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Tribute To John Allan Cameron In Pictures-May 19
Celtic Music Godfather Honoured By His Peers
By John Gavin, Monday, May 30, 2005


The following pictures were taken by Marty MacDougall from Toronto/Cape Breton of Corporate Communications,Toronto at the John Allan Cameron Tribute at The Rebecca Cohn Auditorium in Halifax on May 19, 2005.

Many Nova Scotia Music Artists and friends gathered together to pay tribure to John Allan Cameron, who has recently been diagnosed with a rare form of lukemia and bone marrow cancer. Story of this event appears on this website, under NEWS.


John Allan with show host, Eric MacEwen and Catherine McKinnon ASJohn,Stuart,SingalongJubileeMembersMay1905.jpg

John with sisters Jessie Ann and Marie and John's son, Stuart.


Jimmy Rankin with dancers, Emily Proctor and Sara Cluett


Singing Sam (Cyril Samson) with Catherine McKinnon


John Allan with Robbie MacNeil


The Grand Rousing Finale, with Buddy MacDonald's, Getting Dark Again and an all-star singalong of Lord of The Dance, aptly summing up two key Cape Breton traits: strong faith and loving a good time.