eaglesmith
Fred Hale
Fred Martin
Fred Penner
Fred Shaw
Fred Spek's Camp Combo
Fred Vindage (Mtl)
Freddy Vette and The Flames
Freddy Vette and The Rhinestone Cowboys
Free Concerts
Free Dinner for People In Need
Free Press
Free Spagetti Dinner
Freedom Danish and KDZ
Freedom Danish and The Dub
Freedom Road and Friends
Freedom Train
Freeman and Hashie
Freezerland Brampton Sweetheart Dance
French Connection
French Squeeze
Fresh Breath
Fresh Eire
Fresh Evidence
Freshe Evidence (Formerly Deputy)
Fresia with Roy Johnstone
Freudian Slip
Friday Night at Hunters-MusicPEI 2018
Friday Night Blues
Friday Night Ceilidth
Friday Night Hoedown
Fridays with Fringe
Friendly Rich
Friends For Life (Aids Fundraiser)
Friends of Fiddlers Green
Friends of Jack
Friends of the Dunk Fundraising
Friends of the PEISO
Frig dancer w/guests
Fringe Urban Festival with DJ Cosmo
Frizzells (Country)
Frozen In Time Sing Along
Fruteland Jackson and Friends
Ft. Dazey and Carlie Howell
Fugitives and Marck Berude
Full Circle
Full Irish Breakfast
Full Tilt
Fullerton's Marsh
Fumblin Tumbleweeds
Fundraiser For Branch
Fundraiser For Church with Several Music Artists
Fundraiser for Community Connections RC Legion-S'S
Fundraiser for Derek Pilgrim Who is Hospitalized
Fundraiser For Diabetes
Fundraiser for PEI's TGD Community
Fundraiser For Schizophrenia Society of Canada
Fundraiser For Tony Allison
Fundraiser/Laurie Blue Festival/P.C. Hospital
Fundraiser-Many Bands
Fundraser For West Prince Artrs Council
Fundy Ceilidh
FUNFEST (Many Artists)
Funk Hunters
Funk Regulators
Funk The Dunk
Funky Monks
Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Mariposa
Fur Packed Action
Furious George
Furry Folk Festival
Future Funk
Future States (QE)/Chairs and Sorrey Solo
Future States, Chairstheband
Fuzz Fiction
G and G
G Andy and King Isaac
G Love and Special Sauce
G M Paterson
G String
G2R Performs Music of Genesis
Gabba Heys
Gabe Lee
Gabe Minniken
Gabe Minnikin and Doug MacNearney
Gabriel Bouchard (Ont)
Gabriel Minnikin
Gabriel Vizcaino plays Pat Metheny
Gabriel Yacoub
Gabrielle MacLellan
Gabrielle Papillon
Gael Force
Gaelic College/Colaisde na Gaidhlig
Gaelic Stom
Gaelic Storm with MacEachern and MacIsaac
Gail Acro (Guest)
Gail Gunnis and The Dirty Roosters
Gail Mullen
Gale Ackroyd
Gallant Family and Friends
Gallant Family Band
Game of Thrones
Gandolf Murphy
Ganius + Soul Music of Ray Charles
Garage Band
Garden Music Fest Benefit
Garland Jeffreys
Garnet Buell
Garnet Rogers
Garnetta Cromwell & Dagroovemaster
Garrett Curly
Garrett Mason
Garrett Sherwood
Garth Brooks
Gary (Country)
Gary Baker Band
Gary Carroll
Gary Carroll-Mark Roy
Gary Chipman
Gary Chipman-Billy Roy Murnaghan-Ronnie Duncan
Gary Clark Jr.
Gary Cooper
Gary Drover
Gary Evans
Gary Farmer and The Troublemakers
Gary Fjellgaard
Gary Foley and Rob Cook
Gary Gale
Gary Gale and Cyril Way Band
Gary Gale-Moving to Newfoundalnd Farwell
Gary Gallant
Gary Gibbons
Gary Gibson
Gary Hooper
Gary Jackson
Gary Kendall and Mike Fitzpatrick
Gary Kindall Band
Gary Kreller, Holly Anne, Paul Gribbon,Daniel Carr
Gary Morgan and Panamericana
Gary Morris Valley Jamboree
Gary Puckett and The Union Gap
Gary Soppier & Friends
Gary Waterman
Gary Willis
Gatehouse Fundraiser
Gathering Sparks
Gator James Band
Gauthier Bros.
Gavin DeGrow
Gay Dreams with Lil Slime
Gayle Ackroyd
GCDC and Marty Roleau
Gearbox and Baraka
Gene MacLellan Tribute-Many Artists
General Daze-Green Day Tribute
General John Cabot Trail
Genevieve Racette (QC)
Genius + Soul Music of Ray Charles
Gentle Spirits
Gentlemen Deluxe
Geoff Arsenault Trio with Tom Eastly/Jamie
Geoff Berner
Geoff Burner with Story
Geoff Daye
Geoff Muldaur
Geoffrey Charlton
Geordie Brown
George Antoniak
George Antoniak/Doug Mallory
George Arsenault (Storyteller)
George Belliveau
George Belmore
George Brothers
George Canyon
George Canyon and Dave Gunning
George Canyon-Doc Walker-Emmerson Drive
George Canyon-SOLO
George Chuvalo
George Fox
George Grossman
George Hamilton IV
George Jones (Nashville)
George Jones/Ronnie Prophet
George Kash and The Octoberfest Express
George Kash Experience
George Keller
George Lake Big Band
George Leach
George Lopez
George MacPhee
George Maros of THe Meds
George McKash
George Meanwell
George Michael McMillan
George Michael Paterson
George Oliver
George Oliver and The Gangbusters
George Strait
George Thorogood (Trib. by Bad To The Bone Band)
George Thorogood and The Destroyers
George Webb and Friends
Georgette Jones
Georgette Jones (George's Daughter)
Georgian Bay and The O'Pears
Gerald Davidson&the Country Versatiles
Gerald Delhunty
Gerie and the Koasters
Germaphobes (Ont)/Blonde Elvis (Ont)
Gerry and The Pacemakers
Gerry Dee
Gerry Edge
Gerry Franciosa
Gerry Laird
Gerry LeBlanc & Friends
Gerry Stiff Band
Gertrudes and Dave Clark's Woodshed Orchestra
Get Bodied, Pest Control
Get by, Timbuktu, and The Extremities
Get Down For Nasty Times w/ Pan Wendt
Get Down with Dekz
Get Down With Matty
Gettin R Dunn
Ghettosocks and Timbuktu
Ghost Cousin
Ghost Town
Ghostrider and The Allied Horns
Gia and The Unpredictable Update
Gia and The Unptredictable Update
Gianni Morandi
Gianni Russo
Giant Garage Sale-10 am - 5 pm
Gibbings Family
Gibbons Family
Gibson House Band
Gibson Hunter Band
Gift Horse
Gig Dogs
Gigue (Crystalle Richard)
Gigue-Hailee Lefort
Gigue-Isabelle and Debbie Saunders
Gigue-Kaylee Arsenault
Gigue-Lisa Bernard
Gigue-Masddie, Isabelle and Linda Richards
Gigue-Melodie Jordan
Gigue-Robyn Gallant
Gil Grand
Gilbert Arsenault and Christine Gallant
Gilby Clarke with Chamberlane
Gilles Thivierge/Vic Late
Gillian Boucher and Mary Beth Carty
Gillian Nicola Duo
Gillis and Woodside
Gin and Juice
Gin Blossom Toad, The Wet Sprocket
Gin Blossoms
Gina Davis and Sidekick
Gina Dunn
Gina Horswood (Aus)
Ginbombs (Alta)
Ginger Kings Blues Band
Ginger St. James
Ginn Sisters
Ginny Lynn
Gino Vannelli
Girls Do Boys
Girls Play Boys
Girls With Glasses
Girls, Girls, Girls
Gizmo W/Green Eyes & Witch Hands
Glamour Puss
Glass Ampp
Glass Atlas
Glass Tiger
Glavine Family Benefit
Glen Campbell
Glen Coolen and Jeremy Finney
Glen Curtis-DJ
Glen Kimberley
Glen MacEachern
Glen Roache
Glen Strickey
Glencoe Road
Glenda and Charlie
Glenda Jackson
Glendale One (Un-covering The Beatles)
Glendale One and The B Town Horns
Glengarry Bhoys
Glenn Farrell
Glenn Graham
Glenn Graham & Friends
Glenn Graham and Guest
Glenn Graham and Jeol Chaisson
Glenn Graham and Joel Chaisson
Glenn Graham and Wendy MacIssac
Glenn Graham-Andrea Beaton-Dave MacIsaac
Glenn Groves
Glens and Roses
Glens and Roses-John Ferguson/Roger Stone
Global Troubadours
Globe and Mail Open House Festival
Globe Birthday Celebration
Globes 4th Birthday
Glorious MoonRockets
Glorious Sons
Glory Days (Best of The Boss)
Glory Glory
Glory Glory Man United
Gloryhound and Deep Purple
Glyn Stephens Celebration of Life
Gnu and The Ragtime Millionaires
Go Freddie Go
Gobble Gobble
Gobble Gobble and Rick Aucoin
Godking and Bumba Kings
Gogin Irish Dancers
Gold Spur
Gold Top Guitar Summit
Golden Cinema
Golden Dogs
Golden Ghost (NY)
Golden Horse
Golden River Showband
Golden Road
Golf and Lunch Tournament
Goo Goo Dolls
Good Brothers
Good Brothers and Peter Sisk
Good Brothers-Mercy Brothers-John Landry
Good Buds Nudie
Good Catch Circus-Casting Off
Good Friday Special-Fish and Chips
Good Lovelies
Good O'l Boys
Good Pizza, Bad Movies
Good Rockin' Tonight-Musical Play
Good Season
Good Vibrations
Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny
Goodnight Sunrise
Goose River Dance
Gord Bamford
Gord Cormier (NL)
Gord Deppe of The Spoons
Gord Downe
Gord Downie/Country of Miracles
Gordie Cox
Gordie Johnson
Gordie MacKeeman
Gordie MacKeeman and His Rhythm Boys
Gordie Mackeeman/Rhythm Boys & Vishten
Gordie Sampson
Gordie Sampson Song Camp Circle
Gordie Tentrees & Jaxon Haldane
Gordon & Courtney Hogan
Gordon Belsher
Gordon Belsher, Cynthia MacLeod, Nils Ling
Gordon Belsher, Todd MacLean, Brad Fremlin
Gordon Belsher/Cynthia MacLeod
Gordon Belsher/Saxafras
Gordon Companion & Dave Pike
Gordon Cormier and Dave Pike
Gordon Deppe (from The Spoons)
Gordon Gets Lost
Gordon Lightfoot
Gordon Lightfoot Tribute-Many Guests
Gordon Tucker Band
Gordon Tucker/John Campbelljohn
Gordon Worth-Dylan Ferguson-The Deagles
Gospel and Sacred Ceilidh
Gospel Ceilidh
Gospel Concert
Gospel Country Concert
Gospel Hour (Harold, Marie and Friends)
Gospel Lunch with Ken Whiteley
Gospel Show-Walters Family
Got Blues
Got The Blues Host's
Govenor's Levy
Governors Luncheon (everyone welcome)
Grace Morgan
Grace Notes
Grace of Bass
Grace Peardon, Doug Taylor
Grace Sules Chiasson
Grace Under Pressure-Top 40
Graceful Celidh
Grady (featuring Gordie Johnson of Big Sugar)
Grady and The Respectables
Grady Brothers
Graham Guest/Little Miss Higgins
Graham Hunter/Nancy Clements/Jim O'Leary
Graham Nicholas
Graham Playford
Grahame Rhodes-CD Launch
Grand Country Music Tour
Grand Finale Concert
Grand Old Shed Party
Grand Opening Stompin' Tom Center
Grand Ruisseau Song Festival
Grand Slambovians
Grand Theft Bus (from Halifax)
Grand Tour-Timeless Counry Classics
Granddaddys of Rock and Roll
Grande Mothers
Grandson-K. Flay-Lavoya
Grant Carson
Grant Edwin
Grant Lyle
Grant Smith
Grant Smith and The Power
Granville Rd
Grapes of Wrath
Grascals (Bluegrass Band)
Grass Mountain Hobos
GrassKickers (Bluegrass)
Grassworks (N.S.)
Gravity & Other Myths-A Simple Space
Graydon James and Laura Spink
Graydon James and Young Novelists
Grease Sing-Along
Great Atomic Power
Great Big Sea
Great Big Sea (Opening Act-Jimmy Rankin)
Great Bloomers
Great Canadian Road Trip
Great Escape
Great Lake Swimmers
Great Lakes Surf Battle
Great Live Music
Great Mozart Hunt
Great Tales From Newfondland
Great Train Reverie (Saskatoon, SK.)
Greater Monton Fiddlers Concert (20th Anniversary)
Greeley's Reel
Green Sleeves
Green Beer Party with Mr Copycat
Green Lung Grinders, Harvey Bent, Uncle
Green Party St Patrick's Day (Many Artists)
Green River Revival-Creedence Revival Tribute Band
Green With Envy
Greenbank Trio
Greenmount Boy-David Weale
Greenpeace Amchilka Concert
Greg Barry
Greg Barry Live
Greg Brown
Greg Bungay
Greg Doran (Lecture)
Greg Fitzpatrick
Greg Godovitz
Greg Hanna
Greg Lawless
Greg MacPherson (MB)
Greg MacPherson Band/Drea MacDonald Band
Greg Quill
Greg Rider
Greg Ward
Greg Williams Band
Greg Wyard
Gregg Hobbs
Gregg Staffords
Gregories/Dillon Ryan
Gregory Donaghey and Friends
Gretchen Peters
Gretchen Wilson
Grevious Angel (Theatrical Concert)
Grew Crew
Grey Cup Party
Grey Matter-Top 40
Greys (Ontario)
Griff Martin
Griffen Arsenault
Grit Laskin
Grizzly Madams
Groa Tyne
Groke (RI)
Groove Company
Groove Tank
Groove Train
Groovegrinders (rockin blues)
Gross Mountain Hobos (P.E.I.)
Group of West Prince Musicians and Singers (Strum)
Grouyan Gombo
Grove Hunters
Grumble Road
GT Harris and The Gunslingers (Ont)
Guardian Angel Platoon
Guardians Frosty Night Charlottetown, PEI
Guess Who/The Who Tribute
Guest-Rita MacNeil
Guillaume Villeneuve & Bertrand Culller
Guitar Accompaniment Workshop
Guitar Divas
Guitar Festival-2010 PEI
Guitar Night
Guitar PEI Festival
Guitar Wizards
Gunner and Smith
Guns and Roses (Trib to Gunz N Rosez)
Guns 'n' Roses
Gunz 'FN' Rosez
Gus Papas
Guy Clarke
Guy Davis
Guy Melason
Gwen Swick
Gypsies Reunion Show
Gypsy Kings
Gypsy Reese
Gypsy Soul
Gypsy Swing-Speak -Easy
Hache Family Benefit --Nadia Cancer Victim
Hailee and Ward MacDonald
Hailee LeFort & Amanda MacDougall
Hailee LeFort (Fiddler)
Hailee LeFort Trio
Hailee MacDonald & Darla MacPhee
Hailey MacIsaac
Hailey MacKenzie
Hailry Benedict
Hair of the Dog
Hair Styles
Haiti Benefit Show
Haiti Fundriser-Several Island Artists
Hal Bruce
Hal Bruce and The Hired Hand Band
Hal Fitz and Cara (Celtic Blues from Aust/Ireland
Haley Heynderickx
Half Full (Ian Turner/Vyletz
Halie Loren
Halifax Benefit Concert For Haiti
Halifax Comedyfest
Halifax Open Stage
Halifax Pier
Halifax Pop Explosion
Hall and Oates
Halloween Bash - DJ
Halloween Chum Night-Sock Hop
Halloween Costume Party-CASH PRIZES
Halloween Dance
Halloween Drag Show
Halloween Karaoke
Halloween Night with Hit The Coast
Halloween Party
Halloween Party with Pop Cherry
Halloween Retro-Disco Party-Prizes
Halloween Spooktacular II
Halloween with Dekz
Ham and Turkey Roll
Hamilton Music Awards 2010
Hamilton Music Awards Ontario
Hamilton Singer-Songwriters
Hamilton Sound
Hammer and Strum/Host Tom Wilson
Handel's Messiah
Hang The DJ
Hank and Rowena Stinson
Hank Barry's Music Jam Session
Hank Engell and The Hoosier Daddies
Hank Snow Tribute-Bridgewater
Hank Williams Jr.
Hank Williams Live (Joe Matheson)
Hank Williams Tribute
Hannah Brothers
Hannah Cadsby
Hannah Epperson (NY)
Hannah Georgas with Leif Vollebekk
Hannah Rose
Happy Together Tour
Happy Anniversary Nashville North-Guests-Prizes
Happy Ha Ha Holidaze
Happy Hour Girls Night Out
Happy Hour Kitchen Party
Happy Hour Rocks
Happy National Fiddling Day FiddlersJamFund Raiser
Happy New Year To Musicians (5th Annual)
Happy Pants
Harbour (Ont)/Keep Flying (NJ)
Harbour Lights
Harbour Town
Harbour/Pipe Dreams
Harbourfront Christmas Gathering
Hard Charger
Hard Charger with Uncle
Hard Cover
Hard Ride
Hard Times Ochestra
Hardcore Troubadours
Harkstow Grange
Harlem Gospel Choir
Harley Show-11 Am - 4 PM
Harley Young
Harm and Ease
Harm and Ease (Argentia)
Harmonie Codiac Concert Band
Harmony Wagner and Rob Drew-Jazz Night
Harold MacIntyre
Harold -Macintyre
Harold's CD Release Party
Harpoonist (B.C.)
Harrison Kennedy
Harry Hibbs Tribute
Harry Lecky and Friends
Harry Manx
Harsh Reality
Hartford Wailers
Harv MacPherson
Harvest Moon
Harvet Soupfest
Hat Fitz & Cara
Hately Basement
Hathouse Flower
Haul Hip Hop
Haunted Hallowe'en Hallway
Haunted Hearts
Haus of Zhoosh
Haus of Zhoosh Christmas Brunch Show
Haus of Zoosh Christmas Show
Have A Bluesy Christmas
Havenwood Dancers
Havenwood Dancers-The Irish Scots-C'mon In
Havenwood Studio Dancers
Hawaii 5.0
Hawaiian Luau
Hawiian Night with InfraRed
Hawks Nest
Hawksley Workman
Hayes Carll
Hayseed Playboys (Battle of The Bands Winners)
Hazard (Country)
Head of The Herd, Dame Truth
Head or Tails (Etobicoke)
Headbangers Ball
Headin' Home
Heard It On The Radio
Hearing Trees
Hearing, Atta Boy! and Story
Heart and Lung Benefit
Heart and Soul
Heart and Stroke Benefit (In Memory of Ed Shaw)
Heart Attack/Diner Drugs
Heart Attacks and Johnny Max
Heart Fakers
Heartfelt Bluegrass
Hearts of Kin
HeArtz SirReal
Heat (MTL)
Heat the Hall Banderama Dance
Heath Hickens
Heather Allison
Heather Bambrick
Heather Bishop
Heather Blush and The Uppercuts
Heather Dale
Heather Doran
Heather Katz
Heather Rankin
Heather Rankins and Friends
Heather Smith
Heather Stonehouse
Heather Taves
Heats and Lights
Heaven To Me
Heavy Meadows with Jon Samuel
Heavy Metal Halloween Bash
Heavy Metal Night (Variety of Bands)
Heavy Water
Hedgerow Christmas
Hedley (Jacob Hoggord-Canadian Idol)
Hedley Cageless
Hedley/Danny Ferandes/JRDN/Alyssa Reid
Hee Haw (Music Comedy Show)
Hee Haw Hoedown Dance
Heel and Toe
Heidi Brander
Heidi Ellis
Helen Bergeron
Helen Stewart Trio (Country)
Helene Bergeron
Helix with The Mudmen
Hella Haloween Party
Hellfire Jacks
Hello Darlins
Hello Delaware (NS), Matt Steele
Hello Mischief & Jazz Avenue
Hello Operator
Hells Bells and The Pratically Hip
Hells Bells-AC DC Trib.
Helm/Chainsaw Boogie (NB)
Helmut Lipsky
Helping Hands Band
Helping Hands Band's Jamboree
Hemmingway Corner
Hennessey Trio
Hennie Bekker and Friends
Henry Manx
Hensall Circle-Mississauga- 1st Summer Festival-
Herb Pedersen
Here We Go Barn Dance
Here We Go Barndances!
Herman's Hermits
Heroes-Trib.To David Bowie
Hervana (Ont)-Blue Cougars (Ont)-Rainbow Valley
Hey Ocean
Hey Romeo
Hey Rosetta!
Hey Stella (Lori Yates)
Hey Stella/The Wailing Jennys
Hghland Storm
Hi2 Ooh
Hidden Agenda (Classic Rock)
Hidden Agenda (Classic Rok)
High Court Country
High Noon
High On Grass
High Rollers
High School Musical
High Society
High Tide
High Tide (In The Upstairs Hall)
High Valley
High Voltage (ACDC Tribute Band)
High Voltage-Fight Night
Highgate Road
Highland Games and A Celtic Concert
Highland Storm
Highway 12
Highway 207 (Bluegrass Band)
Highway 61 Revisited
Highway Bound
Highway Flower
Highway Flower with Jay Smith
Highway Train
Highway Two
Hilda Chaisson
Hilda Chiasson/Frank Doody
Hilda Cormier
Hilda V
Hill Benders
Hillary Abbott
Hillbillies n' Hipwaders
Hillow Delaware-Jessie Brown-Town Heroes-The Brood
Hillsborough River Gospel Brunch
Hillsburn (NS)
Hillsong Young and Free
Hip Experience
Hip Hop Night
Hiphop For Hunger
Hip-Hop Sunday
Hired Guns
Historical Barn Dance Show
History of Rock and Roll
Hit Disturbers
Hix The
Hobo Outlaws
Hoedown Crew
Hogtown Country Band
Hogtown Roots All Stars
Hogtown Syncopators
Holand College SOPA Presentss: RockandCountry Nite
Holiday Bash
Holiday Festival Concert
Holiday Jazz Concert
Holiday Kitchen Party
Holland College School of Performing Artrs
Holland College Student Spotlight
Holland Landing Country Jamboree
Holly Arsenault
Holly Cole
Holly Cole's Christmas
Holly Jolly Christmas
Holly Jones Benefit
Holly Kitamura and Nora Thompson
Hollywood 2nd Anniversary Party
Hollywood Oldies Dance with DJ Wayne
Hollywood Star Room 2nd Birthday Bash
Hollywood Trash-World's Greatest 80's Hair Bands T
Hollywood Vampires
Holmes Brothers
Holmes Hooke
Holy Bass
Holy Christopher (Ont)-Doctors & Nightbreed
Holy Cole
Holy Cost (MTL), Green Lung Grindes (MTL)
Holy F*uck
Holy Hanna
Holy Hannah
Holy Near
Home Bass (NS)
Home For Christmas
Home For The Holidays
Home For The HoliGays
Home Frees Vocal Band
Home From Broadway-Petrina Bromley/Bill Brennan
Homeless Band
Hometown Highway
Hometown Hoedown
Homeward Bound
Hon. Marion Reid
Honey and Hurricane
Honey in The Banana Stand
Honey Lips
HoneyBoy Edwards and Bobby Rush
Honeymoon Suite
Honky Tonk Heartbreakers
Honky Tonk Jam
Honoring NB Music hall of Fame Country Artists
Honouring Late Roy MacCull
Hootinanny For Hospice
Hosers and Devils Half Acre
Hospice PEI Fundraiser
Hoss and Friend
Host Marlene MacMacDonald
Host:Lennie Gallant
Host-Eric MacEwen (Cancer Benefit)
Hot Buttered Soul
Hot Dan
Hot Dan's St Patty's Day Bash
Hot For The Teacher (Van Halen Tribute)
Hot Nuts
Hot Panda
Hot Plaid
Hot Rocks Stones Tributes
Hot Toddoddy
Hot Toddy
Hot Toddy Trio
Hot Toddy/Isaac and Blewett
Hot Traxx Karoke
Hot Wax
Hot Wax Meltdown
Hotel California
Hotel California (Tribute Eagles)
Hotel Delaware
Hounds of Fall
Hounds of Winter
House Band
House Music
House Music in House Coats
House of Rock
How To Square Dance
Howard Gladstone
Howard Jones
Howard Willet
Howard Willett Sextet
Howie MacDonald
Howie Mandell
Hred Guns
HRL Drum Week-Jimmy Cobb
Hubert Francis & THe Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI
Hue (Toronto)
Huey Lewis and The News
Hugh, Big Struck,The Daze
Hughie McDonnel
Hugh's Room 2nd Anniversary Party
Hugh's Room Holiday Celebration
Hugh'sroom 1 Year Anniversary Gala!
Hugo Straney
Human (Rock Group from Halifax)
Human Comedy
Human Nature
Human Race and Kirby (Ontario)
Humber College Songwriting Showcase
Humber Jazz Triple Play
Humble Divines
Hungry Hearts ((N.B.)
Hungry Hill Bluegrass Band (Yukon)
Hunny's 2nd Anniversary Celebraton (Free Buffet)
Hunter Brothers
Hunter Hayes
Hunters 11th Birthday
Hunter's 12 Nights of Christmas
Hunter's Ale House, Charlottetown
Hunting McClouds
Huntington Disease Concert
Hupman Brothers
Huron Carol
Hurricane Sherry
Hypnotic Artistry of the Amazing Fernandez
Hypnotist Jason Cyrus
Hysteria Def Leppard Tribute
I Know You
I Mother Earth/Fingereleven
I Pooh Reunion
I Tromboni
I Wish I'd Written That!
I11 Scarlet
IAH Memorial Fundraiser(Arthur Delaney)
Iain and Dan
Iain McCarville
Iain McCarville and Dan Paynter
Ian Aker/Fred Lavery
Ian and Dianne Farr, Henry Chapin, Betsy Blatchley
Ian Anderson House Fundraiser( Arthur Delaner)
Ian Blurton w/Huron
Ian Echo
Ian Foster
Ian James
Ian Janes
Ian Jutsun
Ian Kelly (QC)
Ian Lehti
Ian Leith/Randy Satchell Band
Ian Little
Ian MacDonald
Ian MacDougall
Ian MacDougall and Mac Morin
Ian MacDougall/Emily Addison (Square Dance)
Ian Makan/Zaria Band
Ian McLagan
Ian McLean/Mike Tanner
Ian Shaw
Ian Sherwod and Luke McMaster
Ian Sherwood
Ian Sherwood and Ashley Condon
Ian Stewart-Hypnotist
Ian Stretch
Ian Tamblyn
Ian Tamblyn Tribute
Ian Thomas
Ian Toms
Ian Tyson
Ian Tyson Tribute
Ice Age On Ice
Ice Cube
Ida Wenoe/Nick Doneff
Idan Raichel Ptoject
Idle No More Concert-Several Guests
IFE Alaba
Igor and The Red Elvises
IIIrd Tyme Out
IL Volo
Illumionist Live from Broadway
Illusionist Rick Thomas
iLLvibe (Ont)
Illy & Guest
Ilse Themen and the Country Blues Band
Imagine Dragons
Imagine! (Alice Berube, Marie & Paula Arsenault)
Imbred Outlaws with Boxcar Dan
Immaculate Machine
Imp Circus of China
In Rememberance
In The Dead of Winter Festival
In The Footsteps of Joni Mitchell
Indescent Spring Music Party
Indie Music Night (3 Bands)
Indie Pop Night
Indie Showcase Night (6 Bands)
Indo-Jazz Music Festival
Industry Night
In-Flight Safety
Ingrid Gatin
Ink Spots
Inland Island/Gay Dreams
Inlet Sound (Toronto)
Inn Echo
Inner City (open stage)
Innkeeper's Christmas
Inside Eddy - Top 40
Intermission/Summer Field/Patday Poets
International Children's Memorial Place Concert
International Childrens Memorial Place Fundraiser
International Guitar Night
International Women's Day Celebration
Into The Night (formerly Bandwagon)
Into The Woods (Musicial)
Iota (Kevin Breit's Folk Alarm)
Irene Bridger
Irene Doucdtte/Wayne Ferguson
Irene Doucette
Irene Doucette/Wayne Ferguson
Irene Kelly/Scott Neubert
Irene Shelton
Irene Theo
Iris Dement
Irish /Newfoundland Music Festival
Irish Ceili Farewell Concert
Irish Dancers
Irish Descendants
Irish Descendants with Duncan Cameron
Irish Fare/Celtic Dancers
Irish Folk Festival-Tignish, PEI
Irish Folk Night
Irish Karaoke
Irish Matinee
Irish Moss Festival
Irish Music Traditional Sesion
Irish Mythen
Irish Mythen, Vishten, SOPA Students
Irish Pub Night
Irish Ramblers
Irish Rovers
Irish Scots
Irish Session
Irish Sports Day-Irish Stew-Green Beer
Irish Tenors
Irish Trivia with Joe Sullivan
Irish Wool Gatherers
Iron Giant with Guests
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden (Trib. by Ruskin Arm Band)
Iron Maiden Tribute-2 Minutes to Maiden
Ironwood Quartet & Tracy Cantin
Isaac and Blewett
Isaac Fraser
Isaac King
Isabel Bakran/ Pierre Martin-Dion
Isabel Bayrakdarian, Marc Djokic, Robert Kortgaard
Isiah Sealy
Isidore Quartet
Iskra (BC)
Isla Grant
Island A Cappella
Island At Heart
Island Ceilidh
Island Choral Society
Island Christmas Review
Island Comedy Fest
Island Country Christmas
Island Dance Festival
Island Drive-In Showcase-Many Artists
Island Girls Music & Comedy
Island Jazz
Island Jazz Celebrates SOPA
Island Jazz Disney Themes
Island Jazz Messengers
Island Jubilee Old Time Radio Music
Island Mania
Island Proud: Pierce Clarke Band & Joce Reymond
Island Songwriters
Island Standup Comedy
Island Summer Review 4
Island Summer Review-Mark Hines/Patrick Ledwell
Islander at Heart
Islander Day Party with Dekz
ISSA (formerly Jane Siberry)
Itmen (blues/R/B)
Its A Wonderful Life-Alive Radio Play
It's Scot To Be Christmas
Ivan and Vivian Hicks
Ivan Ashley
Ivan Bulger-Doug Young-Tom MacLellan
Ivan Coyote
Ivan Daigle
Ivan Daigle and Southern Breeze
Ivan Daigle and The Dirty County Confederates
Ivan Hillier ad Lloyd Young
Ivory Hours
Ivory Orphan
IWK Fundraiser
J ayme Stone/Mansa Sissoko
J Balvin
J Foxx
J Ipsen and Dennis Ellsworth
J R Vautour
J. B. and The Changes
J. Douglas
J. Knutson
J. P. Cormier
J. P. Cormier/Matt Anderson
J. Riley Hill (Winnipeg)
J.J. Chaisson (Fiddler)
J.J. Ipsen
J.P. and Charlie The Ventriloquist and DJ
J.P. Cormier and Dave Gunning
Jack Johnson
Jack and Ally (N.B.)
Jack and The Beanies
Jack B Limbo
Jack 'B' Nibbie
Jack B Nimble
Jack Chisholm
Jack Clemons
Jack Connolly
Jack Darrach
Jack De Keyser-Guest of Robbie Lane
Jack De Keyzer
Jack Dejohnette, Joe Lovano, Esperanza Spalding
Jack Diamond
Jack Ingram
Jack Marks
Jack of Diamonds Blues Band
Jack Owen
Jack Pine Folk Club
Jack Semple
Jack Tar
Jack White
Jack Williams
Jackie Putnam
Jackie Biggar and Friends
Jackie Dunn
Jackie Dunn-MacIsaac
Jackie Richardson/Mirah Barnes
Jackie Washington Tribute
Jackson Brown
Jaclyn and Cassandra Williams
Jacob & Friends
Jacob Hemphill & Guest
Jacob Moon
Jacob Moon, Ali Matthews, Mike Janzen
Jacob Two Two
Jacques Arsenault
Jacques Jacobus
Jacques Surette
Jacqui Mcshee
Jacyln Reinhart
Jadea Kelly
Jaemsy (NS)/Dead Horse Beats (QC)
Jaffa Road
Jagged Edge
Jagged Tannis Band
Jagger Tanner Band
Jai Dee Chidren's Fund Benefit
Jaime Lee with The Good Time Band
Jaime Wren
Jake and The Blue Midnight
Jake Charron
Jake Chisolm & Jesse Whiteley
Jake Clemons
Jake Denty
Jake Eagleson
Jake Hanlon from NS
Jake Langley
Jake Matthews
Jake Owen, Maddie & Fae
Jake Owens
Jake's Gift
jam cancelled due to weather
Jam Night
Jam Night with The Band 9
Jam Night-Traditional Session
Jam Party-Bring Your Musical Instruments
Jam Pony
Jam Session
Jam session Silver Wings Linda & Scotty Wells
Jam session with Aggie McPhee/Gary Gale
Jam Session with All There Is
Jam Session with Bittersweet
Jam Session with Chuck Simms/Gary Gale
Jam Session with Dave Whelan and The Starlites
Jam Session with Derek Pilgrim
Jam Session with Full Circle
Jam Session with Hary Whalen/Ray Chiasson
Jam Session with host band to be advised
Jam Session with Jack B Nimble
Jam Session with Joe Tucker and Second Wind
Jam Session with Kinnon Beaton
Jam Session with Norma Gale and Friends
Jam Session with Ron and The Corvairs
Jam Session with Seaborn
Jam Session with Silver Wings
Jam Session with Slim Chance / Blue Horizon
Jam Session with Tele Wackers
Jam Session with The Roadhouse Boys
Jam Session-Host Blue Thunder
Jam Session-Host Chuck Simms
Jam Session-Host: MUSTANG
Jam with Aggie McPhee & Gary Gale
Jam with Derek Pilgrim
Jam with Driving Rain
Jam with Scavenger
Jam with Silver Wings, Linda and Scotty Wells
jamboree cancelled today dec. 11/2016
Jamboree with Magnum and Friends
Jamboree-Tribute to Hank Williams Sr. (Many Guests
James and Blackburn
James Anthony Band
James Anthony/The Night Owls
James Anthony-Don Hart-Al Cross
James Ashberry
James Barker Band
James Bell and Peter Trenholm
James Blunt
James Brown
James Brown and Terry Walsh
James Bryan
James Burton
James Burton/Just In Timer Band
James Cameron Band
James Crashdown
James Devine's Tapeire
James Dwyer
James Ehnes Turning 40 Tour
James Faulkner
James Gordon
James Green Electric
James Hill
James Hill and Anne Janelle
James Hill/Anne Davison
James Keelaghan
James King Band
James McCorriston
James McFadyen
James McKie
James Mullinger
James Mullinger/Greg Proops (Comedy)
James Mullinger: Almost Canadian 2019 Tour
James Naro
James Phillips
James Phillips and Mike Dixon
James Phillips Trio
James Rowson
James Struthers
James Taylor
James Taylor and Bonnie Raitt
James Wallace and Friends
James Young Band
JamesPhillips Quartet
Jamie Baum
Jamie Dooks/Eric Payne
Jamie Fine
Jamie Fox
Jamie Keelaghan
Jamie Leah Wren Band
Jamie MacSwain
Jamie Mathews and Joey Doucette
Jamie Matthews
Jamie Matthews and Scotty McNeil
Jamie Matthews and Yves Arsenault
Jamie Matthews/Daniel Drouin
Jamie Phillips
Jamie Snider and Mark Stairs
Jamie Snider Band
Jamie Spurvey
Jamie Warren
Jamie Watling
Jamie Watling and the Hix
Jammin Divas
Jamymi Atone/Mana Sissoko
Jamyz Bee Winter Tiki Party
Jan Thomas
Jan Arden
Jan Kudelka Presents Janis Joplin's Birthday Bash
Jan Purcell Pine Road Bluegrass Band
Jan Rudd (Storyteller)
Jane Bunnett (Cuban JazzFestival)
Jane Goodall-Children for Africa Fundraiser
Jane Harbury Presents Discoveries
Jane Siberry
Janeil Chantelle
Janelle Banks (Stepdancer)
Janes Party
Janes Street
Janet Jackson
Janet McGarry and Wildwood
Janet McGarry and Serge Bernard
Janet McGarry/Wind River-Bluegrass Diamonds
Janet McGarry-Downhome Christmas
Janet McGarry-Serge Bernard
Janet McGarry-Serge Bernard-Kim Albert
Janis Ian
Janis Joplin's 74th Birthday Bash
Jann Arden and The Ennis Sisters
Jann Arden
Jann Arden and Rick Mercer
January Blues
Jaques Jacobue
Jared Lutes
Jaron Freeman-Fox
Jarvis Church (of the Philophers Kings)
Jasei Bodreau
Jason and Pam Richard
Jason Aldean
Jason Anderson
Jason Benoit
Jason Berry
Jason Blaine
Jason Buie Fundraiser
Jason Campbell
Jason Collett of Broken Social Scene
Jason Condon
Jason Condon and Logan Richard
Jason Cooke-Andy Perry-Randy Allain
Jason Cyrus
Jason Derulo
Jason Flowers
Jason Fowler
Jason Fowler and Friends (Songs of John Prine)
Jason Greeley
Jason Haywood and Ella Campbell
Jason Kirkness
Jason MacDonald
Jason Martell and Gary Gosse
Jason Martin -(Seaborn)
Jason McCoy
Jason Ogden
Jason Perry
Jason Plumb (of The Waltons)
Jason Price
Jason Roach
Jason Rouse
Jason Simms
Jason Wilber
Jason Wilson and Friends
Jason Wilson/Tabarruk
Jay and Tammy
Jay Arner (BC) & Supermoon (BC)
Jay Aymar
Jay Clark and the Jones
Jay Diss/Lizleo/Broken K3VO
Jay Douglas
Jay Ess
Jay Gavin
Jay Gavin & The Tired Sunday Choir
Jay Gavin Trio
Jay Harmony and The Groove Sharks
Jay Harris
Jay Leno
Jay Linden
Jay Malone ( comedy)
Jay Reid
Jay Riehl
Jay Semko (of Northern Pikes)
Jay Smith Band (Halifax)
Jay Smith Benefit
Jay White (Music of Neil Diamond)
Jay Zanier as Elvis (In The Banquet Hall)
Jay Zanier as Elvis and The Koasters
Jay Zanier-Elvis Tribute
Jayme Lynn Reed
Jayme Stone
Jazz 2 Funk
Jazz at Lincoln Center
Jazz Avenue
Jazz Connection Band
Jazz East Big Band
Jazz Ensemble
Jazz Festival Halifax, NS
Jazz FM 91 Cabaret Series
Jazz FM 91's World Music Festival
Jazz FM91 Songwriter Series
Jazz Fringe Festival
Jazz in Toronto All That Cabarent
Jazz Night
Jazz Night with Top Rocket
Jazz The Vote
Jazz Workshop
JC and Dann
JC Maillard
Jck De Keyzer Band
JD Clarke
JD Clarke and Pangea
JD Edwards of The Small Glories
JD Fortune
JD Hughes amd Wally Young
JD Souther
Jean Marc LeBlanc Duo
Jean Michel Blois
Jeanie and Charles
Jeanine MacKie
Jeannie Cameron
Jeannie Cameron and Roy Arsenault
Jeannie Corsi/Janet Oxley
Jeannita and Caroline Bernard
Jeannita Bernard
Jean-Paul De Roover
Jeans 'Classics
Jed and Kelly/Andrew Hardin
Jeff Rogers
Jeff Andrew and Jess Hill
Jeff Bien
Jeff Black
Jeff Brown
Jeff Callery and Runaway Train
Jeff Chang
Jeff Coughlin
Jeff Daniels Ben Daniels Band
Jeff Doherty
Jeff Dunham
Jeff Foxworthy
Jeff Gallegher (Waitin On Hank)
Jeff Healey
Jeff Healey-Guest of Robbie Lane
Jeff Kearnes as Elvis
Jeff Lang
Jeff Leeson Band
Jeff Matheson
Jeff Morris
Jeff Murray-DJ and Karaoke
Jeff Scott as Buddy Holly
Jeff Songsmith Karoake
Jeff Stapleton
Jeff Tain Watts Quintet
Jeffery Straker
Jeffery Straker and Jenny MacDonald
Jefff Lang-Mike Stevens
Jeffrey Lews
Jeffrey Steele
Jeffrey Straker/Sara Kamin/Kaley Morley
Jem Trio
Jen Brace Band (Ontario)
Jen Chapin
Jen Noskaluke
Jeni and Billy (From Nashville)
Jenie Thai
Jenina MacGillivray & Burning Hell
Jenina MacGillivry,Sash's Ambulance, Sweet Vermout
Jenn and Jeremy
Jenn Grant
Jenn Grant and Ron Sexsmith
Jenn Kee
Jenn Richard-Coupland
Jenn Roberge
Jenn Sheppard and The All Star band
Jenna Marie Gallant
Jennah Barry/Jess Lewis
Jenni and The Hummingbird
Jenni Roberge
Jennifer Berezan/Julie Wolf
Jennifer Bowman and Guest
Jennifer Castle
Jennifer Hare
Jennifer Marino
Jennifer Roland (Fiddler)
Jenny and Josie
Jenny Berkel
Jenny Drive Band
Jenny Galt, Kim Wempe, Chris Kirby
Jenny K
Jenny MacDonald
Jenny MacDougall
Jenny Omnichord
Jenny Ritter
Jenny Whiteley
Jenny Wren
Jens Jippesen and Russell Sawler
Jeremy Dutcher
Jeremy Fisher
Jeremy Gallant
Jeremy Gaudet
Jeremy Heisler
Jeremy Hotz
Jeremy Spencer of Fleetwood Mac
Jeremy Walsh
Jeremy White
Jeri Brown & Amp, Her Band
Jericho Road
Jericho Road-Lynwood Lunsford-Bluestreak
Jerome Godboo (Guest)
Jerome Godboo (Top 40 Rock/Blues)
Jerome Tucker Band
Jerry Butler and The Blue Jays
Jerry Cans
Jerry Desouza
Jerry Donnelly
Jerry Donnelly and Friends
Jerry Granelli Trio
Jerry Holland
Jerry Holland Tribute
Jerry Laird
Jerry Leger and The Situation
Jerry Lush
Jerry Lush and Douglas Snow
Jerry Seinfeld
Jerry Sereda
Jerry Stamp
Jersey Boys
Jersey Nights
Jese Periard
Jesi Mea et Roland Bourgeois
Jess Moskaluke
Jesse Adams
Jesse Cook
Jesse Daniel
Jesse Labelle
Jesse MacCormac
Jesse Martin
Jesse Periard
Jesse Roper
Jesse Slack
Jesse Winchester
JesseDrancis/Iain MacInnea/Grady Poe
Jessi Ryan/Janna Majoko
Jessica Gallant (As Dolly Parton)
Jessica Mitchell
Jessica Rhaye
Jessica Stuart Few and Sean Ashby
Jessie Brown
Jessie Brown (NS)/Like A Motorcycle (NS)
Jessie Farrell
Jessie Taylor
Jesus and The Divas (A Rockus Musical)
Jesus Christ Superstar
Jet Project Labs
Jethro Tall
j'Etions Les Best
Jevon Rudder
Jewish Music Week
Jez Lowe and THe Bad Pennies
JF Lovely
Jian Ghomeshi (of Moxy Fruvous)
Jian Ghomeshi and Kat Goldman
Jiggs Dinner Special
Jigg's Dinner Special With Gary Gale &Boys From
Jill and Kate
Jill Barber
Jill Chandler
Jill Chandler & Maureen Trainor
Jillian Clow
Jillian Horton
Jim and Catherine Ann Dickson
Jim and Laura Farrell
Jim and Pam Yorfiddo
Jim Beard
Jim Bovaconai
Jim Bowen and Sante Fe/General store
Jim Bryson
Jim Chamberlain
Jim Chandler & Maureen Trainor Christmas Show
Jim Condie/Ken Whiteley
Jim Cuddy Band
Jim Cuddy Trio
Jim Dorie and Morgan MacDonald
Jim Dorle and John Cossar of Barnacle
Jim E Mack with Steadfast
Jim Fay Benefit
Jim Fay Tribuite Concert
Jim Gallant and Island Rose
Jim Hansen
Jim Harney and Peter Cliche
Jim Harney and Charlie MacNamara
Jim Hayward and Willowridge Bluegrass
Jim Hendrix (Trib by Company Slave)
Jim Henman of April Wine
Jim Hepler
Jim Laurdale
Jim Layeux
Jim Longo Duo
Jim MacLean
Jim McCann
Jim McCarty (of the Yellowbirds)
Jim McGee
Jim Payne and Fergus O'Byrne
Jim Whitter
Jim Williams
Jim Witter
Jim Witter-Rich Baker-Julie Gibb (Songwriter Night
Jimmy Bowskill
Jimmy Carlton and Irish Dancers
Jimmy Carr
Jimmy Cobb
Jimmy Flynn
Jimmy Gallant
Jimmy Jazz-Guelph
Jimmy LaFave
Jimmy Lafave-Sam Baker-Matt the Electrician
Jimmy Martin
Jimmy Martin CD Release Party
Jimmy Rankin
Jimmy Rankin (From The Rankins)
Jimmy Riddlers Band
Jimmy Riggers
Jimmy Sweeney
Jimmy Swift Band
Jimmy The Janitor
Jimmy Townsend
Jimmy Wahlsteen
Jimmy Webb
Jimmy Whiffen
Jing XIA-Mark Haines-Lelie Van Niekerk
Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle Dress Dancer Kindra Bernard
Jingle Jangle Jam
Jinx The Cat
Jinx The Cat, Stephen Lewis (Saint John)
Jitters Reunion Room
Jive Kings (P.E.I.)
JJ and Koady Chaisson
JJ Chaisson
JJ Chaisson & Darla MacPhee
JJ Chaisson and Darla MacPhee
JJ Roots
JJ Shiplett
JJ Wilde
JL Doucette
Jo Hikk
Jo Jo Mason
Jo Koy
Jo o Mason
Joan Bessie
Joan Jett and The Black Heads
Joan Kennedy
Joan Kennedy and Friends
Joan Kennedy/Larry Kennedy
Joan Rivers
Joanie Pickens
Joanna Chapman-Smith
Joanne Crabtree
Joanne Hendly/Smith Crabtree/Paul Mills
Joanne MacKell
Joanne MacKell and The Paradise Rangers
Joanne Shaw
Joce Reyone
Jocelyn Fraser
Jocelyne Lugate
Jodi Guthro
Joe Casey and Westwood
Joe & Rocky (downstairs)
Joe August Band
Joe Belly
Joe Bonamassa
Joe Bowden
Joe Casey and High Tenor
Joe Casey and West Wind
Joe Clark/Don Rigsby/Chris Quinn
Joe Crawford
Joe Crawford (Banquet Hall)
Joe Diffie
Joe Evy
Joe Firth and Promised Land
Joe Fournier
Joe Gatto
Joe Grushecky and The House (from Pittsburg, PA)
Joe H Henry
Joe Henry
Joe Howe
Joe Hynes (Newfoundland)
Joe Jackson
Joe Johnson and His Band (Blues,R and B)
Joe MacMaster
Joe MacMillan
Joe Mavety
Joe McLeod
Joe Mullins and The Radio Ramblers
Joe Murphy
Joe Nichols
Joe Phillips
Joe Pug-Milk Carton Kids-Rose Cousins
Joe Rebello Band
Joe Reynolds
Joe Reynolds/Jim Lawless/Many More-8th Ann. Party
Joe Reynolds/Tim Lawless-10th Ann. Pty.
Joe Satriani
Joe Tucker
Joe Tucker Band
Joe Tucker Music Jam
Joeden Izik-Dzurko
Joel and Bill Plaskett
Joel and His Oldest Friends
Joel Chiasson
Joel Fafard
Joel Kroeker
Joel Plaskett
Joel Plaskett Emergency Band
Joey and Karen Beaton/Mary Elizabeth MacMaster
Joey and Lisa Carragher
Joey Beaton
Joey Casino And The Cadillac Demons
Joey DeFrancesco Trio
Joey Doucette
Joey Doucette and Blair Gaudet
Joey Doucette and Co.
Joey Enman
Joey Kitson
Joey Kitson and Big City
Joey Kitson and Eastern Front
Joey Kitson Famly Band
Joey Kitson/Ch'town Jazz Ensemble/AlanDowling Trio
Joey Kitson/Don Bowers
Joey Only and Scott Dunbar
joey purpura tribute-Neil Diamond
Joey Wright/John Southworth
Joey Yung
Johann Mevs
Johannes Linstead
John Alcorn/Adi Braun
John Allan Cameron Order of Canada Celebration
John Allan Cameron Tribute
John Allen Cameron
John and Dakota Oliver
John and Jenny's Rock n' Roll Party
John and Mickey Delaney
John Anderson
John Anderson, The Northern Belles, Patrick Clark
John Anthony
John Ashberry
John Berry
John Borra Band
John Bosworth
John Bottomley
John Cain
John Cain Band
John Campbelljohn
John Cigan as The Amazing Elvis Presley
John Cleats
John Cleese (Comedy)
John Conlie
John Connolly
John Connolly & The Spooky Crew
John Connoly Band
John Cousins, Donnie Doyle
John Curtis Sampson
John Delaney
John Denver Experience
John Dickie
John Dickie and Ray Harrison
John Dore Comedy Show
John Dorsey
John Doyle
John Drakes (NL) Kitchen Party
John Eccleston
John Ferguson
John Findlay
John Finley
John Fogerty
John Gallagher (Book Launch)
John Gallant
John Gallant and Real Arsenault
John Gallant Band
John Gerard and Micky Delaney
John Gogo
John Gomm and Don Ross
John Gorka
John Gracie
John Grolleman
John Guliak
John Hammond
John Henry's
John Hiatt
John Howe
John Huston/The Madrigals
John Jorgensen Biuegrass Band
John Jorgensen Bluegrass Babd
John Jorgenson Quintet
John Kay and Steppenwolf
John Kelly
John Kelly and Jason Lynn
John Knowles/JP Cormier-Trib. To Chet Atkins
John Landry
John Landrys Holiday Wish Tour with South Mountain
John Landry-Unplugged-Songwriter Night
John Legend
John Lennon Tribute
John MacAllar
John MacDonald
John MacLean and Last Call
John MacPhee (Paper Lions)
John MacPhee of Paper Lions
John MacPhee, Dea MacDonald, Leon Gallant
John Mamone
John Mann
John Matthews
John Matthews-Randy Cheverie
John Mayer
John Mays
John Mays and Al Lehrman
John McDermott
John McEwen (of The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band)
John McGarry
John McLaren
John McPhee, Drea MacDonald, Leon Gallant
John Mellencamp
John Michael Montgomery (USA)
John Morgan
John Muirhead
John Muller (N.S.)
John Murphy
John Oliver
John P Allen
John Paul Bergeren
John Paul White
John Pinette
John Prince
John Prince & The Piece of The Rock
John Prince and The End of The Road
John Prince, Bruce McDaniel, Joe Sexton
John Prince/Bruce McDaniel/Donnie Woods
John Prine
John Prine Shrine
John Prine Tribute
John Rehder
John Reidman and The Jay Birds (BC)
John Renbourn
John Riley
John Rogers
John Schneider and Tom Wopat
John Sebastian
John Shaw and Friends
John Sheard
John Showman
John Smith
John Smith Band
John Smiths
John Stretch
John T. Davis
John Webster
John Worth Hannam
John Wright (Guest)
Johnathan MacInnis
Johnn Gracie and Samantha
Johnnie Lovesin
Johnny & Shane
Johnny A
Johnny and Carson
Johnny and Dakota Oliver
Johnny and The Kickers
Johnny and The Legionaires
Johnny Arsenault
Johnny Aucoin, Aaron Lewis, Stephen Muise-3 Pianos
Johnny Band
Johnny Beats
Johnny Burgin/Sugar Brown
Johnny Burke
Johnny Burke (FundRaiser) Country Music Artist
Johnny Burke and East Wind
Johnny Burke and Harold MacIntyre
Johnny Burke and Lisa Logan
Johnny Butts and Quarry Road
Johnny Cash and The Ladies of Country Music
Johnny Cash Tribute (Bill Cayley)
Johnny Cash Tribute Band (Mike Pellerin)
Johnny Cash Tribute-A Wanted Man
Johnny Cash/Elvis Tribute
Johnny Cash/Elvis/Buddy Holly Tribute
Johnny Cash/June Carter Tribute Show
Johnny D's
Johnny D's (John/ Dakota/Dallas Oliver)
Johnny Eden-Blues
Johnny Favourite Swing Orchestra
Johnny Mathis
Johnny Max
Johnny Max Band
Johnny McEvoy
Johnny O
Johnny Oliver
Johnny Oliver Band, Copy Cat, Love Junkies
Johnny Porko
Johnny Rayge
Johnny Reid
Johnny Reid/Carolyn Dawn Johnson
Johnny Reid-Leahy-Aaron Lines-Bareback Riders
Johnny Ross
Johnny Ross and Friends
Johnny Ross Band
Johnny Ross Band-Nathan Condon-Neil Matthews
Johnny Wells
Johnny Wright
Johnny Wright and Friends
Johnny, Peggy, Jimmy
Johnson Dance-Irish Dancers
Johnson Girls
Johnson's Creek Band
Jolee Patkai
Jolly Llmas
Jon Brooks
Jon Bryant
Jon Creeden& The Flying Hellfish ()N)
Jon Davis
Jon Dore
Jon Finlay
Jon Hines
Jon Matheson
Jon Matthews
Jon Matthews Experience
Jon McKiel
Jon McKiel & Brian Borcherot
Jon Pike (NL)
Jon Raven
Jon Rehder
Jon Stancer
Jon Vandergaag, Sarah Sandford, Illusion,
Jon, Jeff and Jon
Jonah Anderson as Elvis Presley
Jonathan Byrd
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Lawrence/Knights of Howespender
Jonathan Lynn
Jonathan MacInnis
Jonathan Russell
Jones Crew
Joni Mitchell Tribute
Joni Nehriti
Jonna Chapman-Smith
Jonnny Cash and Elvis Tribute
Jonny and Louise Arsenault
Jonny Arsenault
Jonny King
Jonny Ray
Jordan Cameron
Jordan Cook Band
Jordan Croucher With Quake
Jordan Davis
Jordan Harnum
Jordan Klassen
Jordan LeBlanc
Jordan LeClair and Family
Jordan LeClair and Mike Richard
Jordan Musycsyn
Jordan Musycsyn Band
Jordan Officer
Jordane (QC)
Jordie Jackson
Jordie Lane
Jordon John
Jordon LeClair
Jordon O'Connor
Jordy Jackson
Jorge Martinez
Jorge Miguel
Jorich Road
Jory Nash
Josee Boudreau
Joseph Rebello
Josh and Leah Ellis
Josh Aran & The Butteflies
Josh Bravener
Josh Carter
Josh Cockerill
Josh Ellis of The Grass Mountain Hobos
Josh Finlayson/Andy Maize (Skydigggers)
Josh Groban
Josh Lake
Josh MacCarville
Josh Ross
Josh Royse
Josh Turner
Joshua Cockerill
Joshua Hyslop
Josiane Comeau (NB)
Josie and The Boys
Josie Boudreau
Journey 7
Journey and The Prentenders
Journey: A Night of Martin Sexton
Journeyman (Eric Clapton/Cream Tribute)
Joy Aymar
Joy Kills Sorrow
Joy Slam
Joyce and Percy Arsenault
Joyce Reyome
JP Hoe
JP LeBlanc
JP Saxe
JR and The Relics
JS Bacha (Long Walk In The Snow)
Juan Martin
Juanita Brown
Jubilee Christmas Gathering
Jubilee Players
Jubliee Show-Salutes Our Veterans
Jud Gunning
Judas Priest
Judas Priest-Tribute by Justice Priest Band
Judds and Patsy Cline Tribute
Judy and David
Judy Collins
Judy Lowe
Judy Lowe, Brian Knox, Heartz Godkin
Judy MacLean Dancers
Judy Marshok
Jug In Hand
Jug In Hand:Brian England, Dan Sutherland
Jugler's Whole
Juke Box Night
Juke Box Nite
Julain Molnar, Shane Pendergast, Kris Taylor
Julia and Roger
Julia Bentley
Julia Dunn
Julia Dunn and Nadine Pineau
Julia Kun
Julia MacLaine
Julia Marshall
Julian Austin
Julian Austin, The Bareback Riders
Julian Fauth Benefit
Julian Fauth Duo
Julian Kitson & Daniel Hartinger
Julian Taylor Band
Julian Troiano
Julianna Riolino
Julie and Dan
Julie and Danny
Julie and Robyn
Julie Arsenault
Julie Corrigan
Julie Doiron
Julie Gibb
Julie Giibb
Julie Malia
Julie Michels/George Koller
Julie Pellissier-Lush
Julien & Annie Kitson & Cailyn MacAlay
Julien Kitson
Julien LeBlanc
Julien Robichaud
Juliette and Old Tradition
Juliette Squarebriggs
Julio Iglesias
Jully Black
July Talk
Junction 722
Junction, Glory Glory Man United, Coyote
June Body
June Pasher Benefit
June Pasher Show
Jungle Book Kids
Junior Blankenship Band
Junior Fraser
Junk Box Junkies
Junkies Halloween Wing-Ding
Junko Daydream (Ont)
Junofest-Laila Biali/So journers
Jurassic World Live Tickets
Just Cause
Just For Laughs
Just Friends Country Band
Just Grass
Just In Time
Just Josie and The Boys
Just One More
Just Plain Country
Just Plain Country (Jamboree Many Guests)
Just Us
Justice Priest-Trib. by Judis Priest
Justin Bernard
Justin Bieber
Justin Fancy
Justin Flom
Justin Hill
Justin Lacroix (Montreal)
Justin Moore
Justin Parsons (from Alberta)
Justin Rutledge
Justin Shaw and Brad Dorion
Justin Simard
Justin Simard/Todd MacLean
Justin Thyme
Justin Timberlake
Justin Time Band
Justyn Young
K Rock and The Crew
K Trevor Wilson & Friends
K. D Lang
Kacey Musgraves
Kadri Voorand Quartte
Kae Sun
Kaia Kater
Kaine Polivait
Kaitlin Kozell
Kaitlyn and Mason
Kalan Porter
Kaleb Dahlgrew
Kaleb Simmonds
Kalle Wainino (Ottawa)
Kalyna Rakel
Kandle and The Krooks (QC)
Kane & Potvin
Kane Brown
Karakoe Amateur Contest First Prize FIVE HUNDRED
Karaoke 80's Style
Karaoke Amateur Contest FINALS
Karaoke Amateur Contest Qualification FIRST WEEK
Karaoke Amateur Contest Semi Finals
Karaoke Amateur Contest with Star Tracks
Karaoke by GREG
Karaoke By Violet and Rick (Happy Again)
Karaoke Contest 500.00 first prize
Karaoke Contest Five Hundred First Prize
Karaoke Contest hosted by Star Tracks
Karaoke hosted by Star Tracks
Karaoke with Ashley
Karaoke with Bessie
Karaoke with Caribou Country
Karaoke with Colin
Karaoke with Danny Fisher
Karaoke with Dave and Julie
Karaoke with Derrick Beckford
Karaoke with Don Weir
Karaoke with Guy Jennings
Karaoke with Jeff Smith
Karaoke with John Jenson
Karaoke with Kevin Kaye
Karaoke with Kirk Bernard
Karaoke with Krn Armstrong
Karaoke with Kurk Bernard
Karaoke with Mr Irresistible Sweet Daddy Siki
Karaoke with Mr. Irresistible, Sweet Daddy Siki
Karaoke with Paul Hamilton
Karaoke with Peter R.
Karaoke with PH Entertainment
Karaoke with Rick
Karaoke with Ronny Russell
Karaoke with Scorpio Entertainment
Karaoke with SKY
Karaoke with Tina's Tunes
Karaoke with Tony Prior
Karaoke with True Sound (Host-Dave)
Karaoke with V.O.G.
Karaoke with Valarie
Karaoke-Fundraiser for Cancer
Kardinal Offshall
Karen & The Hayters
Karen and Joey Beaton
Karen and Mike Penton
Karen and The Hayters
Karen Gallant and Ian MacInnes
Karen Kosowski
Karen Manion
Karen Mok
Karen Pyra/Terra Spencer
Karen Reed
Karen Robinson Trio
Karen Savoca/Pete Heitzman
Kari Lyn Blacquire
Karine Polivait
Karine Ste-Marie
Karl Hirzer
Karl Keys and Neon Cactus
Karl Proud
Karmic Wheels (Chris Hawley Featured)
Karne Mike Daniel
Karoake with Dj Grooven
Karoke and Disco Funk Party
Karoke with Leonard Coughin
Karpinka Brothers
Karson McKeown
Karson McKeown and Ross Davison
Kat Goldman/Kevin Hearn
Kat House
Kat House - Blues
Kat House (R and B Rock Top 40)
Kat Lovett
Kate and Anna McGarrigle
Kate and Jimmy Reid
Kate Bevan-Baker
Kate Bevan-Baker & Bumarang
Kate Brown
Kate Bush Tribute
Kate Harquail
Kate Maki
Kate Quinn
Kate Rusby
Kate Todd
Katherine Moller
Katherine Wheatley
Kathleen Edwards
Kathleen Gorey-McSorley/Carolyn Holyoke
Kathleen Gorman/Laura Ferandez/Joseph Maviglia
Kathleen Lovett
Kathleen Madigan
Kathy and Bruce Snow/Keith Fitzgerald
Kathy and Bruce Snow/Keith Fitzgerald/Dan Howlett
Kathy Snow
Kathy Snow Keith Fitzgerald Band
Katie Day
Katie Kerr
Katie McGarrry
Katie McGarry
Katie Ramsay
Katie Ramsay, Cameron Francis, Charlotte Taylor
Katlin Doyle and Patrick Bunston
Katrina (of Katrina and The Waves)
Katy Moffatt
Katy Perry
Kayla Lucky
Kaylee and Jonathan Arsenault
Kaylyn Gallant
KC and The Sunshine Band
Keb Mo
Keelin Wedge
Keep Flying/Andrew McInnis
Keep The Faith (Best of Ben Jovi)
Keep The Wolves
Keeping It Local
Keerat Kaur and Loom
Keifer MacLean/Guests (Sask)
Keira Loane
Keith Armstrong
Keith Broderick
Keith Broderick (Whtymacallem)
Keith Fitzgerald
Keith Fitzgerald and The Boyz
Keith Glass (Prairie Oyster)
Keith Hallet
Keith Howlett
Keith Maddison
Keith Mullen
Keith Mullins
Keith Sweat and Al B Sure
Keith Thompson
Keith Urban
Keith's East Coast Ceilidh
Kelette Easy
Kelley Mooney
Kelley Mooney Christmas
Kellie Loder (NL)
Kelly and The Kelly Girls
Kelly Buote
Kelly Clarkson and Pentatonix
Kelly Davis Band
Kelly Hood-Chris Coole-Erynn Marshall
Kelly Joe Phelps
Kelly Lee Evans
Kelly McMichael
Kelly McMichael (NL) and Kierrah
Kelly Mooney
Kelly Russell
Kelly Vohnn
Kellylee Evans
Kelly's Heroes
Keltic Drive
Keltic Kudzu
Ken Enman
Ken Fornetran Trio
Ken Mellons (Nashville), Lee Marlow,
Ken Munshaw
Ken Perlman/James Stephens/NathanCurry
Ken Whiteley
Ken Whiteley Sunday Gospel Series
Ken Yates
Kendal and Lisa
Kendall Docherty
Kendall Docherty and Friends
Kendall Docherty and Peter Burke-Hosts
Kendall Docherty/Phase Two (A Night To Remember)
Kendra & Bruce Rennie & Boomer
Kendra McGillivray
Kendra McGillivray/Bruce Rainnie
Kendre Gale Band (NB)
Kennedy Road
Kenneth and Calum MacKenzie
Kenneth MacKenzie & Ftiends
Kenneth MacKenzie (Piper Ceilidh)
Kenni G and Ruby Booms
Kenny and Darla Chaisson
Kenny and Dolly Together Again
Kenny and Dolly Tribute
Kenny and Nathan Langley
Kenny and Spenny 20 Anniversary Tour
Kenny and The Angels
Kenny Aronoff Drum Clinic
Kenny Brown and The Prevaders
Kenny Chaisson-Joselyn Ludgate-Callie/RyanGetson
Kenny Chesney
Kenny Driscoll
Kenny James
Kenny James and Mark Green, Ducky's
Kenny James zand Mark Green, Ducky's
Kenny Joseph
Kenny Loggins
Kenny Munshaw
Kenny Peark
Kenny Pearl and The Oysters
Kenny Post
Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers and Linda Davis
Kenny V Band
Kenny vs Spenny Live
Kenny Werner
Kensington Celidh
Kensington Hillbillies and Ghost Hank Williams
Kensington Hillibillies
Kensington Market
Kentucky Headhunters
Keonte Beals
Keri Lynn Blaquiere
Kerosene Creek
Kerouacs/Nine Mile River
Kerri Wynne-MacLeod
Kettle Black
Kev Corbett
Kev Corbett & Nick Doneff
Kevin (Boomer) Gallant
Kevin and Samantha
Kevin and Syd
Kevin and The Renegades
Kevin Arthur
Kevin Arthur and Barry Thompson
Kevin Bean-Baker- and Friends
Kevin Beanland
Kevin Breit
Kevin Breit/Folk Alarm
Kevin Burke
Kevin Carley and Big Deal
Kevin Chaisson
Kevin Chase
Kevin Cheng, Ruco Chan, Vincent Wong
Kevin Clark/Alex Pangman
Kevin Collins
Kevin Costner and Modern West
Kevin Davison
Kevin Drew
Kevin Dugas and Mac Morion
Kevin Finnegan
Kevin Fox
Kevin Fox and Curley Bridges (Bluestrings)
Kevin Griffin
Kevin Hart
Kevin Hearn (of Barenaked Ladies)
Kevin Kane of The Grapes of Wrath
Kevin Kinsella
Kevin Little
Kevin MacKay/Revelation
Kevin MacLean Band
Kevin MacPhee
Kevin McQuade & Jordan Edmunds
Kevin McQuade & Michael Fonfara
Kevin Moon
Kevin Myers
Kevin Parent
Kevin Parrish
Kevin Paul
Kevin Phillips and The Stew
Kevin Quain (Mad Bastard Cabaret)
Kevin Roach
Kevin Ryan
Keyshia Cole
Khalid Lakhdari, Roland Gauvin
Kick N Country
Kick Start Bluegrass
Kickin' Krotch
Kick-off-Party MusicPEI 2018
KICX 99.5 FM Launch Party
Kid Rock
Kidd and King
Kidney Foundation Fundraising Dance
Kid's Christmas Party with Margaret
Kids In The Hall
Kids Just Wanna Rock
Kids Losing Sleep
Kidz Bop Live
Kieran Kane/Kevin Welch
Kierrah Celeste
Kil Billys
Kil Billys-
Kildare with Andy Quinn and James Budd
Kilkenny Krew
Kill Matilda
Kill No Albatross (Ont)
Killer Classics Live
Killers & Weezer Tribute
Killick Junction
Kilted Christmas with Amethyst Scottish Dancers
Kim Albert
Kim Albert and Faces
Kim Albert, LesterMacPherson, Neil Matthews
Kim and Reggis Harris
Kim Barlow
Kim Beggs
Kim Beggs and John Wort Hannam
Kim Doolittle
Kim Dunn
Kim Dunn and The All-Star Band
Kim Erin
Kim Harris
Kim Mitchell
Kim Mooney
Kim Remus
Kim Simmonds
Kim Stockwood
Kim Tuplin
Kim Wempe
Kimberley Fraser
Kimberley Mooney-Book Release for The Recital
Kimberley Wetmore
Kimberly Mooney
Kimberly Wetmore-Rock/Funk
Kind of Magic-A Night of Queen
Kindle (Formerly Celtic Tide)
King In Concert
King of Chaos
King Sunshine
King -Travis Ledoyt
Kings of Leon
Kinky Fried Man
Kinley Dowling
Kinley Dowling, Liam Corcoran, Nick Doneff
Kinnon and Andrea Beaton
Kinnon and Betty Lou Beaton
Kinnon Beaton
Kip Moore
Kira Callahan and The Big City Band
Kira Isabella
Kira May
Kiran Ahluwalia
Kirk Bernard
Kirk Bernard and Friends
Kirk Bernard and Joey Doucette
Kirk Bernard Band
Kirk MaDonald
Kirk White
Kirsty Money performs at Marshlands Inn
Kiss (Trib. by Destroyer)
Kiss (Trib. by Dressed To Kill)
Kitbag Theatre Presents-Songs For The New World
Kitbag Theatre's Tuesdays & Sundays
Kitchen Party
Kitchen Party Band
Kitchen Party Band with The Road House Boys
Kitchen Party Band-Kevin, Travis, James, Chris
Kitchen Party from Montreal
Kitchen Party hosted by Back To Back
Kitchen Party hosted by Caribou Country
Kitchen Party hosted by The Starlites
Kitchen Party Jam Session
Kitchen Party with Dave and Gord Cormier
Kitchen Party with Harry and The Boys
Kitchen Party with Joe Tucker and Second Wind
Kitchen Party with Moose Stew
Kitchen Party with Pendys
Kitchen Party with Richard Wood Trio
Kitchen Party with the Pendys
Kitchen Skiffle (Host's Like Cox/Dave Spurvey)
Kittiwake's Alone Together
Kitty Wells
Kiva/Linda Duemo
Kiwi Jr, Golden Cinema, Prsm Shores
Kiwi Jr. and Nap Eyes
KJ Mathematix
Klarka Weinwurm
KMVP and Katie and The Linchen
Knotfest Roadshow: Slipknot-A Day To Remember
Koady Chaisson
Kolten MacDonnell
Kommon Ground -Shit from Tha 902, L'nu Joker, Devo
Konflikt and Drama
Konfliky and Jamma
Kongero (From Sweden)
Kory Wlos
Kowi Jr (QC)
Kris + Dec + Andrea Wappel
Kris Barclay
Kris Kirby and The Marquee
Kris Kristofferson
Kris Taylor
Krista and Friends
Krista Blondin as Janis Joplin
Krista Blondin Band
Krista Blondin/Johnny Max/Michael Theodore
Kristen Anzele
Kristen Cudmore of Language-Arts and Octoberman
Kristen Martell
Kristena & Dylan
Kristina The DJ
Kristine Schmitt
Kristy and Corey
Kristy Wright
Kristyn Visser
Kronborg Rock
Krosst (ONT)
Kruger Brothers
Krysta Lee
Krysten Cameron Music Show
Kt Tunstall and Squeeze
Kuato and Instruments
Kuato with We're Doomed
Kunie (Nigeria) w/Sal Valley
Kurk Bernard
Kurk Bernard (Stompin' Tom Tribute)
Kurk Bernard and Friends
Kurk Bernard and Jamie Matthews
Kurk Bernard and Joey Doucette
Kurk Bernard, Neal Veno, Roy Arsenault, R Jones
Kurk Bernard/Michael Myers (Dance 45 )
Kurk Bernard-Shucked-In
Kurk, Joey and James Band
Kurk, Joey and Jamie Band
Kurkeoke with Kurk Bernard
Kurt Taylor
Kurvi Tasch (QC)
Kyle Drake
Kyle Fergson
Kyle K MacDonald & Friends
Kyle MacDonald and Colin MacDonsld
Kyle Mischiek (Hip Hop)
Kyle Samson Collective
Kyle Sherren
Kylie Fox & Burry
Kynn Taitt/Jason Wilson/Tabarruk
KYP Harness
Kyran Pennell
La familie de Allan a Joe et Marguerite Gallant
La Famille Arsenault
La Famille ROSS Family Ceilidh
La Fiammata
La Patente
La Ragazza
Lachy Daly
Ladies Dart Banquet
Ladies In Waiting
Ladies Night
Ladies of The Canyon
Ladom Ensemble
Lads N' Lashes
Lady Antebellum
Lady Brett Ashley (NL),Green& Gold (NL), Sorrey
Lady Gaga
Lady Luck
Lady Shelly
Lady Singers of Our Century
Lady Soul
Laila Biali
Lainey Wilson
Lake of Stew
Lakes of Canada
Lakeside Soul
lan Buchanan (Story
Lana Del Ray
Lana Grant (Nova Scotia)
Lana Quinn & Friends
Lance Anderson
Lance Anderson and Terry Blesh
Landing Day Celebration
Landslide/Peggy Clinton
Language Arts (ON)
Largely Unknown
Larissa Tandy (Australia)
Larris Benoit
Larry and Don
Larry Berrio
Larry Campbell
Larry Campbell and Friends
Larry Coryell
Larry Foley
Larry Foley and Patrick Moran
Larry Foley and Rob Cook
Larry Gautreau
Larry Gillis/His Hard Drivin' Swampgrass Band
Larry Koughan
Larry Kurtz
Larry MacLean
Larry McCray
Larry Mercey
Larry Ogden and Friends
Larry The Cable Guy
Last Bullet
Last Call
Last Forevers
Last Podcast On The Left
Last Round Boxer
Last Show of Season
Last Waltz-A Musical Celebration of The Band
Last Waltz-Musical Celebration of The Band
Late Night DJ Dance Party
Late Night Party with Performers from Small Halls
Late Night Show
Late Night Show (Festival of Small Halls)
Late Night with Faded Blue
Late Nights Festival of Small Halls Club
Late November
Latin Music Night/Duo Santos and DJ
Latin Night
Latino Party
Laughter For The Arts
Laura & Donovan
Laura Bird
Laura Cortese with a Secret Guest
Laura Farrell
Laura Hubert
Laura Lee and SandraJones
Laura Lee Shea , Chad Matthews, Tracy Arsenault
Laura Mann
Laura Mann/The Fairly Odd Folk (Calgary)
Laura McGhee
Laura Merrimen
Laura Mohan
Laura Oakie
Laura Pausini
Laura Repo
Laura Rose
Laura Smith
Lauren Mann (AB)
Laurence Juber
Laurence Roscoe Project-C'try-rock-pop-blues-folk
Laurenn Marchand (NS)
Laurie Blue Bluegrass Festival
Laurie Brinklow
Laurie LeBlanc (NB)
Lava (Party Band)
Lavish Boys
Law Revue
Lawren Daigle
Lawrence Maxwell
Lawrence Maxwell and The Family Band
Lawrence Welk Show
Lawrene Maxwell & THe Family Band
Layah Jane
Layne Green Band (NS)
Lazer Lloyd
Lazo Trio
Lazy Jacks
Lazy Susans
LCD Soundsystem Tribute
Le Famille Arsenault
Le Fuzz
Le Trio BBQ Christmas
Le Vent Du Nord
Le Vent Du Nord-
Le Vent Du Nord (Montreal Group)
Leafer (QC)
League of Rock
Leah Daniels & The Berefords
Leah Inman
Leah Perry-Johnny Bears-Judy MacLean Dancers
Leah Salomaa
Leann Rimes
Leanne Aucioin (Square Dance)
Leanne Hoffman
Learn To Line Dance with JUDY
Leather and Lace
Led Zeppelin-Trib. by Red Zeppelin
Led Zepplin (Trib. by Black Dogs Band)
Led Zepplin (Trib. by Screamer Band)
Ledwell and Haines
Ledwell and Haines Seasonal Special
Lee Aaron
Lee Ann Womack
Lee Brice
Lee Harvey Osmond/Harlan Pepper
Lee Oskar Harminica
Leeroy Stagger
Legacy & Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber
Legal Aliens
Legend In Black
Legend in Black-Trib. to Johnny Cash
Legend of Gordon Lightfoot
Legendary Acadian Group
Legends Country Nite with DJ Jamie
Legends II Tribute
Legends of Country Music
Legends of Motown
Legends of Rock and Roll
Legends of The Grand Ole Opry
Legends Show
Legion from Jamaica Carribean Favorites
Leif Vollebekk
Leigh Fleming-Smith
Leisa Way's Opry Gold
Lem Chassion
Lemon Bucket Orkestra
Lemon Cash
Len Buell, Edna MacMaster, Keagan Gallant Norring
Lend Me A Tenor
Lennie Gallant
Lennie Gallant & Friends
Lennie Gallant (Searching For The Abegweit)
Lennie Gallant and Patricia Richard
Lennie Gallant Christmas Tour 2024
Lennie Gallant with The Nova Scotia Symphony
Lennie Gallant's Songwriter's Circle
Lennie Gallant-The Innkeepers Christmas Concert
Lennon Daniels
Lenny Kravitz
Leo Arsenault
Leo Doyle
Leo Doyle Spec. Tribute To Johnny Cash
Leo Tintinalli Band
Leon Gallant & Billy MacInnis
Leon Gallant (From P.E.I.)
Leon Gallant and Friends
Leon Gallant Host-with Many Artists
Leon Legere
Leon RedBone
Leon Redbone/Paul Asaro/Holmes Hooke
Leona and Robin Perry, Samantha MacKay
Leona and Robyn Perry
Leona Burkey
Leona Carmichael
Leona Perry
Leona Perry and daughter Robyn
Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen-
Leonard Cohen Koans
Leonard Cohen Songbook
Leonard Cohen Tribute
Leonard Coughlin
Leonard Podolak and Iassa Parlard
Leonard Podolakd and Jesse Periard
Leonard Skynyrd
LeRoy Stagger
Les Barker
Les Barker/Jenny Allen
Les Bucherons
Les Domestics
Les Fireflies
Les Hay Babies
Les Hotesses D'Hilaire (NB)
Les Improbables
Les Miserables
Les Portes Tournantes
Les Rats d'Swompe (ONT)
Les Rios and The Underdogs
Les Royal Pickles
Les Stroud
Les Swingirls (FR)
Les Tapageuses Dancers
Les Voix Du Coeur
Lesley Pike -CD Release
Leslie Stewart (Storyteller)
Lester B. Pearson School-Brampton
Lester MacPherson
Lester MacPherson/Johnny Ross
Lester MacPheson-Rodney Savidant and More
Lester Quitzau
Lester Stubbert
Lester Stubbert and Peggy Clinton
Let 'er Ride
Let It B e: A Celebration of Beatles Music
Let it be 3/JV Boogaloo Squad
Let Them Eat Cake
Letdown (ONT)/Pipe Dreams
Let's Get Back (Trib. to Beatles)
Levee with Kurk-Jamie-Joey
Levee with Urbain and Blu Gillis
Levon Helm
Lewis Black
Lewis Brown
Liam and Jon
Liam and Pat
Liam Brophy and Lewis MacKinnon
Liam Corcoran
Liam Corcoran of The Express
Liam Dooley
Liam Kearney
Liam Titcomb
Library Voices
Lickin' Good Fried (country group)
Lickin' Good Friend
Lieutenant Dan
Life and Music of Joni Mitchell
Life and Times of Bill Mason
Life and Times of Denny Doherty (Mammas/Pappas)
Life Size Dream
Light Brights with guests
Lightfoot - The Man & His Music
Lightfoot Band
Lightfoot Celebration
Like A Motorcycle
Like Animals (0nt) The Downwalls/Primo
Like Father Like Daughter
Lil Black Dress Night
Lil Fortune
Lil Jimmies Chicken
Lil Steve Band
Lil TJay
Lillian and Manon (Skyliner)
Lily Frost
Lily Frost/Emma-Lee
Lina Boudreau
Lincoln County
Lincoln Lariviere Straight Arrow Band
Linda and Scotty Wells
Linda Brooks
Linda Costain's Guitar Group
Linda Dunn
Linda M
Linda MacLean
Linda Maree
Linda McRae
Linda Randle
Linda Wells and Dennis Conn (Conn Country)
Linda Wells and Dennis Conn (Sweet Country)
Linda Wells and Silver Wings
Lindsay Barr and The Bullys
Lindsay Ell
Lindsay Ferguson
Lindsay Misiner
Lindsay Newman and Chris Dalziel
Lindsey Webster
Lindy Vopnfjord
Line Dancing
Linsey Beckett
Lion Bear Fox
Lionel Bernard
Lionel Pelletier
Lionel Richie
Lip Sync Showdown
Lisa Birt Genge
Lisa Brokop
Lisa Cameron and friends
Lisa Cameron and Vern MacDougall
Lisa Carragher
Lisa Goguen Campbell
Lisa Hallet
Lisa Hart
Lisa Hart, Becky Elliott, Robin Edgar
Lisa LeBlanc
Lisa Logan
Lisa MacDougal
Lisa MacIsaac (Ashley's Sister)
Lisa Marie Presley
Lisa Moen
Lisa Nicole
Lisa Patterson and The Next Generation
Lisa Richard
Lisa Shaugh Nessy
Lise Dion
Listening in Color-BIPOC Artists in the Round
little peter and the elegants
Little Aex Band
Little Barry Cooke and The Blue Devils
Little Big Town
Little Birdie
Little Caesar and The Consuls (Dinner/Show)$35.99
Little California Band
Little Ceaser and The Consuls
Little Cities
Little Coyote (Ont)/Falcon Jane
Little Davy and the Drastics
Little Foot Long
Little Joe and The Wer
Little Mermaid
Little Miss Higgins
Little Peter and The Elecants
Little Pilgrims
Little River Band
Little Roosters
Little Rusty Band
Little Steve Band
Little Stevie and The Happy Stars (open Jam)
Little Texas with Neon Highway
Little Tony
Little Walter Tribute
Little Women -The Broadway Musical
Little Women The Broadway Musical
Little You, Little Me (NB)
Liv Roberts
Live Acoustic Guitar Pull (OCPFA)
Live Bait Theatre-VogueTheatre-Backyard Devils
Live Band
Live CD-Playing Favourites PEI Fiddle Anthology
Live Celtic Music
Live Circle Jam
Live Comedy Act
Live DJ
Live East Coast Countdown (Part of ECMA 2005)
Live Laugh Love Country Music Festival
Live Lawrence Welk Show
Live Music
Live Music With Island Rose
Live on Brighton
Live Rock and Roll Bands
Live SpOoKy Entertainment
Live, Laugh, Love!
Liverpool Band Fest Nova Scotia
Liverpool Legends
Livid Pacifist (Beatles trib.+)
Living The Island Ceilidh
Living With Lions
Livingston Taylor
Liz and Ben
Liz Carroll
Liz Solo
Liz Stringer
Liz Tilden
Llaria Graziano Francesco
Lloyd Noseworthy/Lincoln Lariviere
Lloyd Noseworthy/Ron Whiffen
Lloyd Speigel
Lloyd Spiegel
Lloyd Thieves
Lloyd Young
Lloyd Young and Mickey Andrews
llse Themen
Lobstarr,Colour Code, Moderation
Local Entertainment
Local-Biggest Kitchen Party in Atlantic Canada
Logan Isaac
Logan and Brad
Logan Maddix
Logan McKillop
Logan Richard
London Symphony Orchestra
Lone City Singers
Lonely Kid
Lonely Ladies
Lonely Music of Roy Orbison
Lonely Music of Roy Orbson, Everly Brothers,
Lonely Parade (Ont)
Lonesome Ace Stringband
Lonesome Fiddle Band
Lonesome Line
Lonesome River Bluegrass Band
Lonesome Will Mullins (Virginia)
Lonestar Oasis
Long Distance Runners
Long Division
Long John Baldry Tribute
Long Weekend Party
Looks That Kill, a Motley Drew Cover band
Loon Choir with The Downwalls
Loopers Delight
Loose Pocket
Lord Huron
Lord of The Dance
Loreena McKennitt
Loretta Gogg
Loretta Lynn
Lori Cullen
Lori McKenna
Lori Morrison
Lorin Maazel/Castleton Orchestra (Opera)
Lorn Wolf
Lorne and Dale Howard
Lorne Elliott
Lorne Howard
Lorne Warr
Lorraine Davies
Lorraine Davies and The Too Drunk To Fish Band
Lorraine Klassen (Tribute to Miriam Makeba)
Lorrie Morgan
Lorrie Morgan (enchanted Chrristmas)
Lorrie Morgan and Pam Tillis
Lorrie Morgan and Son Jesse
Los Bungalitos
Los Lobos
Los Otros- Latin/R and B
Los Variants
Lost and Found (Bluegrass) (USA)
Lost Boys
Lost Highway
Lost Patients
Lost Vegas (Danny Fisher)
Lot 16 Community Hall
Lot 16 Community Hall-PEI
Lou DeAdder
Lou Gramm of Foreigner
Louann and Band
Loud Love and Kidstreet
Loud Love with Fugato
Loud Love with The Acorn Rangers
Loud Machine
Loudfest Benefit for QEH
Loudon Wainwright III
Louis Arsenault
Louis Benoit
Louis Cheung
Louis Cormier
Louis Gallant & Friends
Louisa Manuel
Louise and Helene
Louise and Helene and Friends
Louise and Jonny Arsenault
Louise and Rheal Arsenault
Louise Arsenault and Family
Louise Arsenault and Son Jonny
Louise Arsenault et la famile a Joe Narcisse
Louise Chaisson MacKinnon
Louise McKinnon
Louisiana Snowblowers
Louixsse Arsenalt and Son Jonny & guests
Lourie White
Love Junkies
Love Locks
Love Me Tender
Love Product
Loveland Band
Lovely Nelly
Loverboy and Helix
Lover's Lament
Lovesick! Sarah Hagen, piano
Lovestorm (NB)
Lovestorm (Tim Issac and Nina Khosla)
Lovin' Spoonful
Low Hanging Fruit
Lowest of The Low
Loyal Thieves
Loyalist (ON)-Colour in The Clouds (AB)
LPRD & Friends
Ls Filles de llighadad
Lspu Hall, Saint John's NL
Lu and the Crew
Luanne and The Band
Luca Carbone
Luca Ciarlad & Etnopolis
Lucas Chaisson (AB)
Lucas Siliveria
Lucas Stagg
Lucid from The United Kingdom
Lucky 13
Lucus Snow
Lucy MacNeil of The Barra McNeils
Lucy Farrell
Lucy Grays
Lucy Kaplansky
Lucy Maud Motgomery Celebration
Lucy Rupert
Luica Guisa
Luis Simao
Luka Hall
Luka Hall (Shane & Michael Pendergast)
Lukas Munroe
Luke And he Apostles
Luke Bryan
Luke Combs
Luke Cox
Luke Cox and The Wreck House Band
Luke Cox-Mark Delaney-Rick McCue-Neil Watt
Luke Doucet
Luke Gallant
Luke McMaster
Luke Nicholson (Ontario)
Lukeys Boat Band
Lullabye Arkestra and The Metz
Lumber Jills
Luminos Ensemble-Songs of Mid-Winter
Luminos Ensemble-The Phantom of the Opera
Lunch at Allen's
Luster Kings
Luther Wright and The Wrongs
Lydia Hol and Dakota Oliver
Lydia Mainville/Sarah Kierstead
Lydia Persaud
Lyle Lovett
Lynda Maree
Lynn Harrison
Lynn Miles
Lynn Taitt/Jason Wilson/Tabarruk
Lynne Hanson
Lynne Hurry
Lynnea Rose (NS)
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Lynyrd Skynyrd (Trib. by Skinny Leonard)
M ichael Twitty (Conway Twitty's Son)
Mabou Ceilith Concert (Local Performers)
Mac and Cheese
Mac and TC
Mac Horner
Mac Morin
MacDonald Family
MacGregor Trio
MacGregor Two
Machine (Performs Pink Floyd)
Machristo Trio
MacKenze Leigh Meyers
MacKenzie Blues Band
MacKenzie Myer Band
MacNamara - MacDonald
Macroon, Scott Kaye, Courtney Hogan
Mad Chatter (N.S.)
Mad Dogs/Englishmen
Mad Travers Band
Mad Violet
Madd Paddy
Madeleine Roger
Madeline Merlo
Madison Kozak
Madison McPhee-Alyssa Dalton-Dave Altass
Madison Violet
Mae Moore
Mae Trio
Maeve Donnelly/Tony McManus
Magan Ellands
Magan Nash, Dana Beeler, Jordan Cameron
Maggie Beaton and friends
Maggie MacDonald and Colin Grant
Maggie Savoie (NB)
Maggie's Getting Married
Maggies Wake
Magic Male Revue (Ladies Night)
Magical Christmas
Magical Dance of Ireland
Magna Carta
Magnum (Bob Lucier, Mel Aucoin and Friends)
Magoo (CD Release)
Maida Rogerson (Actress)
Main Street Bullies
Mainland Kitchen Band
Mainlanders,Kristen Martell,Lisa Richard,Brad Reid
Mairi Rankin
Mairi Rankin (Square Dance)
Majestics Reunion- Shawne/Jay Jackson (dinner)
Majid Jordan
Majo Stars
Major Fundraiser-Lots of Muscal Talent
Major Hoopies/Boarding House
Makayla Lynn
Makayla Lynn and Myles Goodwyn
Make Your Organ Dance
Makem and Spain Brothers
Makem and Spain Concert
Makeover and Martini Night
Maks and Val
Malachi Crunch
Malcolm Holcombe
Malcolm Stanley
Malcom Melanson
Male Dance Revue
Male Nurse
Mallory Johnson
Mallory Johnson, Chris LeDrew, Damhnait Doyle
Mallory MacInnis
Malone's Slick
Mama Kin-Aerosmith Tribute
Mamma Mia
Man Called Wrt Craft
Man Called Wrycraft
Man Called Wrycraft-Tribute To Johnny Cash
Man In Black
Manitoba H
Mannequin and Construction and Destruction
Manny Blu
Mansa Sissoko
Mantini Sisters
Manuel Valera Trio
Manuel Vatera
Many Fiddlers
Many Activities For Everyone
Many Artists
Many Bluegrass and Country Groups
Many Bluegrass Groups
Many Canadian Country Music Artists
Many Country Music Artists
Many Events
Many Fiddlers
Many Guests
Many Jazz and Blues Artists
Many More Country Music Artists
Many Musicians, Singer-Songwriters
Many P.E.I. Bluegrass Groups
Many Venues All Over Cape Breton
Maple Leaf Jamboree-Host Chef Adams
Maple Sugar/Long Reach Band
Mapleleaf Jamboree-Many Guests
Maplewood Singers
Mara Doyle Kennedy
Maranacook NB String Band
Marc Anthony
Marc Atkinson Trio
Marc Babin (NB)
Marc Berube/The Patriotic Few (Montreal)
Marc Boudreau
Marc Cohn
Marc Coughlin
Marc Djokic
Marc Durkee
Marc Ekins
Marc Jordan
Marc Jordan-Ian Thomas
Marc Martel-Luisa Mardhall-Bily The Bruiser
Marc Neilson and Seisiun
Marc Nelson
Marc Nelson and Friends
Marc Roy
Marcel Duplusis
Marcella Gaudet
Marcella Richard
March Hare
Marcio Novelli (Hamilton)
Marco Bressette
Marco Rocca and The Nuclear
Marc's In The Dark ft.
Mardeen and The Danks
Mardeen with The Stables
Maren Morris
Maren Morris, Cole Swindell, Kip Moore, Kane Brown
Margarita Wayne
Margie and Dawn Beaton
Margie Beaton
Margie Carmichael
Margo Timmins and Friends
Mari Rankin
Maria Muldaur
Maria Antonakos
Maria Aurigema
Maria Davis
Maria Doyle Kennedy
Maria Dunn
Maria Dunn-Edmonton, Alta.
Maria Muldaur
Mariah Carey
Marianas Trench
Marianas Trench and Mico
Marianne Girard
Mariaras French
Marie and Albert Arsenault
Marie Arsenault
Marie Bottrell
Marie MacIntyre
Marie McLellan
Marie Osbond
Marie-Lynn Hammond
Marie-Philippe Bergeron
Mario Acurri
Mario Robichaud
Marion Copleston
Marion Oh
Mariposa Hall of Fame-Inductees
Maritime Beatle Event-Halifax
Maritime Christmas
Maritime Comedy Tour
Maritime Countryfest-Fredericton
Maritime Flavor-Many Artists
Maritime Marionettes
Mark and Blair
Mark and Spencer Phillips
Mark and Stephanie Rooney
Mark and Trevor
Mark Atkinson Trio
Mark Benson, Ryan and Sterling Stead
Mark Bird Stafford
Mark Blayney
Mark Boutilier Bluegrass Band
Mark Bragg
Mark Bragg (Special Guest)
Mark Bragg and The Black Wedding Band
Mark Bragg and The Butchers
Mark Cameron
Mark Chesnutt
Mark Dedam
Mark Douglas
Mark Geddes
Mark Haines
Mark Haines and Patrick Ledwell
Mark Haines and Tom Leighton
Mark Haines Duo
Mark Haines Fiddle Show!
Mark Hutchinson
Mark Inside
Mark Knopfler
Mark Laforme
Mark Lalama
Mark Lorenz
Mark Manning
Mark Manning and Aaron Collis
Mark Matthews
Mark Nelson
Mark Newton and Northbound
Mark Reeves
Mark Rooney
Mark Rutherford
Mark Stairs/Rose Bolton
Mark Sullivan (Fiddler)
Mark The Bird Stafford
Mark Wall and Friends
Mark Weinstock
Mark Wilson and The Way It Is/Aidan and Wiser
Marla Jane
Marlene and Virginia O'Brien
Marlon Chaplan
Maroon 5 and Megan Trainor
Marquis The Squid
Marren Morris-The Beaches-Talk-Half Moon Run
Mars Hill
Marshall Dane
Martha and The Muffins
Martha Chaves
Martha Wainwright
Martha's Trouble
Martin Alex Aucoin
Martin Francisco
Martin Hayes/Dennis Cahill
Martin Sexton
Martin Simpson
Martin Taylor
Martin Tielli
Martina McBride
Martina Sorbara
Marty Allen and Dave Tufford
Marty Allen Band
Marty Allen/Newfies Kids/Du Bay/Due West
Marty Delaney
Marty Delaney-Jam session
Marty Edward and Marie Bottrell
Marty Haggard (Merle's Son)
Marty Olsen 50th Birthday Party
Marty Raybon
Marty Stuart and The Fabulous Superlatives
Martyn Joseph
Marv Karlo-Menno of Hollerado w/Brandon Howard Roy
Marvin Birt
Mary and Micky
Mary Barry
Mary Beth Carty
Mary Chapin Carpenter
Mary dekeyzer
Mary Fahl
Mary Frances Leahy
Mary Gallant
Mary Gallant and Jim Williams
Mary Gauthier
Mary Jane Lamond
Mary Lou MacLure and Roy MacDonald
Mary Margaret O'Hara
Mary Margaret O'Hara-Rusty McCarthy and More
Mary O'Brien-Chamberlain
Mary Rowan
Mary Rowan and Friends
Mary Rowan and Sunrise
Mary Rowan/Chuck Simms/Reg Benoit/Johnny Wells
Mary Smith and Friends
Mary Stewart
Mary Walsh with Sharron Matthews
Maryna Krut
Masa Sumide
Mason Dixon Band-Top 40
Mason's Tender
Massimo Raniere
Massimo Ranieri
Masterless Men
Masters Fiddling Concert-10 Fiddlers on Stage
Masters of Illusion
Masters of The Telecaster
Mat and Mike Hannah
Mat Hanna
Mat Hannah
Matante Christine
Matchbox 20
Matched Ash Parish
Material Men
Math Class (NB)
Mathew Hornell
Mati Haskell and JK Gulley and The OH Chays
Matilda Junior
Matrk Manning and Aaron Collis
Matt The Electrician
Matt Allen/LarryBodner
Matt and Friends
Matt and Marty
Matt Andersen
Matt Andersen Band
Matt Anderson & Dave Sampson
Matt Anderson and Friends-Guest Reeny Smith
Matt Bailey and Kirsten Scholte
Matt Balsor
Matt Blais Band
Matt Dorgan Project (SK)
Matt Dusk
Matt Epp
Matt Epp and Al Tuck
Matt Epp and The Amorian Assembly
Matt Fraser
Matt Good
Matt Haimovitz
Matt Hannah
Matt Hayes
Matt Humpreys
Matt Landry Band
Matt Lang
Matt Lunn & Echo Mountain
Matt MacEachern
Matt MacIsaac
Matt MacPhee
Matt Mann Comedy Hypnotist
Matt Masters
Matt Mays
Matt Mays and El Torpedo
Matt Mays and El Torpedo/The Novaks
Matt Minglewood
Matt Morford
Matt Morson
Matt Nakoa
Matt Pickup
Matt Putnam
Matt Rainnie (Host)
Matt Steel
Matt Stewart
Matt Thompson
Matt Travers Band
Matt Wright
Matthew Allain
Matthew and Gunnar Nelson (Ricky's Twin Sons)
Matthew Barber
Matthew Barber/The Union Dues
Matthew Byrne
Matthew De Zoete
Matthew Dezoete, Pat Deighan, Meaghan Blanchard
Matthew Good Band
Matthew Hornell
Matthew Hornell and The Diamond Minds
Matthew Maaskant/Abigail Lapell/Grea MacDonald
Matthew O'Connor
Matthew Olwell
Matthew Reid
Matthew Runaway
Mattman Comedy Hypnotist
Matty J
Matty M and Ruby Booms
Maukin Encore Dance Troup & Roberts Acadmy Dance
Maura Whitman
Maureen Brown (Guest)
Maureen Ennis
Maureen Kennedy/Bonnie Brett
Maureen Trainor
Maurice Belliveau
Maverick City Music & Kirl Franklin
Mavis Staples
Max Brand
Max Cann (from England)
Max has Vinyl Siding (Ont)
Max K
Max Keenlyside
Max Koughan
Max Li Crisis
Max Marshall
Maxim Bujold
Maxim Cormier
Maxine MacLennan
Maxine 'N Christina
Maxinum Overdrive
Maxwell Brothers
May Run Music Festival 2017
May Run Music Festival Meltdown
Maybes, Bonnie LeClair/Mike Mooney
Mayhemingways Loyal Thieves Brielle Ansems
Mayhemingways with Nudie
Maynard Feguson
Maysides (Ont)
Maza Meze
MC Johnny Rivex
McGarry Boys
McKasson and McDonald (USA)
McKenna Gibson Band
McKeough Family Benefit
McLouvin Factory
McMullen & Darren McMullen
Me and The Missus (Album Release) & BBQ
Me Lahey and Randy (From The Trailer park Boys)
Meadowlark Five
Meaford Dragon
Meaghan Blanchard
Meaghan Cunningham
Meaghan Smith
Measha Brueggergosman
Mechanical Bull Fridays
Mechanical Bull/All Request DJ
Mechnical Bull with DJ
Medicine Jar, Trevor Wade MacInnis, John Caine
Meet Me at The Barre
Meet The Music Night (Jason MacDonald-Host)
Mega City Swing Band
Megadeth and Lamb of God
Megan Bergeron
Megan Bonnell
Megan Bruce
Megan Ellands
Megan Lane
Megan Morrison
Megan Morrisson
Megan Pollard, Allion Giggly, Rachael Duncan
Mege One
Meghan Patrick
Mel and Marg Brown
Mel Aucoin
Mel Tillis (USA)
Melaine Doane
Melaine Morgan
Melgum Road
Melgum Road Band
Melissa Etheridge
Melissa Ethridge-Trib by Brave/Crazy Band
Melissa Ferrick and Fruit
Melissa Gallant
Melissa MacKenzie
Melissa Manchester
Melissa McClelland
Melissa McCrae
Melissa O'Neil
Melissa Payne
Melissa Peterman
Melissa Rose Richards
Melissa Stylianou
Melly Dunn
Melodius Band
Melody and Derrick Cameron with guest
Melody Fair
Melwood Cutlery
Members of Stompin' Tom's Touring Band
Members of The Chaisson Family
Memorial For George Hamilton IV
Memorial Fundraiser For Arthur Francis Delaney
Memorial Fundraiser-Ian Anderson House
Memories and Melodies (Stage Play)
Memories of a Jubilee Christmas
Memories of The Islanders/CBC's Jubilee TV Show
Memphis Brothers
Memphis Cats
Men and Music
Men of Steel
Men of the Deeps
Men of The Harvest
Men of the Millenium (Male Dancers)$6Adv8$door
Men Without Hats
Mendelson Joe
Menopause The Musical
Menpause the Musical
Mercy Dolls
Mercy Please
Mere Mortals
Meredith Moon
Merle Haggard
Merle Haggard Tribute
Merry Christmas
Merv Roberts
Messiah for Young Voices-Summerside
Metal Mouth Wednesday
Metallica (Trib. by Sandman Metelca)
Meterial Men
Metric and Stars
Metric/July Talk
Mettalfest V 2016
Mia Martina
Miacle Fortress with The Bicycles
Miami Heat
Micah and Delia
Micah and Jackie (Valentine Concert)
Micah Barnes
Micah Barnes/Jackie Richardson
Micah Erenberg (MN)
Micah/Jackie Richardson
Michael Danckert
Michael Allain
Michael and Shane Pendergast
Michael and Tracy Cavanaugh
Michael Arsenault
Michael Averill
Michael Bolton
Michael Bourada-Magician, Illusionist
Michael Brennan (from Wayward Angels)
Michael Brennan and Dave Tufford (Acoustic Angels)
MIchael Brennon and Guest
Michael Buble
Michael Burgess
Michael Carr
Michael Cavan
Michael Ciufo
Michael Dalton
Michael Danchest
Michael Darcy
Michael Darcy and The Atlantic Tramps
Michael Doyle
Michael Flatley's Lord of The Dance
Michael Frayn
Michael Garricks
Michael Hall
Michael Holt/Rick Barnett
Michael Hurd
Michael Jackson History Show
Michael Jerome Brown
Michael Johnston Music Studio
Michael Kaeshammer
Michael Kelly
Michael Keys
Michael LaLonde
Michael Leahy
Michael McDonald
Michael Mooney
Michael Myers
Michael Myers and Guests
Michael Myers-Carl Doucette
Michael Occhipnti
Michael O'Connor
Michael O'Grady
Michael Parks (J.J. Aspen, David Trenaman)
Michael Pendergast and Friends
Michael Pengergast
Michael Peters
Michael Pickett
Michael Picketts and Doc MacLean
Michael Rault with Baby God
Michael Richard
Michael Richard-Andy Doucette
Michael Smith
Michael Smith/Norm Hacking
Michael T Wall
Michael Theodore
Michael Theodore Band
Michael Twitty (Conway's Son)
Michael Warren
Michael White
Michael White and Friends
Michel LaLonde
Michelle Banks Dancers
Michelle Bouey, Kierah Celeste, Noah Malcolm
Michelle Cold and Low Key
Michelle Ives-Top 40 female
Michelle James Band
Michelle Rasky
Michelle Rumball
Michelle Shocked
Michelle Wright
Michou, Stefalondon, Mike Hargreaves
Mick Davis and Thin Love
Mick Hollett, Jimmy Thomson, Patrick Boyle
Mickey Acorn
Mickey Andrews - Mary MacIntyre
Mickey Gilley (Nashville)
Mickey O'Holloran
Mickey Rooney
Micky Dolenz
Middle Aged
Middle Tickle
Midge Ure
Midge Ure (of Ultravox)
Midlife Cris
Midnight Auto Supply
Midnight Comedy Show with The Portugese Kids
Midnight Oil
Midnight Radio
Midnight Ramblers
Midnight Society
Midnight Society/The Spooky Kids
Midnight Vesta
Midnight Vesta (Ont)/Brooklyn Doran/Aaron Comeau
Midsummer Magic
Miesha and The Spanks/Blue Thunder Kuno
Mighty Ducks
Mighty Popo
Mighty Quinn
Mik Branton
Mike McKenna and Colin Savoie
Mike & Albert
Mike and Blue
Mike and Dan
Mike and Karen
Mike and Shane Pendergast
Mike Arsenault
Mike Arsenault and Pete Doucette
Mike Aube
Mike Barron
Mike Bennett
Mike Biggar
Mike Bochoff Band
Mike Branton
Mike Bullard
Mike Cheapfeet Dixon
Mike Compton/David Long (US)
Mike Dalton
Mike Dixon
Mike Doyle
Mike Dusk sing Sinatra
Mike Essoudrys Potato Mashers
Mike Evin
Mike Ferfolia Band
Mike Forbes
Mike Ford
Mike Gouchie
Mike Hall
Mike Hall and Hilda Chiasson-Cormier
Mike Hammer
Mike Hannah
Mike Hubley from KountryFried
Mike Hurley
Mike Janzen, Jacob Moon, Terry Posthumus
Mike LeBlance-Madeline Perry-Edith Gaudet
Mike Lynch
Mike MacDonald
Mike MacDougal
Mike MacFarlane
Mike McGarry
Mike McGrath
Mike McKenna Jr.
Mike Mooney
Mike O'Brien Band
Mike O'Holloran
Mike Parker
Mike Pendergast
Mike Pendergast Family Christmas
Mike Pendergast-Children's Show
Mike Peters
Mike Plume
Mike Pound Blues Night (Memorial for Mike)
Mike Robicheau
Mike Ross
Mike Rossiter
Mike Shotton
Mike Stevens
Mike Stevens and Raymond McLain
Mike Stratton
Mike Super:Phenomenon
Mike Trask
Mike Tyson
Mike, Jerome, Tye Arsenault
Mikel Miller
Mikey Gilley
Mikey Lelievre
Mikey MacDonell
Mi'kmag Legends-Catherine O'Brien/Fraser Express
Mi'kmaq Legends
Mi'Kmaq Legends 2017
Miles Goodwyn of April Wine
Miley Cyrus
Miley O'Halloran
Milk and Bone
Milk and Honey
Milk and Rectangles
Milky Whites and The Bluesmen
Miller Creek
Million Dollar Quartet
Mimi O'Bonsawin & Alex Normand
Mimico Old Boys
Mini Pop Kids Live
Mink - Top 40 Female
Minnie White
Minus The Minor
Minus World and Motherhood
Minus World, Whale Skin, Coyote
Mir (Halifax)
Mira Meikle
Miranda Lambert
Mirror Mirror
Misfits Halloween Tribute Show
Miss Emily
Miss Ladies Football Band-D.J.
Miss Ladies Football Banquet-DJ
Missing Cats and Three Bad Apples
Mississauga Waterfront Festival
Mississippi Bends
Mississippi Hippies
Misty Water
Mitch and Freddie
Mitch and Friends
Mitch McDonald
Mitch O'Blenis
Mitch O'Brien
Mitch Schurman
Mitch Schurman Band
Mitchell Tenpenny
Mitchelle James Band
Mittentime Review 5th Anniversary
Mixed Doubles For Thurs Night League
Mixed Nght Tapes
Mixed Nuts (Marty Delaney)
Mixhelle Banks Step-dancers
Mixre (NS)
Mix-Tape Sundays
Mke and Andy
Mo Brandy
Mo and Darc'y
Mo' Kauffey
Mo Kenney
Mob Barley and The Wailers
Modern Day Poet
Modern Tribute To Abba
Moe Berg
Moe Hashie
Mohawk Lodge/The Fight and Wildcat
Moira & Claire
Moira Nelson
Mo-Jones-Tom Jones Tribute
Moka Only (BC)
Moka Only and Buster Flow
Mokomokai, Erimha, The Busted Skulls
Molly Bloom's-Guelph
Molly Johnson
Molly Rankin
Molly Ringwald
Molly Thomason
Molson MOJA Mondays (Guys Night Out)
Mom Runs Amok (Comedy by Lorne Elliott)
Moncton Chinese New Years Party 2014
Monday Night Sessions
Monday Night Sessions-Several Artists
Monday Off
Money In The Banana Stand
Mongo Bongo
Monica Kim
Monica Whicher and Friends
Monique Pendergast and Family
Monique Pensergast-Keelin Wedge
Monique Poirier & Francois Emond (NB)
Monkees Celebrated by Mick Dole
Monkey Junk
Monologues by Eve Ensler
Monster Truck
Montgomery Gentry
Montley Crue (Trib. by Dr Feel Good)
Montreal Guitare Duo
Montuno Cubano
Monty Pythons Spamalot
Moo'd Swing
Moondog Uproar (Ontario)
Moonglow Cabaret
Moonshine Bluegrass Band
Moonshine Ramblers
Moonshine Showcase
Moonwake Loveland Aquakultre
Moose Lodge 70th Anniversary
Moose Pool Tournament
Moose Stew
Moose Stew (Brent and The Boys)
Moosehead Blues and Ribs Matinee
Moosehead Blues Matinee
More Bluegrass Groups To Be Announced
More Please!
More Soul
Morgan Davis
Morgan Davis and Al Lerman
Morgan Hill
Morgan Saulnier
Morgan Toney
Morgan Wallen
Morgans (Don nd Laura)
Morgan's Open Mic
Moria Nelson
Morning Fold
Morris Code and The Signal
Mortley Crue (trib. by Dr. Fieldgood)
Mosaique (Ensemble Made In Canada)
Moscow Circus
Mose Scarlett
Moses Mayes (Funk Fusion)
Moss-Top 40/Rock
Most Serene Republic with Mardeen
Mother Juggs (NB)
Mother Mother
Motherhood and The Walking Night
Mothers Day Special 3-7 pm
Motherzz are Starzz
Motley Crue and Alice Cooper
Motor City Live-A Motown Tribute
Motor League (NB)
Motor League Acoustin Show
Motorcity (Blues, Rock)
Motorleague and Ricochet
Motown Gold
Motown Mania
Motown Mondays
Motown Review
Motown Soul
Motown Tribute Night
Moulin Rouge
Mountain and The Lion
Mountain Lion
Mountain Lion Trappers
Mountain of Wolves (Ont)
Mountain Rain (Bluegrass)
Mountain Rush- N.B.
Mountains and The Trees
Mourise Belliveau
Move Over, Mrs. Makham (Final Performance)
Move The Mountains
Movie Smash Hits
Movie-High School Musical 2
Movie-Shrek The Third
Movie-The Simpsons
Mr Burns
Mr Disco-Retro Disco Band
Mr Finch
Mr Jim Williams
Mr Lahey and Randy (from The Trailer Park Boys)
Mr Pink Trio
Mr. Burns and Blu Gillis
Mr. Rick and The Biscuits
Mud Bay Jugglers
Mudder Trucker
Muddy Buddy
Mudmen and Bobmoxious
Mulligan Stew
Mummers Party-Several Guests
Mundy-Turner (From Australia)
Murder Murder, The Downwalls, Josh Carter
Murdoch and Sparrow (AB)
Murphy Family
Murray McLauchlan
Murray McLauchlan-Cindy Church
Murray Porter
Museum Pieces
Museum Pieces and Golden Cinema
Museum Pieces and Liam Corcoran
Museum Pieces Liam Corcoran
Mushroom Lounge
Music 2017 Songwriter Nominees
Music and Friends
Music Around the River-Many Artists
Music Awards 2015
Music Barn
Music by Josh Langville Gracy
Music Downstairs (Outlaws)
Music Factory
Music For Hope Concert with Several Artists
Music From Canoesongs
Music Jam
Music Matinees
Music Mosaic
Music Mosaique
Music Mosiac-MusicPEI 2024
Music Night
Music NL 2011 Awards Gala
Music Nova Scotia Presents
Music of Abba
Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber
Music of Burt Backarach
Music of CCR
Music of Colleen Petersen with Many Artists
Music of Meat Loaf
Music of Neil Young
Music of Ozzy Osbourne
Music of Quarrington
Music of Simon and Garfunkel
Music of Sting
Music of The 1950's and 1960's
Music of The Eagles
Music of Tina Turner
Music of Tomson Highway
Music of Whitney Houston
Music PEI 2012 Friday Night Live
Music PEI 2010 Awards
Music PEI 2012 Music Awards
Music PEI 2013 Gala Awards
Music PEI 2013 Songwriters Concert
Music PEI 2020 Awards
Music PEI Event
Music PEI Event-Song Conference
Music PEI Friday Night Live
Music PEI Member Night
Music PEI Music Festival Finale 2021
Music PEI Presents:
Music PEI Showcase
Music PEI Unplugged
Music Row North-featuring PAUL BRANDT
Music Special Guests & Silent Auction
Music Trivia
Music Upstairs (Todd Nolan)
Music Video Retro Night/DJ Cosmic Kaos
Musical Cowboy Lunch (Local Country Performers)
Musical Journey of Neil Diamond
Musical Worlds Collide
Musicial Box
Musicians New Year with Virgil Scott
MusicNLGala Awards
MusicPEI 2013 Country Show and Awards
MusicPEI 2018 Festival Finale
MusicPEI 2018 Open Mic Takeover
MusicPEI Music Awards
MusicTherapy Concert (Ron David, Andrew Cash)
Mustafa The Poet
Mustang Sally
Mwmories of The Islanders/ CBC's Jubilee TV Show
My Chemical Romance
My Chemical Romance/Sum 41/The Offspring Tributes
My Favourite Folk@ Hugh's Room-Host Jaymz B.
My Living Will
My Son The Hurricane
My Stompin' Grounds Dinner Theatre
My Sweet Patootie
My Time with Leonard Cohen
Mylene Ouellette
Myles and Jane
Myles Deck and The Fuzzz
Myles Goodwyn
Myles Goodwyn of April Wine
Myles Goodwyn, Makayla Lynn, Irish Mythen
Myles MacKinnon
Myra Family
Myrna Lorrie
Myrna Lorrie/Harold MacIntyre/Johnny Burke
Myrons Reunion Dance Party
Mystery System
Mystic Caravan (from Kingston)
Mystic India
N.S. Capers
N3XT TV Winner
Nadine Pineau Pothier
Naked Baron
Naked By The Fire
Name That Tune Trivia with Santa Belly Rollins
Name That Tune with Andrew Rollins
Naming The Twins
Nana Grizol
Nana Mouskouri
Nancy B
Nancy Butler
Nancy Dutra
Nancy Johnson
Nancy Sit
Nancy White
Naomi Bristow
Narod Laylor
Nashville 416-Songwriters Circle
Nashville Sound
Nashville Star
Nasty Habits
Natalie Cole
Natalie Lynn (NS)
Natalie Lynn (NS) and Tampa (NB)
Natalie MacMaster
Natalie MacMaster Celtic Family Christmas 2024
Natalie MacMaster/Donnell Leahy
Natasha Meister
Nate & Kate
Nate Husser
Nathalie Duguay
Nathan Carragher
Nathan Christopher
Nathan Condon
Nathan Condon Memorial Concert
Nathan Gil
Nathan Gill (North Lakes)
Nathan Riley
Nathan Rogers (Son of Stan Rogers)
Nathan Wiley
Nathan Wiley Band
Nathaniel Ratsliff and The Night Sweats
Nathan's Flat
National Arts Center Orchestra St John's, NL
National The
National Youth Orchestra of Canada
Native Gumbo
Nature Boy
Nautical Mile
Navy Blue Tour
Nayles-Road Work Tour
NB Country Showcase
Ndidi Onukwulu
Neal McCoy (USA)
Nearly Neil-Tribute to Neil Diamond
Nearness of You-Trib. to Hoagy Carmichael
Ned Landry
Negative J.
Negative Zero
Neighbourhood Watch (NB)
Neil and Billy Matthews
Neil Chapman (Guest)
Neil Chapman and Bad Brothers
Neil Chapman Band
Neil Cotton
Neil Cotton and Hawk's Nest
Neil Crowe (0ntario)
Neil Diamond
Neil Diamond Tribute Show
Neil Goce Disc Jockey
Neil Goce-DJ
Neil Groce
Neil Halstead
Neil Innes
Neil MacDonald Band
Neil Matthews and Friends
Neil Matthews and Susan Petrie
Neil Matthews and Suzie Pitre
Neil Matthews Benefit
Neil Murray
Neil Nickafore
Neil Sedaka
Neil White
Neil White/Salt Water Pirates
Neil Young
Neil Young Tribute
Neil Young 'uns
Neko Case
Neon Country
Neon Dreams
Neon Moon
Neon Rome
Neptune and Bus Stop Theatre Open Stage
Nerd Army
Nerwsies:The Musical
Neuman with Scott White
Never Hour
Never Studied Gravity
New Age
New Cohort
New Country Rehab
New Country Rob
New Customs (MN)
New Faces
New Flesh, Acousma, Uncle, Remise
New Folk Night with Evalyn Parry
New Folk Night with Host Trevor Mills
New Foundation with host Russell Leon
New Glasgow Music Theatre
New Ground Bluegrass Band
New Hollywood
New Kids On The Block
New Millennials
New Moon
New Order & Pet Shop Boys
New River Line (Kentucky)
New Royalties, We Were Heads, The Dirty Nil
New Royalty
New Scotia Sunshine
New Shade of Blue
New Silver 5
New Six Million Dollar Band
New Songs Old Souls
New Tone Dogs
New Year' Day Levee (entertainment)
New Years Eve at 54
New Years Eve Bash
New Year's Eve Comedy Extravaganza
New Year's Eve Dinner & Dance
New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance-$30 each
New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance-$59.95 /person
New Years Eve Extravaganza (Robert Klein)
New Year's Eve Hogmanay
new year's eve party live music up&down stair's
New Years Eve with 1050 CHUM (Marc Chambers)
New Year's Party with Live Music ($35 eash)
Newcastle Brown
Newfie and Country Jamboree-Stewiacke River, N.S.
Newfie Chicks (Josie Wilkinson and Lori)
Newfie Fog Band
Newfie Night
Newfie Scoff and Scuff
Newfie Stump Jumpers
Newfoundland Hurricane Igor Fundraiser weekend!!!
Newfoundland Idol Contest
Newfoundland Showband
Newman + Rollins
Newman Entertainment Trivia
NewYear Eve Celebrations Along George St Ch'town
Next Best Thing
Next Generation
Next of Kin (N.S.)
Next Step
NFLD Supergroup
Nfld. Kichen Party-Hosts ( Luke Cox/Dave Spurvey)
Nfld. Kitchen Party-Hosts(Luke Cox/Dave Spurvey)
Nfld. Theatre-No Man's Land 2007
NHL Maple Leaf Alumni
Niagara Rhythm Section
Niagara Symphony
Niall Horan/Lewis Capaldi/Fletcher
Niall MacKay
Nic Gauthier Band
Nichol Robertson
Nick Arsenault (aka Johnny Cash)
Nick Arsenault's Big River Band
Nick Bike
Nick Bike and The Kickstands
Nick Bike with Justincredible
Nick Bike's Last Jam
Nick Campbell Band
Nick Cave & The Bad Seed
Nick Cave and Warren Ellis
Nick Charles
Nick Cuda
Nick Doneff
Nick Faye, Danny Goertz
Nick Gauthier
Nick Gay
Nick Hann
Nick Johnston
Nick Lesyk
Nick Lock and The Combination
Nick Manson's Saucerful of Secrets
Nick Mazerolle, Pirate Soul, Melanie Brule
Nick Melnyk and Solid Workout
Nick Sinopoli
Nick Teehan
Nick VanOuwerkerk
Nick Zubeck
Nick, Chris and Remi
Nicki Minaj with Meek Mill
Nickie B and The Blue Sharks
Nicky Tams
Nico Paulo
Nicole Lodge Book Launch
Nicole Scott
Nicole Watts
Nigella Lawson
Night Fever
Night Hawk
Night of Abba
Night of Elton John & Billy Joel Songs
Night of Folk and Regge
Night of Latin
Night of Mayhem
Night of Music
Night of Noise
Night of Peter Gabriel & Phil Collins
Night of Queen
Night of The Eagles
Night of The Eagles (Life In the Fast lane)
Night Shift
Night Social
Night To Remember
Nightbreed and Split Lips
Nighthawk and Friends
Nik Hann
Nikki and Andrew Waite
Nikki Payne
Nikki Schieck
Nikki Waite
Nikkie Gallant
Nils Ling Comedy
Nine Mile River
Nineties onlyTribute
Nintendo games night
Nirvana Unplugged-NY
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (USA)
Njacko Backo
NL Songwriters In The Round
NL Symphony Orchestra
No Action
No Alibi
No Band-(Super Bowl)
No Boundaries
No Ceilidh
No Dance
No Doubt Tribute
No Entertainment
No Fences
No Filter
No Flies on Frank
No Fuss Movers
No Hee Haw Nov 10-postponed to Nov 17 2019
No Man's Land-Theatre Poduction
No Open Mic
No Ordinary Dummies
No Problem
No Show Smith
No Sugar Tonight
No Turmoil
Noah Fowler
Noah Malcolm
Noah Zacharin
Nobody's Business
Noel en Acadie
Noella Richard
Noices Off Theatre
Noisy Crew
Nolan Compton
Nomads-Radio Rock
Nonie Crete
Nonie Crete and Eugene Rea
Nonie Crete Band
Nonie Crete-CD Release party
Norah Jones
Norcote, David Hause
Norine Braun/Alice Fraser
Norm Browser
Norm Forrester
Norm Love and The Haters
Norm MacDonald
Norm Post
Norm Strangely
Norm Strangely/Element& Broadbent/Quake Matthews
Norma Arsenault, Dororthy Ross (Stepdancers)
Norma Cameron
Norma Gale and Friends
Norma Gale and Friends-(Jam Session)
Norma Gale, Roy Penny and Friends
Norma MacDonald
Norma MacDonald and Ronok Sarkar
Norma MacDonald/Ruth Minnikin
Norman Foote
Norman Stewart
Norman Stewart and Lester Stubbert
North 44* Ensemble
North American Oyster Shucking Championships
North Atlantic Drifts
North by Northeast Music Showcases
North Country Express
North Country Fair Fundraiser
North Hearts
North Lakes
North Meets South
North of 49 (Dan McVeigh)
North of Nowhere and Leafgreen
North Sound
Northern Pikes
Northland Ramblers Gospel Bluegrass
Nostalgic Throwback Extravaganza
Not All There
Nothing Box
Nothing Fancy (Virgina, USA)
Notre Dame de Grass
Notre Dame de Grass (Montreal)
Nova Scotia Hall of Fame Inductions
Nova Scotia Music Week
Nova Scotia Symphony Orchestra
Nova Voce (Men's Choir)
Nowhere Road
NSAI Open Mic-Songwriters Night/Dan McVeigh
NSCC Atlantic Showcase-Many Groups
Nuala Kennedy
Nuallan CD Release Weekend
Nudie and His Band
Nudie and The Turks
Nudie and TheWrong Planet Band
Nudie's House of Rock
Nuts (Holiday Comedy)
NY Stories: Micah Barnes, Holly Arsenault
Nymphets, Uncle, Banner Year
Oak Drive
Oak Ridge Boys
Oakland Soul
Oakland Stroke
Oakville Celtic Fiddle Club
Oasis Vocal Jazz
Occasional Angels
Ocean Country
Ocean Drive
Oceans Away
OCMA New Talent Showcase(Host-W. Ferguson)
OCPFA Fundraiser (35 Artists)
OCPFA Showcase (Artists to be announced)
OCPFA Showcases and Awards
October Brown
Odd Couple
Odd Couples Band
Odd Pit (NS)
Ode To Outlaws
Oeeanic, Plural, MVM-NTS (NS)
Off The Rockers
Officer Elvis (Paul Bentham)
Oh No Theodore (N.B.)
Oh Susanna
Oh What A Night
Ohbijou and The Acorn
Oi Polloi
Oklahoma Rockers
Ol' Savvanah
Olafur Arnalds
Olate Dogs Recue Tour
Old 97's
Old Age of RockTribute-Patsy Cline-Elvis, others
Old Beef Stringband
Old Cabin and Corey Isenor
Old Doctor Young
Old Dominion
Old Dominion, Washboard Union, Jason Benoit
Old Fashioned Christmas Concert
Old Fashioned Square Dance
Old Habits with Eddy Quinn
Old Man Flanagans Ghost
Old Man Grant (Ont)
Old Man Luedecke
Old Man Luedecke and Jordie Lane (Australia)
Old School
Old Stone Station
Old Time Christmas Show
Old Time Connolly
Old Time Country Music
Old Time Machine
Old Towns
Old Winos
Olda Tyme Square Dancing
Old-Fashioned House Party
Oldies Dance with DJ
Oldies Dance with DJ Wayne
Ole Skoole
Olenka and The Autumn Lovers
Olifiddle: A Night For Oliver Schroer
Oliver and Leyte
Oliver Jones Trio
Oliver Schroer
Oliver Schroer's Stewed Tomatoes
Oliver Swain's Big Machine
Oliver The Crow
Olivia & Kari Lyn Blacquiere
Olivia and The Creepy Crawlers(Ont)
Olivia Blacquiere
Olivia Newton John
Olivia Rodrigo
Olympic Symphonium
Olympic Symphony with Michael Feuestack
Omhouse and Jen Roberge
On The Road Again Band
On The Rock
On The Rocks
Onca Ray
One and Only
One For The Foxes
One King
One More Girl
One More Time-New Tribute Show
One Row Back
One Trick Pony
One Ugly Cowboy
One Wild Night-Bon Jovi Tribute
One Year In-Hughs Room Live Celebration
OneRepublic & Needtobreathe
Ontario Council of Folk Festivals
Ontario Country Music (OCPFA) Showcase
Ontario Country Music Assoc. Awards Show (CMAO)
Ontario Country Music Assoc. Showcase
Ontario Poetry Slam Final
Oolagen Benefit
O'Pears & Jabbour
Open Blues Jam
Open House (Closes at 7pm)
Open House-FREE
Open Jam
Open Jam with Big Crunch
Open Mic
Open Mic Ceilidh
Open Mic Jamboree and Dance
Open Mic Night with Host Blaine Lamb
Open Mic with Host Jamie Matthews
Open Mic with Danni B
Open Mic/Karaoke with Sheila
Open Mic/Karaoke with Sheila
Open Mic-Stand Up Comedy
Open Mike Night/Dan McVeigh
Open Session
Open Session & Irish Dancing
Open Session With Seph Peters
Open Stage
Open Stage Band Jam
Open Stage-Paul and Sue
Open Studio Fundraiser
Open The Door For Three
Oprey Toronto with Jack Look
Opry Gold (Country Hits)
Opry Toronto
Orangemen-Radio Rock
Orchestra Deconstructed
Orchid Ensemble
Organized Chaos
Orietta Berti
Original Bluegrass Four
Original Crowbar (USA)
Original People-Original Songs
Original Spare Parts Reunion
Originals Showcase
Orillia Silver Bands-Shine 70 Years of Orillia
Orla McCague & Sean O Feinneadha
Orny Adams
Orphan Choir
Orville Peck
Osbourne Tribute Band
Oscar Lope
Oscar Lopez
Oshawa Fiddle Club-Dancing
Other Sides
Ottmar Liebert
Our Lady Peace
Out From Under
Out of Mouth
Out of Sight of Land
Out Of The Blue
Outdoor Concert With JP Cormier/Dave Gunning
Outdoor Social
Outlaw Blues
Outlaws (Dave Wells)
Outrageous Fall Open Stage
Outrageous Spring Open Stage
Outrageous Summer Open Stage
Outrageous Winter Open Jam
Outside Track
Outta The House
Oval Window
Ovation Quintet
Over The Rhine
Over The Top (NL)
Owen Hann Tribute
Owen Junction
Owen Mac Band (from Ireland)
Owen Marshall
Owen Meany's Batting Stance
Owen O'Sound Lee
Owen Steel
Owen Steel with Baby Cod
OX Bow Mountain Boys
Oyster 3
Ozzy Borns- with SMASH ON DRUMS
Ozzy/Black Sabbath (Trib. by Sabbra Cadabra)
P M Express (7 piece band)
P. E. I. Music Awards
P. K. Creek Customer Appreciation Day
P.E.I. Easter Seals Telethon
P.E.I. Guitar Quartet
P.E.I. Int. Shellfish Festival
P.E.I. International Band Contest
P.E.I. Symphony Orchestra
P.E.I. Theatre Festival Showcase
P.EI. Music Awards '09 Showcases
Pace (The)
Pack a.d.
Pack Drumline
Pactically Hip
Paddy Keenan
Pagan Mary
Paige LeClair/Freddy Arsenault
Paige LeClair-Saunders Sisters-Kristyn Visser
Paige Turner (ME) w/Uncle
Paisley Jura
Pajama Game-Musical/Comedy
Pal Gals
Pam and daughter Lindsay Corrigan
Pam Hyatt
Pam Miller
Pam Stevenson
Pam Tillis (USA)
Pamela McInnis
Pamela Morgan
Panel Games
Papa Roach with GOB
Paper Beat Lessons /Jacob Augustia
Paper Beat Scissors with Jacob Augustine
Paper Lions
Paper Soul
Par 3
Parachute Club
Paradise Rangers-Terra Hazelton-Linda MacRae
Parish Picnic
Park Day-Cabot Power-Land Of The Lake
Parkdale Fundraiser
Parkdale Rebels
Parker Murray
Parkinsons Fundraiser
Parrtycat/Day I Die/Pipe Dreams
Part of Your World
Partland Brothers
Partner Fake Palms North Lakes
Partow and Sitar Fusion
Party Boots
Party Cat w/Sleepshaker
Party Come Dance
Party Down With Dekz
Party Downstairs with The Roadhouse Boys
Party Mix
Party Moved to August 4
Party-No Band
Pascal Miousse
Pascal Surette
Passage to Bollywood
Pastelle LeBlanc
Pastoral Airs (Celtic Music Performers)
Pat and Dean
Pat Benatar/Neil Giraldo
Pat Carey
Pat Deighan
Pat Deighan and The Orb Weaves
Pat DesRoches
Pat Humphries Duo
Pat LePoidevin
Pat Maloney
Pat Metheny Unity Group
Pat Perry
Pat Simmonds
Pathological Lovers
Patio Opening Party 3pm
Patricia Barber
Patricia Conroy
Patricia Murray
Patricia O'Callaghan
Patricia Richard
Patrick Bennett
Patrick Brealey
Patrick Bunston
Patrick Dorie
Patrick Gillis
Patrick Ledwell
Patrick Ledwell and Mark Haines
Patrick Stewart
Patrick Tinant & Guest
Patrick Watson
Patrizio Buanne
Patron Saint of Plaques (Ont)
Patsy Cline Chrstmas Show
Patsy Cline Songbook
Patti LaBelle
Patty Gillis
Patty Loveless
Pattys Fancy
Paul and Sue
Paul Anka
Paul Anthony as Johnny Cash
Paul Bernard
Paul Brady
Paul Brandt
Paul Brandt-High Valley Opening
Paul Broadbent
Paul Chaisson
Paul Colman
Paul D Gallant
Paul DesLaurieu Band
Paul Douglas Band
paul evans
Paul Evans 60 70 80 Music
Paul Fenton
Paul Filek (Vancouver)
Paul Gellman
Paul Geremia
Paul James
Paul Lamb and Chris LeDrew
Paul Lamb and Cory Tedford
Paul Langois
Paul Lawson and Albert Kays
Paul LeBlanc
Paul MacDonald
Paul MacNeil and Tracey Dares MacNeil
Paul Malo (of The Mavericks)
Paul Martin
Paul McCartney
Paul McKenna (Band from Scotland)
Paul McKenna and Sean Gray
Paul Mills
Paul Nathan
Paul Nelson Band
Paul Pigot
Paul Quarrington
Paul Reddick
Paul Reddock and Greg Cockerill
Paul Revere and The Riders
Paul Sage
Paul Simon
Paul Simon Tribute
Paul St Amand-Lets Get Lost-Trib yo Chet Baker
Paul Stamp
Paul Stephens
Paul Storm
Paul Thorn Band
Paul Weber
Paul Weber and Top Hand
Paul Wilfrid
Paul Woolner
Paul Zerdin
Paula Abdul
Paula MacIntyre and Jon Rehder
PaulEvans60 70 80 Music
Pauline Dosley
Pauline Kyllonen (BC)
Pauly and The Newfballs
Paws For Cause-Country Music Show
Payadora Tango Ensemble
Peake's Quay-Charlottetown
Pearce Emett
Pear-Del Barber-Hot Club of Cowtown
Pearl and The Oysters
Pearl Jam
Pearl Jam-by Vitalogy Band
Pearly Gates
Pedlers Band
Pee Wee Ellis/Jason Wilson/Jay Wilson
Peggy Arsenault & Family
Peggy Clinton
Peggy Clinton & Johnny Ross
Peggy Clinton, Family and Friends
Peggy Seeger/Enoch Kent
PEI '09 Music Awards OLS Songs and Writers Show
PEI Bluegrass and Old Time Music Festival
PEI Brewing Company
PEI Country Music Alliance
PEI Fashion Week
PEI Guitar Quartet
PEI Guitar Summit
PEI Jazz and Blues
PEI Jazz and Blues Festival-Charlottetown
PEI Jazz Festival Presents
PEI Music Awards
PEI Music Awards 2012 Nominees Announement
PEI Music Awards Party
PEI Music Awards-Showcase Performances
PEI Salute To Don Messer and His Islanders
PEI Symphony Orshestra
PEI Symphony: Concert For Ukrfaine
PEI Winter Bluegrass Festival
Peirson Ross
PEI's Got Talent
PEI's Next Generation of Talent
PEI's Winter Blast
Pendergast Family Show
Pendys (Michael & Shane Pendergast), Tom McSwigg
Pendy's Pub Night
Penny and Friends
Penny Blacks
Penny Lang
Penny Lang and Michael Jerome
Penny Lang and Michael Jerome Brown
Penny Skolski
Penny Skolski Band (Blues, R and B)
Peoples Choir of Montreal
Pep Tides
Pepeto Pinto
Pepeto Pito and dancer Nathalie Aesenault
Pepper Shakers
Peppino D'Agostino
Peppino Di Capri
Perfect Flaw
Perfect Strangers-Salute Tp Deep Purple
Perry Batten and guest Claude Simpson
Perry Batten-Comedian
Perry Batten-Kevin Kelly-Nathan Condon
Perry Batten's Music Group
Perry Muise from NFD
Person of Interest
Perspective Canadian Music Theatre
Perth County Conspiracy
Pete Blanding
Pete Cove
Pete Forbes
Pete Forbes Band/The Spencer Soluduka Trio
Pete Richards
Peter and Gordon
Peter Appleyard
Peter Arsenault
Peter Arsenault and dancers from Evangeline, PEI
Peter Arsenault and his Band Big River
Peter Asher/Albert Lee
Peter Bevan -Baker
Peter Burke
Peter Cammie
Peter Case
Peter Elkas
Peter Finger
Peter Forbes Band with Belladonna (NS)
Peter Frampton
Peter Francis Quinlan
Peter Gabriel
Peter Gillis
Peter Graham
Peter Karp
Peter Katz
Peter Kraft
Peter MacInnis
Peter Mandic
Peter McCutcheon
Peter McGraw
Peter Pan Jr.
Peter Pan Musical Play
Peter Richards
Peter Rocket
Peter Sab
Peter Verity
Peter White,Ian Black,Bryant Thomson
Peter, Kevin, J.J.Chaisson and Guests
Peter, Paul and Mary
Peters Drury Trio
Peters Druty Trio with Alex Pangman
Petula Clark
Phantom of The Opera
Phantom of The Oprey
Phantoms of The Opry
Pharris and Jason Romero
Phase II
Phil and John Show
Phil and Jon with Guest
Phil Buckley, Robert Davis, Wendell Ferguson
Phil Cane
Phil Cooper (UK)
Phil Dino
Phil Ledbetter (USA)
Phil Myles
Phil Narro
Phil Reynolds Family
Phil Rose
Phil Snowden and Friends
Philip Brown
Philip Carlsen
Philippe Allain
Phillip Chiu
Phillip Gallant-Jerome Arsenault
Philly Moves and Fresh Kill
Philomene Hoffman
Philosphers Kings
Phoebe Legere (Internationlly Acclaimed)
Piano Guys
Piano Heist
Piano Music
Pick Brothers (Ont)
Pick of The Crop
Pickin Country
Pickin' Parlors
Pickle Jar
Pic-n-Grin Family
Pictou Bluegrass/Oldtime Music Fest
Pididdle for wing-nut-night
Pie Guys
Pied Pumkin
Pierce Clarke
Piero Mazzocchetti
Pierre Bensusan
Pierre Schryer Band with Duncan Cameron
Pierre Schryer-Fiddler
Pieta Brown/BoRamsey
Piff The Magic Dragon
Pig and Whistle
PIGS: Canada's Pink Floyd in the Flesh Tour 2019
Pilot Episode
Pineo and Loeb
Pink Floyd (Trib. by Dogs of War)
Pink Floyd (Trib. by Think Freaud Band)
Pink Floyd Experience
Pink Floyd-The Wall
Pink Leather Jackets
Pink Martini
Pink Martini and Chris Botti
Pioneers (Bluegrass/Gospel)
Pioneers of The BIS Ceilidh
Pipe Bands/Massed Pipe Bands
Pipe Dreams
Pipe Dreams,O'Leary, Aron Scott
Pipes & Fiddle Master Class
Pirate Soul (Nick Mazerolle)
Pirates of Penzance
Piso Forastlere
PJ Country
Place Bar and Grill-Brampton
Place Shakers
Plain Affair (St. John's)
Plain Dirty Blues Band
Plain Steel and General Sherman
Plaintiff and The Nothing
Planet Smashers
Plants and Animals
Plaster Lungs (NB)
Platinum Blond
Platinum Drive
Platinum Rouge
Plavo Lagoons
Playdates, July, Harbour, Tading Post
Playing For Peace
Plugged In
Po' Girl
Poems For Gordon Lightfoot
Poetry Face-Off
Poetry Slam
POF Singles Night
Pogues and Shane MacCowan
Poker Night
Police Review
Poly and The Greaseballs
Ponderings screening
Pony Girl (Ont)
Pool Tournament (Winner Take All)
Poor Angus
Poor Nameless Boy
Poor Young Things
Pop 2000 Tour
Pop Cherry
Pop Evil
Pop Funk Karoke
Pop Machine
Pop Rock
Pop Rocks Party Band
Pop Show
Po'Ramblin' Boys (USA)
Pork Belly Futures
Pork Soda /Wendigo
Port Cities
Port Cities and Rose Cousins
Port Perry Fiddle Club-Dancing
Port/Starboard (Chuck Simms/Wince Saunders)
Portuguse Guitar-Marta Pereira
Post Comedy Theatre with Robert Post
Post Data
Poster Boys
Pot Luck Live
Potluck Caleigh
Potter's Field
Pounds (Top 40 Rock)
Pour Young Things
Poverty Arse Night (Pints Special Price)
Power and MacDonald
Power and MacDonald (from Nfld)
Power Buddies (AB)/Riet Soda (NS)/Hapse
Power House Country Show
Power Party
Power Plant
Practically Hip
Prada West and Guests
Prairie Drwwgs
Prairie Oyster
Pranks & Pints with Jordan LeClair
Pre Burn 2011 CCMA Launch Party
Premiere of The 2018 Dinner Theatre
Pre-New Year's Party (Alternative Bands)
Pre-New Year's Party (Hip-Hop-Reggae)
Presley, Perkins, Lewis, Cash-A Night ToRremember
Press Gang
Press Gang With Stepdancer Emma MacLaine
Preston Reed
Pretty Archie (NS)
Pretty Tragic
Pretty Tragic and Not
Pretty Without Purpose
Pretzel Logic (Steely Dan Tribute)
Preview and Benefit
Price Is Right
Pride Comedy Night
Pride Fundraiser
Pride of Prime Time Recording Studio
Primary Stress (HFX)
Prime Rockers Band-R/R 101-Steve Madden
Primus Tribute Night
Prince 90s Dance Party
Prince and Princess Nutcracker
Prince County Fiddlers
Prince Queens Kings Music Artists
Princess and The Handmaiden Theatre
Prine Shrine
Printers Alley
Prism Shores
Prism Shores and Fantasy Eye
Private Dancer
Private Party
Prizes for Best Costume/Jail To Be Set Up
Prodigal Suns
Project Phoenix
Property (NL)
Prospect Hill Campground
Proud Islanders
Proud Sons
Proverbs (Gospel) (USA)
Pryme Tyme Country
PS I Love You with Army Girls Baccala
P'tit Belliveau
Pub Night
Pub Night (Univ. Tor.)
Pub Soda
Punch Douglas Band
Purple Hill Country Showband
Pyper-Restas Duo
Q107-Classics Rock
QEH Christmas Stars Concert
Quartette Holiday Show
Quartetto Gelato
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Fundraiser-Charlottetown
Queen St West
Queen Street Band
Queen-Classic Albums Live
Queen-It's Kinda Magic
Queen's County Fiddlers
Queens County PEI Fiddlers' Concert
Queens of The Stone Age
Queer Songbook Orchestra
Queer Songwriters Circle
Quentin Reddy
Quick Brew and Guests
Quick Brew Crew
Quiet Neighbors, Bad People
Quiet Parade
Quinn Bachand, Colin Savoile-Levac
Quitting Time (Zach Bryan Tribute)
Quiz Night in the Seanchai
Quote The Raven
R R Speedwagon
R 5
R.C. Stanley
Rachael Unthink and the Winterset
Racheal Duncan
Rachel Beck
Rachel Beck/Bennett Buell of THe Beck Sisters
Rachel Davis
Rachel Davis and Allan Dewer
Rachel MacLean
Rachel Sermanni
Racoon Bandit
Radiation Risks
Radio Beauties
Radio Daredevils
Rae Billing
Rage Against The Machine Tribute Night
Raghu Lokanathan
Raglan Road
Raglan-Jason Martell,Gary Gosse
Rah-Rah Band
Rain Kings
Rain Over St. Ambrose
Raine Hamilton
Raine Maida & Chantal Kreviazuk
Rainnie MacLennan
Raise The Roof and Raise The Rent
Raised Rowdy Songwriters
Ralph and Myles Costello
Ralph Boyd Johnson/Cris Cuddy
Ralph Cashen
Ramblin' Jack Elliott
Ramblin Rose
Ramblin Soul
Ran Jovi
Ranch Boys
Random Occurrence
Randy Allain
Randy Avery
Randy Bachman
Randy Carville
Randy Carville and Whiskey River
Randy Cheverie
Randy Dawson
Randy from The Trailer Park Boys
Randy Houser
Randy J Martin
Randy Murray
Randy Newman Tribute
Randy Thomas
Randy Travis
Randy Wilson Benefit Concert
Rankin Family
Rankin Sisters
Rankin Sisters (Christmas 2002 Tour)
Rankin Sisters-A Maritime Christmas
Rankin Sisters-A Maritime Christmas 2003
Rankins Sisters (A Christmas Carol)
Ranne Maclellan,
Rannie MacLellan
Rant Maggie Rant
Raoul/The Big Time
Raquel and The Bluetones
Rascal Flatts
Raspberry Jam
Rat Pack is Back
Rat Rod
Rattles Beatles
Rattlesnake Choir
Rattlessnakin' Daddies
Raul Malo
Rave On! The Buddy Holly Experience-Billy McGuigan
Raw Led Zeppelin Experience
Rawlins Cross
Ray and The Buckaroos
Ray Anderson's Family Magic & Illusions Show
Ray Anderson's Hypno Comedy Show
Ray Bonneville
Ray Chiasson
Ray Clyke (Elvis Tribute)
Ray Darren
Ray Daven
Ray Edge
Ray Finkles
Ray Holden and Guests
Ray Jenkins
Ray Jessel
Ray Johnson & Friends
Ray Johnston-Steve Sharratt-
Ray Keating and The Boys
Ray Legere
Ray MacDonald
Ray Materick
Ray Montford Group
Ray Price
Ray Reaves
Ray Stevens
Ray Vaughn-Trib. Stevie Ray Vaugh
Ray Walsh
Ray Woodley Tribute
Ray Wylie Hubbard
Raygun Cowboys
Raylee Madison & Clay Krasmer
Raylene Rankin
RBC Seniors Jubilee
Rcki Ferrier
Rea Spoon
Reagle Beagle Band
Real East
Real Pelletier
Real St. Patrick Show
Real Talent School and Dance Recital
Reba MacIntyre
Reba McEntire
Reba McEntire and Gord Bamford
Rebecca Caine
Rebecca Codas
Rebecca Enkin/Marc Enkin
Rebecca King
Rebecca Miller
Rebecca PerryFrom Judy to Bette-Stars of Hollywood
Rebecca Timmons
Rebekah Higgs
Rebekka Paige
Rebel Spell (BC)
Rebelljo Duo
Rebelljo Trio
Record Store Day Party & Soupy Sat
Red Bird Sky
Red Bull Race Night
Red Chamber String Quartet
Red Corvette
Red Cross Goes Country-Fundraiser
Red Cross Goes Country-Fundraiser-
Red Dirt Girls
Red Dirt Rock-Music PEI
Red Dirt Skinners
Red Dog Series
Red Elvis's
Red Green Show
Red Headed Denial(Ont)/Muscle Man
Red Moon Road
Red Rails with Mindwaves
Red Rock
Red Solo Cup-Lets Have a Dance
Red Velvet
Red Zeppelin
Redhill Road
Redhill Valleys and Mattie Leon
Redline Run (Music of The 60's)
Redwood Fields
Redwood Fields-
Reed Effect (Ont)
Reel East
Reeny Smith
Reg Ballagh
Reg Benoit
Reg Benoit and The Arrows
Reg Benoit Band
Reg Benoit Benefit (Durham Head Injury Assoc.)
Reg Benoit/Arrows-Remembrance Day Dinner/Dance
Reg Benoit/Arrows-Remembrance Day-Dinner/Dance
Reg Benoit-Upstairs (New Years Party)
Regal Beagle
Regean Turbide
Regeneration Community Benefit Concert
Reggae AllStars
Reggae Cowboys
Reggie Watts (Comedien)
Reid Jamieson
Remarkable Ladies Special -$20 adm.
Remberance Dinner-Orillia Country Band
Rememberance Day Music
Remembering Bernie Hughes
Remembering Carol Burnett-Make 'em Laugh
Remembering Elvis
Remembering Estelle Klein
Remembering George Jones
Remembering Jay Smith
Remembering Tom and Rita
Remi Arsenault
Remi Arsenault and Family
Renate Reich and Sheila Ann Smith
Rendez-vous Rustico PEI
Rene Gerard
Renee Doucet and Seph Peters
Renegade Riders
Renne and Wayne
REO Speedwagon
REO Speedwgon
Requel and The Bluetones
Requiem MMXVI
Retro Boogie-70's and 80's
Retro Crush
Retro Rewind 80's Dance Party
Retro Statik
Return of Country
Return of Donovan and Laura
Return To Grace
Reverb Rockers
Revered Peyton's Big Dam
Rex Goudie
Rex Orange County
Rex Sexsmith
Reza The Illusionist
Rg Scholler with Ben Young
Rhapsody Quintet
Rheal and Serge LeBlanc,Scott/Gerald Delhunty
Rhonda Turner
Rhonda Vincent and Many More Bluegrass Groups
Rhonda Vincent Show
Rhonda Vincent Show*
Rhyme n' Reason
Rhythm Dance
Rhythm Method
Rhythm Rules
Rhythm Works
Ria Mae
Ria Mae and Chris Velan
Ric and Brenden
Ricchie Povers and Gigi Vigliani
Rich Aucoin
Rich Aucoin with AA Wallace
Rich Baker
Rich Cloke
Rich Roxborough, Chris Whlehan, Johnny B
Richard & Somebody's Kid
Richard and Kathleen Blanchard
Richard Buckner
Richard Grainger
Richard LaViolette
Richard MacLeod and Guests
Richard Marx
Richard Mattson
Richard Sabsay Band
Richard Shindell
Richard Wood
Richard Wood & Brad Fremlin
Richard Wood and Dancers
Richard Wood And Friends
Richard Wood and Gord Belsher
Richard Wood and Jon Matthews
Richard Wood Trio
Richard Wood-Through The Years
Richarfd Schroeter-Stand-Up Comedy Night
Richie and Brian
Richie and Rosie
Richie and Trevor
Richie Bulger
Richie Bulger/Brian Langille
Richie Havens
Richie Young
Richie Young/ Crossroad Devils
Rick and Teresa Marleau
Rick Aucoin
Rick Aucoin/Windom Earle
Rick Baker
Rick Bauer
Rick Derringes
Rick Donair
Rick Emmett
Rick Fielding
Rick Fielding Tribute
Rick Fines
Rick Garvin
Rick Gimza
Rick Gimza (DJ) Downstairs
Rick Hughs
Rick Jones
Rick Mercer
Rick Miller
Rick Rose
Rick Sparkes The Enablers
Rick Sparks
Rick Sparks-Ruth Ann McMurdo-Belle Ashley
Rick Springfield
Rick Taylor
Rick Thomas (Illusionist)
Rick Tippe
Rick Tyler
Ricky and Barney
Ricky Gallant
Ricky Jones
Ricky Martin
Ricky Nelson Remembered
Ricky Skaggs
Ricky Yourke
Ricky, Julian and Bubbles-Trailer Park Boys
Riddell Fiddles (From Scotland)
Ridin' High
Ridley Bent
Riff Raff
Righteous Brothers-Bill Medley
Riishi Von Rex (Ont)
Rik and Brendon
Rik Aucoin
Rik Barron
Rik Emmet
Rik Reese
Rik Reese and Gypsy Ron
Rik Reese Band
Rik Reese Trio
Riki Knox
Riley Green
Ring in 2011 with B LUE THUNDER
Ringo Star (Beatles)
Ripcordz//Supercar//Radio Roulette
Ripped Paper
Rise Up Koma H
Rise with Kormal
Rising Star Competition
Rising Star Showcase
Rising Tide Review
Rita Chiarelli
Rita MacNeil
Rita MacNeil (Christmas At Home Tour)
Rita MacNeil and The Men of The Deeps
Rita MacNeil Cape Breton Christmas
Rita MacNeil with Frank Mills as guest
Rita MacNeil with Frank Mills Christmas Show
Rita MacNeil with The Von Trapp Children
Rita MacNeil's Christmas
Rita Mae
Rita Ruder/Brad Garret
Ritche Parrish
Ritgchie Bulger and Brian Langille
River Boat
River Boys
River Jacks (Alberta)
River Junction Band
River Rats
River Run
River Song
River Town Saints
RIverboat Revival
Road Dog Divas
Road Hammers
Road Heavy (Ont)
Road House Band-Special Guest Dennis Element
Road Waves
Roadhouse Blues
Roadhouse Boys (Christmas Eve) 4pm-8pm
Roadhouse Boys (Tim Kennedy)
Roadside Scarecrow
Roalee Peppard
Roast Beef Dinner and Dance-Gala Festivities
Rob Rob
Rob and Laura Oakie
Rob Anderson
Rob Cook
Rob Kirkham & Neon Rain
Rob Kirkham and Neon Rain
Rob Kirkman
Rob Lutes
Rob MacLean
Rob Martine
Rob Moir
Rob Murphy
Rob Murphy and Colette Devbeaux
Rob Murphy-Darrell Keigan-Buddy MacDonald
Rob Oakie
Rob Quail
Rob Reid
Rob Russell
Rob Tardik
Rob Thomas
Rob Watts
Robbie and Isaac Fraser
Robbie and Jeff Doherty
Robbie and Pierce
Robbie Arsenault
Robbie Burns Day Celebrations
Robbie Burns Fundraising Gala 2020
Robbie Doherty Band
Robbie Drew and Nancy Clement
Robbie Fraser
Robbie G (Ont)
Robbie Lane and The Disciples
Robbie Lane Special Christmas Bash-Many Guests
Robbie Lane/Disciples (CD Release Party)
Robbie Lane's Many Past Guests (PK 2nd Anniv.)
Robbie Thibodeau
Robby Johnson
Robert and Bruce Jones
Robert Benoit
Robert Bouchard
Robert Bouchard-Todd Hynes-LJ MacLean
Robert Deveaux and Allan Dewar
Robert Doucette & Shane Arsenault
Robert Doucette, Shane Arsenault, Robyn Gallant
Robert Gordon
Robert Gordon with The Royal Crowns
Robert Gordon /Jack Dekeyzer Band
Robert Jones
Robert Kortgaard
Robert Maciag
Robert Michaels
Robert Munsch
Robert Plant
Robert Priest
Robert Thomas and The Session Men
Robert Truman-Trib. To Elvis
Roberta Gambarini Quartet
Roberta Romano Band-top 40-R/R
Roberto Alagna with Svetla Vassileus
Roberts Hall (BC)
Robin and Leah Hawkins
Robin and Linda Williams
Robin Banks
Robin Benedict and Ragdoll
Robin Hawkins
Robin Hood-Dufflebag Theatre
Robin Laing (From Scotland)
Robin Marie McRae
Robin Ottolini
Robin Thicke
Robin Williams
Robyn Alcorn
Robyn and Ryleigh
Robyn McRae
Robyn Ottolini
Robyn Pauhl
Robyn Paul
Roch Voisine
Rock and Roll Night with MIKE
Rock and Roll Tribute
Rock and Roll with DJ
Rock Around The Clock
Rock Bottom (Jamie Matthews)
Rock City
Rock Express
Rock In The Daze
Rock Island Blues Band
Rock n Jam with Tanya & Vlad
Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages 10th Anniversary Tour
Rock of Ages Broadway Biggest Party
Rock Revival -Youth Showcase
Rock Star-Live Karaoke
Rock The Stock Extravaganza-3 Bands
Rockabilly Rednecks
Rockabilly Riot
Rocker Fellas
Rockers For Recovery in Support for Lennon House
Rocket 88
RocketRocket Ship
Rockin 4 Dollars
Rockin Around the Christmas Tree
Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Rockin Country
Rockin' Fiddle Blues Band
Rockin' Highliners
Rockin Liamas
Rockin Rebels with Katacombs
Rockin Rebels with Motor League
Rockin'-TAKK-Charlotte Cornfield
Rockwell Charged Up
Rocky From The Rock
rocky from the rock { one man band}
Rocky Roberts and Friends
Rocky Verwell/Simon Wallace (Guests)
Rod and Blake Duo
Rod Jackson and The Perfect Strangers
Rod MacDonald
Rod Phillips Benefit (From Soul Reason Review)
Rod Stewart
Rod Stwart and Cheap Trick
Rodney and Charlie
Rodney and Jonathan
Rodney Arsenault
Rodney Atkins
Rodney Brown Trio
Rodney Brown-Ian Tamblyn
Rodney Carrington
Rodney Crowell
Rodney MacDonald
Rodney MacDonald and Joel Chaisson
Rodney Perry
Rodney Savidant
Roger and Anthony
Roger and Barry Stense (Acoustical Strings)
Roger Chaisson and Friends
Roger Clarke and Celebrity Country
Roger Freeman as King Elvis
Roger Hodgson (formerly of Super Tramp)
Roger Howse Band
Roger James
Roger James, Wendell Ferguson, Nancy White
Roger Jones
Roger Jones/Davis Ward Experiment
Roger Stone
Roger Stone and Anthony Rissesco
Roger Stone/David Dobson
Roger Truman as King Elvis
Roger Waters
Roger West
Roger Whittaker
Rogues Hollow
Roland Beaulieu
Roland Adam & Owen
Roland Beaulieu
Roland Beaulieu/Kendra Gale
Rolf Klausener
Rollaway Boys
Rolling Kings
Rolling Stones
Rolling Stones Music Show
Rollo Bay Fiddle Festival Showcase
Rolly Rocker and The Hemiheads
Rolston's String Quartet
Romancing The Cello
Romani Jazz
Romantic Dogs
Romantic Uke
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo Santos
Romi Mayes
Romina Di Gasbarro
Romour Hazzit
Ron and Robert Kelly
Ron Arsenault & Friends
Ron Bourgeois
Ron Davis
Ron Fines
Ron Griffin
Ron Harvey
Ron Hawkins
Ron Hynes
Ron Hynes & Catherine MacLellan
Ron Hynes Benefit Concert
Ron Hynes Songwriting Festival
Ron Hynes/Alan Rhody
Ron James
Ron Johnstone/SteveSharatt
Ron Korb
Ron Merry
Ron Nater Blues Band
Ron Neilson
Ron Nelson
Ron Nigrini
Ron Robertson, Allan Thompson, Robert McVeigh
Ron Russell
Ron Sexsmith
Ron White-Comedien
Ronald Beaulier
Roni Mayes
Ronley Teper
Ronnie and The Corvairs
Ronnie and The Jets
Ronnie and The Rockets
Ronnie Hawkins
Ronnie LeBlanc
Ronnie MacLellan
Ronnie Mislap
Ronny and the Corvairs
Ronny Russel
Roofhoppers/The Boxcar Boys
Roots and Boots
Roots In The 80's
Roots Roundup
Rory Block
Rory Gardiner
Rory MacLeod
Rory Taillion and The Old Souls
Rosalee Peppard
Rosalie Sorrels
Rosanne Cash
Rosanne Lu and Joe Junior
Roscoe Project
Rose Cousins
Rose Morrison
Roseanne Agasee
Roseanne MacKenzie (from The Cottars)
Rosemary Lawton/Christina Howse
Rosemary Phelan
Roses In The Snow
Rosewood Annie (NS)
Rosie and The Riveters
Rosie MacKenzie
Ross Family Band
Ross Family Ceilidh
Ross Neilson
Rotary Mexican Fiesta
Rough Copies
Rough Harvest
Rough Sea
Rough Sea with Story
Route 126
Route 16
Route 21
Route 225
Route 49
Route 6
Row Back
Rowdy Dow
Rowen Gallant
Rowett Brothers
Rox Box
Roxanne Potvin
Roxeen & Dalrymple
Roxeen and Ryan Roberts
Roxy and The Underground
Roy Buna (guitar Solist-country-rock-contemporary)
Roy Clark
Roy Johnston, Rob Drew, Blaine Hrabi
Roy Johnstone
Roy Johnstone and Cef Pobjoy
Roy Johnstone and Friends
Roy Johnstone and Steve Sharratt
Roy MacCaull
Roy McCaull and Friends
Roy Orbison Story
Roy Orbison Tribute
Roy Payne
Roy Payne and Band
Roy Payne/Derek Pilgrim/Gary Gale/Luke Cox
Roy Penny
Royal Canadian Air Force Band
Royal Canoe
Royal Crowns
Royal Hicks
Royal North
Royal North, Chaotically Zen, Generator, Midwaves
Royal NS International Tatoo
Royal Tusk
Royal Volts
Royal Wood
Royter-Tribute to Reveen
Royz Band
Rozalind MacPhail
RTE 225
Rubber Boot Band
RubberbanDance: Vic's Mix
Rube and Rake
Rubicon Celtic Rock from Ireland
Rubrics (From South Carolina)
Ruby Jean and The Thoughtful Bees
Rude Mechanicals (P.E.I)
Rudy and The Saddle-ups
Rudy Waters
Rufus Wainwright
Rukanas (Music of the Andean people)
Rum Ragged
Rum -Running Festival-Barn Dance
Rumble at Rama
Rumour Hazzit
Rumours (Fleetwood Mac Trib.)
Rum-Runners Ceilidh
Run The Jewels
Run With The Kittens
Rupauls Drag Race All Stars Live
Rupi Kaur
Rural Alberta Advantage
Rural Alberta Advantage with Kalle Mattson
Rush (Trib. by Grace Under Presher)
Russell Louder
Russell DeCarle (Prairie Oyster)
Russell Dragochio
Russell Duo
Russell Malone
Russell Peters (Comedien)
Russell Sawler, Matt Hayes, Normand Maillet,
Russelll Dickerson
Russian Soul (Cheng 2 Duo)
Russl Dickerson
Russo/Benevento Duo
Rusted Dawn
Rustic Harmony
Rusty Water
Ruth Jenkins-John Stroud-Dave Taylor
Ruth Minnikin
Ruth Moody
Ruth Ross-Bob Chapman-Percy Benoit-and More
Ruthie Foster
Ryan and Aaron Crane
Ryan and Boyd MacNeil
Ryan and Maricon
Ryan Anderson
Ryan Bruce
Ryan Cook
Ryan Cook and Sunny Acres
Ryan Cook as Hank Williams
Ryan Dan
Ryan Doucette
Ryan Driver (Jazz Pianist)
Ryan Fisher
Ryan Langdon
Ryan LeBlanc
Ryan MacGrath
Ryan Merry
Ryan Schneider
Ryan The Intern From Q107-Classic Rock-DJ
Rylee Madison
S t. Patricks Potluck Caleigh
S. A. C. Songwriters Circle
S.G. Sinnicks
S.K. Bluegrass Band
Sabra MacGillivray
Sacha Williamson
Sackville Legion Music Night
Saddle River String Band
Sade and John Legend
Sahah Segal-Lazar
Sahra Featherstone
Said the Whale with Hollerado
Sailesh (Hypnotism)
Saints and Sinners
Salome Bey
Salt Licks
Salt Licks/The Wrong Planet Band
Salt Water Dollies
Saltwater Pirates
Saltwater Songs
Saltwater-Open Jam
Salute To Garth Brooks (Les Smith/Fresh Horses)
Salvation Army Silent Auction Fundraiser
Salvero w/Taylor Holden (Ont)
Sam Roberts
Sam Baker
Sam Broverman
Sam Carter
Sam Cash and the Romantic Dogs
Sam Coffey
Sam D'Entremont Saunders
Sam Hui
Sam Hunt
Sam MacDonald
Sam Moon
Sam Ramsay
Sam Rayner and Emille Sorrey
Sam Roberts and Adam Baldwin
Sam Roberts Band
Sam Saunders
Sam Turton-Jane Lewis-Eve Goldgerg
Sam White/Matthew Winkler
Samantha )'Dell
Samantha Arsenault (fiddler)
Samantha Gallant
Samantha Gracie
Samantha MacKay
Samantha Martin and Delta Sugar
Samantha Martin and The Haggard
Samantha O'Dell
Samantha Robichaud
Samantha Savage Smith (Calgary)
Sammy Kerhaw
Sammy Kershaw
Sammy Kershaw-Aaron Tippin-Collin Raye
Sammy Lugonia
Sammy Miller and The Congregation
Sam's School of Dance
Sams Steppers
Samshing Pumpkins and Marilyn Mason
Samuel Bourgeois
San Felix
Sandico Magone
Sandman - Metallica Tribute
Sandra and Ricky Jones & Family Members
Sandra Jones
Sandra Jones and Family
Sandra Jones and Sisters
Sandra Jones as June Carter
Sandra Lang
Sandra Le Couteur
Sandra McCaull, Kim Tuplin, Bobby MacLean
Sandra Shamas Book Launch
Sandy and Mary MacIntyre with Jeff Gosse
Sandy Horne
Sandy MacDonald
Sandy MacIntyre
Sandy MacIntyre and Steeped in Tradition
Sandy Morris
Sandy River Ramblers
Sanguine Glacialis with Eviscerator
Sanremo IV Edition
Santa at the Cuchulainn's
Santa Claus Parade
Santa Claus Parade B.B.Q. and Specialty Drinks
Santa Con Party
Santa Rehab Boxing Day Bash
Santa's Angels Holiday Fundraiser Music Showcase
Sappsyfest at The Spo
Sara Campbell & Island Jazz
Sara Eddie
Sara Evans
Sara Featherstone
Sara Grey (Scotland)
Sara Kamin/Jeffrey Straker
Sarah and Jeff Show
Sarah Burton
Sarah Calvert
Sarah Cripps
Sarah Eddie
Sarah Hagen
Sarah Harmer
Sarah Jenkins
Sarah Jenkins, Dennis Boudreau, Jimmy Townsend
Sarah Loucks with Sarah Sanford
Sarah McCoy (from New Orleans)
Sarah McLachlan
Sarah Morrison
Sarah Noni Metzner
Sarah Page
Sarah Sandford
Sarah Segal-Lazar
Sarah Silverman
Sarah Slean
Sarah Smith (London)
Sarah Thackray
Sarah Tharver Band
Sarah Wendt
Sarah, Sam and Nick
Sarurday Kitchen Parties
Saskatoon Children's Choir
Saskia and Darrel
Sass Jordan
Sat .Moosehead Blues Matinee
Satin Dolls
Saturday Afternoon Jam (Artists of All Styles)
saturday afternoon meat draw
Saturday Blues Matinee
Saturday Kitchen Party
Saturday Matinee
Saturday Night Band Stand
Saturday Night Blues
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live: Reunion Tour
Saturday Night Live-MusicPEI 2018
Saturday Night Oldies Dance
Saturday Night Oldies with Mike Cooper
Saturday Sea Shanties
Saul Food Trio
Saul Good Band
Saul Good Duo
Saunders Sisters (Isabelle and Danielle)
Save The Revue Benefit
Savoy Brown
Sawmill Road
Sawyer Brown
Scandinavian String Alliance
Scantily Plaid
Scarlett Jane
Scarlett, Washington and Whiteley
School Damage
Schooner Sessions with Trad Music
Scientists of Sound
Scoop Outs & Beach Bait
Scoop Turnbull/The Wrong Notes
Scorpions and Queneryche
Scot Garnier-
Scotia Bank Highland Dancing
Scotia Sunshine
Scott McNeil
Scott and Dale
Scott and Danny
Scott and Gerald Delhunty
Scott and Gerals Delhunty (Bouctouche, NB)
Scott Benson
Scott Cameron Smith
Scott Cameron Smith and Ariel Rogers
Scott Cook and Liz Stringer
Scott Dibble
Scott Doyle
Scott Doyle, JoeMacMillian, Nathan Waite, NeilMenz
Scott Driscoll
Scott Fox and DJ Mary D
Scott Garnier
Scott Helman
Scott Kay
Scott MacKay
Scott MacLeod
Scott MacMillan
Scott Macmillan and Brian Doyle
Scott MacMillan and Colin Grant
Scott McCord and The Bonafide
Scott McNeil
Scott McNeil and Kevin Gallant
Scott Medford
Scott Merritt
Scott Nolan
Scott Parsons
Scott Penfold (Q107 DJ)
Scott Shea
Scott Shea and Thom Swift
Scott Szeryk
Scott Thompson
Scott White
Scott White and The Duke Edward Band
Scott Woods
Scott Woods (Fiddler) - Old Time Christmas Show
Scott Woods and Naomi Bristow
Scott Woods Old Time Country Christmas 2019
Scott Woods Yee Haw Show
Scott Woods-Old Fashion Howdown
Scotties Tournament of Hearts Entertainment
Scottish Country Dancers
Scottish Fiddle Orchestra
Scotty and Linda Wells
Scotty Campbell
Scotty Campbell-Al Brisco-Paul Newell
Scotty McCreary
Scotty McNeil
Scratch 45
Screached Inn Band
Scream Literary Festival Gala
Screamer-Led Zeppelin Tribute
Screaming Black Cadillacs
Screaming Evil Blues
Screeched Inn
Scruj MacDuhk
Scull Kid and the Giants
Scuttered Nellies
Se Duggan (originally from Dublin)
Sea Perry (Ontario) Halloween Party
Sea Songs
Seaborn (Jason Martin and Ivan Hillier)
Seam (Mississauga)
Seamus and Eoin Begley
Seamus Grew (original Carlton Showband member)
Seamus Grew and Mike Quinn
Seamus Grew/mike Quinn
Sean Allen Battams
Sean Ashby
Sean Bourke Band
Sean Burns
Sean Conway
Sean Cotton
Sean Gray
Sean Hall
Sean Hogan
Sean Hogan Benefit (Many Country Music Artists)
Sean Kemp
Sean McCain (of Great Big Sea)
Sean MCCann
Sean Mooney
Sean O'Grady
Sean Panting
Sean Patrick McGraw
Sean Paul
Sean Peever
Sean Tyrell (Ireland)
Sean Tyrrell and Tommy Peoples from Ireland
Searching For Abegweit Island Songs and Stories
Searson Family
Seaside Villians and The Lifters (Ontario)
Seating Limited-Reserve Early
Seaview Folk Fest
Sebastian Maniscalco
Sebastien Grainger
Sechile Sedare ft Leela Gilday
Second Cousins
Second Nation
Second Wind (N.S.)
SEDL Brce Memorial Darts (Registration 12:30)
Seeger Sessions
Seinfeld Live
Selby Evans & AMP -Friends
Seldom Seen
Selective Soul
Selena Gomez
Seletive Soul
Seniors Dance
Seniors Resource Center Fundraiser
Sentimental Gentlemen
Seph Peters
Serena Pryne
Serena Ryder
Serge and Tom
Serge Gionet
Serge Kosticin
Seven Nations
Seventh Stone
Several Artists
Several Bluegrass Bands
Several PEI Music Artists
Sexy Dave and The Hot Sauce
SGSinnicks Trio
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart
Sha Na Na
Shades of Blue
Shades of Gold
Shades of Sorrow (NB)
Shadow of Stompin Tom
Shadow River
Shadow River Bluegrass Band
Shadows/Killer Dwarfs Member
Shady Lane Bluegrass Band
Shady Sessions with Presegay Mutiny and Ori Shalv
Shaina Twain
Shake Rattle and Soul
Shakedown Combo Performance, Ducky's
Shakura S'Aida
Shane Chisholm
Shane Cody
Shane Cook
Shane Cook and Jake Charron
Shane Douthwright
Shane High
Shane Hogan Comedien
Shane Koyczan
Shane Murphy
Shane Pendergast
Shane Yellowbird
Shania Twain
Shania Twain and Wes Mack
Shania Twain/Dolly Parton Tribute as well
Shania Twin (Trib. by Twains Twin Band)
Shank! Dueling Piano's
Shannon and Tony Quinn
Shannon Butcher
Shannon Gaye and Kristian Alexandrov
Shannon Lyon
Shannon Quinn
Shannon/Heather Slaughter/Country Clare-Alabama,US
Shanya Lynn and Homegrown
Shanya Lynn Dawson
Shape of A Girl
Share with Smothered in Hugs
Shari Ulrich
Sharon and Bram
Sharon Corr (of the Corrs)
Sharon Robinson
Sharon's Big Broadway Show
Shaun Ferguson
Shaun Leblanc
Shaun Majumder
Shawn Brush
Shawn Cotton
Shawn Desman
Shawn Hogan and Co. Comedy Nights
Shawn Hogan Comedien
Shawn Hook
Shawn Klush as ELVIS
Shawn Mendes
Shawn Phillips
Shawn William Clarke
Shawna Caspi (Ont)
Shawna Caspi and Alex Hickey
Shayfer James
She Roars, Westerberg Suicides, Coyote (Fred)
Shear Heart Attack
Sheena Easton
Sheep Dogs
Sheesham & Lotus
Sheesham and Lotus
Sheezer with Camp Radio
Sheila Ann Smith
Sheila Fitzpatrick
Sheila Fitzpatrick and Friends
Sheila Fitzpatrick and Jon Matthews
Sheila Fitzpatrick/Jocelyn MacDonald
Sheila Jordan/Yvette Tollar
Sheila Jorelan/Yvette Tollas
Sheila MacKenzie
Sheila MacKenzie and Jon Matthews
Sheila MacKenzieFitzpatrick and Lester Stubbert
Sheila Smith Band
Shelby Daizel (Dancer)
Shelby Lynne
Shelder the Electric Clamfish (B.C.)
Shelley Buffitt
Shelley Chase and Robin Ettles
Shelley Griffin and DanaLee Lynch
Shelley Griffin and Danalee Lynch-Veniot
Shelley Montreuel (Ont)
Shellfish Fest After Party
Shellfish Festival Entertainment
Shelly Berger
Shelly Campbell
Shelly Campbell and Guest
Shelly Campbell and Stephanie Wills
Shelly O'Brien
Shelly Rastin Band
Shelter with Thieves with Voices
Shelter With Thieves, Fugato, Death Valley Driver
Shelton and Eileen Hardy
Shennanigans Band (Rock)
Sherida Eastman
Sherman Doroney/Matthew Byrne
Sherman Downey
Sherman Downey & Matthew Byrne
Sherman Downey/Crush Luther/Michou
Sherman Downey-Karla Pilgrim-Shan Beresford
Shernan Downey/The Ambiguous Case
Sherra Rogers (Stepdancer)
Sherry Ryan
Sheryl Crow
Shetchbook MashUp
SHHH!! Ensemble
Shift 25 with Emillee Sorrey
Shine Blue Show for NS Autism
Shine: Support of Jim Fay Music Busary
Shine-Memory of Jim Fay
Ships and Giggles
Shirlene O'Brien
Shirlene O'Brien and Karissa Horne
Shirlene O'Brien/Linda Dunn
Shirley Albert
Shirley Jackson
Shirley Jackson and Her Good Rockin' Daddy's
Shivering Songs Festival- Frederction
Sho, Mo and The Monkey Bunch
Shomberg Fair
Shooter Jennings (Waylon's Son)
Shopkins Live
Shore To Shore (The Musical Migration)
Shores of Newfoundland
Short Leash
Shotgun Jimme
Shotgun Jimmie/Baby Eagle
Shotgun Wedding Band
Show and Shine 300 Harleys
show cancelled sat night due to weather
Showcase PEI
Showdown Saturdays
Showtime Karaoke with RICK
Shrimp Daddy
Shriners Fantasy Circus
Shucked In
Shuffle Demons
Shuffle Dreams
Siberian Orchestra
Sid Acharya Band
Side By Each
Side Hustle
Side Kicks
Sidline-Lost and Found-Salt and Light (US Acts)
Sidney Tork, Amy Thiesen and Kaley Bird
Sierra Club Wild Child Fundraiser
Sierra Noble/Kelin Watson
Signal Hill
Significant Digits
Sihaggac with Tybone Schlock
Silly Love Songs
Silly Robbie Live
Silly Robbie's World:Live
Silver Bullet/Bob Segar
Silver Hand
Silver Hearts
Silver Wings
Silver Wings Linda & Scotty Wells
Silver Wolf Band
Silvercreek Folk
Silverside-Trib. to Nickelback
Silverthorne Legion Jamboree
Silverwolf Band
Simon and Garfunkel Tribute
Simon and Garfunkle
Simon Daniel (NB)
Simon Leoza
Simon Townshend
Simon's Open Stage
Simple Plan
Simply Acoustic
Simply Blue
Simply Blue and Alan Balser
Simpsons Trivia
Sin City
Sin City Boys
Sing Noel (Choral)
Sing! Songs and Stories of Migration
Sing-a Long Sound of Music
Singalong Jubilee Celebration
Sing-along Mamma Mia
Sing-Along-Sound of Music
Singer Jazz Series
Singers, Pipers , Irish and Scottish Dancers
Singer-Songwriter Showcase
Singing Christmas Tree
Singles Dance
Sir Andrew Macphail Homestead-Orwell, PEI
Sir Real
Sirene et Matelot
Sirens:Into the Spin
SirReal and Guests
Sistehood of The Traveling Pants 2
Sister Jack
Sister Satellite with Birmingham
Sisters Euclid
Sisters of Sheynville
Six Guitars
Six Gun Smoke, Hemineglest. Rootabega, Blood Print
SK Bluegrass
SK Bluegrass Band
Skeleton Crew
Skerry Vorie
Skid Row
Skinners Pond Celidh
Skinny Leonard-Tribute(Leonard Skinard)
Skip Tracer
Skratch 45
Skratch Bastid
SKRRT SKRRT with Fatt Matt
Skull Kid and The Giants/Cyrus Quartet (NS)
Sky Family
Skye Wallace
Skye Wallace Ultra Suede Dom Fricot
Slaid Cleaves
Slainte Mhath
Slambovian Circus of Dreams
Slammer In The Hammer
Slash featuring Myles Kennedy
Slave Class, Taratomb and Uigg
Sleeping Beauty (The King & Queen)
Sleepless ,First To Fall, The Foresters
Sleepless Nights
Sleepy Driver
Slide To Freedom
Slim Chance
Slim Chance / Blue Horizon
Slim Chance and Blue Horizon
Slim Jm Phantom
Slim's Lucky #
Slim's Lucky Number
Slip 76
Slip Knot/Lamb of God/Bullet For My Valentine
Slip/Stephen Franke and The Noises (Toolshed)
Slippery When Wet-Trib. to Bon Jovi
Slocan Ramblers (Bluegrass)
Slouch with Sadukii
Slow Cooker
Slow Down Molasses and Jean Boots
Slowco Mike/Nudie/Crowdis Bridge
Slowcoaster (from Cape Breton)
Sly Violet
Smales Pace/Change of Pace
Small Glories
Small of My Heart Songwriters Circle
Small Town
Small Town Bass
Small Town Fundraiser
Small Town Jokurs
Small Town Pistols (Wilkinsons)
Smartless Tour LiveJason Bateman,Sean Hayes,WillA
Smile Robrie, Smile!
Smitten Family Band
Smoke and Mirrors
Smokey Mountain
Smokey Roads
Smokey Robinson and The Miracles
Smokin Countaband
Smooth Monkey
Smooth Sounds of The 70's
Smooth-Santan Tribute
Smothered In Hugs
Smothers Brothers
Snake Johnson
Snakebite Band
Sneezy Waters
SNFU with Ab irato
Snider and Finnegan
Sno-Ball Tournament Headquarters-Prov. Qualifier
Snooky Tynes Family Band
Snoop Dog
Snotty Nose Rez Kids
Snowbird Extravaganza
Snowbird Lifestyles
Snowed In Comedy Tour
Snowed In Comedy Tour
So Good Saturdays with Hot Dan
So Long Seven
So Retre
Soap Box (NB)
Soap Opera-Town House- Catalina-Reapers
Socan Songwriter of the Year -MusicPEI
Social Club Misfits
Social Cyanide
Social Gathering
Social Strife (Toronto)
Soda Blue
Soggy Bottom Boys
Soho Ghetto
Soldiers of Song
Solid Gold Dance Party
Solid Gold Halloween Show
Solid Work Gold Workout
Solid Workout and Leeroy James
Solidaridad Tango
Solo Piano Double Series
Solo Sessions
Sombody Loves You Mr Hatch
Some of the Best Jazz Artists
Something Country
Something Good
Something Something
Somgs For A Small Planet Songwriters Circle
Sommerset Steppers
Somthing Extra
Son Latino
Song Circle host Cory Gallant
Song Studio Faculty Concert
Song Studio Student Showcase
Songs for a Small Planet
Songs in the Key of Stevie Wonder
Songs of Bob Dylan
Songs of Fire-Live
Songs of Gordon Lightfoot
Songs of Johnny and June Cash
Songs of Laurel Canya
Songs of Nick Drake
Songs of Peace
Songs of Remberance
Songs of Remembrance
Songs of Ron Hynes-Many Artists
Songsmith Karaoke
Songwriter Circle of Hope
Songwriter Night
Songwriter of The Year 2017 Concert
Songwriter Show
Songwriters Cafe
Songwriters Cafe-Host Keith Thompson
Songwriters Circle
Songwriters Expo
Songwriters Sessions
Songwriters Unite-Host Russell Leon
Songwriting Workshop
Sonia Johnson
Sonic Curators
Sonic Playground
Sonny Boy Mick
Sonny Del Rio
Sons of Maxwell
Sons of Sirens (ON)
Sons of The Pioneers
Sons of the Rock
Sony Studio Songwriting Workshop
SoPA Winter Concert
SOPA Young Jazz and Funk Night
Sophia Ball (Storyteller)
Sophie Milman
Soriee Frye
SOS Scientists of Sound
Sou' West Bar Grill-New London Wharf, PEI
Soul Shaker -Funk/Soul and More
Soul Filter
Soul Filter w/ Will Allen
Soul Flter Acoustic Jam
Soul Food Trio
Soul Funkshow
Soul Funkshun
Soul Mates
Soul Parol/Peter Savoy
Soul Patrol/Peter Savoy
Soul Providers
Soul Pursuit
Soul Reason Review
Soul Searchers Ceilidth
Soul Session
Souled Out
Souled Out-Elvis Tribute
Soulful of Funk
Soulful Sunday
Sound Minds Band
Sounds For The Soul-Music PEI
Sounds of Jazz
Sounds of Summer-Host TRANSITION
Sounds of The Island-Old Home Week
Sounds of the Seaaon
Sounds Off Cape Breton (High School Students)
Souris Songs
South Bound Sinners
South Mountain with Kurk Bernard
South ThunderBird
Southern Belle
Southern Comfort
Southern Drifters
Southern Drive
Southern Reign
Southern Sky
Southside Johnny and The Poor Fools
Sowelu Trunk Show and Sale
Space Bud
Space Monkey-classic tunes
Space Monkey-Stage Vision Party
Spaghetti Dinner
Spank The Fifty Shades Parody
Speaking in tongues
Special Celebration of Keith Whitley's Music
Special Celebration To Conway Twitty/Loretta Lynn
Special Celebration To Keith Whitley/Lorrie Morgan
Special Consensus
Special Dance Upstairs-With TheBay Boys
Special Dance with Crystal Creek $10 with Lunch
Special Dance/ Boyz From The Rock-Jiggs Dinner $15
Special Event
Special Fundraiser for Birthright PEI
Special Guest Tara McLean
Special Guest-Derek Pilgrim
Special Guest-Michael T Wall
Special Guests
Special Olympics Awards
Special St Patricks Dinner
Speed and Chris Carson
Speed Control
Spencer and Mark Phillips
Spencer Soloduka
Spencer Soloduka with Teach Me Equals
Spice of Life
Spinal Cracker
Spinback Charity Event DJ Method, Dekz//Hot Dan
Spinney Brothers (Bluegrass)
Spirit of Ireland
Spirit of Rcck and Roll
Spirit of The Dance
Spirits of Elvis Presley Tribute
Splash N Boots
Split Lips (NS)
Spoiled Rotten
Sponge Bob Smarty Pants
Spook Organa!
Spookey Ruben (TO)
Spooky Kids
Spooky Moon-Nathan Caswell-Harmony Trowbridge
Sportin' Jenny
Sports Banquet Dinner/Dance ($20)
Spotlight Theatre Presents Nutcracker
Sprag Session
Sprag Session CD Release
Sprao- (Pat Simmons and Friends)
Spraoi (Pat Simmonds, Kelly Hood, Greig Cairns)
Spring & Tonic with Josh Ellis
Spring Fling Country Fest
Spring Heel Jack
Spring Levee and Not 10PM
Spring Rise 2001 (Various Performers)
Spring Rise-2nd Annual-Meteors/Many Guests
Springfest-Divorcees-Ellis Family-Joey Kitson
Spunktrixx and Tinman
Square Dance
Square Dance and Tunes
Squid-The Evolution
SRV Experience
St Paddy's Day-All Day Celebration
St Paddy's Day Celebration
St Paddy's Day Medley
St Patricks Concert
St. Patrick's With Perry Batton
St. Mary's Anglican Church, Summerside, PEI
St. Paddy's Bash
St. Paddy's Day Hoedown
St. Patrick's All Day Celebrations
St. Patricks Ceilidh
St. Patricks Celebration
St. Patrick's Day with Pat Simmons
St. Patrick's Dinner & Dance
St. Paul's Church Jazz Series-Charlottetown PEI
Stabbing Joy
Stabbing Joy, The Royal North, Calm Baretta
Stacey Earle and Mark Stuart
Stacey Zeger
Stacy Read and Guests
Stadacona Band (Teddy Bear Fundraiser)
Stag and Mane
Stage and Dinner Event
Stage Fright
Stairs and Bolton
Stairway to Zeppelin by The Return
Stairway to Zeppelin Returns
Stan Carew
Stan Chapman
Stan Rogers Celebration
Stan Rogers Musical Revue
Stan Rogers Tribute
Stand Up Comedy Night
Stanley Brothers
Star - Chasers
Star Chasers
Star Search-David Foster Presents
Star Tracks Karaoke Show
Stardust Duo
Starlings Choir
Starlites (Dave Whalean)
Stars of Treehouse
Stars On Ice
Starship (Mickey Thomas)
State Ballet Theatre of Russia
State of Shock
Static in Action
Steady Swagger
Steak and Lobster Dinner and Dance
Steak Barbecue-6 - 8 pm
Steak&LobsterDinner in the Banquet Hall 630 PM
Steel City Band
Steel City Rovers
Steel Country
Steel Horse Gypsies
Steel Magnolias (Robert Harling's Play )
Steel Panther
Steel Rail
Steely Dan and Steve Winwood
Steeped In Tradition
Steers and Queers
Stella Panacci and James Quinn
Stella Panacci and Ladybird
Stem to Stern
Stepdance Workshop
Stepdancers (Juliette Roberts and Cameron Francis)
Stephanie & The Scots
Stephanie and Johnny Ross
Stephanie Beaumont
Stephanie Braganza.
Stephanie Cadman
Stephanie Hardy
Stephanie MacKay
Stephanie Mainville/Kevin Fox
Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Rose
Stephen Ambrose-Guest of Robbie Lane
Stephen Bowers and Keith Mollins
Stephen Fearing
Stephen Fisher
Stephen Guy -McGrath
Stephen Kabakos
Stephen Kabakos-Elvis Wonderful World of Christmas
Stephen Lewis
Stephen Lewis and The Big Band of One
Stephen MacIssac
Stephen Page (Bare Naked Ladies)
Stephen Perry
Stephen Perry (fiddler)
Stephen Szwarc
Stephen Szwarts
Sterling Baker
Steve Ambrose (Guest)
Steve and Debbie Gulley (USA)
Steve and Mikey from Slowcoaster
Steve and Page
Steve Arsenault
Steve Bell
Steve Bowers
Steve Briggs
Steve Brockley Band/Ever Lovin Jug Band
Steve Chaisson
Steve Chisholm
Steve Dawson
Steve Dickinson
Steve Dylan
Steve Earle and The Dukes
Steve Forbert
Steve Fortune
Steve Fox
Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen
Steve Goldberger
Steve Goldberger-
Steve Grisbrooke
Steve Grismore
Steve Gulley
Steve Hill
Steve James
Steve Ketchen
Steve Ketchen and The Kensington Hillbillys
Steve Ketchen-Matt Masters-Frank Nevada
Steve Lambeke of the Constantines/Ariel/Mathias
Steve Lee Olsen
Steve lil Band
Steve MacDougall (of Slowcoaster)
Steve Maillet
Steve Maloney and The Wandering Kind
Steve Marriner
Steve Martin and Martin Short
Steve Miller Band
Steve O'Donoghue (Jam Night Outside Deck)
Steve Paul Simms
Steve Payne
Steve Pendergast
Steve Perry
Steve Petrie
Steve Pineo Trio/Steve Fisher Trio
Steve Piticco and Friends
Steve Poltz
Steve Poltz/Keats Sisters/Daniel John Abrahamson
Steve Poly
Steve Raiken
Steve Rivers
Steve Schwartz
Steve Sharratt
Steve Sinnicks
Steve Sinnicks (trio)
Steve Somers
Steve Strongman Band
Steve Szwarc
Steve Taylor
Steve Waylon
Steve Wright
Steve Wright Band
Steve Zaat
Steven Bowers
Steven Gallant/Brian Cooper
Steven Lee Olsen
Steven Ma and Susanna Kwan
Steven MacDougall
Steven Matthews Band
Steven Newman Tribute by Darcy & Tom Petty
Steven Page (Former From Bare Naked Ladies)
Steven Poltz and Danny Michel
Steven Travis Auld
Stevens Grove
Stevie G
Stevie GeeBees
Stevie Ray Vaughan Experience
Stevie Ray Vaughn (Could Not Stand the Weather)
Stevie Wonder
Stew Hooey, Violet Ray
Stewart Cameron and friiends
Stewart Legere
Sticky Bandits (NB)/Christopher Robyn
Sticky Fingers
Sticky Honey
Stiff Family
Still Rock 'N' Roll
Still Smokin' (Blues/Jazz Band)
Still Standing Comedy Show
Stir Fry
Stogies (Halifax)
Stolen Goods Tribute Band
Stolen Roans
Stompin Tom Connors
Stompin' Tom Connors
Stompin' Tom Connors Tribute
Stompin' Tom Festival
Stompin' Toms 80th Birthdy Celebration
Stone Mary
Stone Temple (Trib. by Crakerman Band)
Stone Temple Pilots
Stonehouse Brother
Stonehouse (NS)
Stonewall Jackson
Stoney and Friends Country Music Jamboree
Storey-Rogers Family Concert
Stories and Songs of Stomin Tom
Stories and Songs of Stompin' Tom
Stories and Songs of Stompin' Tom Connors
Story of The Dubliners
Story Show
Story Tellers-Denny King, Gary Evans
Story-Rogers Family From Rustico
Story's Birthday with Uncle and Dystheism
Storyteller Nils Ling
Storyteller's Circle
Storytellers Festival with host Evalyn Parry
Storytellers-David Weale, Erskine Smith,D Morrisey
Storytelling Workshop
Straight Shooter
Strange Boys
Strange Days-Doors Tribute
Strange Fruit Trio
Stranger-Trib. to Foreigner
Stratford PEI Community Choir (Christmas Concert)
Strathspey Place 10th Celebration
Stratton & Kays
Straw Daawgs
Strawberry Shortcake with The Doodlebops
Street Youth Legal Services Benefit
Strip and Dunfor
Strongboy (NS)
Struck With The Stogies
Strumbellas (Toronto)
Strunz and Farah
Stuart Cameron
Stuart Elliot
Stuart MacLean
Stuart McLean/The Joe Trio
Stuart Wilson
Stubby Longfellow
Student Night Kick-off Party
Student Silent Disco Night
Studio 115
Sub Sessions
Sublime Tribute band
Suburban Outlaws
Sue Foley
Sue Newberry and the Law
Suffering Bastards
Sugar Bomb-Party Rock
Sugar Daddies-Top 40 Rock, R and B
Sugar Jack
Sugar Plum Croxen
Sugar Sammy
Sugercaine-Loveliest Skies-Peter Panthers
Suicide Prevention Concert
Sultans of String
Sum 41
Summer Cabaret Concert
Summer Dance Party
Summerfolk Send-Off
Summerside Int. School Christmas Band Concert
Summerside Inter. School Band Concert
Summerside School of Dance
Summerside Wellness Center
Summertime Revue Reunion
Summeside Int. School Choir
Sun K (Ont)
Sun Nan Live 08
Sunday Blues Matinee
Sunday Drive
Sunday Gospel Lunch
Sunday Jamboree
Sunday Jazz Brunch
Sunday Morning Breakfast
Sunday Music Jam
Sunday Music Matinee
Sunday Night Hoedowns
Sunday Night Shenanigan and Ceilidh
Sunday Punch
Sunday Sinners
Sunparlour Players
Super 22nd Annual Fiddle Show
Super Bowl Party
Super Fiddle Show
Super Freaks Disco
Super Garage
Super Secret Show
Super Show & Album Launch
Super Tuesday
Superball Party Football PEI
Supernatural Buffalo (ONT) w/ Isle of Ease (NF)
Superstars of Pop
Supertramp Experience
Suppertime Music
Suppertime Music:Allan Cameron and Friends
Suppertime Music:Melody and Derrick Cameron
Suppertime Music:Robbie and Isaac Fraser
Support Our Troops Benefit
Surant Dance-Family Portrait
Sure Things
Surf and Turf Fathers Day Dinner
Surf and Turf with Live Entertainment
Surprise Festival Performers
Surrender (Saint John)
Susan Aglukark
Susan Campbell
Susan Cogan and The Weeds
Susan Crowe
Susan Cunningham
Susan O'Neill
Susan Petrie and Frank Whitty
Susan Pitre and Friends
Susan Toman and Dawn Bailey
Susan Werner
Susan Werner/Chris Whiteley
Susie Arioli
Sussex Avenue Fiddlers
Suzana Da Camarao and Her Company of Men
Suzanne Doyle
Suzanne O
Suzanne Summers
Suzie Q Grooves
Suzie Grooves and Company
Suzie LeBlanc and Friends
Suzie McNeil
Suzie Mcneil and Sean Cotton
Suzie McNeil-Guest of Robbie Lane
Suzie Ungerleider & Caroline Marie Brooks
Suzie Vinnick
Suzy Bogguss
Suzy Ray and Mr. Jim Williams
Swamp River
Swamperella with Ball and Chain
Swartzy and The Captain
Sweater Puppets with Mike Schotton
Sweater Puppets-Retro 70's and 80's
Sweatshop Union
Sweet Alibi (MB)
Sweet Caroline Tour
Sweet Daddy
Sweet Daddy Siki
Sweet Dragon
Sweet Grass with Story Allegory
Sweet Inspirations
Sweet Lowdown
Sweet Rosie-Andrew Sisters Act-Special Valentines
Sweet Tequila- Randy J. Martin and Band
Sweetheart Jim and The Brother Grim
Sweetheart Valentine's Dance
Sweethearts Dance (Mainland Kitchen Party)
Swells and Wayne T Hill
Swift Kick Tribute to Taylor Swift
Swingin Black Jacks (Rockabilly Trio)
Swingin' Into Christmas
Swinging Bells
Swinging Dance Party (Free Lessons)
Swinging Door Wednesdays
Swinish Multitude
Sylvia Tyson
Symphony Nova Scotia
Symply Skynyrd
System Of A Doron
Syteve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen
Szwarc and Marvin Birt
Szwarcy and The Captan
T Buck
T Nile
T. O. Soul Revival
T. Thomason
T. Thomason, Lucas Silveira, Joce Reyome
Taketa Taketa
Tal Bachman
Talent Showcase
Tales and Legends/Sirens
Tales and Tunes
Talia Schlanger with Benny Von
Tamara Steele, Colleen MacQuarrie
Tambura Rasa
Tamin Thunder
Tammy and Jay Roy
Tammy Lynn Laney and Bruce MacEwen
Tammy Oakley
Tanglefoot Untangled Christmas Show
Tango Whiskey
Tania Thomas
Tannahill Weavers
Tanner Gaudet
Tanner Gaudet & Evan Rayner
Tanner Gaudet-Norman Perry-Jerome Arsenault
Tannis Slimmon
Tanya and Vlad & The House Band
Tanya Davis
Tanya Davis-
Tanya Davis-Catherine McLellan-Joanne MacKell
Tanya Tucker
TapErie (James Devine/Ashley MacIssac)
Tara Beir & The Silverhorns
Tara Hazelton
Tara MacLean
Tara O'Connor
Tara Oram
Tara Spencer
Tartan Terrors
Taste of Tantrama Sackville NB
Taunted By Girls
Taw Connors (Tom's Son)
Taxi Chain
Taylor & Dennis
Taylor & Landry
Taylor Bruce
Taylor Buote
Taylor Burton
Taylor Johnson (Vernon River, PEI)
Taylor Jordan
Taylor Made Band
Taylor Mitchell
Taylor Swift
Taylor Tomlinson
Tea Caddy Rolls
Tea Party
Team Diabetes Celtic Music Night (Many Artists)
Tears For Fears
Tears of A Thousand Years Benefit Concert
Tebey and Steven Lee
Tech N9 nc and Krizz K Aliki
Ted Hawkins (Scotty Campbell Band)
Ted J. Simmons
Ted Kennedy
Ted Michaels Fusion Band
Ted Nugent
Ted Outerbridge (Magician)
Ted Peters, Cathy Jackman, Matthew Allain
Teddy Bear Christmas
Teddy Leonard
Tedeschi Trucks Band
Tedworth Brothers
Teen Dance (12-18 yrs.) Upstairs /DJ
Teen Halloween Party
Teibute To Louis Prima and Kelly Smith
Telstars R/R Band
Temple (top 40)
Temple and Silvercoil
Temple Piolets and Tyler Bryant
Temptations Reviewed (Dennis Edwards)
Ten Mile House
Ten Minute Detour (AB)/ Band of Thieves
Ten Second Epic/DangererousSummer/BrighterBrightes
Ten String Circus
Ten Strings and A Goat Skin
Ten Tenors
Tena Palmer
Tenative Tribe (Ghost)
Tenille Arts
Tenille Townes
Tennessee Three(Johnny Cash's Band)
Tent McClellan
Tera Lee
Teresa Doyle
Tereza Tomek and Samantha Scott
Terra Hazelton
Terra Lightfoot (BC)
Terra Spencer
Terrance Jack/Stabbing Joy
Terri Clark and Kira Isabella
Terri Clark
Terry and Wayne
Terry Baker
Terry Dunford, Dino and Friends, Phase ll
Terry Dunsford
Terry Eldredge/Bobby Nicholas
Terry Fator
Terry Gillespie and The Granary Band
Terry Gillespie/Danny Marks
Terry Hatty
Terry Kavanach
Terry Kelly
Terry Melanson
Terry Parsons
Terry Penney
Terry Skehans
Terry Sumsion
Terry Tufts
Terry Whalen Band
Terry Young (Tanglefoot)/Rob Ritchie(ex tanglefoot
Tessa Mossey (dancer, comedienne, singer)
Teteault and Scarfone (Classical Cello and Piano)
Tetreault and Scarfone
Texas Blues/Tightrope
Texas Friends
Texas Rebels
TGIF Whaleskin
Thane Dunn
Thane Dunn (Elvis 40th Anniversary of His Death)
Thane Dunn and The Cadillac Kings
Thane Dunn's 40th Anniversary Elvis Memorial
Thane Dunn's Christmas Special
Thane Dunn's Christmas With The (King Elvis)
Thane Dunn's Elvis-The Comeback King
Thank You For Being A Friend
Thanksgiving Ceilidh
Thanksgiving Dinner and Dance
Thanksgiving Gospel Ceilidh with Jacinta Maconald
That 1 Guy
That 70's Band
That Canadian Guy
Thatcher Mackay
Thats 80's Show
That's 90's Night
That's What She Said (Comedy)
Thaw in the Dead of Winter Fundraiser
Thayne Campbell
the Pepper Shakers
The Rumdevils
Theater (Johnny & June)
Them Barrens
Theme Night Vampire Weekend
Theodore Horner Combo
Theory of A Deadman
Theory of The Deadmaan
Theresa Currie, George Gabby Costain
Theresa Doyle
Theresa Malenfant
Theresa Malenfant & Scott Medford
Theresa Malenfant and Katey Day
Theresa Malenfant and Scott MacLeod
Theresa Malenfant and the Instigators
Theresa Sokyrka /Drea MacDonald
These Dreams-A Night of Heart
These Kids Wear Crowns
Think Freud-Pink Floyd Tribute
Third Degree
Third Eye Blind
Third Step
Thirity Aught Six (NS)
Thirsty Sailors
Thirsty Thrsdays
Thirsty Thursdays
Thirty Candles
This Frontier Needs Heroes
This Is The Shoes and Corey Abell
This Ship
This Ship, HFX, Colour Code, Story
This Town is Small Presents
Thne Dunn and The Cadillacs
Thom Bresh
Thom Swift
Thomas Baxter-Thoughtcontrol
Thomas Harrington
Thomas Harrington and Ward macDonald
Thomas Harrington and Zakk Cormier
Thomas Kovacs
Thomas MacCallum (NS)
Thomas Rhett
Thomas Stajcer
Thomas Swift
Thomas Wade
Thomas Webb, Mak Gedden, Mike Arsenault
Thorn and Roses
Thornhill Cruisers Present Special Car Show
Thorp Craig Goodick
Thought Beneath Film (Hamilton)
Thousand Horses
Thread (featuring Gord Deppe from the Spoons)
Threat Level
Three Bands
Three Bob Night
Three Bob Night/Painted Pony
Three Dads
Three Davids
Three Dog Night
Three Dollar Dance Party
Three Finger Shot
Three Finger Shot-Calgary
Three Good Men in Concert
Three Kings of The Blues Tribute
Three Kings of The Blues-B.B.,Freddie and Albert
Three Metre Day
Three PianosAaron Lewis/Johnny Aucoin/Sephen Muise
Three R Revolution
Three Sheet
Three Tellers
Thrill Billies
Thristy Rangers
Throne to the Wolves
Throw Back Dance Party
Thunder Boogie
Thunder Canyon with Maurice Bellemere
Thunder Cove
Thunder From Down Under-Rama
Thunderclap (Ont)
Ti Lascio Una Canzone
Tia McGraff
Tian Wigmoe-Nick Gauthier-Rob Oakie-Remi Arsenault
Tian Wigmore
Tian Wigmore and Nick Gauthier
Tif Ginn
Tiffany Liu
Tiger Sharks
Tight Rope
Tignish Dinner Theatre Inc.
Tiller Creek (formerly Just Cause)
Tillers Folly
Tim & Abi
Tim Allen
Tim and Alie
Tim and Pat
Tim and The Glory Boys
Tim Archer
Tim Baker
Tim Booths Toronto Art Orchestra
Tim Bovaconti
Tim Bradford and Blue Motels
Tim Buckley
Tim Chaisson
Tim Chaisson and Morning Fold
Tim Chaisson Family and Friends Christmas Ceilidh
Tim Chaisson, Allan Dewar, Brent Chaisson
Tim Chaisson, Nathan Wiley, Emillee Sorrey
Tim Chaisson/Tian Wigmore/Gordon Belsher
Tim Christopher
Tim Christopher/Mel/The Shadow Riders
Tim Conway
Tim Edey
Tim Gibbons
Tim Graves and Cherokee
Tim Hamel Quartet
Tim Hamming
Tim Harrison
Tim Hebert and Borderline
Tim Hewie
Tim Hicks
Tim Hicks, Cold Creek Country, Jason Benoit
Tim Hicks, Jason Benoit, Cold Creek Country
Tim Hus
Tim Hus and Billy MacInnis
Tim Hus Country Band (From Calgary)
Tim Kelly
Tim Kennedy & Dennis Conn
Tim Kennedy (special guest from Toronto)
Tim Kennedy and The Roadhouse Boys
Tim Louis
Tim MacPherson
Tim McGraw
Tim McGraw/Faith Hill
Tim Melanson
Tim Moxam
Tim Moxam & Liz Stringer
Tim Moxam and Blue Sky Miners (TO)
Tim O'Brien
Tim O'Brien/Byran Sutton
Tim Posgate
Tim Ryan
Tim Sanders Band
Tim Splinter in Song and Story
Tim Tamashiro
Tim Vallillee
Tim Woodcock Band
Tim, Kevin, Peter, Brent Chaisson
Timberland Express
Time Between
Time Bradford and The Bandits with Tim Meadows
Time Machine
Timeless Highway Bluegrass Band
Timothys Silent Auction
Timpurinoi (Romanian Band)
Tin Pan North
Tin Pan North 2003 Songwriters
Tin Pan North 7th Annual Festival (many artists)
Tin Pan North Open Mic Party
Tina Turley
Tina Turner
Tin-ear-Allyson Blush & Feelings
Tinsley Ellis
Tiny Moving Parts
Tip To Tip Hoedown
Tip'er Back Christmas
Tipper Back Ceilidh Band
Tipsy Eve Party (Many Artists)
Tis Season2-Bette MacDonald/Maynard Ferguson
Tis The Season 3-Bette MacDonald
'Tis The Season 6
Tis The Sesoon 14
Tme Impala
TMZ Dance Party
To Chernobyl With Love (Benefit Concert)
Toad The Wet Sprocket
Toast and Jam Night
Toby Keith
Todd and Chris
Todd Gallant
Todd MacLean
Todd MacLean and Courtney Hogan-Chandler
Todd MacLean and Cynthia MacLeod
Todd MacLean and Gordon Belsher
Todd MacLean/Emma Gallant
Todd Nolan
Toeonto Children's Chorous-A Chorus Christmas
Tofu Stravinsky/Mindwaves
Toggles British Invasion
Togles British Invasion
Tokyo Police Club
Tom Allen
Tom Barlow
Tom Chapin
Tom Cochrane
Tom Eldridge
Tom Fleming
Tom Fun Orchestra (Cape Breton)
Tom Green
Tom Hayfron
Tom Jackson
Tom Jones
Tom Leadbeater
Tom Leighton
Tom Leighton and Friends
Tom Leighton/Conrad Kipping
Tom Lewis
Tom McSwiggan, Nathan Condon, Samantha Mackay
Tom Moxam
Tom O'Rourke- DJ
Tom O'Rourke-DJ (In The Club Room)
Tom Paxton
Tom Petty and The Heartbreaks
Tom Petty Tribute
Tom Rich
Tom Rush
Tom Russell
Tom Savage
Tom Segura
Tom Sweeny
Tom Terrell
Tom Terrell, Rachel Sermanni, Dylan Menzie
Tom Waits Songbook
Tom Wilson
Tomas Kuginels
Tomato Tomato
Tommy Castro & The Painkillers
Tommy Emmanuel
Tommy Gauthier
Tommy Green
Tommy Hunter
Tommy James and The Shandells
Tommy James and The Shondells
Tommy Makem
Tommy Rot
Tommy Russell, Mary Gauthier, Gretchen Peters
Tommy Stinson
Tommy Youngsteen
Tone Dogs
Tonella (NB)
Tony & Darren
Tony Bennett
Tony Bird
Tony Gouveia
Tony Lee
Tony McManus
Tony O'Brien
Tony Orlando
Tony Paglia
Tony Pogila
Tony Prior
Tony Quarrington and David Newland
Tony Quinn
Tony Reddin
Tony Sharpe
Tony Smith/Soul Finesse
Tony Springer
Tonya Kennedy
Too Many Dj's w/Komah
Too Nice (Ontario)
Tool Tribut
Top 20 with Jakt
Top 40 Dance Parties in The Cave
Top 40-A and A
Top 40-A is A
Top Toronto DJ'S ((Upstairs)
Torbay NL 250 Celebration
Toronto Children's Chorus-A Chorus Christmas
Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival
Toronto Drug Treatment Fundraiser
Toronto Firefighters Calendar Male Review
Toronto Independent Music Awards
Toronto Irish Players Benefit
Toronto Mendelssohn Choir (Festival of Carols)
Toronto Poetry Slam
Toronto Revel
Toronto Songbook Vol 4
Toronto Songwriters Festival
Toronto Soul Revival
Toronto Storytelling Festival
Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Toronto Women's Sword (Benefit )
TorQ Percussion Ensemble
Tortise Hare/Matt Steele/TCS/Backstays
TOSH Popular Music Performance
Totally Committed-Trib-The Committments
Toto Cutugno
Tourist Company (BC)/Adam Hanney and Co (MN)
Tower of Power
Town Hall Criers
Town Hereos with The Stogies
Town Heroes
Town Heroes with Muke Biggar
Town Pants
Townhouse Tavern-Sudbury
Toyna Kennedy
Toys For Tots Blues Fundraiser
Tppl Tribut
Tracadie Community Center PEI
Trace Adkins
Tracey Dares and Paul MacNeil
Tracey Dares-MacNeil
Tracey Gallant Duo
Tracy Arsenault's musicians and dancers
Tracy Bird
Tracy Dares
Tracy K and The Right Hand Blues Band
Tracy Lawrence and Mark Chesnutt
Tracy Millar
Tracy Morgan
Trad. Irish and Appalachian Music Concert
Trading Post
Traditional M'kmaq Drum Group
Traditional Music Session
Traditional Session
Traditional Weber Country Christmas Week-end
Tragically Hip
Tragically Hip (Trib. by Wheat Kings)
Tragically Hip Tribute
Trailer Park Boys
Trailside Cabaret Series
Trailside Music Hall Kitchen Party
Trailside's 20th Anniversary Show
Train with The Fray and Matt Nathanson
Train Wreck
Train, Jewel & Blues Traveler
Trans Canada Highway Men
Transatlantic Zodiac Ensemble
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Trash Bling Sisters
Travis Cormier
Travis Denning
Travis Hatcher and The Big Wide Hurt
Travis Tritt
Tre Sutherland Trio
Treasures and Friends
Treble Makers
Treble With Girls
Tree Huggers Ball
Trent McClellan Laugh Every Day Tour
Trent Severn
Trenton MacKinnon
Tres Hombres
Tresa Levasseur/Rachelle Van Zantan
Trevor Alguire
Trevor and Eric
Trevor and Mark
Trevor Cameron
Trevor Campbell
Trevor Doucette
Trevor Dunphy and Trevor Chaisson
Trevor Leager
Trevor Mills
Trevor Mills/Open Stage
Trevor Mills-Eve Goldberg-Evalyn Parry
Trevor Mills-Host of New Foundation Monthly Show
Trevor Noah
Trevor Wade and John Cane
Trews Acoustic Trio
Triatan legg
Tribe Royal (Ont)
Tribte to Billy Joel with Lee Frantz
Tribue To Elvis Costello
Tribute Night
Tribute Show-Beatles and Stones
Tribute To Ed Sheeran
Tribute To ABBA (Dancing Queen)
Tribute to AC/DC
Tribute to Aerosmith
Tribute to Alan Jackson
Tribute to Alanis Morissett & No Doubt
Tribute To Amy Winehouse
Tribute To Anne Murray
Tribute to April Wine
Tribute to Beach Boys/Beatles/Bee Gees/Motown
Tribute to Big Shiny Tunes
Tribute to Billy Joel
Tribute to Black Sabbath
Tribute To Blink 182 and No Doubt
Tribute To Bob Dylan
Tribute to Bob Seger
Tribute to Bonnie Raitt
Tribute to Bruce Cockburn
Tribute To Bruce Springsteen
Tribute to Bruno Mars
Tribute To Bryan Adams
Tribute To Burt Bacharack
Tribute To Carole King Songbook
Tribute to Carrie Underwood
Tribute To Celine Dion
Tribute To Chicago (by Brass Transit)
Tribute To Chuck Berry
Tribute to Classic Rock (Loaded Dice)
Tribute To Colin James
Tribute To Conway Twitty
Tribute To Country Music-Brooks-McGraw-Urban
Tribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival
Tribute To David Bowie
Tribute to Dolly Parton
Tribute to Don Messer and His Islanders
Tribute to Duran Duran with The Reflex
Tribute To Ed Bickert
Tribute to Elton John
Tribute To Elvis (Thane Dunn/Cadillac Kings)
Tribute To Elvis Presley
Tribute To Etta James
Tribute to Eva Cassidy
Tribute To Father Leo Campbell
Tribute To Favorites
Tribute To Fleetwood Mac
Tribute to Frankie Valli and The 4 Seasons
Tribute To Fraser Finlayson
Tribute To Freddie Mercury
Tribute To Garth Brooks
Tribute To Gene MacLennan
Tribute to George Jones
Tribute To Grateful Dead
Tribute to Great Big Sea
Tribute To Guns & Roses
Tribute to Highway Men
Tribute to Hotel California
Tribute to Jackson Brown
Tribute to James Taylor
Tribute to Jeff Heley
Tribute To Jesse Winchester
Tribute to Jimmy Buffett
Tribute To John Finley
Tribute to John Lennon
Tribute to John Prine
Tribute to Johnny Cash
Tribute to Joni Mitchell
Tribute to Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel
Tribute To Keith Urban
Tribute to Kenny & Dolly
Tribute To Kiss
Tribute To Lady Singersof Our Century
Tribute To Lainey Wilson
Tribute To Last Waltz
Tribute to Led Zepplin
Tribute To Legends of Country Music
Tribute to Leonard Cohen
Tribute To Levon Helm
Tribute to Linda Ronstadt
Tribute to Loretta Lynn
Tribute To Merle Haggard
Tribute to Michael Buble
Tribute to Muddy and The Wolf
Tribute To Muddy Waters and Howlin Wolf
Tribute to Neil Diamond
Tribute To Neil Young
Tribute To Neil Young (Frank Wilks)Buffalo S/Field
Tribute to Nickleback
Tribute to Oscar Peterson
Tribute To Patsy Cline
Tribute To Paul McCartney
Tribute to Pearl Jam
Tribute To Pete Seger
Tribute To Pink Floyd
Tribute To Queen
Tribute to Queen and Meatloaf
Tribute To Ray Price
Tribute To Red Hot Chili Peppers
Tribute To Rita MacNeil
Tribute To Rita MacNeil-Now The Bells Ring
Tribute to Rock and Roll Legends
Tribute to Rod Stewart
Tribute To Ron Hynes
Tribute to Roy, Connie, Jerry and Elvis
Tribute To Rush
Tribute To Shaina Twain
Tribute To Shania Twain
Tribute To Simon and Garfunkel
Tribute to Steel Delta Blues
Tribute to Stevie Wonder
Tribute To Stompin' Tom Birthday Party
Tribute to Stompin' Tom by Chad Matthews
Tribute To Stompin Tom with Chad Matthews
Tribute To Talking Heads
Tribute To Taylor Swift
Tribute To Taylor Swift by Copycat
Tribute to Taylor Version
Tribute To The Beach Boys
Tribute to The Beatles
Tribute To The Beatles (by The Caverners)
Tribute To The Bee Gee's
Tribute To The Carpenters
Tribute To The Dixie Chicks
Tribute to The Dorsey Brothes
Tribute To The Eagles
Tribute to The Guess Who
Tribute To The History of The Eagles
Tribute To The Killers
Tribute to The Legends: George-Merle-Buck Sept 8-
Tribute To The Music of Anne Murray
Tribute To The Pogues
Tribute To The Rolling Stones
Tribute To The Spice Girls
Tribute To The Travelling Willbury's
Tribute to Tina Turner
Tribute to Tom Jones, Engelbert H, Neil Diamond
Tribute to Tom Petty
Tribute to Tom Petty, Neil Young, Bruce Springsten
Tribute to Tom Waites
Tribute To Tom Waits
Tribute to Tragically Hip
Tribute To Tragically Hip (by Wheat Kings)
Tribute To Tragically Hip-Adams Eve/Swift Kick
Tribute to Tyler Childers
Tribute to Van Morrison
Tribute To Warren Zevon
Tribute to Willie P Bennett
Tribute to Women of Country Music
Tribute to Zac Brown
Tribute to Zach Bryan
Tribute tp Bob Marley
Trigger Effect
Trinity Bradshaw
Trio Canoe
Trio Jazz & Friends
Trio Tangere
Trio-Kevin Chaisson, Louise MacKinnon,
Triople Aces
Trip and Adjust The Facts
Triple Aces
Triple Fantasy Thursday's
Triple Treat
Tripping Lily
Trish Kerr and The Divas
Trish Robb
Trisha Yearwood
Tristan Horncastle
Tristan Legge Duo
Trivia Night with Alan Clark
Trivia Night with Johnny
Trivia Night with Sean Doyle
Trivia with Jason Milligan
Trivia with Randy Miller
Tro from Mars
Trouble Shooters
Trout Fishing In America
Troy Charles(of The Stabby Dancers)
Troy MacArthur
Troy MacArthur-James Phillips
Troy MacGillivray
Troy MacGillivray and Joel Chiasson
Troy MacGillivray/ShaneCook
Trudy Corbett-Hughs/Roberta Parkman
True Blue
True Experience 2009
True Experience 2010
Trumpet Rhaposody
Truth About Christmas
Truth and Guests
Truth and Soul-A Gospel Event
TS Dance Party:1989
Tsunami Disaster Relief Fundraiser
Ttibute to AC/DC
TTim Chaisson Family and Friends Christmas Ceilidh
Tucker Lane
Tucson Choir Boys
Tuesday Heartbreak
Tumblin Tumbleweeds
Tune Session
Tunes & Tall Tales
Tunes For Haiti (Benefit)
Tunes On Tap
Tunesmith Circle
Tupper Ware Remix Party
Turkey Roll
Turnbull Brothers
Turning Point
Turtleboy Trio (New York)
TV Freaks, The Stimulants and Banner Year
Twas Da Night Before Christmas 2008
Tweed Twangers,Jamie Spurvey, Heather Hodgins,
Tweedy Birds
Twelft Day
Twelve Irish Tenors
Twenty One Gun Salute
Twenty One Pilots
Twin Flames(Indigenous Duo)
Twin Kennedy
Twist, Invasions
Two Alans and an Erskine
Two and A Half Men
Two Arseholes in Toques
Two Bobs
Two For The Show
Two Hours Traffic
Two Makes 12 (Tanner Gaudet and Evan)
Two Plus One
Two Plus Three
Two Shea Comedy Dinner
Two Sides of Carole King
Two Slips
Two Tellers and Tunes
Ty Bayton
Tybone Schlock Band
Tyler Beckett
Tyler Childers
Tyler Gallant
Tyler Hubbard
Tyler Joe Miller
Tyler Kealey
Tyler Messick
Tyler Pineau and Allison Blacquiere
Tyler Shaw Christmas
Tyler Yarema
Tyler Yarema and his Rythm-R and B
Typsy Eve Dec 31 2015
Tyson Chen and Zakk Cormier
Tzu-Cheng Wang
U 2 (Trib. by Elevation Band)
U.P.E.I. Sports Center-Charlottetown
U-2 Tribute by October Band
UFC 114 Live
Ugly Sweater Party w/live music
UK Calling
Ultimate Hearts
Ultimate Mixtape Night
Ultimate Rhyths/Blues Review
Ultimate Robin Wiliams Tribute Experience
Ultimate Tailgate Buffet and Football Bash #4
Umberto Tozzi/Marco Masini
Una Storia Italiana
Unbroken Ukraine
Uncle Kracha
Uncle Paddy
Under Cover
Under Pressure
Under The Spire-St Mary's, Indian River, PEI
Under The Sun
Undertakin Daddies
Unfaithful Servants
Uniacke Ramblers
Union Drake & Prism Shores
Union Duke (ont)
United By Song
United Soul
United Soul Nations
United Steel Workers of Montreal
Unity Band
Unity Band with Pat Carey
Universal Soul with MDP and Friends
Unknown Origin
Unorganized Chaos
Unruly Gentlemen's Club
Unseen Strangers
Unveiling of Stompin' Tom's Walk of Fame Star
Up Her Kilt
Up Yer Kilt
Upside of Down
Uptown Express
Uptown Girls
Urban Cowboy
Urban Folk
Urban Gillis Band
Urban MacAdam
Urban Preacher
Urban Rodeo
US Red Cross Relief Benefit
US Thanksgiving & Turkey Day (Football)
Usual Products
Usual Suspects
Utah Phillips
V chael Aerill
Vagabond Strangers
Valdy with guest Pamela Morgan
Valentine Dance
Valentine Day Special
Valentine Dinner Dance
Valentine Party
Valentine Party with D.J
Valentine's Cabaret
Valentine's Day
Valentines Matinee Show
Valentines Red Bow Night
Valentines Songwriters Circle
Valerie and Washing Machine
Valerie Raymond-DJ
Valley Band
Valley Blue
Valley Jamboree-Many Artists
Vampire Club
Van Django
Van Halen
Van Halen (Trib. by V. H.)
Van Morrison
Van Morrison (DVD Release Party)
Vance Gilbert
Vance Joy
Vans Warped Town
Variety Concert and Jam
Variety Concert-Parker Murray-Not All There
Variety Show-Many Performers
Various Festival of Small Halls Artists
Various Gospel Groups
Various Performers (See NEWS for Listings)
Vas Vegas
VC2 Cello Duo
Veda Hille/Selina Martin
Vegabond Strangers
Velda & George Gallant-Charlie Gaudet
Velvet Trenchcoat Vibes
Venetian Blinds
Ventastic art of Ventriloquiam
Ventus Machna
Venuti String Quartet
Veron Reid
Verse The Sun (NB)
Very Best of Up West
Very Merry Villages Christmas
Very Tiki Christmas
Very, Very Best of Broadway with Marvin Hamlisch
Vezi Tayyeb
Victor and Cathy Doucette
Victor and Kathy Doucette
Victor Bateman
Victor Doucette
Victoria Banks
Victoria Boland
Victoria Children's Choir
Video 90's Dance Partiesin The Cave
Video Dance Party (See The Best Video's)
Video Dance Party+Ball Drop with Jakt
Video Dance Party-All Requests
Video Dance Party-Country-DJ Sam Cook
Video DJ Craig Clark
Video Phase: Lumens-with STEAM PEI
Vienna Boys Choir
Vienna Teng
Vietnamese Summer Fun
Village People
Vince Burke and Andrew Kent
Vince Gill
Vince Neil (of Motley Crue)
Vince Roy
Vince The Messenger
Vinly Flux
Vinnick Sheppard Harte
Vinnie Green
Vinnie Moore Guitar Clinic
Vintage 2.0
Vintage 20-year Reunion Party
Vintage 4.0
Vintage Christmas-Holiday Stories & Songs
Vintage Country
Vinyl Flux
Vinyl Night
Violent Kin
Violet Ray
Violet White
VIP After Party
Virgil Scott
Virgil Scott Musician Night
Virginia O'Brien and Guests
Virginia Page Jahne
Visions and Voices
Vitamin G
Vito Alvaro
Vito Elvero
Viva Vegas Cabaret
Vivian Chow
Vivian Trio
Vivid Eye/Our Sirens Call/Carnal Theory
VOG Karaoke Now
Vogue Theatre with Lennie Gallant
Voice The Messenger, Joce Reyome, Alicia Toner
Von Trapp Children in Concert
Von Trapp Children-Christmas Show
Vorcza Trio w/The World People
Votive Dance: Whodunit?
Vox Violins
W ooden Horsemen (Vancouver)
Wade Carragher
Wade Carragher, Cecilia MacKinnon, Norma Arsenault
Wade Lynch
Wade Mosher
Wagner Family
Waif and The Spade
Waifs (Top Band From Australia)
Wailin' Jennys
Wailing Blues
Wakeup Earhquake
Walk Off The Earth
Wally Young Band
Walrus (NS)
Walter Family
Walter Fearn and Friends
Walter MacLean
Wanda and Ruth (Comedy)
Wanda Dunbar and Lloyd Buchananan
Wanda Dunbar and Ruth Smallman
Wanda Jackson
Wanda Jackson/Rizdales
Wanna Mac
Wannabe-Tribute to The Spice Girls
War Baby (BC) w/ Pet Sun (Ont)
War Horses
War on The Catwalk
Ward Cabaret
Ward Davis
Ward MacDonald
Ward Pike
Warm Front (Clypso)
Warm Up Event
Warped 45's
Warped 45's and Whale Tooth (from Ont.)
Warren Butland
Warren Zeiders
Warrior's Day
Washboard Hank
Washboard Union
Washboard Union, Raquel Cole, Shantaia
Washing Machine
Wassabi Collective
Waterdown 551 Fiddlers
Waterfront Fire Duo
Waterlolo Revival-Brody Siebert-Trevor Panczak
Waterman Blues band
Wax and Ashley Gormas
Wax and Mindwaves
Wax Mannequin
Way Cool Jr
Waybourn Projects
Wayde Hayes
Waylon Thibodeaux Band
Waylon's Drinking Buddies
Wayne and Chris Burke (formerly Mizzen Men)
Wayne and Francis Corrigan
Wayne Brady
Wayne Brown and Friends
Wayne Brown's Friends
Wayne Buttery and The Groove Project (Blues/R/B)
Wayne Carragher
Wayne Dunsford
Wayne Dyer
Wayne Ellis
Wayne Ferguson
Wayne Francis
Wayne Gallant
Wayne Lai
Wayne Newton
Wayne Rostad
Wayward Angels
We Ain't Pretty
We Are Radio (NB)
We Are The City
We Are The Rescued
We Were Sharks-Bigger Brighter Lights-Rydell
We Will Rock You
Weak Size Fish
Wearing Our Identity
Weather Station
Weather Station, Entire Cities
Weavers Story
Webber Brothers
Weber Brother
Wednesday Adams
Weekend Painting Workshop w/Kris Taylor
Weekly Wing Night
Weird Al Yankovic
Wells Band
Welshmen Community Concert Band Holiday Concert
Wendell Ferguson
Wendy Lands
Wendy Lynn Snider
Wendy MacIsaac
Wendy MacIsaac/Patrick Gillis
We're Doomed (TO)
Wes Barker
West End Blues Band
West End Hoedown/Country Grass band
West End Wranglers (Don Hart)
West of Mabou
Western Avenue
Western Hearts Benefit Variety Concert
Western Night (Thursday Night Dance)
Western Swing Authority
Wet Bandits (Ont)
Weybourne Project
Wharf Rats: Grateful Dead Tribute Band
What Happened Tomorrow
Whatever Sticks
Wheat Kings
Wheat Kings-Cathouse Dogs-Randy James-Tom Petty Tr
Wheatley River Band
Wheel of Fortune
Wheelhouse-classic rock
When in Doubt
When Words Are Spoken Presents-The I In Me
Whiey Fords Harvest of Pain
Whiskey Business Blues Jam
Whiskey Devils
Whiskey Jack
Whiskey Twist
Whisky Legs (Quebec)
Whisky Rain
Whitby Fiddle Club-Dancing
White Buffalo
White Cowbell Oklahoma, Iron Giant, Death Valley D
White Denim
White Water Bluegrass Band
White-Led Zepplin Tribute
Whitey & The Roulettes
Whitney Cummings
Whitney Rose
Whitney Smith Big Steam Band
Who Are You
Who Made Who-AC/DC Tribute Band
Whoopi Goldberg
WHOOP-Szo (Ont)
Whoop-Szo, Say Domino
Whose Live Anyway
Why Anything
Whynoma Judd
Wicked Live Music
Wicked Memorial Varietry Show
Wicked William (Original Disciple)
Wide Mouth Mason
Widows Peak
Wild Domestic
Wild Gees
Wild Hearts
Wild Honey
Wild Honey Hoedown
Wild Rivers
Wild T The Spirit
Wildcat after Music Quiz Night
Wilderness of Manitoba
Will Allen
Will and Liam
Will Be Gones
Will Daulin
Will Matthews
Will Penny
Will Seibert
William Joseph
William Prince
William Roache (Coronation Stree0
Williamson Playboys
Willie and Lobo
Willie and Wanda Dunbar
Willie Dixon
Willie Dunn/Elizabeth Hill
Willie Mack
Willie Nelson and Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Willie Nelson Tribute
Willie Nelson-Trib by The Austin City Limits Band
Willie Nelson-Tribute by E. J. Cooper
Willie Neslon
Willie Nile
Willie O'Hagan
Willie P Bennett Tribute
Willie P. Bennett
Willie Stratton
Willis and Vern
Willis Hiscock
Willis Jarvis
Willow Creek Revival
Willow St Station-Backstays-The Summer Rabbit
Willy Porter
Wimhelm Scream with Get Bodies and Pilot Episode
Winchester Warm (Ottawa)
Windbornes Music Led Zeppelin
Windbornes-The Music of Prince
Windom Earl
Windup Radio Sessions
Windy Creek
Windy River
Wing Knights
Wing Night with Jamie Matthews
Wing Night with Joey Doucette and Jamie Matthews
Wing Night with music by Joey Doucette and Co.
Wing Night-Live Music
Winse Saunders
Winston Band
Winston James
Winter Ceilidh
Winter Dance Party with John Mueller
Winter Eve-2nd Annual
Winter Garden Orchestra
Winter Gatherings/Storytelling
WinterBlast-Outdoor Concert
Winterfolk 2009
Winterfolk 2018
Wintergarden Orchestra
Wintergreen Orchestra
Winterjazz Quartet
Wintgergarten Orchestra
Wish I'd Written That
Witch Hands and Green Eyes
With Love From Disney
Withering Pines
Wizard of Oz
Wizard of Oz-Sing-Along
Wolf & The Coyotes
Wolf Island Records Show
Wolfe Milestone
Wolfe Milestone/Cheryl Marianne
Women of Blues
Women of The Moose 70th Anniversary Dinner & Dan
Women of The Moose COR Honour Day-Live Band
Womens' Fiddlefest-Anne Lederman
Womens' Fiddlefest-Christina Smith-Anne Linday
Wonder of It All
Wonderful World of Christmas
Wonderland with Glass Tiger's Allen Frew
Wood Andrews Abi
Wood pigeon
Wooden Sky
Woodlawn Warriors (Ont)
Woodpeckers, The Chaisson Trio, Yak Bak
Woodshed Orchestra
Woodside and MacGregor
Woodsworthy (NS)
Woody Guthrie Tribute
Woody Holler and His Orchestra
Woody Holler Orchestra
Woody Woodburn
World Accord Benefit
World AccordBenefit-Eliana Cuevas/ Lisa Patterson
World Class Kitchen Party
World Fiddle Day Concert
World FiddleDay Workshops & Jam
World Jazz For Haiti
World Men's Curling Championship 2009
Worldwide Ensemble, Luis Asselmi
Woz and CB
Woz and Ugly James Franco
Wranglers (Don and Guest)
Wreckhouse (East Coast Kitchen Jam Band)
Wrecking Crew
Writers (NB)
Writers Strike
Wrong Planet Band
Wrote with Jasmine Michel and Somewhere Soon
Wtchs (Ont)
Wyrd Sisters
Xara (The Hours Turn To Nothing)
X-mas Mania
Yairms/Stabbing Joy
YakBak (80s/90scovers)
Yale Strom
Yamato-The Drummers of Japan
Yankee Rose
Year of The Rat, Shearing Pinx, Rough Cuts
Yesterday Once More
Yesterday-Interactive Beatle Tribute
Yo Mamma Band
York Jazz Ensemble
You Say Party!We Say Die!
You Should Be Dancing! Ultimate NYE Dance Party
Young and Dunn Band
Young Company-Abegeit:Soul of the Island
Young Country
Young Folk New Tradition
Young Gunz
Young Irish Dancers
Young Islanders
Young Jazz and Funk Night
Young Ones
Young River
Young River and The Meds
Young 'Uns
Youngstown Orchestra
Youngtree and The Blooms
Your New
Your New Neighbours-Top 40
You're A Good Man Charlie Brown (Musical)
Youth Ceilidth
Youth Fiddlers
Youth Legacy Celebration
Youth Talent Show
Youtube-DivaLegends/Donna Moore (Ticket $15)
Yu Yuks Comedy
Yukon Blonde (Vancouver
Yves Arsenault
Z103 Dance Night Special
Z103.5 Night with Scott Fox/DJ Marty D
Zac Brown Band
Zac Murphy
Zach Seals
Zach Shields
Zachari Smith
Zachary Lucky
Zachary Richard
Zack Day/Peers (Ont)
Zack Squires
Zackary Stevenson
Zak & Brett Acoustic Duo
Zakary Miller
Zakk Cormier
Zakk Cormier & Joel Chiasson
Zakk Cormier and Jason Roach
Zakk Cormier-Danalee Lynch
Zebra Bot
Zedheads with Neil Chapman
Zero Defect
Zeynep Ozbilen
Zoe Chilco
Zombies (Outside Halloween Show)
Zoro The Sultan
Zubot and Dawson
Zucchero Sugar Formariari
ZZ TOP and Cheap Trick
ZZ Top-Tres Hombres Band
Celtic (Irish)
Christmas Shows
Classic Rock
East Coast
Hip Hop
Honky Tonk
Maritime Folk
New Country
Newfoundland Music
Old Country
Old Rock & Blues
Rock & Roll
Top Country