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Royal Canadian Legion Br 344 Holds Barbecue
1395 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto (Near Sunnyside Pool)
By John Gavin, Tuesday, May 25, 2004


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Royal Canadian Legion Br. 344 Celebrates CANADA DAY-JULY 1

1395 Lakeshore Blvd (Near Sunnyside Pool)

The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 344, 1395 Lakeshore Blvd., near Sunnyside Pool is holding a Barbecue with Country Music on July 1 , beginning at noon The Band, Magnum will be performing all afternoon with special guests.

The Legion will be celebrating Canada Day. The grand oudoor deck, will be open which is a major attraction in Toronto, for events and weddings all summer long. Events on Lake Ontario including the CNE Yearly AirshowASFlyingTeamAirplanesatAirShow.jpg is clearly visibly from the deck. The deck is so popular, people usually reserve their outdoor table for the air-show. For futher information, contact Mary Keates at 416-532-8892.


The Country Band Magnum, is made up of Bob Lucier, Mel Aucoin, Kirk Bernard and several more music artists. . A giant barbecue will be held as well and the deck will be busy.