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Gordon Lightfoot Honoured With Street Change
From Centennia Drive to Lightfoot Drive In Orillia Ontaro
By John Gavin, Tuesday, April 23, 2024


ASHonouingGordonLightfootApril2024.jpgThe city of Orillia is pleased to announce that one of the city's

most iconic streets is being renamed in honour of one of the

city's most iconic citizens, Gordon Lightfoot.

At its meeting on Apri 22, 2024, Orillia Council authorized a

by-law to rename Centennial Drive to Lightfoot Drive.

The renaming of Centennial Drive to Lightfoot Drive is taking

immediate effect. Over the next few weeks the city will be

making changes to official maps and listings and upgrading

road signage.

To further commemorate this new tribute to Gordon Lightfoot,

the city of Orillia will also be installing banners depicting

Lightfoot and some of his greatest hits along the entirety of

Lightfoot Drive later this spring.